diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4da42c1..f12e0d5 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
Terraform Red5 Pro AWS module which create Red5 Pro resources on AWS.
-## This module has 3 variants of Red5 Pro deployments
+## This module has 4 variants of Red5 Pro deployments
* **single** - Single EC2 instance with installed and configured Red5 Pro server
* **cluster** - Stream Manager cluster (MySQL DB + Stream Manager instance + Autoscaling Node group with Origin, Edge, Transcoder, Relay instances)
* **autoscaling** - Autoscaling Stream Managers (MySQL RDS + Load Balancer + Autoscaling Stream Managers + Autoscaling Node group with Origin, Edge, Transcoder, Relay instances)
+* **vpc** - VPC only (VPC, Sunbets, Route table, Internet Gateway) - this option is useful if you need to create VPC separately and after that use this VPC to deploy Red5 Pro resources
@@ -402,6 +403,37 @@ module "red5pro" {
+## AWS VPC create only (vpc) - [Example](https://github.com/red5pro/terraform-aws-red5pro/tree/master/examples/vpc)
+* VPC create
+## Usage (vpc)
+provider "aws" {
+ region = "us-west-1" # AWS region
+ access_key = "" # AWS IAM Access key
+ secret_key = "" # AWS IAM Secret key
+module "red5pro_vpc" {
+ source = "red5pro/red5pro/aws"
+ type = "vpc" # Deployment type: single, cluster, autoscaling, vpc
+ name = "red5pro-vpc" # Name to be used on all the resources as identifier
+ # VPC configuration
+ vpc_create = true # true - create new VPC, false - use existing VPC
+ vpc_cidr_block = ""
+ vpc_public_subnets = ["", "", "", ""] # Public subnets for Stream Manager and Red5 Pro server instances
+ # Red5 Pro tags configuration - it will be added to all Red5 Pro resources
+ tags = {
+ Terraform = "true"
+ Environment = "dev"
+ Project = "red5pro"
+ }
diff --git a/examples/autoscaling/main.tf b/examples/autoscaling/main.tf
index 12a8002..279a9d6 100644
--- a/examples/autoscaling/main.tf
+++ b/examples/autoscaling/main.tf
@@ -3,111 +3,111 @@
provider "aws" {
- region = "us-west-1" # AWS region
- access_key = "" # AWS IAM Access key
- secret_key = "" # AWS IAM Secret key
+ region = "us-west-1" # AWS region
+ access_key = "" # AWS IAM Access key
+ secret_key = "" # AWS IAM Secret key
module "red5pro" {
- source = "../../"
+ source = "../../"
- type = "autoscaling" # Deployment type: single, cluster, autoscaling
- name = "red5pro-auto" # Name to be used on all the resources as identifier
+ type = "autoscaling" # Deployment type: single, cluster, autoscaling, vpc
+ name = "red5pro-auto" # Name to be used on all the resources as identifier
- ubuntu_version = "22.04" # Ubuntu version for Red5 Pro servers
- path_to_red5pro_build = "./red5pro-server-0.0.0.b0-release.zip" # Absolute path or relative path to Red5 Pro server ZIP file
- path_to_aws_cloud_controller = "./aws-cloud-controller-0.0.0.jar" # Absolute path or relative path to AWS Cloud Controller JAR file
+ ubuntu_version = "22.04" # Ubuntu version for Red5 Pro servers
+ path_to_red5pro_build = "./red5pro-server-0.0.0.b0-release.zip" # Absolute path or relative path to Red5 Pro server ZIP file
+ path_to_aws_cloud_controller = "./aws-cloud-controller-0.0.0.jar" # Absolute path or relative path to AWS Cloud Controller JAR file
# AWS authetification variables it use for Stream Manager autoscaling configuration
- aws_region = "us-west-1" # AWS region
- aws_access_key = "" # AWS IAM Access key
- aws_secret_key = "" # AWS IAM Secret key
+ aws_region = "us-west-1" # AWS region
+ aws_access_key = "" # AWS IAM Access key
+ aws_secret_key = "" # AWS IAM Secret key
# SSH key configuration
- ssh_key_create = true # true - create new SSH key, false - use existing SSH key
- ssh_key_name = "example_key" # Name for new SSH key or for existing SSH key
- ssh_private_key_path = "/PATH/TO/EXISTING/SSH/PRIVATE/KEY/example_key.pem" # Path to existing SSH private key
+ ssh_key_create = true # true - create new SSH key, false - use existing SSH key
+ ssh_key_name = "example_key" # Name for new SSH key or for existing SSH key
+ ssh_private_key_path = "/PATH/TO/EXISTING/SSH/PRIVATE/KEY/example_key.pem" # Path to existing SSH private key
# VPC configuration
- vpc_create = true # true - create new VPC, false - use existing VPC
- vpc_id_existing = "vpc-12345" # VPC ID for existing VPC
+ vpc_create = true # true - create new VPC, false - use existing VPC
+ vpc_id_existing = "vpc-12345" # VPC ID for existing VPC
# MySQL DB configuration
- mysql_rds_instance_type = "db.t2.micro" # Instance type for RDS instance
- mysql_user_name = "exampleuser" # MySQL user name
- mysql_password = "examplepass" # MySQL password
- mysql_port = 3306 # MySQL port
+ mysql_rds_instance_type = "db.t2.micro" # Instance type for RDS instance
+ mysql_user_name = "exampleuser" # MySQL user name
+ mysql_password = "examplepass" # MySQL password
+ mysql_port = 3306 # MySQL port
# Load Balancer HTTPS/SSL certificate configuration
- https_certificate_manager_use_existing = true # If you want to use SSL certificate set it to true
- https_certificate_manager_certificate_name = "red5pro.example.com" # Domain name for your SSL certificate
+ https_certificate_manager_use_existing = true # If you want to use SSL certificate set it to true
+ https_certificate_manager_certificate_name = "red5pro.example.com" # Domain name for your SSL certificate
# Stream Manager configuration
- stream_manager_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Stream Manager
- stream_manager_volume_size = 20 # Volume size for Stream Manager
- stream_manager_api_key = "examplekey" # API key for Stream Manager
- stream_manager_autoscaling_desired_capacity = 1 # Desired capacity for Stream Manager autoscaling group
- stream_manager_autoscaling_minimum_capacity = 1 # Minimum capacity for Stream Manager autoscaling group
- stream_manager_autoscaling_maximum_capacity = 1 # Maximum capacity for Stream Manager autoscaling group
- stream_manager_coturn_enable = false # true - enable customized Coturn configuration for Stream Manager, false - disable customized Coturn configuration for Stream Manager (https://www.red5.net/docs/installation/turn-stun/turnstun/)
- stream_manager_coturn_address = "stun:" # Customized coturn address for Stream Manager (https://www.red5.net/docs/installation/turn-stun/turnstun/)
+ stream_manager_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Stream Manager
+ stream_manager_volume_size = 20 # Volume size for Stream Manager
+ stream_manager_api_key = "examplekey" # API key for Stream Manager
+ stream_manager_autoscaling_desired_capacity = 1 # Desired capacity for Stream Manager autoscaling group
+ stream_manager_autoscaling_minimum_capacity = 1 # Minimum capacity for Stream Manager autoscaling group
+ stream_manager_autoscaling_maximum_capacity = 1 # Maximum capacity for Stream Manager autoscaling group
+ stream_manager_coturn_enable = false # true - enable customized Coturn configuration for Stream Manager, false - disable customized Coturn configuration for Stream Manager (https://www.red5.net/docs/installation/turn-stun/turnstun/)
+ stream_manager_coturn_address = "stun:" # Customized coturn address for Stream Manager (https://www.red5.net/docs/installation/turn-stun/turnstun/)
# Red5 Pro general configuration
- red5pro_license_key = "1111-2222-3333-4444" # Red5 Pro license key (https://account.red5.net/login)
- red5pro_cluster_key = "examplekey" # Red5 Pro cluster key
- red5pro_api_enable = true # true - enable Red5 Pro server API, false - disable Red5 Pro server API (https://www.red5.net/docs/development/api/overview/)
- red5pro_api_key = "examplekey" # Red5 Pro server API key (https://www.red5.net/docs/development/api/overview/)
+ red5pro_license_key = "1111-2222-3333-4444" # Red5 Pro license key (https://account.red5.net/login)
+ red5pro_cluster_key = "examplekey" # Red5 Pro cluster key
+ red5pro_api_enable = true # true - enable Red5 Pro server API, false - disable Red5 Pro server API (https://www.red5.net/docs/development/api/overview/)
+ red5pro_api_key = "examplekey" # Red5 Pro server API key (https://www.red5.net/docs/development/api/overview/)
# Red5 Pro autoscaling Origin node image configuration
- origin_image_create = true # Default: true for Autoscaling and Cluster, true - create new Origin node image, false - not create new Origin node image
- origin_image_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Origin node image
- origin_image_volume_size = 8 # Volume size for Origin node image
- origin_image_red5pro_inspector_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server inspector, false - disable Red5 Pro server inspector (https://www.red5.net/docs/troubleshooting/inspector/overview/)
- origin_image_red5pro_restreamer_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server restreamer, false - disable Red5 Pro server restreamer (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/restreamer/overview/)
- origin_image_red5pro_socialpusher_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server socialpusher, false - disable Red5 Pro server socialpusher (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/social-media-plugin/overview/)
- origin_image_red5pro_suppressor_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server suppressor, false - disable Red5 Pro server suppressor
- origin_image_red5pro_hls_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server HLS, false - disable Red5 Pro server HLS (https://www.red5.net/docs/protocols/hls-plugin/hls-vod/)
- origin_image_red5pro_webhooks_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server webhooks, false - disable Red5 Pro server webhooks (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/webhooks/overview/)
- origin_image_red5pro_webhooks_endpoint = "https://example.com/red5/status" # Red5 Pro server webhooks endpoint
- origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server round trip authentication, false - disable Red5 Pro server round trip authentication (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/round-trip-auth/overview/)
- origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_host = "round-trip-auth.example.com" # Round trip authentication server host
- origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_port = 3000 # Round trip authentication server port
- origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_protocol = "http" # Round trip authentication server protocol
- origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_endpoint_validate = "/validateCredentials" # Round trip authentication server endpoint for validate
- origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_endpoint_invalidate = "/invalidateCredentials" # Round trip authentication server endpoint for invalidate
- origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server cloud storage, false - disable Red5 Pro server cloud storage (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/cloudstorage-plugin/aws-s3-cloud-storage/)
- origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_access_key = "" # AWS access key for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
- origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_secret_key = "" # AWS secret key for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
- origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_bucket_name = "s3-bucket-example-name" # AWS bucket name for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
- origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_region = "us-west-1" # AWS region for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
- origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_postprocessor_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server postprocessor, false - disable Red5 Pro server postprocessor (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/cloudstorage-plugin/server-configuration/)
- origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_bucket_acl_policy = "public-read" # AWS bucket ACL policy for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket) Example: none, public-read, authenticated-read, private, public-read-write
- origin_image_red5pro_efs_enable = false # enable/disable EFS mount to record streams
- origin_image_red5pro_efs_dns_name = "example.efs.region.amazonaws.com" # EFS DNS name
+ origin_image_create = true # Default: true for Autoscaling and Cluster, true - create new Origin node image, false - not create new Origin node image
+ origin_image_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Origin node image
+ origin_image_volume_size = 8 # Volume size for Origin node image
+ origin_image_red5pro_inspector_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server inspector, false - disable Red5 Pro server inspector (https://www.red5.net/docs/troubleshooting/inspector/overview/)
+ origin_image_red5pro_restreamer_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server restreamer, false - disable Red5 Pro server restreamer (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/restreamer/overview/)
+ origin_image_red5pro_socialpusher_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server socialpusher, false - disable Red5 Pro server socialpusher (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/social-media-plugin/overview/)
+ origin_image_red5pro_suppressor_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server suppressor, false - disable Red5 Pro server suppressor
+ origin_image_red5pro_hls_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server HLS, false - disable Red5 Pro server HLS (https://www.red5.net/docs/protocols/hls-plugin/hls-vod/)
+ origin_image_red5pro_webhooks_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server webhooks, false - disable Red5 Pro server webhooks (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/webhooks/overview/)
+ origin_image_red5pro_webhooks_endpoint = "https://example.com/red5/status" # Red5 Pro server webhooks endpoint
+ origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server round trip authentication, false - disable Red5 Pro server round trip authentication (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/round-trip-auth/overview/)
+ origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_host = "round-trip-auth.example.com" # Round trip authentication server host
+ origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_port = 3000 # Round trip authentication server port
+ origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_protocol = "http" # Round trip authentication server protocol
+ origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_endpoint_validate = "/validateCredentials" # Round trip authentication server endpoint for validate
+ origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_endpoint_invalidate = "/invalidateCredentials" # Round trip authentication server endpoint for invalidate
+ origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server cloud storage, false - disable Red5 Pro server cloud storage (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/cloudstorage-plugin/aws-s3-cloud-storage/)
+ origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_access_key = "" # AWS access key for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
+ origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_secret_key = "" # AWS secret key for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
+ origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_bucket_name = "s3-bucket-example-name" # AWS bucket name for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
+ origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_region = "us-west-1" # AWS region for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
+ origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_postprocessor_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server postprocessor, false - disable Red5 Pro server postprocessor (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/cloudstorage-plugin/server-configuration/)
+ origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_bucket_acl_policy = "public-read" # AWS bucket ACL policy for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket) Example: none, public-read, authenticated-read, private, public-read-write
+ origin_image_red5pro_efs_enable = false # enable/disable EFS mount to record streams
+ origin_image_red5pro_efs_dns_name = "example.efs.region.amazonaws.com" # EFS DNS name
# Red5 Pro autoscaling Node group - (Optional)
- node_group_create = true # Linux or Mac OS only. true - create new Node group, false - not create new Node group
- node_group_name = "terraform-node-group" # Node group name
+ node_group_create = true # Linux or Mac OS only. true - create new Node group, false - not create new Node group
+ node_group_name = "terraform-node-group" # Node group name
# Origin node configuration
- node_group_origins_min = 1 # Number of minimum Origins
- node_group_origins_max = 20 # Number of maximum Origins
- node_group_origins_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Origins
- node_group_origins_capacity = 20 # Connections capacity for Origins
+ node_group_origins_min = 1 # Number of minimum Origins
+ node_group_origins_max = 20 # Number of maximum Origins
+ node_group_origins_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Origins
+ node_group_origins_capacity = 20 # Connections capacity for Origins
# Edge node configuration
- node_group_edges_min = 1 # Number of minimum Edges
- node_group_edges_max = 40 # Number of maximum Edges
- node_group_edges_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Edges
- node_group_edges_capacity = 200 # Connections capacity for Edges
+ node_group_edges_min = 1 # Number of minimum Edges
+ node_group_edges_max = 40 # Number of maximum Edges
+ node_group_edges_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Edges
+ node_group_edges_capacity = 200 # Connections capacity for Edges
# Transcoder node configuration
- node_group_transcoders_min = 0 # Number of minimum Transcoders
- node_group_transcoders_max = 20 # Number of maximum Transcoders
- node_group_transcoders_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Transcoders
- node_group_transcoders_capacity = 20 # Connections capacity for Transcoders
+ node_group_transcoders_min = 0 # Number of minimum Transcoders
+ node_group_transcoders_max = 20 # Number of maximum Transcoders
+ node_group_transcoders_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Transcoders
+ node_group_transcoders_capacity = 20 # Connections capacity for Transcoders
# Relay node configuration
- node_group_relays_min = 0 # Number of minimum Relays
- node_group_relays_max = 20 # Number of maximum Relays
- node_group_relays_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Relays
- node_group_relays_capacity = 20 # Connections capacity for Relays
+ node_group_relays_min = 0 # Number of minimum Relays
+ node_group_relays_max = 20 # Number of maximum Relays
+ node_group_relays_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Relays
+ node_group_relays_capacity = 20 # Connections capacity for Relays
# Red5 Pro tags configuration - it will be added to all Red5 Pro resources
tags = {
diff --git a/examples/cluster/main.tf b/examples/cluster/main.tf
index 3797904..5e2a1a9 100644
--- a/examples/cluster/main.tf
+++ b/examples/cluster/main.tf
@@ -3,117 +3,117 @@
provider "aws" {
- region = "us-west-1" # AWS region
- access_key = "" # AWS IAM Access key
- secret_key = "" # AWS IAM Secret key
+ region = "us-west-1" # AWS region
+ access_key = "" # AWS IAM Access key
+ secret_key = "" # AWS IAM Secret key
module "red5pro" {
- source = "../../"
+ source = "../../"
- type = "cluster" # Deployment type: single, cluster, autoscaling
- name = "red5pro-cluster" # Name to be used on all the resources as identifier
+ type = "cluster" # Deployment type: single, cluster, autoscaling, vpc
+ name = "red5pro-cluster" # Name to be used on all the resources as identifier
- ubuntu_version = "22.04" # Ubuntu version for Red5 Pro servers
- path_to_red5pro_build = "./red5pro-server-0.0.0.b0-release.zip" # Absolute path or relative path to Red5 Pro server ZIP file
- path_to_aws_cloud_controller = "./aws-cloud-controller-0.0.0.jar" # Absolute path or relative path to AWS Cloud Controller JAR file
+ ubuntu_version = "22.04" # Ubuntu version for Red5 Pro servers
+ path_to_red5pro_build = "./red5pro-server-0.0.0.b0-release.zip" # Absolute path or relative path to Red5 Pro server ZIP file
+ path_to_aws_cloud_controller = "./aws-cloud-controller-0.0.0.jar" # Absolute path or relative path to AWS Cloud Controller JAR file
# AWS authetification variables it use for Stream Manager autoscaling configuration
- aws_region = "us-west-1" # AWS region
- aws_access_key = "" # AWS IAM Access key
- aws_secret_key = "" # AWS IAM Secret key
+ aws_region = "us-west-1" # AWS region
+ aws_access_key = "" # AWS IAM Access key
+ aws_secret_key = "" # AWS IAM Secret key
# SSH key configuration
- ssh_key_create = true # true - create new SSH key, false - use existing SSH key
- ssh_key_name = "example_key" # Name for new SSH key or for existing SSH key
- ssh_private_key_path = "/PATH/TO/EXISTING/SSH/PRIVATE/KEY/example_key.pem" # Path to existing SSH private key
+ ssh_key_create = true # true - create new SSH key, false - use existing SSH key
+ ssh_key_name = "example_key" # Name for new SSH key or for existing SSH key
+ ssh_private_key_path = "/PATH/TO/EXISTING/SSH/PRIVATE/KEY/example_key.pem" # Path to existing SSH private key
# VPC configuration
- vpc_create = true # true - create new VPC, false - use existing VPC
- vpc_id_existing = "vpc-12345" # VPC ID for existing VPC
+ vpc_create = true # true - create new VPC, false - use existing VPC
+ vpc_id_existing = "vpc-12345" # VPC ID for existing VPC
# MySQL DB configuration
- mysql_rds_create = false # true - create new RDS instance, false - install local MySQL server on the Stream Manager EC2 instance
- mysql_rds_instance_type = "db.t2.micro" # Instance type for RDS instance
- mysql_user_name = "exampleuser" # MySQL user name
- mysql_password = "examplepass" # MySQL password
- mysql_port = 3306 # MySQL port
+ mysql_rds_create = false # true - create new RDS instance, false - install local MySQL server on the Stream Manager EC2 instance
+ mysql_rds_instance_type = "db.t2.micro" # Instance type for RDS instance
+ mysql_user_name = "exampleuser" # MySQL user name
+ mysql_password = "examplepass" # MySQL password
+ mysql_port = 3306 # MySQL port
# Stream Manager Elastic IP configuration
- elastic_ip_create = true # true - create new elastic IP, false - use existing elastic IP
- elastic_ip_existing = "" # Elastic IP for existing elastic IP
+ elastic_ip_create = true # true - create new elastic IP, false - use existing elastic IP
+ elastic_ip_existing = "" # Elastic IP for existing elastic IP
# Stream Manager HTTPS/SSL certificate configuration
- https_letsencrypt_enable = true # true - create new Let's Encrypt HTTPS/SSL certificate, false - use Red5 Pro server without HTTPS/SSL certificate
- https_letsencrypt_certificate_domain_name = "red5pro.example.com" # Domain name for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
- https_letsencrypt_certificate_email = "email@example.com" # Email for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
- https_letsencrypt_certificate_password = "examplepass" # Password for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
+ https_letsencrypt_enable = true # true - create new Let's Encrypt HTTPS/SSL certificate, false - use Red5 Pro server without HTTPS/SSL certificate
+ https_letsencrypt_certificate_domain_name = "red5pro.example.com" # Domain name for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
+ https_letsencrypt_certificate_email = "email@example.com" # Email for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
+ https_letsencrypt_certificate_password = "examplepass" # Password for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
# Stream Manager configuration
- stream_manager_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Stream Manager
- stream_manager_volume_size = 20 # Volume size for Stream Manager
- stream_manager_api_key = "examplekey" # API key for Stream Manager
- stream_manager_coturn_enable = false # true - enable customized Coturn configuration for Stream Manager, false - disable customized Coturn configuration for Stream Manager (https://www.red5.net/docs/installation/turn-stun/turnstun/)
- stream_manager_coturn_address = "stun:" # Customized coturn address for Stream Manager (https://www.red5.net/docs/installation/turn-stun/turnstun/)
+ stream_manager_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Stream Manager
+ stream_manager_volume_size = 20 # Volume size for Stream Manager
+ stream_manager_api_key = "examplekey" # API key for Stream Manager
+ stream_manager_coturn_enable = false # true - enable customized Coturn configuration for Stream Manager, false - disable customized Coturn configuration for Stream Manager (https://www.red5.net/docs/installation/turn-stun/turnstun/)
+ stream_manager_coturn_address = "stun:" # Customized coturn address for Stream Manager (https://www.red5.net/docs/installation/turn-stun/turnstun/)
# Red5 Pro general configuration
- red5pro_license_key = "1111-2222-3333-4444" # Red5 Pro license key (https://account.red5.net/login)
- red5pro_cluster_key = "examplekey" # Red5 Pro cluster key
- red5pro_api_enable = true # true - enable Red5 Pro server API, false - disable Red5 Pro server API (https://www.red5.net/docs/development/api/overview/)
- red5pro_api_key = "examplekey" # Red5 Pro server API key (https://www.red5.net/docs/development/api/overview/)
+ red5pro_license_key = "1111-2222-3333-4444" # Red5 Pro license key (https://account.red5.net/login)
+ red5pro_cluster_key = "examplekey" # Red5 Pro cluster key
+ red5pro_api_enable = true # true - enable Red5 Pro server API, false - disable Red5 Pro server API (https://www.red5.net/docs/development/api/overview/)
+ red5pro_api_key = "examplekey" # Red5 Pro server API key (https://www.red5.net/docs/development/api/overview/)
# Red5 Pro autoscaling Origin node image configuration
- origin_image_create = true # Default: true for Autoscaling and Cluster, true - create new Origin node image, false - not create new Origin node image
- origin_image_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Origin node image
- origin_image_volume_size = 8 # Volume size for Origin node image
- origin_image_red5pro_inspector_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server inspector, false - disable Red5 Pro server inspector (https://www.red5.net/docs/troubleshooting/inspector/overview/)
- origin_image_red5pro_restreamer_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server restreamer, false - disable Red5 Pro server restreamer (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/restreamer/overview/)
- origin_image_red5pro_socialpusher_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server socialpusher, false - disable Red5 Pro server socialpusher (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/social-media-plugin/overview/)
- origin_image_red5pro_suppressor_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server suppressor, false - disable Red5 Pro server suppressor
- origin_image_red5pro_hls_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server HLS, false - disable Red5 Pro server HLS (https://www.red5.net/docs/protocols/hls-plugin/hls-vod/)
- origin_image_red5pro_webhooks_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server webhooks, false - disable Red5 Pro server webhooks (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/webhooks/overview/)
- origin_image_red5pro_webhooks_endpoint = "https://example.com/red5/status" # Red5 Pro server webhooks endpoint
- origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server round trip authentication, false - disable Red5 Pro server round trip authentication (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/round-trip-auth/overview/)
- origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_host = "round-trip-auth.example.com" # Round trip authentication server host
- origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_port = 3000 # Round trip authentication server port
- origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_protocol = "http" # Round trip authentication server protocol
- origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_endpoint_validate = "/validateCredentials" # Round trip authentication server endpoint for validate
- origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_endpoint_invalidate = "/invalidateCredentials" # Round trip authentication server endpoint for invalidate
- origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server cloud storage, false - disable Red5 Pro server cloud storage (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/cloudstorage-plugin/aws-s3-cloud-storage/)
- origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_access_key = "" # AWS access key for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
- origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_secret_key = "" # AWS secret key for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
- origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_bucket_name = "s3-bucket-example-name" # AWS bucket name for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
- origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_region = "us-west-1" # AWS region for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
- origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_postprocessor_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server postprocessor, false - disable Red5 Pro server postprocessor (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/cloudstorage-plugin/server-configuration/)
- origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_bucket_acl_policy = "public-read" # AWS bucket ACL policy for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket) Example: none, public-read, authenticated-read, private, public-read-write
- origin_image_red5pro_efs_enable = false # enable/disable EFS mount to record streams
- origin_image_red5pro_efs_dns_name = "example.efs.region.amazonaws.com" # EFS DNS name
+ origin_image_create = true # Default: true for Autoscaling and Cluster, true - create new Origin node image, false - not create new Origin node image
+ origin_image_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Origin node image
+ origin_image_volume_size = 8 # Volume size for Origin node image
+ origin_image_red5pro_inspector_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server inspector, false - disable Red5 Pro server inspector (https://www.red5.net/docs/troubleshooting/inspector/overview/)
+ origin_image_red5pro_restreamer_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server restreamer, false - disable Red5 Pro server restreamer (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/restreamer/overview/)
+ origin_image_red5pro_socialpusher_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server socialpusher, false - disable Red5 Pro server socialpusher (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/social-media-plugin/overview/)
+ origin_image_red5pro_suppressor_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server suppressor, false - disable Red5 Pro server suppressor
+ origin_image_red5pro_hls_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server HLS, false - disable Red5 Pro server HLS (https://www.red5.net/docs/protocols/hls-plugin/hls-vod/)
+ origin_image_red5pro_webhooks_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server webhooks, false - disable Red5 Pro server webhooks (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/webhooks/overview/)
+ origin_image_red5pro_webhooks_endpoint = "https://example.com/red5/status" # Red5 Pro server webhooks endpoint
+ origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server round trip authentication, false - disable Red5 Pro server round trip authentication (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/round-trip-auth/overview/)
+ origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_host = "round-trip-auth.example.com" # Round trip authentication server host
+ origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_port = 3000 # Round trip authentication server port
+ origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_protocol = "http" # Round trip authentication server protocol
+ origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_endpoint_validate = "/validateCredentials" # Round trip authentication server endpoint for validate
+ origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_endpoint_invalidate = "/invalidateCredentials" # Round trip authentication server endpoint for invalidate
+ origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server cloud storage, false - disable Red5 Pro server cloud storage (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/cloudstorage-plugin/aws-s3-cloud-storage/)
+ origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_access_key = "" # AWS access key for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
+ origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_secret_key = "" # AWS secret key for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
+ origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_bucket_name = "s3-bucket-example-name" # AWS bucket name for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
+ origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_region = "us-west-1" # AWS region for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
+ origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_postprocessor_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server postprocessor, false - disable Red5 Pro server postprocessor (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/cloudstorage-plugin/server-configuration/)
+ origin_image_red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_bucket_acl_policy = "public-read" # AWS bucket ACL policy for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket) Example: none, public-read, authenticated-read, private, public-read-write
+ origin_image_red5pro_efs_enable = false # enable/disable EFS mount to record streams
+ origin_image_red5pro_efs_dns_name = "example.efs.region.amazonaws.com" # EFS DNS name
# Red5 Pro autoscaling Node group - (Optional)
- node_group_create = true # Linux or Mac OS only. true - create new Node group, false - not create new Node group
- node_group_name = "terraform-node-group" # Node group name
+ node_group_create = true # Linux or Mac OS only. true - create new Node group, false - not create new Node group
+ node_group_name = "terraform-node-group" # Node group name
# Origin node configuration
- node_group_origins_min = 1 # Number of minimum Origins
- node_group_origins_max = 20 # Number of maximum Origins
- node_group_origins_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Origins
- node_group_origins_capacity = 20 # Connections capacity for Origins
+ node_group_origins_min = 1 # Number of minimum Origins
+ node_group_origins_max = 20 # Number of maximum Origins
+ node_group_origins_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Origins
+ node_group_origins_capacity = 20 # Connections capacity for Origins
# Edge node configuration
- node_group_edges_min = 1 # Number of minimum Edges
- node_group_edges_max = 40 # Number of maximum Edges
- node_group_edges_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Edges
- node_group_edges_capacity = 200 # Connections capacity for Edges
+ node_group_edges_min = 1 # Number of minimum Edges
+ node_group_edges_max = 40 # Number of maximum Edges
+ node_group_edges_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Edges
+ node_group_edges_capacity = 200 # Connections capacity for Edges
# Transcoder node configuration
- node_group_transcoders_min = 0 # Number of minimum Transcoders
- node_group_transcoders_max = 20 # Number of maximum Transcoders
- node_group_transcoders_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Transcoders
- node_group_transcoders_capacity = 20 # Connections capacity for Transcoders
+ node_group_transcoders_min = 0 # Number of minimum Transcoders
+ node_group_transcoders_max = 20 # Number of maximum Transcoders
+ node_group_transcoders_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Transcoders
+ node_group_transcoders_capacity = 20 # Connections capacity for Transcoders
# Relay node configuration
- node_group_relays_min = 0 # Number of minimum Relays
- node_group_relays_max = 20 # Number of maximum Relays
- node_group_relays_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Relays
- node_group_relays_capacity = 20 # Connections capacity for Relays
+ node_group_relays_min = 0 # Number of minimum Relays
+ node_group_relays_max = 20 # Number of maximum Relays
+ node_group_relays_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Relays
+ node_group_relays_capacity = 20 # Connections capacity for Relays
# Red5 Pro tags configuration - it will be added to all Red5 Pro resources
tags = {
@@ -121,4 +121,4 @@ module "red5pro" {
Environment = "dev"
Project = "red5pro"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/single/main.tf b/examples/single/main.tf
index 0c6dc8f..370f233 100644
--- a/examples/single/main.tf
+++ b/examples/single/main.tf
@@ -3,75 +3,75 @@
provider "aws" {
- region = "us-west-1" # AWS region
- access_key = "" # AWS IAM Access key
- secret_key = "" # AWS IAM Secret key
+ region = "us-west-1" # AWS region
+ access_key = "" # AWS IAM Access key
+ secret_key = "" # AWS IAM Secret key
module "red5pro" {
- source = "../../"
+ source = "../../"
- type = "single" # Deployment type: single, cluster, autoscaling
- name = "red5pro-single" # Name to be used on all the resources as identifier
+ type = "single" # Deployment type: single, cluster, autoscaling, vpc
+ name = "red5pro-single" # Name to be used on all the resources as identifier
- ubuntu_version = "22.04" # Ubuntu version for Red5 Pro servers
- path_to_red5pro_build = "./red5pro-server-0.0.0.b0-release.zip" # Absolute path or relative path to Red5 Pro server ZIP file
+ ubuntu_version = "22.04" # Ubuntu version for Red5 Pro servers
+ path_to_red5pro_build = "./red5pro-server-0.0.0.b0-release.zip" # Absolute path or relative path to Red5 Pro server ZIP file
+ # SSH key configuration
+ ssh_key_create = true # true - create new SSH key, false - use existing SSH key
+ ssh_key_name = "example_key" # Name for new SSH key or for existing SSH key
+ ssh_private_key_path = "/PATH/TO/EXISTING/SSH/PRIVATE/KEY/example_key.pem" # Path to existing SSH private key
- # SSH key configuration
- ssh_key_create = true # true - create new SSH key, false - use existing SSH key
- ssh_key_name = "example_key" # Name for new SSH key or for existing SSH key
- ssh_private_key_path = "/PATH/TO/EXISTING/SSH/PRIVATE/KEY/example_key.pem" # Path to existing SSH private key
# VPC configuration
- vpc_create = true # true - create new VPC, false - use existing VPC
- vpc_id_existing = "vpc-12345" # VPC ID for existing VPC
+ vpc_create = true # true - create new VPC, false - use existing VPC
+ vpc_id_existing = "vpc-12345" # VPC ID for existing VPC
# Security group configuration
- security_group_create = true # true - create new security group, false - use existing security group
- security_group_id_existing = "sg-12345" # Security group ID for existing security group
+ security_group_create = true # true - create new security group, false - use existing security group
+ security_group_id_existing = "sg-12345" # Security group ID for existing security group
# Elastic IP configuration
- elastic_ip_create = true # true - create new elastic IP, false - use existing elastic IP
- elastic_ip_existing = "" # Elastic IP for existing elastic IP
+ elastic_ip_create = true # true - create new elastic IP, false - use existing elastic IP
+ elastic_ip_existing = "" # Elastic IP for existing elastic IP
# Single Red5 Pro server HTTPS/SSL certificate configuration
- https_letsencrypt_enable = true # true - create new Let's Encrypt HTTPS/SSL certificate, false - use Red5 Pro server without HTTPS/SSL certificate
- https_letsencrypt_certificate_domain_name = "red5pro.example.com" # Domain name for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
- https_letsencrypt_certificate_email = "email@example.com" # Email for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
- https_letsencrypt_certificate_password = "examplepass" # Password for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
+ https_letsencrypt_enable = true # true - create new Let's Encrypt HTTPS/SSL certificate, false - use Red5 Pro server without HTTPS/SSL certificate
+ https_letsencrypt_certificate_domain_name = "red5pro.example.com" # Domain name for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
+ https_letsencrypt_certificate_email = "email@example.com" # Email for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
+ https_letsencrypt_certificate_password = "examplepass" # Password for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
# Single Red5 Pro server EC2 instance configuration
- single_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Red5 Pro server
- single_volume_size = 8 # Volume size for Red5 Pro server
+ single_instance_type = "t3.medium" # Instance type for Red5 Pro server
+ single_volume_size = 8 # Volume size for Red5 Pro server
# Red5Pro server configuration
- red5pro_license_key = "1111-2222-3333-4444" # Red5 Pro license key (https://account.red5.net/login)
- red5pro_api_enable = true # true - enable Red5 Pro server API, false - disable Red5 Pro server API (https://www.red5.net/docs/development/api/overview/)
- red5pro_api_key = "examplekey" # Red5 Pro server API key (https://www.red5.net/docs/development/api/overview/)
- red5pro_inspector_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server inspector, false - disable Red5 Pro server inspector (https://www.red5.net/docs/troubleshooting/inspector/overview/)
- red5pro_restreamer_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server restreamer, false - disable Red5 Pro server restreamer (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/restreamer/overview/)
- red5pro_socialpusher_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server socialpusher, false - disable Red5 Pro server socialpusher (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/social-media-plugin/overview/)
- red5pro_suppressor_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server suppressor, false - disable Red5 Pro server suppressor
- red5pro_hls_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server HLS, false - disable Red5 Pro server HLS (https://www.red5.net/docs/protocols/hls-plugin/hls-vod/)
- red5pro_webhooks_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server webhooks, false - disable Red5 Pro server webhooks (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/webhooks/overview/)
- red5pro_webhooks_endpoint = "https://example.com/red5/status" # Red5 Pro server webhooks endpoint
- red5pro_round_trip_auth_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server round trip authentication, false - disable Red5 Pro server round trip authentication (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/round-trip-auth/overview/)
- red5pro_round_trip_auth_host = "round-trip-auth.example.com" # Round trip authentication server host
- red5pro_round_trip_auth_port = 3000 # Round trip authentication server port
- red5pro_round_trip_auth_protocol = "http" # Round trip authentication server protocol
- red5pro_round_trip_auth_endpoint_validate = "/validateCredentials" # Round trip authentication server endpoint for validate
- red5pro_round_trip_auth_endpoint_invalidate = "/invalidateCredentials" # Round trip authentication server endpoint for invalidate
- red5pro_cloudstorage_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server cloud storage, false - disable Red5 Pro server cloud storage (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/cloudstorage-plugin/aws-s3-cloud-storage/)
- red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_access_key = "" # AWS access key for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
- red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_secret_key = "" # AWS secret key for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
- red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_bucket_name = "s3-bucket-example-name" # AWS bucket name for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
- red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_region = "us-west-1" # AWS region for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
- red5pro_cloudstorage_postprocessor_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server postprocessor, false - disable Red5 Pro server postprocessor (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/cloudstorage-plugin/server-configuration/)
- red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_bucket_acl_policy = "public-read" # AWS bucket ACL policy for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket) Example: none, public-read, authenticated-read, private, public-read-write
- red5pro_coturn_enable = false # true - enable customized Coturn configuration for Red5Pro server, false - disable customized Coturn configuration for Red5Pro server (https://www.red5.net/docs/installation/turn-stun/turnstun/)
- red5pro_coturn_address = "stun:" # Customized coturn address for Red5Pro server (https://www.red5.net/docs/installation/turn-stun/turnstun/)
- red5pro_efs_enable = false # enable/disable EFS mount to record streams
- red5pro_efs_dns_name = "example.efs.region.amazonaws.com" # EFS DNS name
+ red5pro_license_key = "1111-2222-3333-4444" # Red5 Pro license key (https://account.red5.net/login)
+ red5pro_api_enable = true # true - enable Red5 Pro server API, false - disable Red5 Pro server API (https://www.red5.net/docs/development/api/overview/)
+ red5pro_api_key = "examplekey" # Red5 Pro server API key (https://www.red5.net/docs/development/api/overview/)
+ red5pro_inspector_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server inspector, false - disable Red5 Pro server inspector (https://www.red5.net/docs/troubleshooting/inspector/overview/)
+ red5pro_restreamer_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server restreamer, false - disable Red5 Pro server restreamer (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/restreamer/overview/)
+ red5pro_socialpusher_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server socialpusher, false - disable Red5 Pro server socialpusher (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/social-media-plugin/overview/)
+ red5pro_suppressor_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server suppressor, false - disable Red5 Pro server suppressor
+ red5pro_hls_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server HLS, false - disable Red5 Pro server HLS (https://www.red5.net/docs/protocols/hls-plugin/hls-vod/)
+ red5pro_webhooks_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server webhooks, false - disable Red5 Pro server webhooks (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/webhooks/overview/)
+ red5pro_webhooks_endpoint = "https://example.com/red5/status" # Red5 Pro server webhooks endpoint
+ red5pro_round_trip_auth_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server round trip authentication, false - disable Red5 Pro server round trip authentication (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/round-trip-auth/overview/)
+ red5pro_round_trip_auth_host = "round-trip-auth.example.com" # Round trip authentication server host
+ red5pro_round_trip_auth_port = 3000 # Round trip authentication server port
+ red5pro_round_trip_auth_protocol = "http" # Round trip authentication server protocol
+ red5pro_round_trip_auth_endpoint_validate = "/validateCredentials" # Round trip authentication server endpoint for validate
+ red5pro_round_trip_auth_endpoint_invalidate = "/invalidateCredentials" # Round trip authentication server endpoint for invalidate
+ red5pro_cloudstorage_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server cloud storage, false - disable Red5 Pro server cloud storage (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/cloudstorage-plugin/aws-s3-cloud-storage/)
+ red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_access_key = "" # AWS access key for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
+ red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_secret_key = "" # AWS secret key for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
+ red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_bucket_name = "s3-bucket-example-name" # AWS bucket name for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
+ red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_region = "us-west-1" # AWS region for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket)
+ red5pro_cloudstorage_postprocessor_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server postprocessor, false - disable Red5 Pro server postprocessor (https://www.red5.net/docs/special/cloudstorage-plugin/server-configuration/)
+ red5pro_cloudstorage_aws_bucket_acl_policy = "public-read" # AWS bucket ACL policy for Red5 Pro cloud storage (S3 Bucket) Example: none, public-read, authenticated-read, private, public-read-write
+ red5pro_coturn_enable = false # true - enable customized Coturn configuration for Red5Pro server, false - disable customized Coturn configuration for Red5Pro server (https://www.red5.net/docs/installation/turn-stun/turnstun/)
+ red5pro_coturn_address = "stun:" # Customized coturn address for Red5Pro server (https://www.red5.net/docs/installation/turn-stun/turnstun/)
+ red5pro_efs_enable = false # enable/disable EFS mount to record streams
+ red5pro_efs_dns_name = "example.efs.region.amazonaws.com" # EFS DNS name
# Red5 Pro tags configuration - it will be added to all Red5 Pro resources
tags = {
diff --git a/examples/vpc-only/README.md b/examples/vpc-only/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1e777f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/vpc-only/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# AWS Red5 VPC only
+This example illustrates how to create a VPC using red5pro module
+* VPC create
+* Subnets create
+* Route table
+* Internet Gateway
+## Preparation
+* Install **terraform** https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/tutorials/aws-get-started/install-cli
+* Get AWS Access key and AWS Secret key or use existing (AWS IAM - EC2 full access, VPC full access)
+## Usage
+To run this example you need to execute:
+$ terraform init
+$ terraform plan
+$ terraform apply
+## Notes
+* To activate HTTPS/SSL you need to add DNS A record for Elastic IP of Red5 Pro server
+* Note that this example may create resources which can cost money. Run `terraform destroy` when you don't need these resources.
+## Requirements
+| Name | Version |
+| [terraform](#requirement\_terraform) | >= 1.0 |
+| [aws](#requirement\_aws) | >= 5.0 |
+## Providers
+| Name | Version |
+| [aws](#provider\_aws) | >= 5.0 |
+## Modules
+| Name | Source | Version |
+| [red5pro\_vpc](#module\_red5pro\_vpc) | ../../ | n/a |
+## Resources
+No resources.
+## Inputs
+No inputs.
+## Outputs
+| Name | Description |
+| [subnet\_ids](#output\_subnet\_ids) | Subnet IDs |
+| [vpc\_id](#output\_vpc\_id) | VPC ID |
+| [vpc\_name](#output\_vpc\_name) | VPC Name |
diff --git a/examples/vpc-only/main.tf b/examples/vpc-only/main.tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a3c381
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/vpc-only/main.tf
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Create new VPC using red5pro module
+provider "aws" {
+ region = "us-west-1" # AWS region
+ access_key = "" # AWS IAM Access key
+ secret_key = "" # AWS IAM Secret key
+module "red5pro_vpc" {
+ source = "../../"
+ type = "vpc" # Deployment type: single, cluster, autoscaling, vpc
+ name = "red5pro-vpc" # Name to be used on all the resources as identifier
+ # VPC configuration
+ vpc_create = true # true - create new VPC, false - use existing VPC
+ vpc_cidr_block = ""
+ vpc_public_subnets = ["", "", "", ""] # Public subnets for Stream Manager and Red5 Pro server instances
+ # Red5 Pro tags configuration - it will be added to all Red5 Pro resources
+ tags = {
+ Terraform = "true"
+ Environment = "dev"
+ Project = "red5pro"
+ }
diff --git a/examples/vpc-only/outputs.tf b/examples/vpc-only/outputs.tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc8e787
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/vpc-only/outputs.tf
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+output "vpc_id" {
+ description = "VPC ID"
+ value = module.red5pro_vpc.vpc_id
+output "vpc_name" {
+ description = "VPC Name"
+ value = module.red5pro_vpc.vpc_name
+output "subnet_ids" {
+ description = "Subnet IDs"
+ value = module.red5pro_vpc.subnet_ids
diff --git a/examples/vpc-only/variables.tf b/examples/vpc-only/variables.tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29