I wrote a Python script called all atoto_firmware_downloader.py that allows you to download firmware for ATOTO's CarPlay radios.
I wrote this tool because the ATOTO firmware download site is horrible -- seriously -- this is a screenshot of it, and painful to use.
The output.txt file in this directory contains the list of firmware versions available.
The firmware files are stored on Google Drive, not Git LFS, due to pricing: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1P3aI2oLnxMXsd2c4d2LnmvnJYujgN5Gi?usp=sharing
Here's the list of products supported:
'F7超级版10寸百变机(三类-日本包装) F7G211XE-A',
'[7寸通用机大众套装]A6 VW 大众专用机 A6VW07APF(=A6G2A7PF+AC-VW701-ST)']
If you want to run this script, simply run:
$ python3 atoto_firmware_downloader.py
The script takes no arguments and has no dependencies. As of this writing, the total firmware folder is about 82 GB.