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Digital marketplace utils changelog

Records breaking changes from major version bumps.


Update to python 3.8 as python 3.6 nears end of life


Breaking changes

Upgrade to Flask 1.1. This has some known breaking changes.


Breaking changes

Mark this package as PEP 561 compatible. If you have dmutils as a dependency and run type checking, the type checker will now check that you're using dmutils correctly. This might break your application's type checking if you're using dmutils incorrectly.


Breaking changes

The Direct+ client no longer returns None if a DUNS number is in valid or not found.

You must change calls of DirectPlusClient.get_organization_by_duns_number() to catch DirectPlusError exceptions or these errors will be propogated to users.


Flask Redis session type is enabled by default.


Adds support for Redis Flask session type. Note, this will only be used if DM_USE_REDIS_SESSION_TYPE env var is set.


You should now use flask routes in an app, instead of python list_routes or python list_external_routes.

flask routes includes the fully qualified name of the route method, so if you want to show only external routes you can use flask routes | grep '^external'.


  • You must change any uses of dmutils.api_stubs to use dmtestutils.api_model_stubs instead. The api stubs in this package have been removed.


There are now no uses of dmutils.repoutils.freeze_requirements in any of our repos, as we have replaced it with pip-tools (see


Signature change to:


-    additional_checks_internal=None,
+    additional_checks_extended=None,

Additional checks will now always be called regardless of the value of ignore_dependencies.

New argument additional_checks_extended whose checks will only be called when ignore_dependencies=False.


PR #542

Bumping the werkzeug version restriction. Test & deploy with extra care.


PR #540

Change the default search api port for development environments.


PR #504

DMMailChimpClient.subscribe_new_email_to_list now returns an error payload instead of a boolean.

Example responses:

{"status": "success", "status_code": 200, "error_type": None}
{"status": "error", "status_code": 400, "error_type": "invalid_email"}
{"status": "error", "status_code": 400, "error_type": "already_subscribed"}
{"status": "error", "status_code": 400, "error_type": "deleted_user"}
{"status": "error", "status_code": 500, "error_type": "unexpected_error"}


PR #504

Removal of dmutils.metrics. This code is no longer used.


PR #488

Removal of DMMandrillClient.


PR #474

Rename dmutils/repoutils/ > dmutils/repoutils/ as per pep8

Old code:

python -m dmutils.repoutils.freeze-requirements requirements-app.txt

New code:

python -m dmutils.repoutils.freeze_requirements requirements-app.tx


PR #455

Upgrade flask to from 0.12.4 to 1.0.2. This has breaking changes for flask apps and therefore has breaking changes for users relying on init_app.

Apps should upgrade to Flask==1.0.2 using the changelog here taking care to note the breaking changes in v1.0

Updates to DMNotifyClient and addition of DMMandrillClient:

DMNotifyClient.__init__ parameter logger is now keyword-only

DMNotifyClient.get_error_message method has been deleted

DMNotifyClient.send_email parameter email_address has been renamed to to_email_address

DMNotifyClient.send_email parameter template_id has been renamed to template_name_or_id

DMNotifyClient.get_reference parameter email_adress has been renamed to to_email_address

dm_mandrill now contains a single class DMMandrillClient

dm_mandrill.send_email has been deleted. Its functionality has been moved to DMMandrillClient.send_email, however the function signature has changed.

dm_mandrill.get_sent_emails has been deleted. Its functionality has been moved to DMMandrillClient.get_sent_emails, however the function signature has changed.


PR #447

This bump removes any handling of FeatureFlags (in e.g. app init code) and removes FeatureFlags as a dependency.

Specifically, dmutils.flask_init.init_app(...) no longer accepts a feature_flags argument and performs no initialization of FeatureFlags for the app.

dmutils.status.enabled_since(...) has been removed.

dmutils.status.get_app_status(...) no longer adds a flags key to its json dictionary.

The dependency on Flask has been upgraded to Flask 0.12, so potentially apps are going to have to make changes in concordance with


PR #400

This bump introduces new classes for using WTForms with the frontend toolkit in a way that is unambiguous.

The fields in dmutils.forms.fields module have been rewritten to use the new DMFieldMixin. Fields which use the mixin can be identified by the 'DM' prefix. This update also includes 'DM' widgets which are able to use our template macros from digitalmarketplace-frontend-toolkit. If the appropriate Jinja2 templates are loaded into the app, calling the class will render the form fully without further code.

Apps which use this version of dmutils should aim to use the new classes everywhere where WTForms is used so that our code is consistent across the board.

Old code:

# app/main/forms/
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
from dmutils.forms import StripWhitespaceStringField

class NameForm(FlaskForm):
    full_name = StripWhitespaceStringField()
# app/templates/name.html
  name = "full_name",
  question = "What is your name?",
  hint = "Enter your full name.",
  value =,
  error = errors.get("full_name", {}).get("message", None)
  {% include "toolkit/forms/textbox.html" %}
{% endwith %}

New code:

# app/main/forms/
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
from dmutils.forms.dm_fields import DMStripWhitespaceStringField

class NameForm(FlaskForm):
    full_name = DMStripWhitespaceStringField(
      "What is your name?",
      hint="Enter your full name.")
# app/templates/name.html
{{ form.full_name }}

Alternatively (expanded form):

# app/main/forms/
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
from dmutils.forms.dm_fields import DMStripWhitespaceStringField

class NameForm(FlaskForm):
    full_name = DMStripWhitespaceStringField(
      "What is your name?",
      hint="Enter your full name.")
# app/templates/name.html
  name =,
  question = form.full_name.question,
  hint = form.full_name.hint,
  value = form.full_name.value,
  error = form.full_name.error
  {% include "toolkit/forms/textbox.html" %}
{% endwith %}


PR 431

forms.EmailValidator no longer inherits from wtforms.validators.Regexp and its constructor now only accepts a single, keyword, argument message.


PR 414

Updated dependency on Flask-FeatureFlags v1.0 must be added to requirements-app.txt as this version is not on PyPI.


PR 407

Updated api_stubs.framework_agreement_details, removing keys frameworkEndDate and frameworkStartDate. Any references to these will need to be removed.


PR #397 is a ticket to retire the name framework_framework in place of a more descriptive framework_family when referencing the 'family' a given framework relates to (e.g. the framework family of G-Cloud 10 is G-Cloud).

Updating the references across our updates requires some breaking changes in interfaces, specifically in this case, dmutils.api_stubs.brief and dmutils.externals.get_brief_by_id. Any calls to these methods using keyword parameters will need to update the interface.

Old code:

from dmutils import api_stubs, externals


externals.get_brief_by_id('digital-outcomes-and-specialists', 1234)

New code:

from dmutils import api_stubs, externals


externals.get_brief_by_id(framework_family='digital-outcomes-and-specialists', brief_id=1234)

37.1.0 (unintentional)

As of this version, due to #399 the dmutils.forms module does not expose any of its own dependencies. Namely any code attempting to use the following names from dmutils.forms will fail:

OrderedDict  # from collections
chain        # from itertools
StringField  # from wtforms
Regexp       # from wtforms.validators
Length       # from wtforms.validators

Users should instead be importing these directly from their origin (indicated above).


PR #398

This bump introduces a new method to format errors from Flask-WTForms in a consistent way. While this is not technically a breaking change, we should still make changes when this is pulled in to make sure all errors from WTForms are passed into templates in a consistent way. Where we might have referenced errors in templates either from the form directly on form.errors, or passed them in as form_errors, we should now pass all errors into the templating engine as an errors variable.

Old code

errors = {
    key: {'question': form[key].label.text, 'input_name': key, 'message': form[key].errors[0]}
    for key, value in form.errors.items()
return render_template('blah', form_errors=errors)

New code:

return render_template('blah', errors=get_errors_from_wtform(form))


PR #376

DMMailChimpClient's get_email_addresses_from_list method is now a generator and has a reduced default page size of 100 (down from 1000) in an effort to reduce timeouts with the Mailchimp servers. Any code that uses email addresses from get_email_addresses_from_list will need to be updated to take account of the fact it returns a generator object rather than a list - mainly, where the result object is iterated over multiple times, this will fail without refactoring or converting the generator to a list object first (though this should be avoided to reap the most benefit from it being a generator).

Old code:

emails = client.get_email_addresses_from_list('xyz')

New code (sub-optimal; consider refactoring instead):

emails = list(client.get_email_addresses_from_list('xyz'))


PR #371

We are dropping support for Python 2, so any libraries that pull this in will need to make sure they are compatible with Python 3.


PR: #360

Remove backwards compatibility for email importing. It is no longer required.


Reverting our usage of an interim alphagov fork of odfpy now that our patch has been merged into master and released. 1 ACTION: update your requirements-app.txt, removing the alphagov odfpy github URI (if present).


PR: #355

Drops support for decode_password_reset_token to allow tokens generated with current_app.config["SECRET_KEY"] as the key. We now only support reset password tokens generated with current_app.config["SHARED_EMAIL_KEY"].


PR: #343

Major version bump because we require users of this library to upgrade to a version of the odfpy that is not in pypi.

ACTION: update your requirements-app.txt, copying the github URI in this repo's requirements.txt.


PR: #341

What changed

We don't need to add the user role to tokens when decoding them since now we're using the "send_user_account_email" function to create tokens and the user role should be passed in to that function.

Example app changes

Old token creation:

token = generate_token(
        "role": "supplier",
        "supplier_id": 1234,
        "supplier_name": "Supplier Name",
        "email_address": ""

New token creation:

        'supplier_id': 1234,
        'supplier_name': "Supplier Name"
        'user': "Name",
        'supplier': "Supplier Name"


PR: #339

What changed

Log time format has changed, so the library update has to be bundled with the new base docker image version or AWS logs agent will fail to pick up the correct log event timestamps.

Example app changes

Old Dockerfile:

FROM digitalmarketplace/base-api:2.0.1

New Dockerfile:

FROM digitalmarketplace/base-api:2.0.5



What changed

decode_invitation_token() will now return a dict with an error message if the token is invalid or expired. If expired, the dict will also contain the user role that the token was generated for. This is useful when creating new users as we can use the role to render useful, role specific templates even if the token is expired.

Example return dicts

Invalid token:

      'error': 'token_invalid'

Expired token:

    'error': 'token_expired',
    'role': 'supplier'

Example app changes


if token is None:
    return render_template('generic-error-page.html')


if token.get('error') == 'token_invalid':
    return render_template('invalid-token-error-page.html')
elif token.get('error') == 'token_expired':
    return render_template('create-{}-user-error-page.html'.format(token['role']))


PR: #306

What changed

S3 was ported to use boto3 and in the process changed muchly.

  • The constructor takes a region kwarg (expecting an aws region name) instead of an explicit host kwarg.
  • The "move existing" mechanism is now gone in favour of versioned buckets.
  • S3.bucket is no longer exposed to applications (because using it breaks any boto api abstraction we might have). Places where it was "needed" should instead have the missing required functionality added to S3.
  • S3.bucket_name is now a property.
  • now returns a "key dict" (the same as e.g. S3.get_key()) as opposed to a boto Key object. Again, this is to provide us with api abstraction.
  • no longer accepts a move_prefix argument
  • S3.list()'s returned "key dict"s won't include a last_modified parameter at all if load_timestamps=False (instead of including a potentially misleading value)
  • S3.list() called with load_timestamps=False will also return its results in an arbitrary order (instead of a potentially misleading one)
  • The s3 module does still expose a S3ResponseError, but it is a relabelled boto3 ClientError, in a slightly odd gesture to backwards compatibility with consumers that were using that. ClientError is raised by boto3 in broadly similar situations to those where boto2 would raise S3ResponseError.

(not that I could find any external code that used it) get_file_size_up_to_maximum is now get_file_size, which is a far more sensible way of presenting the interface given the calling code is going to have to compare the result against FILE_SIZE_LIMIT anyway

Example app changes


# get_key used to return None if path param was None

key = some_bucket.get_key(path_that_might_be_none)


# get_key will now raise an error if path param is None

key = some_bucket.get_key(path_that_might_be_none) if path_that_might_be_none else None


>>> key =
>>> key.get_metadata("timestamp")


>>> key_dict =
>>> key_dict.get("last_modified")


my_s3 = S3("some-bucket", host="")


my_s3 = S3("some-bucket", region="narnia-west-1")


>>> some_items = my_s3.list()
>>> some_items[0]["last_modified"]

New: either

>>> # don't do that


>>> some_items = my_s3.list(load_timestamps=True)
>>> some_items[0]["last_modified"]


>>> some_item = from_somewhere()  # of unknown provenance
>>> some_item.get("last_modified")


PR: #307

What changed

The harded-coded list formats.LOTS, that applied to G6, G7 and G8, has been removed, in favour of getting the lots from the API. Related functions have also been removed: get_label_for_lot_param can be replaced by lot['name'], and lot_to_lot_case is no longer used.

Example app code

all_frameworks = data_api_client.find_frameworks().get('frameworks')
framework = framework_helpers.get_latest_live_framework(all_frameworks, 'g-cloud')

for lot in framework['lots']:


PR: #302

What changed

upload_document and upload_service_documents now require an explicit upload_type argument (eg 'documents' or 'submissions' for document uploads).

S3.short_bucket_name property is removed, so there's no need to set the attribute on the mocks.

###Example app change


    uploader, documents_url, draft,
    request.files, section, public=False


    uploader, 'documents', documents_url, draft,
    request.files, section, public=False


PR: #291

What changed

Normalised email exception classes with new email.exceptions.EmailError

###Example app change


from import MandrillException


except MandrillException


from import EmailError


except EmailError


PR: #288

What changed

decode_invitation_token previously accepted a role parameter, which it would switch on to assert keys of the encoded token's data. For example, if you passed in 'supplier' it would assert that the token contains 'email_address', 'supplier_id', and 'supplier_name'. The contents of the data encoded shouldn't be the responsibility of the utils app, and is left to the implementing code to either check or not.

Example app change


data = decode_invitation_token(token, role='supplier')
# data is guaranteed to contain fields 'email_address', 'supplier_id', 'supplier_name'


data = decode_invitation_token(token)
# decode_invitation_token makes no assertions about the contents of the token
assert 'email_address' in data.keys()


PR: #286

What changed

We used to be able to use a |markdown filter in our jinja templates which would turn markdown formatted strings into Markup strings as well as permit HTML tags. This opened us up to vulnerabilities where untrusted input might end up going through one of these filters and expose us to a cross-site scripting (XSS) exploit.

Going forward, markdown formatted text will be allowed in specific fields (documented in the README for digitalmarketplace-frameworks) and then rendered by TemplateFields, handled by the Content Loader.

Example app change


<h2>Question name: {{|markdown }}</h2>


<!-- is now a `TemplateField` which renders markdown when accessed -->
<h2>Question name: {{ }}</h2>


PR: #266

What changed

Logs will be written to a file or stdout/stderr based on the value of DM_LOG_PATH, even for environments with DEBUG = True. To write logs to stderr DM_LOG_PATH should be set to a falsy value (eg None or empty string). Currently, most app configs set DM_LOG_PATH to /var/log/... in the shared config. This declaration should be moved to Preview/Staging/Production configs, with the shared default set to None.

Example app change


class Config(object):
    DM_LOG_PATH = '/var/log/digitalmarketplace/application.log'

class Live(object):


class Config(object):
    DM_LOG_PATH = None

class Live(object):
    DM_LOG_PATH = '/var/log/digitalmarketplace/application.log'


PR: #264

What changed

Removed to a separate package which can be found here. The associated tests were moved too. Any app which imported the content loader form dmutils will need to be updated to import from it's new location. To import the new package, add git+ to it's requirements.txt.

Removed a couple of functions from format_price was only used by content_loader so it made sense to move it to the new package. format_service_price is a dependency of format_price and so was also moved. It is imported by the front end apps however so they will need updating to import from it's new location before they can use this version of dmutils.

Mocked a dependency on ContentSection from As ContentSection is part of the content loader and has been moved to the new package, it made sense to mock the dependency.

Example app change


from dmutils.content_loader import ContentSection


from dmcontent.content_loader import ContentSection


PR: #248

What changed

Removed the lot parameter from the .get_error_messages() method of a ContentSection. It wasn't being used for anything, so the logic remains unaffected. Calling .get_error_messages() with the lot slug will from this point forward throw an error.

Example app change


section.get_error_messages(errors, lot['slug'])




PR: #247

What changed

The ContentLoader now takes the question id from the contents of the YAML file if it is there. It still falls back to the file name if there is no id in the file. The reason this is a breaking change is that the serviceTypes id is now expected to be taken from the id field.

Example app change

Upgrade digitalmarketplace-frameworks to version 0.20.0 or above.


PR: #238

What changed

documents.get_agreement_document_path no longer takes supplier_name argument since uploaded file paths are constructed using supplier_id and document_name only.

documents.get_countersigned_agreement_document_path has been removed.

Example app change


get_agreement_document_path(framework_slug, supplier_id, legal_supplier_name, document_name)


get_agreement_document_path(framework_slug, supplier_id, document_name)


get_countersigned_agreement_document_path(framework_slug, supplier_id)


from dmutils.documents import COUNTERSIGNED_AGREEMENT_FILENAME

get_agreement_document_path(framework_slug, supplier_id, COUNTERSIGNED_AGREEMENT_FILENAME)


PR: #233

What changed

apiclient and audit were moved to the new dmapiclient package. Changes required to the apps are described in the dmapiclient changelog.

Imports from dmutils.apiclient and dmutils.audit modules have to be changed to the new package name (eg from dmapiclient import ...).

API client logger names have changed from dmutils.apiclient.* to dmapiclient.*.

Example app change

  1. Add dmapiclient package to requirements.txt:

  2. Replace imports from apiclient modules:


    from dmutils.apiclient.errors import HTTPError
    from dmutils.apiclient import SearchAPIClient
    from dmutils.audit import AuditTypes


    from dmapiclient import HTTPError
    from dmapiclient import SearchAPIClient
    from dmapiclient.audit import AuditTypes
  3. Check that dmapiclient logger is configured


PR: #210

What changed

Breaking changes:

  • content_builder module no longer does special handling of pricing fields. The content repository must therefore be upgraded along with this change.

Example app change

Upgrade digitalmarketplace-frameworks to 0.5.0 in bower.json


PR: #211

What changed

Breaking changes:

  • used in edit section URLs now uses dashes instead of underscores.

Non-breaking changes:

  • ContentBuilder class renamed to ContentManifest
  • .get_builder is renamed to .get_manifest, but the old name is kept as an alias to give frontend apps time to update
  • Question fields can be now accessed as attributes of ContentQuestion
  • service_attribute is being replaced by ContetManifest.summary and ContentQuestionSummary

Example app change

Test URLs referencing section IDs need to be updated:


res = self.client.get('/suppliers/frameworks/g-cloud-7/declaration/g_cloud_7_essentials')


res = self.client.get('/suppliers/frameworks/g-cloud-7/declaration/g-cloud-7-essentials')


PR: #203

What changed

The method get_agreement_document_path in now has supplier name as an additional parameter.

Example app change


path = get_agreement_document_path(framework_slug, supplier_id, document_name)


path = get_agreement_document_path(framework_slug, supplier_id, supplier_name, document_name)


PR: #202

What changed

  1. Two new parameters were added to dmutils.apiclient.DataAPIClient.create_new_draft_service: data and page_questions
  2. Parameter order for dmutils.apiclient.DataAPIClient.create_new_draft_service was changed to: create_new_draft_service(self, framework_slug, lot, supplier_id, data, user, page_questions=None)
  3. dmutils.apiclient.DataAPIClient.get_framework_status method was removed, use .get_framework instead

Example app change


draft_service = data_api_client.create_new_draft_service(
    framework_slug, supplier_id, user, lot


draft_service = data_api_client.create_new_draft_service(
    framework_slug, lot, supplier_id, {},
    user, page_questions=None


PR: #195

What changed

  1. Moved the creation of the manager instance into init_manager.

Example app change

In application's


from flask.ext.script import Manager

manager = Manager(application)
init_manager(manager, 5003, ['./app/content/frameworks'])


from dmutils.flask_init import init_manager

manager = init_manager(application, 5003, ['./app/content/frameworks'])


PR: #182

What changed

  1. dmutils.content_loader.ContentLoader changed to support loading content from multiple frameworks.

Example app change

At application startup


existing_service_content = ContentLoader(
new_service_content = ContentLoader(
declaration_content = ContentLoader(


content_loader = ContentLoader('app/content')
content_loader.load_manifest('g-cloud-6', 'services', 'edit_service')
content_loader.load_manifest('g-cloud-7', 'services', 'edit_submission')
content_loader.load_manifest('g-cloud-7', 'declaration', 'declaration')

In the views


content = declaration_content.get_builder()


content = content_loader.get_builder(framework_slug, 'declaration')


PR: #178

What changed

  1. dmutils.apiclient.DataAPIClient.get_selection_answers was renamed to dmutils.apiclient.DataAPIClient.get_supplier_declaration
  2. dmutils.apiclient.DataAPIClient.answer_selection_questions was renamed to dmutils.apiclient.DataAPIClient.set_supplier_declaration
  3. The response format for get_supplier_declaration is different from that of get_selection_answers: {"selectionAnswers": {"questionAnswers": { ... }}} was replaced with {"declaration": { ... }}

Example app change


answers = data_api_client.get_selection_answers(
   current_user.supplier_id, 'g-cloud-7'


declaration = data_api_client.get_supplier_declaration(
  current_user.supplier_id, 'g-cloud-7'