CDW: Connect the data of the world
The project is for running the KAPUA project on Openshift.
oc create new-project kapua
oc create -f kapua-template.yaml
oc process --parameters kapua-template
oc process kapua-template |oc create -f -
oc process kapua-template -p ELASTIC_SEARCH_MEMORY=512m |oc create -f -
5 pods will be created an started. Wait util they are running.
The console can be accessed at the url of the kapua-console.
oc get route kapua-console
login with kapua-sys/kapua-password
The API can be accessed at the the url of the kapua-api.
oc get route kapua-api
access the url by append /doc.
The MQTT can be accessed at the url of the kapua-broker.
oc get route kapua-broker
This is a WebSocket interface!!!
Robert Baumgartner, Ingo Boering, Oliver Horn. Started at the SA Hackathon, Brno, Mar 8-9, 2018
test how scaling works with KAPUA on OpenShift
Currently only H2 database works for KAPUA, because the MySQL/MariaDB driver is not available on the KAPUA images.
Setup done with the following paramters:
-$MYSQL_NAME / sampledb
- commons.db.username=$MYSQL_USER / user
- commons.db.password=$MYSQL_PASSWORD /password
- commons.db.jdbcConnectionUrlResolver=mariadb / MariaDB
- commons.db.jdbc.driver=org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver
- commons.db.connection.scheme=jdbc:mariab
- minishift v1.11.0+d7f374a
- CDK v3.3.0-1
- OpenShift CDK 3.7.23