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+# OPCT Batch Report
+The Batch Report are group of reports published in S3 to compare
+different executions in some activity, for example checking results
+between different providers in the same OCP release.
+One option is to publish the results in the blob storage, when
+that option is chosed, the redirect.html may need to be added
+to prevent the reports broken the relative URL references (example
+when using `/reports/report-az` instead `/reports/report-az/index.html`).
+To generate a batch report, you can use the script `gen-reports.sh`:
+cat << EOF > ./report-4.14.txt
+./gen-reports.sh gen report-4.14.txt
+# or to generate and upload
+./gen-reports.sh upload report-4.14.txt
+# to check it locally: start the file server
+./gen-reports.sh serve report-4.14
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diff --git a/docs/home_opct.apps/reports/gen-reports.sh b/docs/home_opct.apps/reports/gen-reports.sh
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+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# This script helps how to generate many reports
+# to analyse the data together.
+# The outcome is the extracted and processed OPCT data
+# and a index file to be explored.
+# Run the file server to explore it: $ python3 -m http.server 3333
+set -euo pipefail
+# Examples:
+# gen report-sample-4.14.txt
+# upload reports-custom
+function helper() {
+ echo "
+Usage: $0 (gen|upload|serve) (report-file.txt|report-dir)
+ gen generates the report based in the report file.
+ upload generates the report and upload to report directory in S3.
+ serve start http file server in the report directory.
+1) Generate the report file and upload to S3;
+ cat << EOF > ./report-4.14.txt
+ $0 gen report-4.14.txt
+2) Upload report to S3 (it's required to be a .txt extension)
+ $0 upload report-4.14.txt
+3) Start a file server in the report directory. To change the port set the SERVE_PORT=3000
+ SERVE_PORT=3000 $0 serve \$PWD/report-4.14
+if [[ -z ${1:-} ]]; then
+ echo "Action command not found";
+ helper
+export ACTION=${1:-}; shift
+if [[ -z ${1:-} ]]; then
+ echo "Action arg not found";
+ helper
+export ARG1=${1:-}; shift
+set -x
+export OPCT_BIN=${OPCT_BIN:-$HOME/opct/bin/opct-devel}
+export REPORT_PATH=${REPORT_PATH:-${PWD}/$(basename -s .txt "${ARG1}")}
+export RESULTS=();
+# Upload to S3 report directory generated files (optional)
+# https://openshift-provider-certification.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/index.html
+export bucket_name=openshift-provider-certification
+export bucket_obj_prefix=home_opct.apps/reports
+export upload_files=();
+upload_files+=( opct-report.html )
+upload_files+=( opct-report.json )
+upload_files+=( opct-filter.html )
+upload_files+=( metrics.html )
+upload_files+=( artifacts_must-gather_camgi.html )
+upload_files+=( must-gather/event-filter.html )
+# Example of report file: ./report-sample.txt
+function gen_report_from_file() {
+ while read -r line;
+ do
+ # ignore commented lines
+ test "$line" = '#'* && continue
+ report_file=$(echo "${line}" | awk -F'=' '{print$1}')
+ report_alias=$(echo "${line}" | awk -F'=' '{print$2}')
+ if [[ ! -f $report_file ]]; then
+ echo "ERROR#1: file [$report_file] not found. Fix and try again."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ report_file_name=$report_file
+ # Create a alias to a friendly report
+ if [[ -n $report_alias ]] && [[ ! -L $report_alias ]]; then
+ ln -sv "$report_file" "$report_alias"
+ report_file_name=$report_alias
+ fi
+ if [[ ! -f $report_file_name ]]; then
+ echo "ERROR#2: file [$report_file_name] not found. Fix and try again."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ RESULTS+=( "$report_file_name" )
+ done < "$ARG1"
+ # Creating HTML report
+ mkdir -vp "${REPORT_PATH}"
+ cat < "${REPORT_PATH}"/index.html
+ # generate the report appending the link to the HTML
+ for RES in ${RESULTS[*]}; do
+ echo "# Generating report ${RES}";
+ if [[ ! -d "${REPORT_PATH}"/"${RES}" ]]; then
+ mkdir -pv "${REPORT_PATH}"/"${RES}"
+ ${OPCT_BIN} report "$RES" --loglevel debug --server-skip --save-to "${REPORT_PATH}"/"$RES";
+ fi
+ echo "${RES} (metrics)
" >> "${REPORT_PATH}"/index.html
+ done
+ cat <> "${REPORT_PATH}"/index.html