- test: fix line-around-comment rule in sort classes test (f50a969)
- revert: not generate type in prepare script (6708491)
- revert(shared): fix generated type info missing (1f063ae)
- fix: generate type in prepare script (d452589)
- fix(javascript): turn off lines-around-comment with line comment (fade4b6)
- chore(deps): bump deps and remove deprecated dep @types/eslint__js (e76bbbe)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (225c067)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (45c7439)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (2b8897b)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (6e0d7a7)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (df6b9dd)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (845e96a)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies to ^8.24.1 (d685d20)
- chore(deps): update dependency @unocss/eslint-plugin to v66 (74b26c6)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-unicorn to v57 (a080558)
- chore(deps): update dependency globals to v16 (5df2edb)
- chore(deps): update devdependency eslint-typegen to v2 (acc4463)
- chore(deps): update devdependency pkg-types to v2 (e5e32cc)
- chore(deps): update eslint-stylistic monorepo to v4 (d1a46d0)
- chore(shared): fix generated type info missing (baa3b9f)
- feat(all): re-export isInEditor (d079e20)
- feat(shared)!: resolveAltOptions now merge giving ops with default value (2c28a98)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (da19e10)
- docs: update types (a6364ee)
- test: add files in test to tsconfig, add jsx config in tsconfig.test.json (829a9df)
- test: increment timeout (47ffedf)
- test: remove tsconfig.json in fixture, it mess eslint when using projectService instead of project (efc1769)
- test: rename _.tsx (45d3e39)
- test: style adjust (193ee9c)
- fix: correct filename path (90b2a1c)
- fix: fixed will be false when input same with output (ef9ce54)
- fix(typescript): files prop in type aware rule is had-coded (48a79ee)
- fix(typescript): use projectService in parser, add non-typeaware rules (dbfd39e)
- build: add eslint builtin rules in typegen and rename scirpt file (1dbbd24)
- build(all): only gen dts for index.ts (2550286)
- chore: use ts config file for eslint (c06b056)
- chore(deps): bump deps (6e54478)
- chore(javascript): sort union types by natural (27a6d65)
- feat(typescript): clear typescript parsers (cd2cae3)
- chore: add script to find type aware rules (1cca595)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (9506679)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (1d4ea73)
- chore(deps): update dependency @unocss/eslint-plugin to v65 (810c4e2)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-config-flat-gitignore to v2 (4e76b45)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-flat-config-utils to v2 (33519ad)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-antfu to v3 (b5569f6)
- chore(deps): update devdependency @eslint/config-inspector to v1 (2558b97)
- chore(deps): update eslint-stylistic monorepo to v3 (c4ec57f)
- chore(deps): update vitest monorepo to v3 (cff2e50)
- chore(markdown): add type aware rules (a5d2829)
- chore(markdown): remove not null assertion for pluginMarkdown.processors (417a12d)
- fix(typescript): disable ts/only-throw-error cause it can't recognize error that imported from files (3344753)
- test: apply rule prefer-to-be (d7fea9b)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (cd4ff93)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (24aa656)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (c3a6510)
- chore(deps): update dependency @antfu/install-pkg to v1 (f8fc7eb)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-config-flat-gitignore to v1 (ba01673)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-flat-config-utils to v1 (f8978d6)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-merge-processors to v1 (2c5dba4)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-processor-vue-blocks to v1 (7812daf)
- chore(deps): update dependency local-pkg to v1 (e19375e)
- chore(deps): update devdependency eslint-typegen to v1 (cc86dcc)
- fix(vue): disable lines-around-comment in vue (16b7b8f)
- chore: add type check script (662a470)
- chore(all): add some comments (3aa2797)
- chore(deps): bump deps (f27b79d)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (e428def)
- test: fix type miss match (4f06855)
- fix(vue): import/first is not well work when using script and script setup (f213d6b)
- feat(shared): add lower case changelog file to ignore glob list (308d302)
- feat(vue): drop support for vue2 (8723363)
- fix(javascript): disable rule no-deprecated (62b8715)
- chore: add comma in settings.json (433fbbe)
- chore: add tsreset.d.ts to include (a9f4a66)
- chore: refine include paths in tsconfig (fa249b0)
- chore(deps): bump deps (bcfc43c)
- chore(deps): bump deps (d845c67)
- chore(typescript): use import.meta.dirname instead of process.cwd (66e5730)
- fix(javascript): add partitionByComment for sort-object-types (b8edd5f)
- fix(typescript): disable no-unsafe-return for performance improve (074dfb9)
- revert: use import.meta.dirname instead of process.cwd (d84364c)
- feat(javascript): enable no-deprecated and no-unused-modules in ci (7fc456a)
- fix(javascript): enable expiring-todo-comments (cea9125)
- fix(javascript): remove unused imports (57f7e77)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (ff5cbbc)
- chore(javascript): remove sort-astro-attributes and sort-vue-attributes (0603bfd)
- feat(javascript): migrate to perfectionist v4 (89db471)
- fix(javascript): partition by comment should use pattern (ab883bc)
- fix(javascript): disable broken rule (94fadb6)
- feat(javascript): add partition by comment option (d614636)
- fix(javascript): remove filename case rule (dafec33)
- chore(deps): bump deps (36ec95b)
- chore(deps): bump deps (02f433f)
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout digest to 11bd719 (3d298b4)
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout digest to eef6144 (79f43ed)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (f666c3a)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (325a285)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (b3ed527)
- revert: "ci: run typegen before build" (3b2d3c9)
- fix(all): fix deprecation (4ed7c5a)
- fix(shared): avoid circular reference (fdd2acd)
- fix(shared): typegen only in shared (7698f27)
- fix(typescript): add allowTemplateLiterals option (cb43071)
- fix(vue): disable vue/no-reserved-props (14ccbca)
- ci: run typegen before build (7b9a9e4)
- feat(javascript): explicit declaration some rules in plugin unicorn (46cdd30)
- style: fix style issue (cd4cbbd)
- style(shared): use export type (297b643)
- chore: remove useless tsconfig (245cf28)
- chore(deps): bump deps (036c3f7)
- chore(deps): bump deps (737c740)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (c89ff9b)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (7f47e2d)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (f07d1eb)
- fix(all,shared): fix await thenable issue (01b5897)
- chore(deps): bump deps (d522f1a)
- feat(javascript): add import sort groups (0c52269)
- test: make sure fix status for each style test (f754263)
- test: remove array-bracket-newline and array-element-newline, we had disable it before (b0da18c)
- fix(javascript): disable import/no-cycle for low down cost (b563675)
- test: add filename for js test (15877ac)
- test: set retry times (3d07430)
- test: use string filename instead object (8338e86)
- style(javascript): adjust style for setup config (ae78433)
- style(typescript): adjust rule order (53f780c)
- fix: add assertion for type aware config (e778924)
- fix: remove deprecated rules (bbb0bc6)
- chore(deps): bump deps (9d44399)
- feat(ignore): add name for ignore config (25f462c)
- feat(markdown): upgrade eslint-plugin-markdown to @eslint/markdown (fe15b06)
- chore(deps): bump deps (f8715e0)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (7725302)
- chore(deps): use cross-release instead of bumpp (0f93f03)
- chore(javascript): set maxArgs in valid-expect to be 10 (6186f77)
- fix(javascript): disable require-top-level-describe (ab00527)
- test: use threads instead of forks (9174841)
- chore: remove lint-staged (304ecdc)
- chore(deps): bump and clear deps (5a036a6)
- chore(typescript): allow underscore in class property and accessor (a1e5c49)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-import-x to v4 (36d58c7)
- chore(javascript): adjust max nested describe and turn off max-expects (a268a15)
- test: apply eslint rules for test (9747a4f)
- test: hoisting linter instance scope (4266f48)
- test: optimize test util (3a753d0)
- test: use toBe or toEqual instead of inline snapshot (b380b9a)
- feat: style follow user config (c17eedb)
- feat(javascript): remove json file in js config (5a34a7b)
- feat(shared): make defaultValue as default param in resolveAltOption (f4ee2aa)
- chore: use pnpm exec instead of npx (cfbe2a0)
- chore(deps): upgrade @babel/parser version in lock file (c41defb)
- chore(javascript): use assertions only in test with callback (8bbb83f)
- fix(javascript): turn off require-hook (23d9831)
- fix(shared): add hasVue and isVue3 function and local-pkg dep (9164f46)
- fix(vue): update vue version detect (9e0f2a5)
- chore: remove unused dep local-pkg (a36b864)
- chore: update lock file (60f3d03)
- chore(shared): isInEditor support detect git hooks, remove unused vars (ec072ed)
- feat(javascript): add test rules and fix files incorrect (ba6d608)
- chore: add vitest config file (39d83d4)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (fb7e966)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (5b26804)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (3862695)
- chore(javascript): move eslint-plugin-vitest to @vitest/eslint-plugin (34844fd)
- perf(javascript): reduce files in filename config when typescript is not enable (c435a6a)
- chore(deps): bump deps (32f5c6c)
- chore(deps): bump deps (f559caa)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (289181e)
- chore(ignore): turn gitignore strict mode to false (1a47d3c)
- chore(typescript): use perfectionist/sort-classes instead of ts/member-ordering (ec34b0a)
- docs: disable vscode builtin import sort (58f96cc)
- docs: add toml in settings.json (c6abab6)
- chore: bump deps (0e101b2)
- chore: move commit lint config to package.json (bb16552)
- chore: remove experimental option and add c-spell word (e7dca5f)
- chore: update tsx to v4.17.0 (b7423f6)
- chore(deps): bump deps (f5a9375)
- chore(javascript): bump perfectionist to v3.1.2 (279cdeb)
- chore(shared): add type annotation (d3cc1eb)
- chore(typescript): disable ts/prefer-nullish-coalescing to avoid ci fail (ed86253)
- chore(typescript): remove eslint-plugin-jest (209e177)
- chore(typescript): rollback changes for prefer-nullish-coalescing, enable test cases in ts (ac630e4)
- chore(typescript): update naming convertion rule (c58fd70)
- test: update test util for better error message (200e8b3)
- test(javascript): add test suit for perfectionist, comment add, style adjust (53234ee)
- test(typescript): move ban-types to alternative rules (bfbee3b)
- test(typescript): try disable some test to avoid ci fail (a41804a)
- test(typescript): try fix test fail (3e3db39)
- test(typescript): try fix typescript test fail (a0207ba)
- test(typescript): try repetition error (6da4dec)
- test(vue): format test case (8384b41)
- revert(typescript): try fix test fail (75988f7)
- feat: add build:only script (14539aa)
- feat(javascript): add eslint-plugin-vitest (c937c23)
- feat(javascript): update no-restricted-globals (e0da519)
- feat(typescript): simplify member-order (8c9d8ff)
- feat(typescript,vue): update @typescript-eslint/parser and @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin to v8 (2ff14fe)
- fix(markdown): disable lines-around-comment for ts and js in markdown (eb5da96)
- feat: turn off unicorn/consistent-function-scoping (4e179d9)
- fix(javascript,typescript): disable lines-between-class-members, use comment to split members (f1243d2)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (bd36784)
- docs: update types (e034173)
- docs(all): add docs for constants (eccca1c)
- chore: bump deps (d787c98)
- chore: disable fix when commit (c7a3126)
- chore: remove unused imports (d2ef46a)
- chore: tweaks (244408b)
- chore(all): make constants upper case (ab9539d)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-unicorn to v55 (78c4173)
- chore(deps): update devdependency @types/eslint to v9 (7f7d3b0)
- chore(javascript): remove useless comments (c8b31a1)
- chore(javascript): rename test config (d5c2dbc)
- chore(shared): update global exclude list (8dfb67a)
- feat: add style alternative option (588d160)
- feat(javascript): add file for cli config (05211df)
- feat(javascript): classify import rules (cfa923d)
- feat(javascript): use perfectionist/sort-imports instead of import/order (fadea19)
- feat(javascript): use specify options for sort config (9003043)
- feat(shared): update type for flat config (66fdc50)
- style: apply eslint style rule (447b342)
- style: sort imports (258e11e)
- test: try speed up unit test (3534854)
- test: use dedent for multiline text (d70b73e)
- feat(typescript,shared): add type aware option (185da6c)
- fix(javascript): perfectionist/sort-array-includes modified the property names (08f7e8f)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (615a42e)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (a30b1bc)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (e51a4f9)
- chore(javascript): allow implicit return undefined (724a60b)
- docs(typescript): add comments (ec5808e)
- feat(javascript): not allow use reduce function, it performance bad (5a6c6c7)
- chore(javascript): disable padded-blocks (13890cf)
- chore(javascript): turn off repeating rules (78e00a6)
- feat(typescript,javascript): set no-extra-parens check to functions (e489d2f)
- fix(javascript): disable filename-case and prefer-module rule in cli (38e1591)
- fix(javascript): turn off perfectionist/sort-classes in typescript file (2cc7f92)
- feat(toml): disable padding-line-between-pairs (0a28d48)
- chore: add toml scope in commitlint (8ac4c58)
- chore: update badge's color (5ff5f44)
- chore(deps): update vitest monorepo to v2 (ca6096a)
- feat: add toml package (58fde51)
- fix: raise can't find packages module error, use dot start path instead (45b11f4)
- chore: eslint-inspector has rename to eslint-config-inspector (0639065)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (492f258)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (127a78b)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-import-x to v3 (6149833)
- docs: add docs for shared function extractRules (bb1a89b)
- feat(typescript): add prefer-nullish-coalescing and prefer-optional-chain (4d727c1)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (d89891c)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (2f624aa)
- chore(typescript): add style rules (5b5e369)
- fix(javascript): make jsx-file-name config less opinionated (dd97e49)
- chore: bump deps (28cd5de)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-unicorn to v54 (3b74f1e)
- fix(all): use some instead of findIndex (639a15f)
- feat: add inspect script (acddfcb)
- feat(javascript): add jsx config and extract jsx style rule (4196cac)
- feat(typescript): add parser for tsx and make tsx config can disable (ab0a0d5)
- chore: sync .vscode folder (e4d1fbc)
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout digest to 692973e (f8324a3)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (d401c55)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (d4f4f7f)
- chore: bump deps and remove unused deps (d1746cc)
- chore: tweaks (a3be14a)
- chore(all): add default export for defineConfig (cae993c)
- docs: update (3c9b9f0)
- test: add test cases (42fcb9d)
- refactor: remove unused function and variable (16f177b)
- feat: make defineConfig can take additional configs (e980eca)
- feat(json): disable style-js/lines-around-comment in json configs (404e766)
- ci: add .pnpm-store for run action local (8857b70)
- ci: rename (27ca327)
- chore: disable regexp/no-trivially-nested-quantifier (fb1fd5f)
- chore: turn unicorn/prefer-ternary off (4242518)
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout digest to a5ac7e5 (608078c)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (904f142)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (f18bdef)
- fix(typescript): fix function-call-spacing conflict (83823d5)
- chore(javascript): turn off regexp/no-super-linear-backtracking (c865f00)
- feat(javascript): config regexp/match-any (2affd0d)
- docs: remove note (992e2ed)
- chore: bump deps (3d0ee33)
- chore: enable jsx in eslint config (c53ab74)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-unused-imports to v4 (0e49b78)
- chore(ignore): rename function names (f9e7c04)
- chore(javascript): adjust no-extra-parens (d2f3c13)
- chore(typescript): enable style-ts/no-extra-parens (df9195c)
- feat(javascript): add regexp plugin (9a3d9f2)
- feat(javascript): allow unicorn rules in vue file (72f0c7b)
- feat(javascript): move plugins to setup config (427f3fa)
- feat(shared): add findConfig in utils (6d23c7c)
- feat(vue): extract style config to one file (e590eed)
- test: allow no-control-regex for now (a8877f9)
- revert(javascript): revert typescript and javascript lint for vue (2493b7e)
- refactor(javascript): split config item array into function (0f49988)
- refactor(prettier): split config item array into function (ba81453)
- refactor(shared): remove arrable in EslintFlatConfigs (a956e9d)
- fix(typescript): allow index signature property access (948743f)
- fix(javascript): use camel case for *.[tj]s, pascal case for *.[tj]sx (f5f44ca)
- fix(javascript): turn unicorn/consistent-function-scoping to warn instead of error (338e872)
- fix(typescript): disable lines before line comments (2829e3b)
- feat(typescript): allow leadingUnderscore in variable name (8bcc849)
- chore: add commit scope (11729a3)
- chore: add css/uno in eslint config and add new uno.config.js (8b9a517)
- fix(prettier): add parserPlain for formatters (10155c2)
- feat(typescript): add stylistic plus (8d809af)
- fix: when typescript is enable then drop vue globs in js config (4a858b4)
- feat(vue): add vue style rules (ea82c90)
- fix: perfectionist/sort-vue-attrivutes conflict with vue/attributes-order (74a7045)
- fix(javascript): remove plugin-vitest (71555d4)
- ci: use pnpm instead of ni (50481a8)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (f5c7e24)
- chore(deps): update pnpm/action-setup action to v4 (a5f8dfe)
- chore(javascript): config prefer-ternary to only-single-line (1950158)
- chore(javascript): disable error-message in test files (86b6d74)
- docs: add description for modules (48f80e5)
- chore: add file extensions in lint-staged (d542f2b)
- chore: clear dependencies (13afd15)
- chore: update lock file (2913674)
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout digest to 0ad4b8f (b7e05ca)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (b287377)
- docs: rewrite usage and features (7b83cf8)
- ci: try fix ci broken (971a2ea)
- ci: use node v20, because of v18 will fail the ci (80098b0)
- fix: tsx fail the ci, move it out prepare (289534a)
- test: json should enable style option (e00f673)
- feat: add picocolors dep (73c476c)
- feat: add types in gen_type.ts (52d4309)
- feat(all): put rm legacy config behind and add caret symbol for version (c3c29ba)
- chore: add yaml in eslint config (b91f7cc)
- chore: update editor config (e0355e7)
- fix(javascript): add files for configs, avoid mess file rule check (2d0d315)
- fix(prettier): add yaml eslint parser (2737a8a)
- style: add final new line (35f6ff8)
- fix: missing prettier config in lock file (e7ced81)
- fix(all): wrong prompt option (7d91430)
- fix(prettier): prettier config is not add to index.ts (c202413)
- feat: add unocss module (c77189c)
- feat(all): add unocss option in cli instead of graphql (dc23bd4)
- fix: add missing valid eslint config file name (05dfcc4)
- fix(all): add missing peer dep prettier (d8c3dad)
- fix(all): create config file when file not exists (381c7ae)
- perf(all): optimize install dependencies (99d72f0)
- chore: update release script (61551a0)
- chore: release v0.5.4 (9e5a63f)
- feat: print version in cli start (5755a33)
- fix: forget build before release (d6446f6)
- chore: release v0.5.3 (200f719)
- chore: revert release script (b6b2f33)
- fix(all): add missing eslint-config dep in ctx (83a9153)
- docs: update CHANGLOG.md (3d94aff)
- chore: add ignore module in gen_type.ts (3cf32d6)
- chore: add prettier and markdown in commitlint (da9d493)
- chore: remove default values for type Option (515771e)
- chore(javascript): set dot-location to property (32ec679)
- chore(typescript): disable unicorn/no-abusive-eslint-disable in *.d.ts (5eef6a6)
- refactor(all): refactor cli app (3904e35)
- style: use newly eslint rule (cf6d946)
- docs: update CHANGELOG.md (34c048d)
- feat: add default export for config packages (44f5da7)
- chore: release v0.5.0 (9801547)
- feat: add command line app (88dd173)
- fix: file not match in cli rule (4961073)
- chore: release v0.4.0 (60ad553)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (e582c18)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (4640719)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (2be73dd)
- chore(deps): update commitlint monorepo to v19 (a9965d3)
- chore(deps): update pnpm to v9 (97535f7)
- chore(deps): update pnpm/action-setup action to v3 (920239e)
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7 (400ac14)
- refactor: migrate to eslint v9 using flat config (6f17f4e)
- refactor: refactor to fit eslint v9 (342170a)
- chore: release v0.3.8 (0d20688)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (d47280f)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (2d3d5bb)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-antfu to v2 (544fa10)
- chore(typescript): remove ban type for '{}' (5ba42e8)
- chore(typescript): remove boolean variable rule in naming-convention (9fb34a4)
- docs(typescript): add addition msg in ban-types for null (9e43584)
- chore: adjust indent size to 4 (69c2825)
- chore: release v0.3.5 (8babbed)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (ccf5451)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (e8f5445)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-define-config to v2 (53c420f)
- chore(deps): update devdependency ava to v6 (c4fc13f)
- chore: disable naming-convention rule (64adff0)
- chore: release v0.3.4 (f1a0b17)
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout digest to 8ade135 (a5dc247)
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout digest to b4ffde6 (fcaac63)
- chore(deps): update actions/setup-node action to v4 (c0dd281)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (17cbb41)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (9537b11)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (1656fda)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (e733d1d)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (0acb293)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (1fe8664)
- chore(deps): update commitlint monorepo to v18 (05b366d)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-antfu to v1 (a60e996)
- chore(deps): update devdependency lint-staged to v15 (cb1d03d)
- chore: release v0.3.2 (627c031)
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout action to v4 (5c8deb7)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (30f3619)
- chore(typescript): use stroustrup instead of 1tbs (98dcd7d)
- chore: change no-await-in-loop to warn (9b511da)
- chore: release v0.3.2 (aedf010)
- chore: use stroustrup instead of 1tbs (208c5f4)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (2f6d3e8)
- chore(deps): update devdependency conventional-changelog-cli to v4 (66a2da3)
- chore: release v0.3.1 (41b5073)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (69ce246)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (1afb36c)
- chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v6 (603993b)
- chore(typescript): add show and hide prefix for bool type var (d0a4dd4)
- fix(typescript): fix no-restricted-imports rule update (4fcba84)
- chore: release v0.3.0 (b616252)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (ef33aaa)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (c854f8b)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (7d542eb)
- chore(deps): update devdependency conventional-changelog-cli to v3 (616b2cb)
- docs: add comment for vue test case (5d24b71)
- docs: update changelog (4e8a95a)
- feat(typescript): add rule type-annotation-spacing (37bafb2)
- chore: release v0.2.4 (bb31582)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (a35883f)
- fix: disable rule no-control-regex (bcf1cac)
- fix: make constant can use pascal case (c9d855c)
- chore: release v0.2.3 (42bdd0b)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (2831897)
- fix: move antfu plugin option to ts (e595ed6)
- chore: release v0.2.2 (767feaf)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (412719e)
- fix: move antfu's rule into typescript eslint config (a833ebc)
- chore: bump deps (aa5d578)
- chore: change brace-style from 1tbs to stroustrup (7e5a61b)
- chore: disable no-duplicate-imports (2e5633e)
- chore: release v0.2.0 (4f213f5)
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies (a3ef145)
- chore(deps): update pnpm to v8.5.1 (a51a917)
- chore(json): diable jsonc/no-comments in tsconfig.*.json (b54c359)
- ci: init ci config (0427e40)
- test: add logic when test typescript rules (5ba0911)
- refactor(typescript): use tsconfig as project param & disable some unsafe rule (2152ca5)
- feat: default ignore .vitepress/cache (2c730dc)
- feat: use eslint-define-config (99aa049)
- feat(javascript): use import/resolver (573894b)
- chore: release v0.1.1 (e4ed9b8)
- chore: use renovate config from rainbowatcher/renovate-config (0c0fd3d)
- chore(deps): update pnpm to v7.32.0 (5ca0624)
- chore(deps): update pnpm to v8 (7694feb)
- chore(deps): update pnpm to v8.3.1 (985a12f)
- chore(typescript): disable rule typescript-eslint/no-empty-function (619dd15)
- test(vue): add vue test (609421a)
- feat(javascript): add eslint-plugin-antfu (5f0ba4f)
- Add renovate.json (10b6756)
- chore: release v0.1.0 (4b28e42)
- chore(typescript): disable rule no-unused-vars (b371ef9)
- fix: add missing dep bumpp (ad13b75)
- feat: disable rule no undef (7434cd7)
- chore: release v0.0.1-beta.16 (c2df879)
- test: add test case (8946d62)
- feat(javascript): add lines-between-class-members rule (5f63aab)
- feat(typescript): add rules (d90ed62)
- chore: naming convention rule to use PascalCase instead of StrictPascalCase (d3529fb)
- chore: release v0.0.1-beta.15 (3207db5)
- chore: release v0.0.1-beta.14 (a5b20e8)
- docs: update badges (70385aa)
- fix: disable objectLiteralProperty in naming-convention (dc8cf5f)
- feat(javascript): not allowing spaces inside parentheses (98c5d12)
- refactor(vue,javascript,typescript): update brace style to 1tbs (aafbf0b)
- chore: add all workspace package as devDep to workspace root (9dad67a)
- chore: release v0.0.1-beta.13 (2a4203c)
- chore(typescript): change naming convention rule to use camelCase (8426ff0)
- feat(typescript,javascript): add brace-style linting rule with stroustrup style (d5218f7)
- docs: update steps for development (ae6a625)
- chore: release v0.0.1-beta.12 (0361c34)
- chore: remove tsconfig.json (75e2eee)
- feat(javascript): add rules (fae49d2)
- feat(typescript): update rules (c23f7f1)
- docs: add development section (3feffd3)
- test: add test case (cac10fa)
- refactor: remove fixtures folder (df31eab)
- chore: release v0.0.1-beta.11 (da425ca)
- feat(javascript): add prefer const rule (ac17fd4)
- fix(typescript): use ts eslint no unused vars replace the js one (eca3bff)
- chore: release v0.0.1-beta.10 (5bcb91d)
- feat(javascript): add object-curly-newline and sort-imports (34dcc2a)
- fix: add git push operation in release script (7afb92f)
- chore: add CHANGELOG.md (113c9a0)
- chore: add conventional changelog cli to dep and release script (27551ae)
- chore: add scope enum rule to commitlint (18921b0)
- chore: release v0.0.1-beta.9 (e7c54ec)
- chore(typescript): add eslint-plugin-jest (2f816f5)
- chore(typescript): adjust rules (ed0cc32)
- feat(javascript): add key spacing rule (5b60233)
- chore: release v0.0.1-beta.8 (0b717c4)
- chore(all): replace ts to vue for default config (4265f72)
- style: apply slyle lint (4c2c7c0)
- fix(vue): fix wrong extends (204b3e5)
- chore: add no-multi-spaces (838e454)
- chore: bump deps (b661754)
- chore: release v0.0.1-beta.7 (82fe516)
- chore: update ts rules (be0c7e0)
- feat(ci): add commit lint (18cda4d)
- chore: adjust typescript rule (908c457)
- chore: release v0.0.1-beta.6 (70ef884)
- docs: add referencing project (c50b494)
- feat: add export and import limit (7173f15)
- feat: add infix operator whitespace lint (8eba264)
- feat: init vue eslint-config-vue to project (9a2282f)
- chore: release v0.0.1-beta.5 (bec1fe9)
- feat: add ignore pattern (06dc657)
- fix: unable import/named rule in ts (13638c1)
- chore: release v0.0.1-beta.4 (3fb780d)
- feat: replace the recommended import rules with custom rules (8193443)
- chore: add npm config (6f7b965)
- chore: modify the style of the fixtures directory (7f0cb72)
- chore: release v0.0.1-beta.2 (11705ec)
- chore: update eslint-config (228b6ec)
- chore: update eslint-config-ts (9c68493)
- docs: add docs for each project (03ae107)
- ci: setup git hooks (c56f078)
- fix: fix missing dep (7adaeaa)
- feat: add eslint-config-js to project (4803ea1)
- feat: add eslint-config-json to project (7efc24a)