You can contribute to the development of the s2Dcd
in many
ways. Hereinafter we list the main contribution possibilities, but
feel free to contact the maintainers to ask more details.
In the next section are listed some possible contribution options. Please also have a look at the TODO for more ideas about possible contributions.
If you are using the s2Dcd
to one case study that introduces some
novelty with respect to the examples already available on this site, please let us now so that we can upload it in the examples section.
Although the current version of the s2Dcd
heavily relies on the
multiple-point statistics simulation engine, the working
principle s2Dcd
could be extended to other multiple-point statistics (MPS)
simulation engines. Again, with some modifications the code could be
made even more general purpose to include other geostatistical
simulation algorithms (obviously, provided that can incorporate
conditioning data).
In fact, one of the very first version of the s2Dcd
was designed to
work with different MPS simulations engine, like for example engines
based on lists (like IMPALA) and the Direct Sampling (like the
Please notify us if you find something going wrong with the code or some bug.