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1. Core node setup using docker

Below are the list of commands that can be used with cli to setup a core node or gateway.

1.1. babylonnode docker dependencies

usage: babylonnode docker dependencies [-h]

This commands installs all necessary software on the Virtual Machine(VM). Run
this command on fresh VM or on a existing VM as the command is tested to be

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

1.2. babylonnode docker config

usage: babylonnode docker config [-h] [-a] [-d CONFIGDIR]
                                 [-k KEYSTOREPASSWORD] -m
                                 [{CORE,GATEWAY,DETAILED,MIGRATION} ...]
                                 [-miu MIGRATION_URL]
                                 [-miau MIGRATION_AUTH_USER]
                                 [-miap MIGRATION_AUTH_PASSWORD]
                                 [-miba MIGRATION_BECH_ADDRESS] [-n NETWORKID]
                                 [-nk] [-p POSTGRESPASSWORD] [-t TRUSTEDNODE]
                                 [-v VALIDATOR] [-xc {true,false}]
                                 [-xg {true,false}]

This commands allows node-runners and gateway admins to create a config file,
which can persist their custom settings. Thus it allows is to decouple the
updates from docker_config. Config is created only once as such and if there
is a version change in the config file, then it updated by doing a migration
to newer version

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

required arguments:
                        Quick config mode with assumed defaults. It supports
                        two quick modes and a detailed config mode. CORE: Use
                        this value to setup CORE using defaults. GATEWAY: Use
                        this value to setup GATEWAY using defaults. DETAILED:
                        Default value if not provided. This mode takes your
                        through series of questions.

optional arguments:
  -a, --autoapprove     Set this to true to run without any prompts and in
                        mode CORE or GATEWAY.Prompts still appear if you run
                        in DETAILED mode Use this for automation purpose only
  -d CONFIGDIR, --configdir CONFIGDIR
                        Path to node-config directory where config file will
                        stored. Default value is /Users/shambu/babylon-node-
                        Core Node requires a keystore. This is the password
                        for the keystore file the CLI will create new key with
                        name node-keystore.ks in config directory. If the
                        keystore exists in config directory, CLI finds it ,
                        and uses the password from -k parameter or prompt for
                        the password to be entered. CLI never modifies the
                        password of keystore
  -miu MIGRATION_URL, --migration_url MIGRATION_URL
                        The root url of the olympia node to migrate the ledger
                        from. Do not add /olympia-end-state.
  -miau MIGRATION_AUTH_USER, --migration_auth_user MIGRATION_AUTH_USER
                        The user to authenticate to the olympia node for
                        The password to authenticate to the olympia node for
                        The bech address of the olympia node to migrate the
                        ledger from
  -n NETWORKID, --networkid NETWORKID
                        Network id of network you want to connect.For stokenet
                        it is 2 and for mainnet it is 1.If not provided you
                        will be prompted to enter a value
  -nk, --newkeystore    Set this to true to create a new store without any
                        prompts using location defined in argument configdir
                        Network Gateway uses Postgres as datastore. This is
                        password for the user postgres.
                        Trusted node on radix network.Example format: 'radix:/
                        227v62vjyrmccv8md5@'.This is required
                        only if you are creating config to run a CORE node and
                        if not provided you will be prompted to enter a value
  -v VALIDATOR, --validator VALIDATOR
                        Address of the validator
  -xc {true,false}, --disablenginxforcore {true,false}
                        Core Node API's are protected by Basic auth
                        setting.Set this to disable to nginx for core
  -xg {true,false}, --disablenginxforgateway {true,false}
                        GateWay API's end points are protected by Basic auth
                        settings. Set this to disable to nginx for gateway

1.3. babylonnode docker install

usage: babylonnode docker install [-h] [-a] [-aue ADVANCEDUSERENVS]
                                  [-f CONFIGFILE] [-u]

This commands setups up the software and deploys it based on what is stored in
the config.yaml file. To update software versions, most of the time it is
required to update the versions in config file and run this command

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

optional arguments:
  -a, --autoapprove     Pass this option to run without any prompts. Use this
                        for automation purpose only
                        Path to advanced config file. This file can directly
                        configure the core node. It is templated into
                        default.config and acts as custom configuration that
                        is not overwritten on install. The default value is
                        file if not provided
  -f CONFIGFILE, --configfile CONFIGFILE
                        Path to config file. This file is generated by running
                        'babylonnode docker config'The default value is
                        /Users/shambu/babylon-node-config/config.yaml if not
  -u, --update          Pass this option to update the deployed softwares to
                        latest version. CLI prompts to confirm the versions if
                        '-a' is not passed

1.4. babylonnode docker start

usage: babylonnode docker start [-h] [-f CONFIGFILE]

This commands starts the docker containers based on what is stored in the
config.yaml file. If you have modified the config file, it is advised to use
setup command.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

optional arguments:
  -f CONFIGFILE, --configfile CONFIGFILE
                        Path to config file. This file is generated by running
                        'babylonnode docker config'The default value is
                        /Users/shambu/babylon-node-config/config.yaml if not

1.5. babylonnode docker stop

usage: babylonnode docker stop [-h] [-f COMPOSEFILE] [-v]

This commands stops the docker containers

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

optional arguments:
                        Path to docker-compose file. This file is generated by
                        running 'babylonnode docker install'The default value
                        is /Users/shambu/docker-compose.yml if not provided
  -v, --removevolumes   Remove the volumes

2. Radix node CLI command reference

Below are the list of commands supported in cli to setup a core node process as a systemd process

2.1. babylonnode systemd dependencies

usage: babylonnode systemd dependencies [-h] [-s]

This commands installs all necessary software on the Virtual Machine(VM). Run
this command on fresh VM or on an existing VM as the command is tested to be

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

optional arguments:
  -s, --skip  Skip installation of base dependencies

2.2. babylonnode systemd config

usage: babylonnode systemd config [-h] [-a] [-d CONFIGDIR]
                                  [-dd DATA_DIRECTORY] [-i HOSTIP]
                                  [-k KEYSTOREPASSWORD] -m
                                  [{CORE,MIGRATION,GATEWAY} ...]
                                  [-miu MIGRATION_URL]
                                  [-miau MIGRATION_AUTH_USER]
                                  [-miap MIGRATION_AUTH_PASSWORD]
                                  [-miba MIGRATION_BECH_ADDRESS]
                                  [-n NETWORKID] [-nk] [-r RELEASE]
                                  [-t TRUSTEDNODE] [-v VALIDATOR]
                                  [-x NGINXRELEASE] [-xc {true,false}]

This commands allows node-runners and gateway admins to create a config file,
which can persist their custom settings. Thus, it allows is to decouple the
updates from systemd_config. Config is created only once as such and if there
is a version change in the config file, then it updated by doing a migration
to newer version

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

required arguments:
                        Quick config mode with assumed defaults. It supports
                        two quick modes and a detailed config mode. CORE: Use
                        this value to setup CORE using defaults. GATEWAY: This
                        mode adds questions regarding the Network Gateway API
                        and enables it for installation MIGRATION: This mode
                        adds questions regarding the migration from an Olympia
                        End-State node to a Babylon node

optional arguments:
  -a, --autoapprove     Set this to true to run without any prompts and in
                        mode CORE.Prompts still appear if you run in DETAILED
                        mode Use this for automation purpose only
  -d CONFIGDIR, --configdir CONFIGDIR
                        Path to node-config directory where config file will
                        stored. Default value is /Users/shambu/babylon-node-
  -dd DATA_DIRECTORY, --data_directory DATA_DIRECTORY
                        Folder for data generated by the node
  -i HOSTIP, --hostip HOSTIP
                        Static Public IP of the node
                        Core Node requires a keystore. This is the password
                        for the keystore file the CLI will create new key with
                        name node-keystore.ks in config directory. If the
                        keystore exists in config directory, CLI finds it ,
                        and uses the password from -k parameter or prompt for
                        the password to be entered. CLI never modifies the
                        password of keystore
  -miu MIGRATION_URL, --migration_url MIGRATION_URL
                        The root url of the olympia node to migrate the ledger
                        from. Do not add /olympia-end-state.
  -miau MIGRATION_AUTH_USER, --migration_auth_user MIGRATION_AUTH_USER
                        The user to authenticate to the olympia node for
                        The password to authenticate to the olympia node for
                        The bech address of the olympia node to migrate the
                        ledger from
  -n NETWORKID, --networkid NETWORKID
                        Network id of network you want to connect.For stokenet
                        it is 2 and for mainnet it is 1.If not provided you
                        will be prompted to enter a value
  -nk, --newkeystore    Set this to true to create a new store without any
                        prompts using location defined in argument configdir
  -r RELEASE, --release RELEASE
                        Version of node software to install
                        Trusted node on radix network
  -v VALIDATOR, --validator VALIDATOR
                        Address of the validator
                        Version of radixdlt nginx release
  -xc {true,false}, --disablenginxforcore {true,false}
                        Core Node API's are protected by Basic auth
                        setting.Set this to disable to nginx for core

2.3. babylonnode systemd install

usage: babylonnode systemd install [-h] [-a] [-u] [-f CONFIGFILE]
                                   [-auc ADVANCEDUSERCONFIG] [-m]

This sets up the systemd service for the core node.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

optional arguments:
  -a, --auto            Automatically approve all Yes/No prompts
  -u, --update          Update the node to new version of node
  -f CONFIGFILE, --configfile CONFIGFILE
                        Path to config file. This file is generated by running
                        'babylonnode systemd config'The default value is
                        /Users/shambu/babylon-node-config/config.yaml if not
                        Path to advanced config file. This file can directly
                        configure the core node. It is templated into
                        default.config and acts as custom configuration that
                        is not overwritten on install. The default value is
                        user.default.config if not provided
  -m, --manual          Only generate systemd file but not put it into systemd
                        folder.This is mainly used for automation in
                        unprivileged environments.

2.4. babylonnode systemd restart

usage: babylonnode systemd restart [-h] [-s {all,nginx,radixdlt-node}]

This restarts the CORE node systemd service.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

optional arguments:
  -s {all,nginx,radixdlt-node}, --services {all,nginx,radixdlt-node}
                        Name of the service either to be started. Valid values
                        nginx or radixdlt-node

2.5. babylonnode systemd stop

usage: babylonnode systemd stop [-h] [-s {all,nginx,radixdlt-node}]

This stops the CORE node systemd service.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

optional arguments:
  -s {all,nginx,radixdlt-node}, --services {all,nginx,radixdlt-node}
                        Name of the service either to be stopped. Valid values
                        nginx or radixdlt-node

3. Ledger sync using an external S3 bucket

Below are the list of commands that can be used with cli to sync the ledger with a S3 bucket.

3.1. babylonnode ledger s3-download

usage: babylonnode ledger s3-download [-h] -d DEST -bn BUCKETNAME
                                      [-bf BUCKETFOLDER]

Downloads a backuped ledger from an S3 bucket. Args: args: An object
containing the following attributes: - bucketname (str): The name of the S3
bucket. - bucketfolder (str): The folder within the S3 bucket. - dest (str):
The destination path where the backup ledger will be downloaded. Raises:
ValueError: If the bucket name is not provided. Example: args =
Namespace(bucketname='my-bucket', bucketfolder='backups', dest='/local/path')

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

required arguments:
  -d DEST, --dest DEST  Destination path where the backup of the ledger will
                        be downloaded
  -bn BUCKETNAME, --bucketname BUCKETNAME
                        S3 bucket name to download the backup of the ledger

optional arguments:
                        S3 bucket folder to download the backup of the ledger

3.2. babylonnode ledger fetch-community-snapshot

usage: babylonnode ledger fetch-community-snapshot [-h] [-d DEST]
                                                   [-s {}]

Downloads the latest community snapshot of the ledger. Args: args: An object
containing the following attributes: - dest (str): The destination path where
the backup ledger will be downloaded. Raises: ValueError: If the source is not
provided. Example: args = Namespace(dest='/local/path')

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

optional arguments:
  -d DEST, --dest DEST  Destination path where the backup of the ledger will
                        be downloaded
  -s {}, --source {}
                        Source to download the ledger from. is the
                        only supported source at the moment.

4. Core node setup using systemd

Below are the list of commands supported in cli to setup a core node process as a systemd process

4.1. babylonnode systemd dependencies

usage: babylonnode systemd dependencies [-h] [-s]

This commands installs all necessary software on the Virtual Machine(VM). Run
this command on fresh VM or on an existing VM as the command is tested to be

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

optional arguments:
  -s, --skip  Skip installation of base dependencies

4.2. babylonnode systemd install

usage: babylonnode systemd install [-h] [-a] [-u] [-f CONFIGFILE]
                                   [-auc ADVANCEDUSERCONFIG] [-m]

This sets up the systemd service for the core node.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

optional arguments:
  -a, --auto            Automatically approve all Yes/No prompts
  -u, --update          Update the node to new version of node
  -f CONFIGFILE, --configfile CONFIGFILE
                        Path to config file. This file is generated by running
                        'babylonnode systemd config'The default value is
                        /Users/shambu/babylon-node-config/config.yaml if not
                        Path to advanced config file. This file can directly
                        configure the core node. It is templated into
                        default.config and acts as custom configuration that
                        is not overwritten on install. The default value is
                        user.default.config if not provided
  -m, --manual          Only generate systemd file but not put it into systemd
                        folder.This is mainly used for automation in
                        unprivileged environments.

4.3. babylonnode systemd restart

usage: babylonnode systemd restart [-h] [-s {all,nginx,radixdlt-node}]

This restarts the CORE node systemd service.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

optional arguments:
  -s {all,nginx,radixdlt-node}, --services {all,nginx,radixdlt-node}
                        Name of the service either to be started. Valid values
                        nginx or radixdlt-node

4.4. babylonnode systemd stop

usage: babylonnode systemd stop [-h] [-s {all,nginx,radixdlt-node}]

This stops the CORE node systemd service.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

optional arguments:
  -s {all,nginx,radixdlt-node}, --services {all,nginx,radixdlt-node}
                        Name of the service either to be stopped. Valid values
                        nginx or radixdlt-node

5. Set passwords for the Nginx server

This will set up the admin user and password for access to the general system endpoints.

5.1. babylonnode auth set-admin-password

usage: babylonnode auth set-admin-password [-h] -m {DOCKER,SYSTEMD}
                                           [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD]

This sets up admin password on nginx basic auth. Refer this link for all the

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

required arguments:
                        Setup type whether it is DOCKER or SYSTEMD

optional arguments:
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Name of admin user. Default value is admin
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Password of admin user

5.2. babylonnode auth set-superadmin-password

usage: babylonnode auth set-superadmin-password [-h] -m {DOCKER,SYSTEMD}
                                                [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD]

This sets up superadmin password on nginx basic auth. Refer this link for all
the paths.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

required arguments:
                        Setup type whether it is DOCKER or SYSTEMD

optional arguments:
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Name of superadmin user. Default value is superadmin
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Password of superadmin user

5.3. babylonnode auth set-metrics-password

usage: babylonnode auth set-metrics-password [-h] -m {DOCKER,SYSTEMD}
                                             [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD]

This sets up metrics password on nginx basic auth. Refer this link for all the

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

required arguments:
                        Setup type whether it is DOCKER or SYSTEMD

optional arguments:
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Name of metrics user. Default value is metrics
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Password of metrics user

5.4. babylonnode auth set-gateway-password

usage: babylonnode auth set-gateway-password [-h] -m {DOCKER,SYSTEMD}
                                             [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD]

This sets up gateway password on nginx basic auth. Refer this link for all the

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

required arguments:
                        Setup type whether it is DOCKER or SYSTEMD

optional arguments:
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Name of gateway user. Default value is gateway
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Password of gateway user

6. Accessing core endpoints using CLI

Once the nginx basic auth passwords for admin, superadmin, metrics users are setup , babylonnode cli can be used to access the node endpoints

6.1. babylonnode system health

usage: babylonnode api system health [-h]

This command displays the health of the node on whether it is syncing, or
booting or up

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

6.2. babylonnode system version

usage: babylonnode api system version [-h]

This command displays the version of node software that is currently running

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

6.3. babylonnode system configuration

usage: babylonnode api system configuration [-h]

This command displays the configuration of the node

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

6.4. babylonnode system peers

usage: babylonnode api system peers [-h]

This command displays peers that node sees on the network

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

6.5. babylonnode system addressbook

usage: babylonnode api system addressbook [-h]

This command displays address book on the data the node has stored

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

6.6. babylonnode system network-sync-status

usage: babylonnode api system network-sync-status [-h]

This command displays information on the status with respect to syncing to

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

6.7. babylonnode system identity

usage: babylonnode api system identity [-h]

This command displays information on the status with respect to syncing to

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

7. Setup monitoring using CLI

Using CLI , one can setup monitoring of the node or gateway.

7.1. babylonnode monitoring config

usage: babylonnode monitoring config [-h]
                                     [-cm COREMETRICSPASSWORD]
                                     [-gm GATEWAYAPIMETRICSPASSWORD]
                                     [-am AGGREGATORMETRICSPASSWORD]
                                     [-d MONITORINGCONFIGDIR]

This commands allows to create a config file, which can persist custom
settings for monitoring. Thus it allows is to decouple the updates from
configuration. Config is created only once as such and if there is a version
change in the config file, then it updated by doing a migration to newer

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

optional arguments:
                        Quick setup with assumed defaults. It supports three
                        quick setup mode and a detailed setup mode.
                        MONITOR_CORE: Use this value to monitor Core using
                        defaults which assume core is run on same machine as
                        monitoring. MONITOR_GATEWAY: Use this value to monitor
                        GATEWAY using defaults which assume network gateway is
                        run on same machine. DETAILED: Default value if not
                        provided. This mode takes your through series of
                        Password for core metrics basic auth user
                        Password for gateway api metrics basic auth user
                        Password for aggregator metrics basic auth user
                        Path to monitoring directory where config file will

7.2. babylonnode monitoring install

usage: babylonnode monitoring install [-h] [-f MONITORINGCONFIGFILE] [-a]

This commands setups up the software and deploys it based on what is stored in
the config.yaml file. To update software versions, most of the time it is
required to update the versions in config file and run this command

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

optional arguments:
                        Path to config file. Default is
  -a, --autoapprove     Set this to true to run without any prompts

7.3. babylonnode monitoring start

usage: babylonnode monitoring start [-h] [-f MONITORINGCONFIGFILE] [-a]

This commands starts the docker containers based on what is stored in the
config.yaml file. If you have modified the config file, it is advised to use
setup command.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

optional arguments:
                        Path to config file. Default is
  -a, --autoapprove     Set this to true to run without any prompts

7.4. babylonnode monitoring stop

usage: babylonnode monitoring stop [-h] [-f MONITORINGCONFIGFILE] [-v]

This commands stops the docker containers

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

optional arguments:
                        Path to config file. Default is
  -v, --removevolumes   Remove the volumes

7.5. babylonnode key info

usage: babylonnode key info [-h] -p PASSWORD -f FILELOCATION

Using CLI, for a key file, you can print out the validator address. This
feature is in beta.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

required arguments:
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Password of the keystore
                        Location of keystore on the disk

8. Ret commands supported by CLI

You can derive babylon addresses from both private key and olympia address using this cli.

8.1. babylonnode ret derive

usage: babylonnode ret derive [-h] -k KEYSTORE -p PASSWORD -n NETWORK

Derive a babylon address from a private key.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

required arguments:
  -k KEYSTORE, --keystore KEYSTORE
                        Keystore path
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Keystore password
  -n NETWORK, --network NETWORK
                        Network id

8.2. babylonnode ret derive-from-olympia

usage: babylonnode ret derive-from-olympia [-h] -oa OLYMPIA_ADDRESS -n NETWORK

Derive a babylon address from a private key.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

required arguments:
  -oa OLYMPIA_ADDRESS, --olympia-address OLYMPIA_ADDRESS
                        Olympia address
  -n NETWORK, --network NETWORK
                        Network id. Int format

9. Other commands supported by CLI

List of other commands supported by cli are to check the version of CLI being used and optimise-node to setup some of the OS tweaks on ubuntu

9.1. babylonnode version

usage: version [-h]

Run this command td display the version of CLI been used.

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

9.2. babylonnode optimise-node

usage: optimise-node [-h] [-u] [-s] [-ss {1G,3G,8G}]

Run this command to setup ulimits and swap size on the fresh ubuntu machine .
Prompts asking to setup limits . Prompts asking to setup swap and size of swap
in GB

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

optional arguments:
  -u, --setup_ulimit
  -s, --setup_swap
  -ss {1G,3G,8G}, --swap_space {1G,3G,8G}