Autoscaling Stream Managers 2.0 with autoscaling nodes (autoscale) - Example
In the following example, Terraform module will automates the infrastructure provisioning of the Autoscale Stream Managers 2.0 with Red5 Pro (SM2.0) Autoscaling node group (origins, edges, transcoders, relays)
- Public subnet
- Firewall
- Firewall for Stream Manager 2.0
- Firewall for Kafka Instance
- Firewall for Red5 Pro (SM2.0) Autoscaling nodes
- SSH key pair (use existing or create a new one)
- Standalone Kafka instance
- Stream Manager 2.0 instance image
- Stream Manager 2.0 instance based on node count
- Node Balancer Configuration
- Attaching Node Balancer for Stream Manager 2.0 instances
- SSL certificate for Noad Balancer. Options:
- Load Balancer without HTTPS and SSL certificate. Only HTTP on port80
- Load Balancer with HTTPS and imported SSL certificate. HTTP on port80
, HTTPS on port443
- Red5 Pro (SM2.0) node instance image (origins, edges, transcoders, relays)
- Red5 Pro (SM2.0) Autoscaling node group (origins, edges, transcoders, relays)
terraform {
required_version = ">= 1.7.5"
required_providers {
linode = {
source = "linode/linode"
version = ">= 2.32.0"
random = {
source = "hashicorp/random"
provider "linode" {
token = "<linode token>"
module "red5pro" {
source = "../../"
type = "autoscale" # Deployment type: standalone, cluster, autoscale
name = "red5pro-auto" # Name to be used on all the resources as identifier
linode_region = "us-lax" # Deployment region
ubuntu_version = "22.04" # Ubuntu version for Red5 Pro servers
path_to_red5pro_build = "./" # Absolute path or relative path to Red5 Pro server ZIP file
linode_api_token = "<linode token>" # Linode API token from Linode Cloud
# SSH key configuration
ssh_key_use_existing = false # true - use existing SSH key, false - create new SSH key
ssh_key_name_existing = "example-key" # SSH key name existing in LINODE
ssh_key_existing_private_key_path = "PATH/TO/SSH/PRIVATE/KEY/example_private_key.pem" # Path to existing SSH private key
# Red5 Pro general configuration
red5pro_license_key = "1111-2222-3333-4444" # Red5 Pro license key (
red5pro_api_enable = true # true - enable Red5 Pro server API, false - disable Red5 Pro server API (
red5pro_api_key = "example_key" # Red5 Pro server API key (
# Kafka standalone instance configuration
kafka_standalone_instance_type = "g6-dedicated-4" # Linode Instance type for Kafka standalone instance
# Stream Manager 2.0 instance configuration
stream_manager_instance_type = "g6-dedicated-4" # Linode Instance type for Stream Manager
stream_manager_auth_user = "example_user" # Stream Manager 2.0 authentication user name
stream_manager_auth_password = "example_password" # Stream Manager 2.0 authentication passwordssword
stream_manager_count = 1 # Stream Manager 2.0 instance count
# Stream Manager 2.0 Load Balancer HTTPS (SSL) certificate configuration
https_ssl_certificate = "none" # none - do not use HTTPS/SSL certificate, imported - import existing HTTPS/SSL certificate
# Example of imported HTTPS/SSL certificate configuration - please uncomment and provide your domain name, certificate and key paths
# https_ssl_certificate = "imported"
# https_ssl_certificate_domain_name = ""
# https_ssl_certificate_cert_path = "/PATH/TO/SSL/CERT/fullchain.pem"
# https_ssl_certificate_key_path = "/PATH/TO/SSL/KEY/privkey.pem"
# Red5 Pro autoscaling Node image configuration
node_image_create = true # Default: true for Autoscaling and Cluster, true - create new Red5 Pro Node image, false - do not create new Red5 Pro Node image
node_image_instance_type = "g6-dedicated-4" # Instance type for Red5 Pro Node image
# Extra configuration for Red5 Pro autoscaling nodes
# Webhooks configuration - (Optional)
node_config_webhooks = {
enable = false,
target_nodes = ["origin", "edge", "transcoder"],
webhook_endpoint = ""
# Round trip authentication configuration - (Optional)
node_config_round_trip_auth = {
enable = false,
target_nodes = ["origin", "edge", "transcoder"],
auth_host = "",
auth_port = 443,
auth_protocol = "https://",
auth_endpoint_validate = "/validateCredentials",
auth_endpoint_invalidate = "/invalidateCredentials"
# Restreamer configuration - (Optional)
node_config_restreamer = {
enable = false,
target_nodes = ["origin", "transcoder"],
restreamer_tsingest = true,
restreamer_ipcam = true,
restreamer_whip = true,
restreamer_srtingest = true
# Social Pusher configuration - (Optional)
node_config_social_pusher = {
enable = false,
target_nodes = ["origin", "edge", "transcoder"],
# Red5 Pro autoscaling Node group - (Optional)
node_group_create = true # Linux or Mac OS only. true - create new Node group, false - not create new Node group
node_group_origins_min = 1 # Number of minimum Origins
node_group_origins_max = 20 # Number of maximum Origins
node_group_origins_instance_type = "g6-dedicated-2" # Origins Linode Instance Type
node_group_origins_volume_size = 50 # Volume size in GB for Origins
node_group_edges_min = 1 # Number of minimum Edges
node_group_edges_max = 40 # Number of maximum Edges
node_group_edges_instance_type = "g6-dedicated-2" # Edges Linode Instance Type
node_group_edges_volume_size = 50 # Volume size in GB for Edges
node_group_transcoders_min = 0 # Number of minimum Transcoders
node_group_transcoders_max = 20 # Number of maximum Transcoders
node_group_transcoders_instance_type = "g6-dedicated-2" # Transcoders Linode Instance Type
node_group_transcoders_volume_size = 50 # Volume size in GB for Transcoders
node_group_relays_min = 0 # Number of minimum Relays
node_group_relays_max = 20 # Number of maximum Relays
node_group_relays_instance_type = "g6-dedicated-2" # Relays Linode Instance Type
node_group_relays_volume_size = 50 # Volume size in GB for Relays
output "module_output" {
value = module.red5pro