A little script to change the noise rate of a neufbox.
It is easily adaptable to other requests.
This is a forked from denouche/sfr-neufbox-change-ip, so thanks to @denouche
This script works with the SFR Neufbox Evolution.
We suppose that the box is accessible at
(you can modify the script to set a custom IP address).
First in order to install sfr-neufbox-change-marge-bruit in your $HOME/bin/ and retrieve needed dependency, run:
$ make
During installation, 'make' ask you the login/password of the neufbox web interface
You can change the login/password in the file .credentials
in your install directory ( $HOME/bin/neufbox_change_bruit ) with this following format:
These credentials are the same you are using to connect on the web interface of you Neufbox.
Add $HOME/bin to your $PATH. Run the script to change the rate noise with a 'rate noise' argument.
$ neufbox_change_marge_bruit.sh 40
This script is using PhantomJS (http://phantomjs.org/).