- NPM ver 9.6.4 or above
- Node ver 20.0.0 or above
- Backend : NodeJs, Express, PostgreSQL (Supabase), Sequelize
- Frotend : ReactJs
- PostgreSQL
AI and automation are implemented when calculating the score after the user completes the quiz
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/rdhhauzan/sevima-hackaton.git
Go to backend folder and Install dependencies
cd backend && npm install
Go to frontend folder and Install dependencies
cd frontend && npm install
Restore Database using hackaton.sql (POSTGRESQL)
Go to backend/config folder to edit your database credentials
Run backend server
cd backend && nodemon index.js
In new terminal, run frontend server
cd frontend && npm start
- User Role
Email : users@mail.com Password : user123
- Admin Role
Email : admin@mail.com Password : admin123
- Make sure you run the backend server with 3000 port, and ReactJS on 3001/anything else Port
- If the backend server is running on port other than 3000 you need to change your .env REACT_APP_API_URL to your backend server url
- You Need to run the backend server and ReactJS at the same time for run the project