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Autoscaling Stream Managers 2.0 with autoscaling nodes (autoscale) - Example

In the following example, Terraform module will automates the infrastructure provisioning of the Autoscale Stream Managers 2.0 with Red5 Pro (SM2.0) Autoscaling node group (origins, edges, transcoders, relays)

Terraform Deployed Resources (autoscale)

  • VPC
  • Public subnet
  • Firewall
  • Firewall for Stream Manager 2.0
  • Firewall for Kafka Instance
  • Firewall for Red5 Pro (SM2.0) Autoscaling nodes
  • SSH key pair (use existing or create a new one)
  • Standalone Kafka instance
  • Stream Manager 2.0 instance image
  • Stream Manager 2.0 instance based on node count
  • Node Balancer Configuration
  • Attaching Node Balancer for Stream Manager 2.0 instances
  • SSL certificate for Noad Balancer. Options:
    • none - Load Balancer without HTTPS and SSL certificate. Only HTTP on port 80
    • imported-auto - Load Balancer with HTTPS and imported SSL certificate. HTTP on port 80, HTTPS on port 443
  • Red5 Pro (SM2.0) node instance image (origins, edges, transcoders, relays)
  • Red5 Pro (SM2.0) Autoscaling node group (origins, edges, transcoders, relays)

Example (autoscale)

terraform {
  required_version = ">= 1.7.5"
  required_providers {
    linode = {
      source  = "linode/linode"
      version = ">= 2.32.0"
    random = {
      source = "hashicorp/random"

provider "linode" {
  token = "<linode token>"

module "red5pro" {
  source                = "../../"
  type                  = "autoscale"                                         # Deployment type: standalone, cluster, autoscale
  name                  = "red5pro-auto"                                      # Name to be used on all the resources as identifier
  linode_region         = "us-lax"                                            # Deployment region
  ubuntu_version        = "22.04"                                             # Ubuntu version for Red5 Pro servers  
  path_to_red5pro_build = "./"             # Absolute path or relative path to Red5 Pro server ZIP file
  linode_api_token      = "<linode token>"                                    # Linode API token from Linode Cloud  

  # SSH key configuration
  ssh_key_use_existing               = false                                              # true - use existing SSH key, false - create new SSH key
  ssh_key_name_existing              = "example-key"                                      # SSH key name existing in LINODE
  ssh_key_existing_private_key_path  = "PATH/TO/SSH/PRIVATE/KEY/example_private_key.pem"  # Path to existing SSH private key

  # Red5 Pro general configuration
  red5pro_license_key = "1111-2222-3333-4444" # Red5 Pro license key (
  red5pro_api_enable  = true                  # true - enable Red5 Pro server API, false - disable Red5 Pro server API (
  red5pro_api_key     = "example_key"         # Red5 Pro server API key (

  # Kafka standalone instance configuration
  kafka_standalone_instance_type        = "g6-dedicated-4"              # Linode Instance type for Kafka standalone instance

  # Stream Manager 2.0 instance configuration
  stream_manager_instance_type                  = "g6-dedicated-4"      # Linode Instance type for Stream Manager
  stream_manager_auth_user                      = "example_user"        # Stream Manager 2.0 authentication user name
  stream_manager_auth_password                  = "example_password"    # Stream Manager 2.0 authentication passwordssword
  stream_manager_count                          = 1                     # Stream Manager 2.0 instance count

  # Stream Manager 2.0 Load Balancer HTTPS (SSL) certificate configuration
  https_ssl_certificate = "none"                                # none - do not use HTTPS/SSL certificate, imported - import existing HTTPS/SSL certificate

  # Example of imported HTTPS/SSL certificate configuration - please uncomment and provide your domain name, certificate and key paths
  # https_ssl_certificate             = "imported"
  # https_ssl_certificate_domain_name = ""
  # https_ssl_certificate_cert_path   = "/PATH/TO/SSL/CERT/fullchain.pem"
  # https_ssl_certificate_key_path    = "/PATH/TO/SSL/KEY/privkey.pem"

  # Red5 Pro autoscaling Node image configuration
  node_image_create             = true                  # Default: true for Autoscaling and Cluster, true - create new Red5 Pro Node image, false - do not create new Red5 Pro Node image
  node_image_instance_type      = "g6-dedicated-4"      # Instance type for Red5 Pro Node image

  # Extra configuration for Red5 Pro autoscaling nodes
  # Webhooks configuration - (Optional)
  node_config_webhooks = {
    enable           = false,
    target_nodes     = ["origin", "edge", "transcoder"],
    webhook_endpoint = ""
  # Round trip authentication configuration - (Optional)
  node_config_round_trip_auth = {
    enable                   = false,
    target_nodes             = ["origin", "edge", "transcoder"],
    auth_host                = "",
    auth_port                = 443,
    auth_protocol            = "https://",
    auth_endpoint_validate   = "/validateCredentials",
    auth_endpoint_invalidate = "/invalidateCredentials"
  # Restreamer configuration - (Optional)
  node_config_restreamer = {
    enable               = false,
    target_nodes         = ["origin", "transcoder"],
    restreamer_tsingest  = true,
    restreamer_ipcam     = true,
    restreamer_whip      = true,
    restreamer_srtingest = true
  # Social Pusher configuration - (Optional)
  node_config_social_pusher = {
    enable       = false,
    target_nodes = ["origin", "edge", "transcoder"],

  # Red5 Pro autoscaling Node group - (Optional)
  node_group_create                    = true                      # Linux or Mac OS only. true - create new Node group, false - not create new Node group
  node_group_origins_min               = 1                         # Number of minimum Origins
  node_group_origins_max               = 20                        # Number of maximum Origins
  node_group_origins_instance_type     = "g6-dedicated-2"          # Origins Linode Instance Type
  node_group_origins_volume_size       = 50                        # Volume size in GB for Origins
  node_group_edges_min                 = 1                         # Number of minimum Edges
  node_group_edges_max                 = 40                        # Number of maximum Edges
  node_group_edges_instance_type       = "g6-dedicated-2"          # Edges Linode Instance Type
  node_group_edges_volume_size         = 50                        # Volume size in GB for Edges
  node_group_transcoders_min           = 0                         # Number of minimum Transcoders
  node_group_transcoders_max           = 20                        # Number of maximum Transcoders
  node_group_transcoders_instance_type = "g6-dedicated-2"          # Transcoders Linode Instance Type
  node_group_transcoders_volume_size   = 50                        # Volume size in GB for Transcoders
  node_group_relays_min                = 0                         # Number of minimum Relays
  node_group_relays_max                = 20                        # Number of maximum Relays
  node_group_relays_instance_type      = "g6-dedicated-2"          # Relays Linode Instance Type
  node_group_relays_volume_size        = 50                        # Volume size in GB for Relays

output "module_output" {
  value = module.red5pro