Logo proposed by Jason Long
- Defauts
Option |
Description |
new -s beep |
Create a new session named beep |
new -c boop |
Create a new window named boop |
ls |
List all active sessions |
attach |
Attach to last active session |
attach -t beep |
Attach to session beep |
kill-session -t boop |
Kill session boop |
Command |
Description |
<Prefix> s |
List available sessions |
<Prefix> $ |
Rename session |
<Prefix> d |
Detach from current session |
<Prefix> c |
Create a new window |
<Prefix> w |
List all windows |
<Prefix> n |
Move focus to next window |
<Prefix> p |
Move focus to previous window |
<Prefix> f |
Find window |
<Prefix> , |
Rename window |
<Prefix> & |
Destroy window |
<Prefix> [0-9] |
Move focus to window index |
<Prefix> % |
Create a new vertical pane |
<Prefix> " |
Create a new horizontal pane |
<Prefix> q |
Display a list of pane numbers |
<Prefix> o |
Switch focus between panes |
<Prefix> [arrow] |
Move focus to specific pane |
<Prefix> { |
Move current pane to the left |
<Prefix> } |
Move current pane to the right |
<Prefix> z |
Toggle current pane full screen mode |
<Prefix> x |
Destroy pane |
clear or Ctrl+l |
Clear current pane output (equivalent to ⌘ + K) |
<Prefix> r |
Render UI |
<Prefix> [ |
Enter scroll mode |
q |
Exit scroll mode |
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