Senior Software Engineer Interview Preparation Questions
- Explain event delegation in JavaScript.
- What is the difference between == and === in JavaScript?
- Explain closures and provide a use case.
- How does the JavaScript event loop work?
- What is hoisting in JavaScript?
- Explain the difference between var, let, and const.
- What is a promise, and how does it work?
- How does async/await work internally?
- Explain the difference between call, apply, and bind.
- What is the prototype chain in JavaScript?
- What are weak maps and weak sets?
- How does garbage collection work in JavaScript?
- What is memoization, and how can you implement it?
- Explain the difference between function declaration and function expression.
- What are ES6 modules, and how do they work?
- How do you implement currying in JavaScript?
- What is the difference between shallow and deep copy?
- How does debouncing and throttling work?
- What are generator functions in JavaScript?
- Explain the difference between spread and rest operators.
- How does JavaScript handle asynchronous operations?
- What is tail call optimization?
- Explain the concept of a pure function.
- How do you prevent race conditions in JavaScript?
- What are JavaScript proxies?
- Explain the concept of Object.freeze.
- What is the difference between async.series and async.parallel?
- How does optional chaining work?
- Explain BigInt in JavaScript.
- How does the temporal dead zone (TDZ) work in JavaScript?
- What are the key differences between TypeScript and JavaScript?
- Explain the concept of type inference in TypeScript.
- How does TypeScript handle optional properties?
- What are utility types in TypeScript?
- Explain the difference between type alias and interface.
- What is type assertion in TypeScript?
- How do you enforce strict null checks in TypeScript?
- What are mapped types in TypeScript?
- How does TypeScript support generics?
- Explain discriminated unions in TypeScript.
- What is the keyof operator?
- How do you create a readonly property in TypeScript?
- What are index signatures in TypeScript?
- Explain the difference between unknown and any.
- How does TypeScript support mixins?
- What is an ambient module in TypeScript?
- How do you use TypeScript with React?
- What is a tuple in TypeScript?
- Explain how TypeScript compiles to JavaScript.
- What is declaration merging in TypeScript?
- How do you use enums in TypeScript?
- Explain how namespaces work in TypeScript.
- How do you define a custom type guard?
- What is the difference between extends and implements?
- How do you use the never type in TypeScript?
- How does TypeScript handle function overloading?
- What are module augmentation and declaration files?
- What is the purpose of TypeScript’s Partial utility?
- How do you configure tsconfig.json for best practices?
- What is the difference between public, private, and protected access modifiers?
- What are microservices, and how do they differ from monolithic architectures?
- What are the key benefits of using microservices?
- How do microservices communicate with each other?
- What is API Gateway in microservices architecture?
- How do you handle authentication and authorization in microservices?
- What are the challenges of implementing microservices?
- How do you design a scalable microservices architecture?
- What is service discovery in microservices?
- What are distributed transactions, and how are they handled in microservices?
- What is the role of containerization in microservices?
- How do you handle data consistency across microservices?
- What is circuit breaking in microservices?
- What are the best practices for deploying microservices?
- How do you monitor microservices?
- What is the saga pattern in microservices?
- How do you handle logging in microservices?
- How does event-driven architecture work in microservices?
- What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous communication in microservices?
- How do you implement API versioning in microservices?
- How does Kubernetes help manage microservices?
- How do you ensure security in microservices?
- What is CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) in microservices?
- How do you implement microservices with serverless computing?
- What are some common pitfalls when implementing microservices?
- What is the role of a service mesh in microservices?
- How do you optimize performance in a microservices architecture?
- What is the 12-factor app methodology in microservices?
- How do you handle failures in a microservices system?
- What are idempotent requests, and why are they important in microservices?
- How do you ensure backward compatibility in microservices?
- How would you design a URL shortening service like
- How do you scale a system to handle millions of users?
- What is load balancing, and how does it work?
- How do you design a high-availability system?
- How do you implement rate limiting in a web service?
- What is the CAP theorem, and how does it affect system design?
- How would you design a distributed cache system?
- What is the difference between vertical and horizontal scaling?
- How do you ensure data consistency in distributed systems?
- How would you design a messaging queue system?
- How do you handle database sharding?
- What are the best practices for designing a RESTful API?
- How do you optimize a system for high write throughput?
- What are the key considerations when designing a file storage system?
- How do you ensure security in a large-scale system?
- How do you handle traffic spikes in a system?
- What are eventual consistency and strong consistency?
- How do you design a real-time chat application?
- What is the difference between RPC and REST in system design?
- How would you design a recommendation system?
- What is a distributed system, and how does it work?
- How do you design a content delivery network (CDN)?
- What is the difference between SQL and NoSQL in system design?
- How do you handle failover in system design?
- What are leader election algorithms in distributed systems?
- How do you design a logging and monitoring system?
- How do you handle data replication across multiple regions?
- What are micro-frontends, and how do they relate to system design?
- How do you design a scalable search engine?
- How do you balance trade-offs in system design decisions?
- How does the Node.js event loop work?
- What are the differences between process.nextTick() and setImmediate()?
- How does clustering work in Node.js?
- Explain the difference between synchronous and asynchronous file operations in Node.js.
- How do you handle errors in async/await in Node.js?
- What is middleware in Express.js?
- How do you handle authentication in a Node.js application?
- What is the purpose of the buffer class in Node.js?
- How does streaming work in Node.js?
- Explain the concept of worker threads in Node.js.
- What is the difference between spawn, exec, and fork in Node.js?
- How do you optimize the performance of a Node.js application?
- What are the different types of timers in Node.js?
- How do you prevent memory leaks in a Node.js application?
- How do you implement rate limiting in Express.js?
- What is CORS, and how do you enable it in Express.js?
- Explain how JWT authentication works in a Node.js API.
- How does the require() function work in Node.js?
- What is the purpose of the package.json file in a Node.js project?
- How do you manage dependencies in a Node.js application?
- What is PM2, and how does it help in running Node.js applications?
- How do you implement WebSockets in Node.js?
- What are microservices, and how can they be implemented in Node.js?
- How does logging work in Node.js?
- How do you secure a Node.js application?
- What are some common debugging techniques in Node.js?
- How do you handle database connections efficiently in Node.js?
- Explain how Node.js interacts with databases like MongoDB and PostgreSQL.
- What are some common performance bottlenecks in Node.js applications?
- How do you use async_hooks in Node.js?
- Write a query to find the second highest salary from an employee table.
- How do you optimize a SQL query for performance?
- What are different types of joins in SQL?
- What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL?
- What is an index in SQL, and how does it work?
- How do you detect and resolve deadlocks in SQL databases?
- Explain the ACID properties in SQL.
- How do you implement pagination in SQL?
- What is a stored procedure, and how is it used?
- Explain the difference between clustered and non-clustered indexes.
- How do you prevent SQL injection attacks?
- What is the difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE?
- Explain window functions in SQL.
- How do you find duplicate records in a table?
- What is a foreign key constraint in SQL?
- How do you optimize complex SQL queries?
- How do transactions work in SQL?
- What is a Common Table Expression (CTE)?
- How do you perform a full outer join?
- What is normalization in SQL?
- How do you perform recursive queries in SQL?
- Explain the difference between a primary key and a unique key.
- How do you retrieve the nth highest salary using SQL?
- What is indexing, and when should you use it?
- How do you handle NULL values in SQL?
- What is database partitioning, and why is it used?
- How do you measure database query performance?
- What is a materialized view?
- How do you perform an EXPLAIN plan in SQL?
- What is the difference between INNER JOIN and OUTER JOIN?
- What are React hooks, and how do they work?
- Explain the difference between functional and class components.
- What is the virtual DOM, and how does React use it?
- How does React handle reconciliation?
- What is the difference between useState and useReducer?
- How do you optimize React performance?
- What are React portals, and when would you use them?
- Explain the useEffect hook and its dependencies.
- What is React context, and how does it work?
- How does React handle state management without Redux?
- What are React fragments, and why are they useful?
- What is the difference between controlled and uncontrolled components?
- How does React handle events compared to vanilla JavaScript?
- What is server-side rendering (SSR) in React?
- How does React lazy loading work?
- Explain how error boundaries work in React.
- What is the purpose of React.memo?
- How does React handle hydration in Next.js?
- How can you implement code splitting in React?
- What are React refs, and how do you use them?
- How do you implement authentication in a React app?
- How does React Router work?
- What is the purpose of the useRef hook?
- Explain the difference between shallow rendering and deep rendering.
- How do you test React components using Jest and React Testing Library?
- What are higher-order components (HOCs), and how do they work?
- What are the lifecycle methods in class components?
- How does React handle concurrent rendering?
- How do you optimize rendering in React applications?
- What are custom hooks, and when should you use them?