-PIM-9101: Be able to create a family, a family variant, a group type, an association type named "rest".
- PIM-9427: Update datagrid selection count when clearing filter
- PIM-9402: Add new ES filters for EMPTY operator
- PIM-9380: Parts of the PIM are not translatable on Crowdin
- PIM-9323: Fix PDF export for Product Model values
- PIM-9314: Reset scroll position when switching attribute group in the PEF
- PIM-9084: Filter locale specific attributes in exports when the value's locale and the export profile's locale are different
- PIM-9203: Box shadow appearing on category selector in product grid
- PIM-9282: Make calling attribute options via API case insensitive
- PIM-9268: Add ko_KR to locales default list.
- PIM-9255: Refresh completeness of associated products in grid when channel is switched
- PIM-9262: Keep image rotation on images and assets thumbnails
- AOB-953: Fix
constraint by accepting array of several elements
- PIM-9165: Improve message of
command. Now, all commands available to re-index entities are shown.
- PIM-9245: Fix relative JS files path for less compilation
- PIM-9249: Fix channel and locale popin display on product export
- PIM-9221: Fix performance issue when saving a variant product/product model with a lot of siblings
- PIM-9222: Fix errors on mass action when the parent filter is set to empty
- GITHUB-11995: Fixes invalid Jquery generic type (#11995)
- PIM-9212: Keep vertical scroll position of the attribute form after editing values
- PIM-9219: Fix duplicated categories in the product API when present in both Product Model and Variant
- PIM-9205: Fix PDF not exporting Product Model values
- PIM-9204: Fix error when the user does not have the permission to view the axis attribute
- PIM-9177: Handle the display of a large number of attributes within an attribute group
- PIM-9176: Fix the permission update of attribute groups having a lot of attributes
- PIM-9152: Handle old versioning date format
- PIM-9148: Fix UI attribute group display in association panel
- PIM-9111: Fix the variant list when the channel does not support the selected locale
- PIM-9108: Fix 'unsaved changes' message wrongly displayed when switching category tree
- PIM-9098: keep vertical scroll position of the product form after saving enrichment
- PIM-9103: keep vertical scroll position of the product form after switching the locale or channel
- PIM-9095: Fix memory leak during family import
- PIM-9089: Fix error when a category is unknown during a product search
- PIM-9080: Fix overlapping jQuery.resizable handle
- PIM-9075: Fix mass_edit_rule key translation
- PIM-9071: Fix "does not contain" filter on SKU in product data grid
- PIM-9067: Fix mass action product edit when all rows are selected
- PIM-9059: Fix catalog locale on user panel & attribute groups attributes
- PIM-9056: Fix filters with numeric attribute codes for bulk actions
- PIM-9058: Fix search products API with filters on numeric attribute codes
- PIM-9054: Fix the constraint on AttributeOption:code max length
- PIM-9053: Update product label when locale is changed
- PIM-9022: Fix behaviour of the 'Previous' button in product bulk actions modal
- PIM-9043: Do not filter archivable jobs to be able to download all logs
- PIM-9029: Use Catalog locale in variant families datagrid
- PIM-9027: Translations missing on metrics
- PIM-9028: Fix error on JSON_EXTRACT where a_image.code is numerical
- Update composer dependencies
- PIM-9021: Fix input displaying when selecting empty/not empty filter operator
- DAPI-691: Add a blacklist option to the CE job queue daemon command
- PIM-9020: Add missing attribute group code validation message translation key
- PIM-8998: Fix error 500 on asset list & product list when a user has no permission on categories & asset categories
- PIM-9016: Fix error message not translated for attribute code
- PIM-9015: Fix validation message display on attribute group creation failure
- PIM-9008: Fix product models API when the filter "completenes" was used with a sub-filter "locale"
- PIM-9005: Fix display of long option labels in the Product Edit Form
- PIM-8996: Display an error when a file upload failed
- PIM-8984: Fix css on records dropdowns
- PIM-8988: Remove useless "Remove" button when editing exported attributes (in export profile)
- PIM-8995: Fix the completeness widget (dashboard) for channels having no translations
- PIM-8943: Display validation messages on family translations
- PIM-8953: User without "list users" permission can not access to other user pages
- PIM-6902: Forbid usage of uppercase in Elasticsearch aliases (see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-create-index.html)
- PIM-8961: Fix design of 403 error page
- PIM-8925: Fix PDF export when there is no option for a given locale for a select attribute
- GITHUB-10955: Remove database prefix in queries
- PIM-8909: Remove css.map links
- PIM-8908: Fix asset default image always showing
- AOB-661: allow prefix of ES document
- PIM-8893: update dompdf because the pdf export fail on some products
- PIM-7963: Fix datepicker width not adapting to the dropdown
- PIM-8773: Fix logout after opening a select2 dropdown
- PIM-8879: Validate attribute options existence
- PIM-8838: Force display of label and image in gallery mode even if they are not in the column list
- PIM-8820: Avoid multiple refresh of the product grid on product delete
- PIM-8838: Force display of identifier, label and image in gallery mode even if they are not in the column list
- PIM-8820: Avoid multiple refresh of the product grid on product delete
- PIM-8736: Fix error message on channel deletion
- PIM-8767: Fix user security token check
- PIM-8787: Fix API search-after - missing search_scope in first, next, previous, current links
- PIM-8719: Fix Mink Selenium dependency
- PIM-8677: Purge all job executions
- PIM-8734: Change label to "Ecommerce" for default channel in minimal catalog
- PIM-8753: Fix pim:versioning:purge command without parameter
- PIM-8750: Fix keyboard navigation with the family selector on the create product form
- PIM-8766: Use Catalog locale for channel labels in the completeness widget
- PIM-8655: Fix page title of the categories settings
- PIM-8701: Fix PDF rendering for scopable/localizable simple or multi select attributes
- PIM-8663: Fix category tree selector
- PIM-8674: Check date validity when creating a date value
- PIM-8673: Add a fallback to get the mime-type of files loaded without metadata.
- PIM-8661: API: Fix getting values from a variant product when one of its ancestors has empty values
- PIM-8601: Fix purge of the job execution according to the date of creation and not deletion
- PIM-8583: Add missing translations on role deletion
- PIM-8595: Fix missing translation (pim_common.code) in attributes list / family list
- Performance enhancements: Export products with the API way faster than before
- API: Add the family code in the product model format
- API: New filter to retrieve the variant products of a given product model
- PIM-8270: Update export jobs after a change on a channel category
DAPI-137: Fix the PQB to not aggregate results when there is a filter on id
interface has been renamed intoAkeneo\Pim\Enrichment\Component\Product\Model\WriteValueCollectionInterface
class has been changed toAkeneo\Channel\Bundle\Storage\Orm\ChannelSaver
. -
Change constructor of
to addAkeneo\Pim\Enrichment\Component\Product\Connector\Processor\Denormalizer\MediaStorer
Change constructor of
to addAkeneo\Pim\Enrichment\Component\Product\Connector\Processor\Denormalizer\MediaStorer
Change constructor of
to removeAkeneo\Tool\Component\FileStorage\File\FileStorerInterface
now requires agetFilename()
method to be implemented. -
The ValueCollectionInterface as been removed. Please directly use the WriteValueCollection class instead.
The ValueCollectionFactoryInterface has been removed please apply
sed 's/ValueCollectionFactoryInterface/ValueCollectionFactory/g
Change constructor of
to addAkeneo\Tool\Bundle\BatchBundle\Monolog\Handler\BatchLogHandler
Change constructor of
to addLeague\Flysystem\FilesystemInterface
Make method
private -
Change constructor of
to add array$upportedAttributeTypes
Change constructor of
to addAkeneo\Pim\Enrichment\Component\Product\ProductModel\Query\CountProductModelsAndChildrenProductModelsInterface
The following classes and their service definitions have been removed:
- The product and product model search on option.codes in ES is now case insensitive
- TIP-1144: External API - add
into the product model format
- DAPI-242: Improve queue to consume specific jobs
- TIP-1117: For security reasons, "admin" user is no longer part of the minimal catalog
- TIP-1117:
command now has a non interactive mode - TIP-1190: Refresh of the ES index is not at wait_for but disabled by default for performance reason