diff --git a/.idea/.gitignore b/.idea/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 13566b8..0000000
--- a/.idea/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# Default ignored files
-# Editor-based HTTP Client requests
-# Datasource local storage ignored files
diff --git a/.idea/csshtml-module.iml b/.idea/csshtml-module.iml
deleted file mode 100644
index c956989..0000000
--- a/.idea/csshtml-module.iml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.idea/jsLibraryMappings.xml b/.idea/jsLibraryMappings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d23208f..0000000
--- a/.idea/jsLibraryMappings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9bf3538..0000000
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\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- "name": "csshtml-module",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "lockfileVersion": 2,
- "requires": true,
- "packages": {
- "node_modules/commander": {
- "version": "10.0.0",
- "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/commander/-/commander-10.0.0.tgz",
- "integrity": "sha512-zS5PnTI22FIRM6ylNW8G4Ap0IEOyk62fhLSD0+uHRT9McRCLGpkVNvao4bjimpK/GShynyQkFFxHhwMcETmduA==",
- "engines": {
- "node": ">=14"
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/node_modules/commander/LICENSE b/node_modules/commander/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index 10f997a..0000000
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-(The MIT License)
-Copyright (c) 2011 TJ Holowaychuk
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/node_modules/commander/Readme.md b/node_modules/commander/Readme.md
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-# Commander.js
-[![Build Status](https://github.com/tj/commander.js/workflows/build/badge.svg)](https://github.com/tj/commander.js/actions?query=workflow%3A%22build%22)
-[![NPM Version](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/commander.svg?style=flat)](https://www.npmjs.org/package/commander)
-[![NPM Downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/commander.svg?style=flat)](https://npmcharts.com/compare/commander?minimal=true)
-[![Install Size](https://packagephobia.now.sh/badge?p=commander)](https://packagephobia.now.sh/result?p=commander)
-The complete solution for [node.js](http://nodejs.org) command-line interfaces.
-Read this in other languages: English | [简体中文](./Readme_zh-CN.md)
-- [Commander.js](#commanderjs)
- - [Installation](#installation)
- - [Quick Start](#quick-start)
- - [Declaring _program_ variable](#declaring-program-variable)
- - [Options](#options)
- - [Common option types, boolean and value](#common-option-types-boolean-and-value)
- - [Default option value](#default-option-value)
- - [Other option types, negatable boolean and boolean|value](#other-option-types-negatable-boolean-and-booleanvalue)
- - [Required option](#required-option)
- - [Variadic option](#variadic-option)
- - [Version option](#version-option)
- - [More configuration](#more-configuration)
- - [Custom option processing](#custom-option-processing)
- - [Commands](#commands)
- - [Command-arguments](#command-arguments)
- - [More configuration](#more-configuration-1)
- - [Custom argument processing](#custom-argument-processing)
- - [Action handler](#action-handler)
- - [Stand-alone executable (sub)commands](#stand-alone-executable-subcommands)
- - [Life cycle hooks](#life-cycle-hooks)
- - [Automated help](#automated-help)
- - [Custom help](#custom-help)
- - [Display help after errors](#display-help-after-errors)
- - [Display help from code](#display-help-from-code)
- - [.name](#name)
- - [.usage](#usage)
- - [.description and .summary](#description-and-summary)
- - [.helpOption(flags, description)](#helpoptionflags-description)
- - [.addHelpCommand()](#addhelpcommand)
- - [More configuration](#more-configuration-2)
- - [Custom event listeners](#custom-event-listeners)
- - [Bits and pieces](#bits-and-pieces)
- - [.parse() and .parseAsync()](#parse-and-parseasync)
- - [Parsing Configuration](#parsing-configuration)
- - [Legacy options as properties](#legacy-options-as-properties)
- - [TypeScript](#typescript)
- - [createCommand()](#createcommand)
- - [Node options such as `--harmony`](#node-options-such-as---harmony)
- - [Debugging stand-alone executable subcommands](#debugging-stand-alone-executable-subcommands)
- - [Display error](#display-error)
- - [Override exit and output handling](#override-exit-and-output-handling)
- - [Additional documentation](#additional-documentation)
- - [Support](#support)
- - [Commander for enterprise](#commander-for-enterprise)
-For information about terms used in this document see: [terminology](./docs/terminology.md)
-## Installation
-npm install commander
-## Quick Start
-You write code to describe your command line interface.
-Commander looks after parsing the arguments into options and command-arguments,
-displays usage errors for problems, and implements a help system.
-Commander is strict and displays an error for unrecognised options.
-The two most used option types are a boolean option, and an option which takes its value from the following argument.
-Example file: [split.js](./examples/split.js)
-const { program } = require('commander');
- .option('--first')
- .option('-s, --separator ');
-const options = program.opts();
-const limit = options.first ? 1 : undefined;
-console.log(program.args[0].split(options.separator, limit));
-$ node split.js -s / --fits a/b/c
-error: unknown option '--fits'
-(Did you mean --first?)
-$ node split.js -s / --first a/b/c
-[ 'a' ]
-Here is a more complete program using a subcommand and with descriptions for the help. In a multi-command program, you have an action handler for each command (or stand-alone executables for the commands).
-Example file: [string-util.js](./examples/string-util.js)
-const { Command } = require('commander');
-const program = new Command();
- .name('string-util')
- .description('CLI to some JavaScript string utilities')
- .version('0.8.0');
- .description('Split a string into substrings and display as an array')
- .argument('', 'string to split')
- .option('--first', 'display just the first substring')
- .option('-s, --separator ', 'separator character', ',')
- .action((str, options) => {
- const limit = options.first ? 1 : undefined;
- console.log(str.split(options.separator, limit));
- });
-$ node string-util.js help split
-Usage: string-util split [options]
-Split a string into substrings and display as an array.
- string string to split
- --first display just the first substring
- -s, --separator separator character (default: ",")
- -h, --help display help for command
-$ node string-util.js split --separator=/ a/b/c
-[ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
-More samples can be found in the [examples](https://github.com/tj/commander.js/tree/master/examples) directory.
-## Declaring _program_ variable
-Commander exports a global object which is convenient for quick programs.
-This is used in the examples in this README for brevity.
-// CommonJS (.cjs)
-const { program } = require('commander');
-For larger programs which may use commander in multiple ways, including unit testing, it is better to create a local Command object to use.
-// CommonJS (.cjs)
-const { Command } = require('commander');
-const program = new Command();
-// ECMAScript (.mjs)
-import { Command } from 'commander';
-const program = new Command();
-// TypeScript (.ts)
-import { Command } from 'commander';
-const program = new Command();
-## Options
-Options are defined with the `.option()` method, also serving as documentation for the options. Each option can have a short flag (single character) and a long name, separated by a comma or space or vertical bar ('|').
-The parsed options can be accessed by calling `.opts()` on a `Command` object, and are passed to the action handler.
-Multi-word options such as "--template-engine" are camel-cased, becoming `program.opts().templateEngine` etc.
-An option and its option-argument can be separated by a space, or combined into the same argument. The option-argument can follow the short option directly or follow an `=` for a long option.
-serve -p 80
-serve -p80
-serve --port 80
-serve --port=80
-You can use `--` to indicate the end of the options, and any remaining arguments will be used without being interpreted.
-By default options on the command line are not positional, and can be specified before or after other arguments.
-There are additional related routines for when `.opts()` is not enough:
-- `.optsWithGlobals()` returns merged local and global option values
-- `.getOptionValue()` and `.setOptionValue()` work with a single option value
-- `.getOptionValueSource()` and `.setOptionValueWithSource()` include where the option value came from
-### Common option types, boolean and value
-The two most used option types are a boolean option, and an option which takes its value
-from the following argument (declared with angle brackets like `--expect `). Both are `undefined` unless specified on command line.
-Example file: [options-common.js](./examples/options-common.js)
- .option('-d, --debug', 'output extra debugging')
- .option('-s, --small', 'small pizza size')
- .option('-p, --pizza-type ', 'flavour of pizza');
-const options = program.opts();
-if (options.debug) console.log(options);
-console.log('pizza details:');
-if (options.small) console.log('- small pizza size');
-if (options.pizzaType) console.log(`- ${options.pizzaType}`);
-$ pizza-options -p
-error: option '-p, --pizza-type ' argument missing
-$ pizza-options -d -s -p vegetarian
-{ debug: true, small: true, pizzaType: 'vegetarian' }
-pizza details:
-- small pizza size
-- vegetarian
-$ pizza-options --pizza-type=cheese
-pizza details:
-- cheese
-Multiple boolean short options may be combined together following the dash, and may be followed by a single short option taking a value.
-For example `-d -s -p cheese` may be written as `-ds -p cheese` or even `-dsp cheese`.
-Options with an expected option-argument are greedy and will consume the following argument whatever the value.
-So `--id -xyz` reads `-xyz` as the option-argument.
-`program.parse(arguments)` processes the arguments, leaving any args not consumed by the program options in the `program.args` array. The parameter is optional and defaults to `process.argv`.
-### Default option value
-You can specify a default value for an option.
-Example file: [options-defaults.js](./examples/options-defaults.js)
- .option('-c, --cheese ', 'add the specified type of cheese', 'blue');
-console.log(`cheese: ${program.opts().cheese}`);
-$ pizza-options
-cheese: blue
-$ pizza-options --cheese stilton
-cheese: stilton
-### Other option types, negatable boolean and boolean|value
-You can define a boolean option long name with a leading `no-` to set the option value to false when used.
-Defined alone this also makes the option true by default.
-If you define `--foo` first, adding `--no-foo` does not change the default value from what it would
-otherwise be.
-Example file: [options-negatable.js](./examples/options-negatable.js)
- .option('--no-sauce', 'Remove sauce')
- .option('--cheese ', 'cheese flavour', 'mozzarella')
- .option('--no-cheese', 'plain with no cheese')
- .parse();
-const options = program.opts();
-const sauceStr = options.sauce ? 'sauce' : 'no sauce';
-const cheeseStr = (options.cheese === false) ? 'no cheese' : `${options.cheese} cheese`;
-console.log(`You ordered a pizza with ${sauceStr} and ${cheeseStr}`);
-$ pizza-options
-You ordered a pizza with sauce and mozzarella cheese
-$ pizza-options --sauce
-error: unknown option '--sauce'
-$ pizza-options --cheese=blue
-You ordered a pizza with sauce and blue cheese
-$ pizza-options --no-sauce --no-cheese
-You ordered a pizza with no sauce and no cheese
-You can specify an option which may be used as a boolean option but may optionally take an option-argument
-(declared with square brackets like `--optional [value]`).
-Example file: [options-boolean-or-value.js](./examples/options-boolean-or-value.js)
- .option('-c, --cheese [type]', 'Add cheese with optional type');
-const options = program.opts();
-if (options.cheese === undefined) console.log('no cheese');
-else if (options.cheese === true) console.log('add cheese');
-else console.log(`add cheese type ${options.cheese}`);
-$ pizza-options
-no cheese
-$ pizza-options --cheese
-add cheese
-$ pizza-options --cheese mozzarella
-add cheese type mozzarella
-Options with an optional option-argument are not greedy and will ignore arguments starting with a dash.
-So `id` behaves as a boolean option for `--id -5`, but you can use a combined form if needed like `--id=-5`.
-For information about possible ambiguous cases, see [options taking varying arguments](./docs/options-taking-varying-arguments.md).
-### Required option
-You may specify a required (mandatory) option using `.requiredOption()`. The option must have a value after parsing, usually specified on the command line, or perhaps from a default value (say from environment). The method is otherwise the same as `.option()` in format, taking flags and description, and optional default value or custom processing.
-Example file: [options-required.js](./examples/options-required.js)
- .requiredOption('-c, --cheese ', 'pizza must have cheese');
-$ pizza
-error: required option '-c, --cheese ' not specified
-### Variadic option
-You may make an option variadic by appending `...` to the value placeholder when declaring the option. On the command line you
-can then specify multiple option-arguments, and the parsed option value will be an array. The extra arguments
-are read until the first argument starting with a dash. The special argument `--` stops option processing entirely. If a value
-is specified in the same argument as the option then no further values are read.
-Example file: [options-variadic.js](./examples/options-variadic.js)
- .option('-n, --number ', 'specify numbers')
- .option('-l, --letter [letters...]', 'specify letters');
-console.log('Options: ', program.opts());
-console.log('Remaining arguments: ', program.args);
-$ collect -n 1 2 3 --letter a b c
-Options: { number: [ '1', '2', '3' ], letter: [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] }
-Remaining arguments: []
-$ collect --letter=A -n80 operand
-Options: { number: [ '80' ], letter: [ 'A' ] }
-Remaining arguments: [ 'operand' ]
-$ collect --letter -n 1 -n 2 3 -- operand
-Options: { number: [ '1', '2', '3' ], letter: true }
-Remaining arguments: [ 'operand' ]
-For information about possible ambiguous cases, see [options taking varying arguments](./docs/options-taking-varying-arguments.md).
-### Version option
-The optional `version` method adds handling for displaying the command version. The default option flags are `-V` and `--version`, and when present the command prints the version number and exits.
-$ ./examples/pizza -V
-You may change the flags and description by passing additional parameters to the `version` method, using
-the same syntax for flags as the `option` method.
-program.version('0.0.1', '-v, --vers', 'output the current version');
-### More configuration
-You can add most options using the `.option()` method, but there are some additional features available
-by constructing an `Option` explicitly for less common cases.
-Example files: [options-extra.js](./examples/options-extra.js), [options-env.js](./examples/options-env.js), [options-conflicts.js](./examples/options-conflicts.js), [options-implies.js](./examples/options-implies.js)
- .addOption(new Option('-s, --secret').hideHelp())
- .addOption(new Option('-t, --timeout ', 'timeout in seconds').default(60, 'one minute'))
- .addOption(new Option('-d, --drink ', 'drink size').choices(['small', 'medium', 'large']))
- .addOption(new Option('-p, --port ', 'port number').env('PORT'))
- .addOption(new Option('--donate [amount]', 'optional donation in dollars').preset('20').argParser(parseFloat))
- .addOption(new Option('--disable-server', 'disables the server').conflicts('port'))
- .addOption(new Option('--free-drink', 'small drink included free ').implies({ drink: 'small' }));
-$ extra --help
-Usage: help [options]
- -t, --timeout timeout in seconds (default: one minute)
- -d, --drink drink cup size (choices: "small", "medium", "large")
- -p, --port port number (env: PORT)
- --donate [amount] optional donation in dollars (preset: "20")
- --disable-server disables the server
- --free-drink small drink included free
- -h, --help display help for command
-$ extra --drink huge
-error: option '-d, --drink ' argument 'huge' is invalid. Allowed choices are small, medium, large.
-$ PORT=80 extra --donate --free-drink
-Options: { timeout: 60, donate: 20, port: '80', freeDrink: true, drink: 'small' }
-$ extra --disable-server --port 8000
-error: option '--disable-server' cannot be used with option '-p, --port '
-Specify a required (mandatory) option using the `Option` method `.makeOptionMandatory()`. This matches the `Command` method [.requiredOption()](#required-option).
-### Custom option processing
-You may specify a function to do custom processing of option-arguments. The callback function receives two parameters,
-the user specified option-argument and the previous value for the option. It returns the new value for the option.
-This allows you to coerce the option-argument to the desired type, or accumulate values, or do entirely custom processing.
-You can optionally specify the default/starting value for the option after the function parameter.
-Example file: [options-custom-processing.js](./examples/options-custom-processing.js)
-function myParseInt(value, dummyPrevious) {
- // parseInt takes a string and a radix
- const parsedValue = parseInt(value, 10);
- if (isNaN(parsedValue)) {
- throw new commander.InvalidArgumentError('Not a number.');
- }
- return parsedValue;
-function increaseVerbosity(dummyValue, previous) {
- return previous + 1;
-function collect(value, previous) {
- return previous.concat([value]);
-function commaSeparatedList(value, dummyPrevious) {
- return value.split(',');
- .option('-f, --float ', 'float argument', parseFloat)
- .option('-i, --integer ', 'integer argument', myParseInt)
- .option('-v, --verbose', 'verbosity that can be increased', increaseVerbosity, 0)
- .option('-c, --collect ', 'repeatable value', collect, [])
- .option('-l, --list ', 'comma separated list', commaSeparatedList)
-const options = program.opts();
-if (options.float !== undefined) console.log(`float: ${options.float}`);
-if (options.integer !== undefined) console.log(`integer: ${options.integer}`);
-if (options.verbose > 0) console.log(`verbosity: ${options.verbose}`);
-if (options.collect.length > 0) console.log(options.collect);
-if (options.list !== undefined) console.log(options.list);
-$ custom -f 1e2
-float: 100
-$ custom --integer 2
-integer: 2
-$ custom -v -v -v
-verbose: 3
-$ custom -c a -c b -c c
-[ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
-$ custom --list x,y,z
-[ 'x', 'y', 'z' ]
-## Commands
-You can specify (sub)commands using `.command()` or `.addCommand()`. There are two ways these can be implemented: using an action handler attached to the command, or as a stand-alone executable file (described in more detail later). The subcommands may be nested ([example](./examples/nestedCommands.js)).
-In the first parameter to `.command()` you specify the command name. You may append the command-arguments after the command name, or specify them separately using `.argument()`. The arguments may be `` or `[optional]`, and the last argument may also be `variadic...`.
-You can use `.addCommand()` to add an already configured subcommand to the program.
-For example:
-// Command implemented using action handler (description is supplied separately to `.command`)
-// Returns new command for configuring.
- .command('clone [destination]')
- .description('clone a repository into a newly created directory')
- .action((source, destination) => {
- console.log('clone command called');
- });
-// Command implemented using stand-alone executable file, indicated by adding description as second parameter to `.command`.
-// Returns `this` for adding more commands.
- .command('start ', 'start named service')
- .command('stop [service]', 'stop named service, or all if no name supplied');
-// Command prepared separately.
-// Returns `this` for adding more commands.
- .addCommand(build.makeBuildCommand());
-Configuration options can be passed with the call to `.command()` and `.addCommand()`. Specifying `hidden: true` will
-remove the command from the generated help output. Specifying `isDefault: true` will run the subcommand if no other
-subcommand is specified ([example](./examples/defaultCommand.js)).
-You can add alternative names for a command with `.alias()`. ([example](./examples/alias.js))
-For safety, `.addCommand()` does not automatically copy the inherited settings from the parent command. There is a helper routine `.copyInheritedSettings()` for copying the settings when they are wanted.
-### Command-arguments
-For subcommands, you can specify the argument syntax in the call to `.command()` (as shown above). This
-is the only method usable for subcommands implemented using a stand-alone executable, but for other subcommands
-you can instead use the following method.
-To configure a command, you can use `.argument()` to specify each expected command-argument.
-You supply the argument name and an optional description. The argument may be `` or `[optional]`.
-You can specify a default value for an optional command-argument.
-Example file: [argument.js](./examples/argument.js)
- .version('0.1.0')
- .argument('', 'user to login')
- .argument('[password]', 'password for user, if required', 'no password given')
- .action((username, password) => {
- console.log('username:', username);
- console.log('password:', password);
- });
- The last argument of a command can be variadic, and only the last argument. To make an argument variadic you
- append `...` to the argument name. A variadic argument is passed to the action handler as an array. For example:
- .version('0.1.0')
- .command('rmdir')
- .argument('')
- .action(function (dirs) {
- dirs.forEach((dir) => {
- console.log('rmdir %s', dir);
- });
- });
-There is a convenience method to add multiple arguments at once, but without descriptions:
- .arguments('');
-#### More configuration
-There are some additional features available by constructing an `Argument` explicitly for less common cases.
-Example file: [arguments-extra.js](./examples/arguments-extra.js)
- .addArgument(new commander.Argument('', 'drink cup size').choices(['small', 'medium', 'large']))
- .addArgument(new commander.Argument('[timeout]', 'timeout in seconds').default(60, 'one minute'))
-#### Custom argument processing
-You may specify a function to do custom processing of command-arguments (like for option-arguments).
-The callback function receives two parameters, the user specified command-argument and the previous value for the argument.
-It returns the new value for the argument.
-The processed argument values are passed to the action handler, and saved as `.processedArgs`.
-You can optionally specify the default/starting value for the argument after the function parameter.
-Example file: [arguments-custom-processing.js](./examples/arguments-custom-processing.js)
- .command('add')
- .argument('', 'integer argument', myParseInt)
- .argument('[second]', 'integer argument', myParseInt, 1000)
- .action((first, second) => {
- console.log(`${first} + ${second} = ${first + second}`);
- })
-### Action handler
-The action handler gets passed a parameter for each command-argument you declared, and two additional parameters
-which are the parsed options and the command object itself.
-Example file: [thank.js](./examples/thank.js)
- .argument('')
- .option('-t, --title ', 'title to use before name')
- .option('-d, --debug', 'display some debugging')
- .action((name, options, command) => {
- if (options.debug) {
- console.error('Called %s with options %o', command.name(), options);
- }
- const title = options.title ? `${options.title} ` : '';
- console.log(`Thank-you ${title}${name}`);
- });
-If you prefer, you can work with the command directly and skip declaring the parameters for the action handler. The `this` keyword is set to the running command and can be used from a function expression (but not from an arrow function).
-Example file: [action-this.js](./examples/action-this.js)
- .command('serve')
- .argument('