Releases: radixdlt/dapps-monorepo
Releases · radixdlt/dapps-monorepo
- Update transaction history UI
- add transaction type (a.k.a manifest class)
- change "balance changes" to "witdrawals"/"deposits"
- change resources presentation
- Allow viewing individual virtual badge NFTs (previously 404 error)
- Disable Amplitute default event tracking. No more tracking of page views (we do that in GA), only specific button clicks
- Fix dapps-dropdown to point to dApps with respect to current network
- Hide "Network Selector" for stokenet / mainnet builds
What's Changed
- fix(dashboard): display tx preview for pending TX [PTD-1262] by @dawidsowardx in #931
- fix(ui): add prod safe image service url by @dawidsowardx in #932
Full Changelog: v1.2.0-dashboard...v1.2.1-dashboard
Release Notes
- Add account’s staking view (extract claim NFTs and LSUs from “Pool Units” tab)
- Present complex auth rules in graphical way
- Display “Instant” data types as human-readable timestamps
- Make resource tabs separate URLs
- Add auth modules headers in “Configuration” tabs
- Various small adjustments to display of addresses and numeric values
- Ptd 1259 @dawidsowardx (#929)
- feat(dashboard): improve complex auth rules UI [PTD-1237] @dawidsowardx (#928)
- feat(dashboard): change UI for StakingCard [PTD-1258] @dawidsowardx (#927)
- feat(dashboard): add account's staking tab [PTD-1236] @dawidsowardx (#925)
- fix(dashboard): cut off decimal places [PTD-1254] @dawidsowardx (#926)
- feat(dashboard): add auth modules headers [PTD-1244] @dawidsowardx (#924)
- fix(dashboard): equal distribution between validators calculations [P… @dawidsowardx (#923)
- Ptd 1237 @dawidsowardx (#921)
- fix(dashboard): move network configuration call earlier [PTD-1256] @dawidsowardx (#922)
- fix(dashboard): align "stake" button to top @dawidsowardx (#920)
- [DO-2187] add dumunet envs @duje-begonja-rdx (#918)
- Add amplitude event, add "Instant" handling, fix tags display @dawidsowardx (#919)
- User can access resource page directly, no permanent blank screen [PTD-1256]
What's Changed
- fix(console): add
when updating claimed_websites by @dawidsowardx in #917
What's Changed
- feat: add terms and conditions by @AbstractFruitFactory in #873
- fix(dashboard): icon in summary tab by @dawidsowardx in #914
- fix(dashboard): associated dApps fix & 400 by @dawidsowardx in #915
Full Changelog: v1.1.1-dashboard...v1.1.2-dashboard
What's Changed
- DO-2077 / use selfhosted runner for all jobs by @kofrdx in #903
- fix(dashboard): when claiming,
instead oftake_all_
by @dawidsowardx in #912 - fix(dashboard): account's "ready to claim" calculation by @dawidsowardx in #913
Full Changelog: v1.1.0-dashboard...v1.1.1-dashboard
What's Changed
- add Apache 2.0 license header by @raulvelaz-rdx in #887
- feat: add amplitude analytics by @AbstractFruitFactory in #878
- feat(console): add configure metadata page by @dawidsowardx in #899
Full Changelog: v1.1.0-console...v1.2.0-console
What's Changed
- feat: add available xrd to stake card by @AbstractFruitFactory in #898
- feat: add amplitude analytics by @AbstractFruitFactory in #878
- fix: pool system metadata types by @AbstractFruitFactory in #897
- feat: add internal state tab for components by @AbstractFruitFactory in #896
- feat: add summary for package by @AbstractFruitFactory in #905
- [DO-000] update workflows by @duje-begonja-rdx in #906
- Add dumunet to Dapp definitions by @shambupujar in #904
- fix: rounding logic by @dawidsowardx in #907
- [DO-000] add new secret to workflows by @duje-begonja-rdx in #909
- fix: account's nft filtering by @dawidsowardx in #908
- feat: improve account's pool ui by @dawidsowardx in #910
- fix: deposit buckets instead of worktop (claim, stake, unstake) by @dawidsowardx in #911
Full Changelog: v0.8.1-dashboard...v1.1.0-dashboard