The Red5Pro RoundTrip Authentication Validator implemented by the class RoundTripAuthValidator
, is a remote server validator. As the name suggests it implements a more secure & robust authentication mechanism using the server to server validation.
The validator class seeks validation from a remote endpoint which accepts parameters from RoundTripAuthValidator
, carries out the authentication using the intended business logic implemented and finally returns json
response back to the validator.
This validator is best suited when only application connection level security is required and there is a need to handle publishers
& subscribers
As the application starts up, the validator is initialized with the configuration parameters and validation/invalidation endpoint hooks.
The client needs to directly login into the business application server to recieve a unique secure token
. The token can be seen as a mark of identity (as a session) that indicates that the client is authentic
and can access services.
When a client attempts to connect
to the application, it must provide the username, password and optional token
parameters during the connection attempt. The simple auth checks to see if the parameters have been provided or not. If one or more params are missing the client is immediately rejected.
If credentials are provided, the validator allows connection to the client and wait for a stream action. When the client attempts to publish or subscribe to a stream, the validator determines the intent (publish or subscribe
) and the stream name on which the action is requested. the validator sends the credentials, the stream name, the client type (publisher/subscriber
) and the optional token parameter.
The remote server (typically a business application server), validates the credentials along with validating whether the client type has permission for the intended stream action or not. the server then returns its answer back to the validator, which then determines whether to allow or deny the stream action request based on the response data from the remote server.
The token parameter is added for additional security and is therefore optional. The passing of the parameter can be made mandatory using the validator configuration boolean
param clientTokenRequired
The round trip authentication consists of three components mainly. - The simple-auth-plugin
jar, the validator instantiation
in the webapp's red5-web.xml
file and the remote authentication
You need to have the authentication service running for the system to work. A sample of the authentication server implementation is shared as the mock Nodejs service. Once the server is available you can configure necessary endpoint params as explained in the next section.
Make sure to double check your server endpoints for errors and expected responses before you configure it on your instance.
As mentioned earlier, you can set up your validation server in any technology as long as you keep the endpoints
and response json
format the same. To help you with understanding the flow and also to provide an out of the box working the same server, we have provisioned the mock Nodejs service source code in this repository. Using the mock server code you can either implement your own server or use the provided code as a starting point for your own auth server as a nodejs
The steps below explain the various components of the nodejs mock server and how to set it up to work with the RoundTripAuthenticator
The nodejs service is available here.
This NodeJs service simulates the business application server's API. That is it has some exposed endpoints to validate and invalidate the username and password supplied. The mock service does not do any validation on the inputs that it receives. This means for example that username/passwords validity are not checked.
Copy the folder NodeJS mock service
into the server where you want to deploy Node.js.
You will need to install nodejs on the server:
sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy
Open index.js
. In the top rows of the document locate the comment BEGINNING OF CONFIGURATION
After it there will be three variables that need to be updated with your custom values.
The variables are:
: It is the host where the nodejs service is deployed. Replace "" with the local IP address of the serverport
: It is the port that you opened for the service. Example 3000.
Start the server with the command
node index.js
If you open in a browser http://<host>:<port>
you will get a few forms to test the API. The server's console will output the values received. The browser instead will show you the responses from the node server.
The console will show you three possible outputs:
Validate credentials: called by the webapp to verify the username/password supplied by a publisher or subscriber
validate credentials called type: publisher username: testuser password: testpass streamID: stream1
Invalidate credentials: called by the webapp after a publisher stops publishing. It will invalidate the credentials that the publisher used to publish.
invalidate credentials called username: testuser password: testpass streamID: stream1
Invoked by the RoundTripValidator
to validate
a client of a given type (publisher/subscriber
) for a specified stream name.
"username": "<username>",
"password": "<password>",
"token": "<token",
"type": "<type>",
"streamID": "<stream-id>"
- Success: HTTP CODE
- Data:
"result": "<boolean>",
"url": "<optional-arbitrary-url>"
** result
contains a boolean value indicating whether client action is permitted or denied**
** url
can be used to pass back an arbitrary URL to the authenticated client. The value fo the url
attribute is stored on the IConnection
object by property name signedURL
. The parameter can be accessed by the server side code using the getStringAttribute method on the IConnection
IConnection conn = Red5.getConnectionLocal();
String url = conn.getStringAttribute("signedURL");
Invoked by the RoundTripValidator
to invalidate
a client of a given type (publisher/subscriber
) for a specified stream name. Invalidate can be used to revoke a user permission
or expire a token
"username": "<username>",
"password": "<password>",
"token": "<token",
"type": "<type>",
"streamID": "<stream-id>"
- Success: HTTP CODE
- Data:
"result": "<boolean>"
** result
contains a boolean value indicating whether client action is permitted or denied**
To enable security on your web application, you need to add & configure the Simple Auth Plugin
security bean along with the validator
bean to your web application's context file - red5-web.xml
as explained below.
To attach simple auth plugin to a webapp using the RoundTripAuthValidator
validator, you need to specify the core plugin configuration bean along with the validator bean to use for authentication, in the application's context (red5-web.xml
) file.
Example 1: Attaching plugin security to the live
webapp using RoundTripAuthValidator
for authentication with standard configuration settings.
To apply security to the live application, you can add the security configuration to RED5_HOME/webapps/live/WEB-INF/red5-web.xml
as shown below :
<bean id="roundTripValidator" class="com.red5pro.server.plugin.simpleauth.datasource.impl.roundtrip.RoundTripAuthValidator" init-method="initialize">
<property name="adapter" ref="web.handler" />
<property name="context" ref="web.context" />
<property name="protocol" value="${server.protocol}" />
<property name="host" value="${}" />
<property name="port" value="${server.port}" />
<property name="validateCredentialsEndPoint" value="${server.validateCredentialsEndPoint}"/>
<property name="invalidateCredentialsEndPoint" value="${server.invalidateCredentialsEndPoint}"/>
<property name="clientTokenRequired" value="true"/>
<bean id="simpleAuthSecurity" class="com.red5pro.server.plugin.simpleauth.Configuration" >
<property name="active" value="true" />
<property name="rtmp" value="true" />
<property name="rtsp" value="true" />
<property name="rtc" value="true" />
<property name="rtmpAllowQueryParamsEnabled" value="true" />
<property name="allowedRtmpAgents" value="*" />
<property name="validator" ref="roundTripValidator" />
And in your webapp's file, add the following section:
The property values are substituted from the
file into the red5-web.xml
file at runtime.
With the following configuration applied, the validation server is assumed to be running on localhost
, at port 3000
. The server will be expecting client validation request at http://localhost:3000/validateCredentials
& invalidate request at http://localhost:3000/invalidateCredentials
. The plugin configuration is set to force authentication on RTMP
and WebRTC
Following parameters are allowed in a bean configuration at the application level (configured in application's red5-web.xml).
Property | Type | Description | |
active | Boolean | Sets the state of security for the application | |
rtmp | Boolean | Sets the state of RTMP security for the application | |
rtsp | Boolean | Sets the state of RTSP security for the application | |
rtc | Boolean | Sets the state of WebRTC security for the application | |
rtmpAllowQueryParamsEnabled | Boolean | Sets the state of query string based authentication for RTMP clients | |
allowedRtmpAgents | String | Sets the list of allowed RTMP agent strings separated by semicolons. By default, all agent string is allowed. |
Property | Type | Description | |
context | Reference | The reference to the web.context bean |
adapter | Reference | The reference to thr web.handler bean, which indicates the Application |
protocol | String | The remote validation server protocol (HTTP or HTTPS ) to use |
host | String | The remote validation server host (hostname or IP ) |
port | String | The remote validation server port (80 or 443 or other ) |
validateCredentialsEndPoint | String | The remote server client validation endpoint URI relative to the server root |
invalidateCredentialsEndPoint | String | The remote server client invalidation endpoint URI relative to the server root |
clientTokenRequired | Boolean | Specifies whether token parameter is a required or optional param in client request |
RTMP, RTSP and WebRTC clients must provide the required connection parameters when attempting to establish a connection with the server. The plugin will extract expected parameters and validate their presence locally first, before transmitting them to the remote server.
Given below are some snippets, explaining how authentication can be achieved for different client types.
RTMP clients must pass authentication parameters (username & password) using the connection arguments in NetConnection.connect
Example A
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onStatus);
nc.connect("rtmp://localhost/myapp", "testuser", "testpass", "mytoken");
function onStatus(ns:NetStatusEvent):void {
Username and password should be the first two parameters in the arguments array being sent to Red5pro.
With the simpleauth.default.rtmp.queryparams=true
in the plugin configuration file or using the rtmpAllowQueryParamsEnabled
property of configuration bean set to true
, RTMP clients can also pass parameters in the query string.
Example B
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onStatus);
function onStatus(ns:NetStatusEvent):void {
RTSP clients (Android & IOS) must pass authentication parameters (username & password) using the R5Configuration
object in the SDK.
Android Example
R5Configuration config = new R5Configuration(R5StreamProtocol.RTSP,
R5Connection connection = new R5Connection(config);
IOS Example
func getConfig()->R5Configuration{
// Set up the configuration
let config = R5Configuration() = Testbed.getParameter("host") as! String
config.port = Int32(Testbed.getParameter("port") as! Int)
config.contextName = Testbed.getParameter("context") as! String
config.parameters = @"username=testuser;password=testpass;token=mytoken";
config.`protocol` = 1;
config.buffer_time = Testbed.getParameter("buffer_time") as! Float
return config
WebRTC clients (Using Red5pro HTML5 sdk) must pass authentication parameters using the connectionParams
property of the baseConfiguration
var baseConfiguration = {
host: window.targetHost,
app: 'myapp',
iceServers: iceServers,
bandwidth: desiredBandwidth,
connectionParams: {username: "testuser", password: "testpass", token: "mytoken"}
- When you have users holding an account on your business server.
- When you need to know who is using it. (hence the username/password parameters)
- One - many applications (1 broadcaster => N subscribers), where you need to distinguish between publishers and subscribers.
- Two-way chat where every user is both publisher and subscriber. (Not optimal but effective)
- When you need anonymous usage of your application (no fixed credentials for users).
NOTE: The plugin can be adapted to suit an anonymous usage scenario by filling up the username
& password
params with anonymous/dummy data while using the token
as the main parameter for accessing the service.