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(function (e) { if ("object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module) module.exports = e(); else if ("function" == typeof define && define.amd) define([], e); else { var t; t = "undefined" == typeof window ? "undefined" == typeof global ? "undefined" == typeof self ? this : self : global : window, t.SimplePeer = e() } })(function () {
var t = Math.floor, n = Math.abs, r = Math.pow; return function () { function d(s, e, n) { function t(o, i) { if (!e[o]) { if (!s[o]) { var l = "function" == typeof require && require; if (!i && l) return l(o, !0); if (r) return r(o, !0); var c = new Error("Cannot find module '" + o + "'"); throw c.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", c } var a = e[o] = { exports: {} }; s[o][0].call(a.exports, function (e) { var r = s[o][1][e]; return t(r || e) }, a, a.exports, d, s, e, n) } return e[o].exports } for (var r = "function" == typeof require && require, a = 0; a < n.length; a++)t(n[a]); return t } return d }()({
1: [function (e, t, n) { 'use strict'; function r(e) { var t = e.length; if (0 < t % 4) throw new Error("Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4"); var n = e.indexOf("="); -1 === n && (n = t); var r = n === t ? 0 : 4 - n % 4; return [n, r] } function a(e, t, n) { return 3 * (t + n) / 4 - n } function o(e) { var t, n, o = r(e), d = o[0], s = o[1], l = new p(a(e, d, s)), c = 0, f = 0 < s ? d - 4 : d; for (n = 0; n < f; n += 4)t = u[e.charCodeAt(n)] << 18 | u[e.charCodeAt(n + 1)] << 12 | u[e.charCodeAt(n + 2)] << 6 | u[e.charCodeAt(n + 3)], l[c++] = 255 & t >> 16, l[c++] = 255 & t >> 8, l[c++] = 255 & t; return 2 === s && (t = u[e.charCodeAt(n)] << 2 | u[e.charCodeAt(n + 1)] >> 4, l[c++] = 255 & t), 1 === s && (t = u[e.charCodeAt(n)] << 10 | u[e.charCodeAt(n + 1)] << 4 | u[e.charCodeAt(n + 2)] >> 2, l[c++] = 255 & t >> 8, l[c++] = 255 & t), l } function d(e) { return c[63 & e >> 18] + c[63 & e >> 12] + c[63 & e >> 6] + c[63 & e] } function s(e, t, n) { for (var r, a = [], o = t; o < n; o += 3)r = (16711680 & e[o] << 16) + (65280 & e[o + 1] << 8) + (255 & e[o + 2]), a.push(d(r)); return a.join("") } function l(e) { for (var t, n = e.length, r = n % 3, a = [], o = 16383, d = 0, l = n - r; d < l; d += o)a.push(s(e, d, d + o > l ? l : d + o)); return 1 === r ? (t = e[n - 1], a.push(c[t >> 2] + c[63 & t << 4] + "==")) : 2 === r && (t = (e[n - 2] << 8) + e[n - 1], a.push(c[t >> 10] + c[63 & t >> 4] + c[63 & t << 2] + "=")), a.join("") } n.byteLength = function (e) { var t = r(e), n = t[0], a = t[1]; return 3 * (n + a) / 4 - a }, n.toByteArray = o, n.fromByteArray = l; for (var c = [], u = [], p = "undefined" == typeof Uint8Array ? Array : Uint8Array, f = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", g = 0, _ = f.length; g < _; ++g)c[g] = f[g], u[f.charCodeAt(g)] = g; u[45] = 62, u[95] = 63 }, {}], 2: [function () { }, {}], 3: [function (e, t, n) {
(function () {
(function () {/*!
* The buffer module from node.js, for the browser.
* @author Feross Aboukhadijeh <https://feross.org>
* @license MIT
*/'use strict'; var t = String.fromCharCode, o = Math.min; function d(e) { if (2147483647 < e) throw new RangeError("The value \"" + e + "\" is invalid for option \"size\""); var t = new Uint8Array(e); return t.__proto__ = s.prototype, t } function s(e, t, n) { if ("number" == typeof e) { if ("string" == typeof t) throw new TypeError("The \"string\" argument must be of type string. Received type number"); return p(e) } return l(e, t, n) } function l(e, t, n) { if ("string" == typeof e) return f(e, t); if (ArrayBuffer.isView(e)) return g(e); if (null == e) throw TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof e); if (K(e, ArrayBuffer) || e && K(e.buffer, ArrayBuffer)) return _(e, t, n); if ("number" == typeof e) throw new TypeError("The \"value\" argument must not be of type number. Received type number"); var r = e.valueOf && e.valueOf(); if (null != r && r !== e) return s.from(r, t, n); var a = h(e); if (a) return a; if ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && null != Symbol.toPrimitive && "function" == typeof e[Symbol.toPrimitive]) return s.from(e[Symbol.toPrimitive]("string"), t, n); throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof e) } function c(e) { if ("number" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("\"size\" argument must be of type number"); else if (0 > e) throw new RangeError("The value \"" + e + "\" is invalid for option \"size\"") } function u(e, t, n) { return c(e), 0 >= e ? d(e) : void 0 === t ? d(e) : "string" == typeof n ? d(e).fill(t, n) : d(e).fill(t) } function p(e) { return c(e), d(0 > e ? 0 : 0 | m(e)) } function f(e, t) { if (("string" != typeof t || "" === t) && (t = "utf8"), !s.isEncoding(t)) throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + t); var n = 0 | b(e, t), r = d(n), a = r.write(e, t); return a !== n && (r = r.slice(0, a)), r } function g(e) { for (var t = 0 > e.length ? 0 : 0 | m(e.length), n = d(t), r = 0; r < t; r += 1)n[r] = 255 & e[r]; return n } function _(e, t, n) { if (0 > t || e.byteLength < t) throw new RangeError("\"offset\" is outside of buffer bounds"); if (e.byteLength < t + (n || 0)) throw new RangeError("\"length\" is outside of buffer bounds"); var r; return r = void 0 === t && void 0 === n ? new Uint8Array(e) : void 0 === n ? new Uint8Array(e, t) : new Uint8Array(e, t, n), r.__proto__ = s.prototype, r } function h(e) { if (s.isBuffer(e)) { var t = 0 | m(e.length), n = d(t); return 0 === n.length ? n : (e.copy(n, 0, 0, t), n) } return void 0 === e.length ? "Buffer" === e.type && Array.isArray(e.data) ? g(e.data) : void 0 : "number" != typeof e.length || X(e.length) ? d(0) : g(e) } function m(e) { if (e >= 2147483647) throw new RangeError("Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x" + 2147483647 .toString(16) + " bytes"); return 0 | e } function b(e, t) { if (s.isBuffer(e)) return e.length; if (ArrayBuffer.isView(e) || K(e, ArrayBuffer)) return e.byteLength; if ("string" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("The \"string\" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or ArrayBuffer. Received type " + typeof e); var n = e.length, r = 2 < arguments.length && !0 === arguments[2]; if (!r && 0 === n) return 0; for (var a = !1; ;)switch (t) { case "ascii": case "latin1": case "binary": return n; case "utf8": case "utf-8": return H(e).length; case "ucs2": case "ucs-2": case "utf16le": case "utf-16le": return 2 * n; case "hex": return n >>> 1; case "base64": return z(e).length; default: if (a) return r ? -1 : H(e).length; t = ("" + t).toLowerCase(), a = !0; } } function y(e, t, n) { var r = !1; if ((void 0 === t || 0 > t) && (t = 0), t > this.length) return ""; if ((void 0 === n || n > this.length) && (n = this.length), 0 >= n) return ""; if (n >>>= 0, t >>>= 0, n <= t) return ""; for (e || (e = "utf8"); ;)switch (e) { case "hex": return P(this, t, n); case "utf8": case "utf-8": return x(this, t, n); case "ascii": return D(this, t, n); case "latin1": case "binary": return I(this, t, n); case "base64": return A(this, t, n); case "ucs2": case "ucs-2": case "utf16le": case "utf-16le": return M(this, t, n); default: if (r) throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + e); e = (e + "").toLowerCase(), r = !0; } } function C(e, t, n) { var r = e[t]; e[t] = e[n], e[n] = r } function R(e, t, n, r, a) { if (0 === e.length) return -1; if ("string" == typeof n ? (r = n, n = 0) : 2147483647 < n ? n = 2147483647 : -2147483648 > n && (n = -2147483648), n = +n, X(n) && (n = a ? 0 : e.length - 1), 0 > n && (n = e.length + n), n >= e.length) { if (a) return -1; n = e.length - 1 } else if (0 > n) if (a) n = 0; else return -1; if ("string" == typeof t && (t = s.from(t, r)), s.isBuffer(t)) return 0 === t.length ? -1 : E(e, t, n, r, a); if ("number" == typeof t) return t &= 255, "function" == typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf ? a ? Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf.call(e, t, n) : Uint8Array.prototype.lastIndexOf.call(e, t, n) : E(e, [t], n, r, a); throw new TypeError("val must be string, number or Buffer") } function E(e, t, n, r, a) { function o(e, t) { return 1 === d ? e[t] : e.readUInt16BE(t * d) } var d = 1, s = e.length, l = t.length; if (void 0 !== r && (r = (r + "").toLowerCase(), "ucs2" === r || "ucs-2" === r || "utf16le" === r || "utf-16le" === r)) { if (2 > e.length || 2 > t.length) return -1; d = 2, s /= 2, l /= 2, n /= 2 } var c; if (a) { var u = -1; for (c = n; c < s; c++)if (o(e, c) !== o(t, -1 === u ? 0 : c - u)) -1 !== u && (c -= c - u), u = -1; else if (-1 === u && (u = c), c - u + 1 === l) return u * d } else for (n + l > s && (n = s - l), c = n; 0 <= c; c--) { for (var p = !0, f = 0; f < l; f++)if (o(e, c + f) !== o(t, f)) { p = !1; break } if (p) return c } return -1 } function w(e, t, n, r) { n = +n || 0; var a = e.length - n; r ? (r = +r, r > a && (r = a)) : r = a; var o = t.length; r > o / 2 && (r = o / 2); for (var d, s = 0; s < r; ++s) { if (d = parseInt(t.substr(2 * s, 2), 16), X(d)) return s; e[n + s] = d } return s } function S(e, t, n, r) { return G(H(t, e.length - n), e, n, r) } function T(e, t, n, r) { return G(Y(t), e, n, r) } function v(e, t, n, r) { return T(e, t, n, r) } function k(e, t, n, r) { return G(z(t), e, n, r) } function L(e, t, n, r) { return G(V(t, e.length - n), e, n, r) } function A(e, t, n) { return 0 === t && n === e.length ? $.fromByteArray(e) : $.fromByteArray(e.slice(t, n)) } function x(e, t, n) { n = o(e.length, n); for (var r = [], a = t; a < n;) { var d = e[a], s = null, l = 239 < d ? 4 : 223 < d ? 3 : 191 < d ? 2 : 1; if (a + l <= n) { var c, u, p, f; 1 === l ? 128 > d && (s = d) : 2 === l ? (c = e[a + 1], 128 == (192 & c) && (f = (31 & d) << 6 | 63 & c, 127 < f && (s = f))) : 3 === l ? (c = e[a + 1], u = e[a + 2], 128 == (192 & c) && 128 == (192 & u) && (f = (15 & d) << 12 | (63 & c) << 6 | 63 & u, 2047 < f && (55296 > f || 57343 < f) && (s = f))) : 4 === l ? (c = e[a + 1], u = e[a + 2], p = e[a + 3], 128 == (192 & c) && 128 == (192 & u) && 128 == (192 & p) && (f = (15 & d) << 18 | (63 & c) << 12 | (63 & u) << 6 | 63 & p, 65535 < f && 1114112 > f && (s = f))) : void 0 } null === s ? (s = 65533, l = 1) : 65535 < s && (s -= 65536, r.push(55296 | 1023 & s >>> 10), s = 56320 | 1023 & s), r.push(s), a += l } return N(r) } function N(e) { var n = e.length; if (n <= 4096) return t.apply(String, e); for (var r = "", a = 0; a < n;)r += t.apply(String, e.slice(a, a += 4096)); return r } function D(e, n, r) { var a = ""; r = o(e.length, r); for (var d = n; d < r; ++d)a += t(127 & e[d]); return a } function I(e, n, r) { var a = ""; r = o(e.length, r); for (var d = n; d < r; ++d)a += t(e[d]); return a } function P(e, t, n) { var r = e.length; (!t || 0 > t) && (t = 0), (!n || 0 > n || n > r) && (n = r); for (var a = "", o = t; o < n; ++o)a += W(e[o]); return a } function M(e, n, r) { for (var a = e.slice(n, r), o = "", d = 0; d < a.length; d += 2)o += t(a[d] + 256 * a[d + 1]); return o } function O(e, t, n) { if (0 != e % 1 || 0 > e) throw new RangeError("offset is not uint"); if (e + t > n) throw new RangeError("Trying to access beyond buffer length") } function F(e, t, n, r, a, o) { if (!s.isBuffer(e)) throw new TypeError("\"buffer\" argument must be a Buffer instance"); if (t > a || t < o) throw new RangeError("\"value\" argument is out of bounds"); if (n + r > e.length) throw new RangeError("Index out of range") } function B(e, t, n, r) { if (n + r > e.length) throw new RangeError("Index out of range"); if (0 > n) throw new RangeError("Index out of range") } function U(e, t, n, r, a) { return t = +t, n >>>= 0, a || B(e, t, n, 4, 34028234663852886e22, -34028234663852886e22), J.write(e, t, n, r, 23, 4), n + 4 } function j(e, t, n, r, a) { return t = +t, n >>>= 0, a || B(e, t, n, 8, 17976931348623157e292, -17976931348623157e292), J.write(e, t, n, r, 52, 8), n + 8 } function q(e) { if (e = e.split("=")[0], e = e.trim().replace(Q, ""), 2 > e.length) return ""; for (; 0 != e.length % 4;)e += "="; return e } function W(e) { return 16 > e ? "0" + e.toString(16) : e.toString(16) } function H(e, t) { t = t || 1 / 0; for (var n, r = e.length, a = null, o = [], d = 0; d < r; ++d) { if (n = e.charCodeAt(d), 55295 < n && 57344 > n) { if (!a) { if (56319 < n) { -1 < (t -= 3) && o.push(239, 191, 189); continue } else if (d + 1 === r) { -1 < (t -= 3) && o.push(239, 191, 189); continue } a = n; continue } if (56320 > n) { -1 < (t -= 3) && o.push(239, 191, 189), a = n; continue } n = (a - 55296 << 10 | n - 56320) + 65536 } else a && -1 < (t -= 3) && o.push(239, 191, 189); if (a = null, 128 > n) { if (0 > (t -= 1)) break; o.push(n) } else if (2048 > n) { if (0 > (t -= 2)) break; o.push(192 | n >> 6, 128 | 63 & n) } else if (65536 > n) { if (0 > (t -= 3)) break; o.push(224 | n >> 12, 128 | 63 & n >> 6, 128 | 63 & n) } else if (1114112 > n) { if (0 > (t -= 4)) break; o.push(240 | n >> 18, 128 | 63 & n >> 12, 128 | 63 & n >> 6, 128 | 63 & n) } else throw new Error("Invalid code point") } return o } function Y(e) { for (var t = [], n = 0; n < e.length; ++n)t.push(255 & e.charCodeAt(n)); return t } function V(e, t) { for (var n, r, a, o = [], d = 0; d < e.length && !(0 > (t -= 2)); ++d)n = e.charCodeAt(d), r = n >> 8, a = n % 256, o.push(a), o.push(r); return o } function z(e) { return $.toByteArray(q(e)) } function G(e, t, n, r) { for (var a = 0; a < r && !(a + n >= t.length || a >= e.length); ++a)t[a + n] = e[a]; return a } function K(e, t) { return e instanceof t || null != e && null != e.constructor && null != e.constructor.name && e.constructor.name === t.name } function X(e) { return e !== e } var $ = e("base64-js"), J = e("ieee754"); n.Buffer = s, n.SlowBuffer = function (e) { return +e != e && (e = 0), s.alloc(+e) }, n.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50; n.kMaxLength = 2147483647, s.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT = function () { try { var e = new Uint8Array(1); return e.__proto__ = { __proto__: Uint8Array.prototype, foo: function () { return 42 } }, 42 === e.foo() } catch (t) { return !1 } }(), s.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT || "undefined" == typeof console || "function" != typeof console.error || console.error("This browser lacks typed array (Uint8Array) support which is required by `buffer` v5.x. Use `buffer` v4.x if you require old browser support."), Object.defineProperty(s.prototype, "parent", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return s.isBuffer(this) ? this.buffer : void 0 } }), Object.defineProperty(s.prototype, "offset", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return s.isBuffer(this) ? this.byteOffset : void 0 } }), "undefined" != typeof Symbol && null != Symbol.species && s[Symbol.species] === s && Object.defineProperty(s, Symbol.species, { value: null, configurable: !0, enumerable: !1, writable: !1 }), s.poolSize = 8192, s.from = function (e, t, n) { return l(e, t, n) }, s.prototype.__proto__ = Uint8Array.prototype, s.__proto__ = Uint8Array, s.alloc = function (e, t, n) { return u(e, t, n) }, s.allocUnsafe = function (e) { return p(e) }, s.allocUnsafeSlow = function (e) { return p(e) }, s.isBuffer = function (e) { return null != e && !0 === e._isBuffer && e !== s.prototype }, s.compare = function (e, t) { if (K(e, Uint8Array) && (e = s.from(e, e.offset, e.byteLength)), K(t, Uint8Array) && (t = s.from(t, t.offset, t.byteLength)), !s.isBuffer(e) || !s.isBuffer(t)) throw new TypeError("The \"buf1\", \"buf2\" arguments must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array"); if (e === t) return 0; for (var n = e.length, r = t.length, d = 0, l = o(n, r); d < l; ++d)if (e[d] !== t[d]) { n = e[d], r = t[d]; break } return n < r ? -1 : r < n ? 1 : 0 }, s.isEncoding = function (e) { switch ((e + "").toLowerCase()) { case "hex": case "utf8": case "utf-8": case "ascii": case "latin1": case "binary": case "base64": case "ucs2": case "ucs-2": case "utf16le": case "utf-16le": return !0; default: return !1; } }, s.concat = function (e, t) { if (!Array.isArray(e)) throw new TypeError("\"list\" argument must be an Array of Buffers"); if (0 === e.length) return s.alloc(0); var n; if (t === void 0) for (t = 0, n = 0; n < e.length; ++n)t += e[n].length; var r = s.allocUnsafe(t), a = 0; for (n = 0; n < e.length; ++n) { var o = e[n]; if (K(o, Uint8Array) && (o = s.from(o)), !s.isBuffer(o)) throw new TypeError("\"list\" argument must be an Array of Buffers"); o.copy(r, a), a += o.length } return r }, s.byteLength = b, s.prototype._isBuffer = !0, s.prototype.swap16 = function () { var e = this.length; if (0 != e % 2) throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits"); for (var t = 0; t < e; t += 2)C(this, t, t + 1); return this }, s.prototype.swap32 = function () { var e = this.length; if (0 != e % 4) throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits"); for (var t = 0; t < e; t += 4)C(this, t, t + 3), C(this, t + 1, t + 2); return this }, s.prototype.swap64 = function () { var e = this.length; if (0 != e % 8) throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits"); for (var t = 0; t < e; t += 8)C(this, t, t + 7), C(this, t + 1, t + 6), C(this, t + 2, t + 5), C(this, t + 3, t + 4); return this }, s.prototype.toString = function () { var e = this.length; return 0 === e ? "" : 0 === arguments.length ? x(this, 0, e) : y.apply(this, arguments) }, s.prototype.toLocaleString = s.prototype.toString, s.prototype.equals = function (e) { if (!s.isBuffer(e)) throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer"); return this === e || 0 === s.compare(this, e) }, s.prototype.inspect = function () { var e = "", t = n.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES; return e = this.toString("hex", 0, t).replace(/(.{2})/g, "$1 ").trim(), this.length > t && (e += " ... "), "<Buffer " + e + ">" }, s.prototype.compare = function (e, t, n, r, a) { if (K(e, Uint8Array) && (e = s.from(e, e.offset, e.byteLength)), !s.isBuffer(e)) throw new TypeError("The \"target\" argument must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array. Received type " + typeof e); if (void 0 === t && (t = 0), void 0 === n && (n = e ? e.length : 0), void 0 === r && (r = 0), void 0 === a && (a = this.length), 0 > t || n > e.length || 0 > r || a > this.length) throw new RangeError("out of range index"); if (r >= a && t >= n) return 0; if (r >= a) return -1; if (t >= n) return 1; if (t >>>= 0, n >>>= 0, r >>>= 0, a >>>= 0, this === e) return 0; for (var d = a - r, l = n - t, c = o(d, l), u = this.slice(r, a), p = e.slice(t, n), f = 0; f < c; ++f)if (u[f] !== p[f]) { d = u[f], l = p[f]; break } return d < l ? -1 : l < d ? 1 : 0 }, s.prototype.includes = function (e, t, n) { return -1 !== this.indexOf(e, t, n) }, s.prototype.indexOf = function (e, t, n) { return R(this, e, t, n, !0) }, s.prototype.lastIndexOf = function (e, t, n) { return R(this, e, t, n, !1) }, s.prototype.write = function (e, t, n, r) { if (void 0 === t) r = "utf8", n = this.length, t = 0; else if (void 0 === n && "string" == typeof t) r = t, n = this.length, t = 0; else if (isFinite(t)) t >>>= 0, isFinite(n) ? (n >>>= 0, void 0 === r && (r = "utf8")) : (r = n, n = void 0); else throw new Error("Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported"); var a = this.length - t; if ((void 0 === n || n > a) && (n = a), 0 < e.length && (0 > n || 0 > t) || t > this.length) throw new RangeError("Attempt to write outside buffer bounds"); r || (r = "utf8"); for (var o = !1; ;)switch (r) { case "hex": return w(this, e, t, n); case "utf8": case "utf-8": return S(this, e, t, n); case "ascii": return T(this, e, t, n); case "latin1": case "binary": return v(this, e, t, n); case "base64": return k(this, e, t, n); case "ucs2": case "ucs-2": case "utf16le": case "utf-16le": return L(this, e, t, n); default: if (o) throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + r); r = ("" + r).toLowerCase(), o = !0; } }, s.prototype.toJSON = function () { return { type: "Buffer", data: Array.prototype.slice.call(this._arr || this, 0) } }; s.prototype.slice = function (e, t) { var n = this.length; e = ~~e, t = t === void 0 ? n : ~~t, 0 > e ? (e += n, 0 > e && (e = 0)) : e > n && (e = n), 0 > t ? (t += n, 0 > t && (t = 0)) : t > n && (t = n), t < e && (t = e); var r = this.subarray(e, t); return r.__proto__ = s.prototype, r }, s.prototype.readUIntLE = function (e, t, n) { e >>>= 0, t >>>= 0, n || O(e, t, this.length); for (var r = this[e], a = 1, o = 0; ++o < t && (a *= 256);)r += this[e + o] * a; return r }, s.prototype.readUIntBE = function (e, t, n) { e >>>= 0, t >>>= 0, n || O(e, t, this.length); for (var r = this[e + --t], a = 1; 0 < t && (a *= 256);)r += this[e + --t] * a; return r }, s.prototype.readUInt8 = function (e, t) { return e >>>= 0, t || O(e, 1, this.length), this[e] }, s.prototype.readUInt16LE = function (e, t) { return e >>>= 0, t || O(e, 2, this.length), this[e] | this[e + 1] << 8 }, s.prototype.readUInt16BE = function (e, t) { return e >>>= 0, t || O(e, 2, this.length), this[e] << 8 | this[e + 1] }, s.prototype.readUInt32LE = function (e, t) { return e >>>= 0, t || O(e, 4, this.length), (this[e] | this[e + 1] << 8 | this[e + 2] << 16) + 16777216 * this[e + 3] }, s.prototype.readUInt32BE = function (e, t) { return e >>>= 0, t || O(e, 4, this.length), 16777216 * this[e] + (this[e + 1] << 16 | this[e + 2] << 8 | this[e + 3]) }, s.prototype.readIntLE = function (e, t, n) { e >>>= 0, t >>>= 0, n || O(e, t, this.length); for (var a = this[e], o = 1, d = 0; ++d < t && (o *= 256);)a += this[e + d] * o; return o *= 128, a >= o && (a -= r(2, 8 * t)), a }, s.prototype.readIntBE = function (e, t, n) { e >>>= 0, t >>>= 0, n || O(e, t, this.length); for (var a = t, o = 1, d = this[e + --a]; 0 < a && (o *= 256);)d += this[e + --a] * o; return o *= 128, d >= o && (d -= r(2, 8 * t)), d }, s.prototype.readInt8 = function (e, t) { return e >>>= 0, t || O(e, 1, this.length), 128 & this[e] ? -1 * (255 - this[e] + 1) : this[e] }, s.prototype.readInt16LE = function (e, t) { e >>>= 0, t || O(e, 2, this.length); var n = this[e] | this[e + 1] << 8; return 32768 & n ? 4294901760 | n : n }, s.prototype.readInt16BE = function (e, t) { e >>>= 0, t || O(e, 2, this.length); var n = this[e + 1] | this[e] << 8; return 32768 & n ? 4294901760 | n : n }, s.prototype.readInt32LE = function (e, t) { return e >>>= 0, t || O(e, 4, this.length), this[e] | this[e + 1] << 8 | this[e + 2] << 16 | this[e + 3] << 24 }, s.prototype.readInt32BE = function (e, t) { return e >>>= 0, t || O(e, 4, this.length), this[e] << 24 | this[e + 1] << 16 | this[e + 2] << 8 | this[e + 3] }, s.prototype.readFloatLE = function (e, t) { return e >>>= 0, t || O(e, 4, this.length), J.read(this, e, !0, 23, 4) }, s.prototype.readFloatBE = function (e, t) { return e >>>= 0, t || O(e, 4, this.length), J.read(this, e, !1, 23, 4) }, s.prototype.readDoubleLE = function (e, t) { return e >>>= 0, t || O(e, 8, this.length), J.read(this, e, !0, 52, 8) }, s.prototype.readDoubleBE = function (e, t) { return e >>>= 0, t || O(e, 8, this.length), J.read(this, e, !1, 52, 8) }, s.prototype.writeUIntLE = function (e, t, n, a) { if (e = +e, t >>>= 0, n >>>= 0, !a) { var o = r(2, 8 * n) - 1; F(this, e, t, n, o, 0) } var d = 1, s = 0; for (this[t] = 255 & e; ++s < n && (d *= 256);)this[t + s] = 255 & e / d; return t + n }, s.prototype.writeUIntBE = function (e, t, n, a) { if (e = +e, t >>>= 0, n >>>= 0, !a) { var o = r(2, 8 * n) - 1; F(this, e, t, n, o, 0) } var d = n - 1, s = 1; for (this[t + d] = 255 & e; 0 <= --d && (s *= 256);)this[t + d] = 255 & e / s; return t + n }, s.prototype.writeUInt8 = function (e, t, n) { return e = +e, t >>>= 0, n || F(this, e, t, 1, 255, 0), this[t] = 255 & e, t + 1 }, s.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function (e, t, n) { return e = +e, t >>>= 0, n || F(this, e, t, 2, 65535, 0), this[t] = 255 & e, this[t + 1] = e >>> 8, t + 2 }, s.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function (e, t, n) { return e = +e, t >>>= 0, n || F(this, e, t, 2, 65535, 0), this[t] = e >>> 8, this[t + 1] = 255 & e, t + 2 }, s.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function (e, t, n) { return e = +e, t >>>= 0, n || F(this, e, t, 4, 4294967295, 0), this[t + 3] = e >>> 24, this[t + 2] = e >>> 16, this[t + 1] = e >>> 8, this[t] = 255 & e, t + 4 }, s.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function (e, t, n) { return e = +e, t >>>= 0, n || F(this, e, t, 4, 4294967295, 0), this[t] = e >>> 24, this[t + 1] = e >>> 16, this[t + 2] = e >>> 8, this[t + 3] = 255 & e, t + 4 }, s.prototype.writeIntLE = function (e, t, n, a) { if (e = +e, t >>>= 0, !a) { var o = r(2, 8 * n - 1); F(this, e, t, n, o - 1, -o) } var d = 0, s = 1, l = 0; for (this[t] = 255 & e; ++d < n && (s *= 256);)0 > e && 0 === l && 0 !== this[t + d - 1] && (l = 1), this[t + d] = 255 & (e / s >> 0) - l; return t + n }, s.prototype.writeIntBE = function (e, t, n, a) { if (e = +e, t >>>= 0, !a) { var o = r(2, 8 * n - 1); F(this, e, t, n, o - 1, -o) } var d = n - 1, s = 1, l = 0; for (this[t + d] = 255 & e; 0 <= --d && (s *= 256);)0 > e && 0 === l && 0 !== this[t + d + 1] && (l = 1), this[t + d] = 255 & (e / s >> 0) - l; return t + n }, s.prototype.writeInt8 = function (e, t, n) { return e = +e, t >>>= 0, n || F(this, e, t, 1, 127, -128), 0 > e && (e = 255 + e + 1), this[t] = 255 & e, t + 1 }, s.prototype.writeInt16LE = function (e, t, n) { return e = +e, t >>>= 0, n || F(this, e, t, 2, 32767, -32768), this[t] = 255 & e, this[t + 1] = e >>> 8, t + 2 }, s.prototype.writeInt16BE = function (e, t, n) { return e = +e, t >>>= 0, n || F(this, e, t, 2, 32767, -32768), this[t] = e >>> 8, this[t + 1] = 255 & e, t + 2 }, s.prototype.writeInt32LE = function (e, t, n) { return e = +e, t >>>= 0, n || F(this, e, t, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), this[t] = 255 & e, this[t + 1] = e >>> 8, this[t + 2] = e >>> 16, this[t + 3] = e >>> 24, t + 4 }, s.prototype.writeInt32BE = function (e, t, n) { return e = +e, t >>>= 0, n || F(this, e, t, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), 0 > e && (e = 4294967295 + e + 1), this[t] = e >>> 24, this[t + 1] = e >>> 16, this[t + 2] = e >>> 8, this[t + 3] = 255 & e, t + 4 }, s.prototype.writeFloatLE = function (e, t, n) { return U(this, e, t, !0, n) }, s.prototype.writeFloatBE = function (e, t, n) { return U(this, e, t, !1, n) }, s.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function (e, t, n) { return j(this, e, t, !0, n) }, s.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function (e, t, n) { return j(this, e, t, !1, n) }, s.prototype.copy = function (e, t, n, r) { if (!s.isBuffer(e)) throw new TypeError("argument should be a Buffer"); if (n || (n = 0), r || 0 === r || (r = this.length), t >= e.length && (t = e.length), t || (t = 0), 0 < r && r < n && (r = n), r === n) return 0; if (0 === e.length || 0 === this.length) return 0; if (0 > t) throw new RangeError("targetStart out of bounds"); if (0 > n || n >= this.length) throw new RangeError("Index out of range"); if (0 > r) throw new RangeError("sourceEnd out of bounds"); r > this.length && (r = this.length), e.length - t < r - n && (r = e.length - t + n); var a = r - n; if (this === e && "function" == typeof Uint8Array.prototype.copyWithin) this.copyWithin(t, n, r); else if (this === e && n < t && t < r) for (var o = a - 1; 0 <= o; --o)e[o + t] = this[o + n]; else Uint8Array.prototype.set.call(e, this.subarray(n, r), t); return a }, s.prototype.fill = function (e, t, n, r) { if ("string" == typeof e) { if ("string" == typeof t ? (r = t, t = 0, n = this.length) : "string" == typeof n && (r = n, n = this.length), void 0 !== r && "string" != typeof r) throw new TypeError("encoding must be a string"); if ("string" == typeof r && !s.isEncoding(r)) throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + r); if (1 === e.length) { var a = e.charCodeAt(0); ("utf8" === r && 128 > a || "latin1" === r) && (e = a) } } else "number" == typeof e && (e &= 255); if (0 > t || this.length < t || this.length < n) throw new RangeError("Out of range index"); if (n <= t) return this; t >>>= 0, n = n === void 0 ? this.length : n >>> 0, e || (e = 0); var o; if ("number" == typeof e) for (o = t; o < n; ++o)this[o] = e; else { var d = s.isBuffer(e) ? e : s.from(e, r), l = d.length; if (0 === l) throw new TypeError("The value \"" + e + "\" is invalid for argument \"value\""); for (o = 0; o < n - t; ++o)this[o + t] = d[o % l] } return this }; var Q = /[^+/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g
}).call(this, e("buffer").Buffer)
}, { "base64-js": 1, buffer: 3, ieee754: 9 }], 4: [function (e, t, n) { (function (a) { (function () { function r() { let e; try { e = n.storage.getItem("debug") } catch (e) { } return !e && "undefined" != typeof a && "env" in a && (e = a.env.DEBUG), e } n.formatArgs = function (e) { if (e[0] = (this.useColors ? "%c" : "") + this.namespace + (this.useColors ? " %c" : " ") + e[0] + (this.useColors ? "%c " : " ") + "+" + t.exports.humanize(this.diff), !this.useColors) return; const n = "color: " + this.color; e.splice(1, 0, n, "color: inherit"); let r = 0, a = 0; e[0].replace(/%[a-zA-Z%]/g, e => { "%%" === e || (r++, "%c" === e && (a = r)) }), e.splice(a, 0, n) }, n.save = function (e) { try { e ? n.storage.setItem("debug", e) : n.storage.removeItem("debug") } catch (e) { } }, n.load = r, n.useColors = function () { return !!("undefined" != typeof window && window.process && ("renderer" === window.process.type || window.process.__nwjs)) || !("undefined" != typeof navigator && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/(edge|trident)\/(\d+)/)) && ("undefined" != typeof document && document.documentElement && document.documentElement.style && document.documentElement.style.WebkitAppearance || "undefined" != typeof window && window.console && (window.console.firebug || window.console.exception && window.console.table) || "undefined" != typeof navigator && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/firefox\/(\d+)/) && 31 <= parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10) || "undefined" != typeof navigator && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/applewebkit\/(\d+)/)) }, n.storage = function () { try { return localStorage } catch (e) { } }(), n.destroy = (() => { let e = !1; return () => { e || (e = !0, console.warn("Instance method `debug.destroy()` is deprecated and no longer does anything. It will be removed in the next major version of `debug`.")) } })(), n.colors = ["#0000CC", "#0000FF", "#0033CC", "#0033FF", "#0066CC", "#0066FF", "#0099CC", "#0099FF", "#00CC00", "#00CC33", "#00CC66", "#00CC99", "#00CCCC", "#00CCFF", "#3300CC", "#3300FF", "#3333CC", "#3333FF", "#3366CC", "#3366FF", "#3399CC", "#3399FF", "#33CC00", "#33CC33", "#33CC66", "#33CC99", "#33CCCC", "#33CCFF", "#6600CC", "#6600FF", "#6633CC", "#6633FF", "#66CC00", "#66CC33", "#9900CC", "#9900FF", "#9933CC", "#9933FF", "#99CC00", "#99CC33", "#CC0000", "#CC0033", "#CC0066", "#CC0099", "#CC00CC", "#CC00FF", "#CC3300", "#CC3333", "#CC3366", "#CC3399", "#CC33CC", "#CC33FF", "#CC6600", "#CC6633", "#CC9900", "#CC9933", "#CCCC00", "#CCCC33", "#FF0000", "#FF0033", "#FF0066", "#FF0099", "#FF00CC", "#FF00FF", "#FF3300", "#FF3333", "#FF3366", "#FF3399", "#FF33CC", "#FF33FF", "#FF6600", "#FF6633", "#FF9900", "#FF9933", "#FFCC00", "#FFCC33"], n.log = console.debug || console.log || (() => { }), t.exports = e("./common")(n); const { formatters: o } = t.exports; o.j = function (e) { try { return JSON.stringify(e) } catch (e) { return "[UnexpectedJSONParseError]: " + e.message } } }).call(this) }).call(this, e("_process")) }, { "./common": 5, _process: 12 }], 5: [function (e, t) { t.exports = function (t) { function r(e) { function t(...e) { if (!t.enabled) return; const a = t, o = +new Date, i = o - (n || o); a.diff = i, a.prev = n, a.curr = o, n = o, e[0] = r.coerce(e[0]), "string" != typeof e[0] && e.unshift("%O"); let d = 0; e[0] = e[0].replace(/%([a-zA-Z%])/g, (t, n) => { if ("%%" === t) return "%"; d++; const o = r.formatters[n]; if ("function" == typeof o) { const n = e[d]; t = o.call(a, n), e.splice(d, 1), d-- } return t }), r.formatArgs.call(a, e); const s = a.log || r.log; s.apply(a, e) } let n, o = null; return t.namespace = e, t.useColors = r.useColors(), t.color = r.selectColor(e), t.extend = a, t.destroy = r.destroy, Object.defineProperty(t, "enabled", { enumerable: !0, configurable: !1, get: () => null === o ? r.enabled(e) : o, set: e => { o = e } }), "function" == typeof r.init && r.init(t), t } function a(e, t) { const n = r(this.namespace + ("undefined" == typeof t ? ":" : t) + e); return n.log = this.log, n } function o(e) { return e.toString().substring(2, e.toString().length - 2).replace(/\.\*\?$/, "*") } return r.debug = r, r.default = r, r.coerce = function (e) { return e instanceof Error ? e.stack || e.message : e }, r.disable = function () { const e = [...r.names.map(o), ...r.skips.map(o).map(e => "-" + e)].join(","); return r.enable(""), e }, r.enable = function (e) { r.save(e), r.names = [], r.skips = []; let t; const n = ("string" == typeof e ? e : "").split(/[\s,]+/), a = n.length; for (t = 0; t < a; t++)n[t] && (e = n[t].replace(/\*/g, ".*?"), "-" === e[0] ? r.skips.push(new RegExp("^" + e.substr(1) + "$")) : r.names.push(new RegExp("^" + e + "$"))) }, r.enabled = function (e) { if ("*" === e[e.length - 1]) return !0; let t, n; for (t = 0, n = r.skips.length; t < n; t++)if (r.skips[t].test(e)) return !1; for (t = 0, n = r.names.length; t < n; t++)if (r.names[t].test(e)) return !0; return !1 }, r.humanize = e("ms"), r.destroy = function () { console.warn("Instance method `debug.destroy()` is deprecated and no longer does anything. It will be removed in the next major version of `debug`.") }, Object.keys(t).forEach(e => { r[e] = t[e] }), r.names = [], r.skips = [], r.formatters = {}, r.selectColor = function (e) { let t = 0; for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++)t = (t << 5) - t + e.charCodeAt(n), t |= 0; return r.colors[n(t) % r.colors.length] }, r.enable(r.load()), r } }, { ms: 11 }], 6: [function (e, t) { 'use strict'; function n(e, t) { for (const n in t) Object.defineProperty(e, n, { value: t[n], enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }); return e } t.exports = function (e, t, r) { if (!e || "string" == typeof e) throw new TypeError("Please pass an Error to err-code"); r || (r = {}), "object" == typeof t && (r = t, t = ""), t && (r.code = t); try { return n(e, r) } catch (t) { r.message = e.message, r.stack = e.stack; const a = function () { }; a.prototype = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(e)); const o = n(new a, r); return o } } }, {}], 7: [function (e, t) { 'use strict'; function n(e) { console && console.warn && console.warn(e) } function r() { r.init.call(this) } function a(e) { if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("The \"listener\" argument must be of type Function. Received type " + typeof e) } function o(e) { return void 0 === e._maxListeners ? r.defaultMaxListeners : e._maxListeners } function i(e, t, r, i) { var d, s, l; if (a(r), s = e._events, void 0 === s ? (s = e._events = Object.create(null), e._eventsCount = 0) : (void 0 !== s.newListener && (e.emit("newListener", t, r.listener ? r.listener : r), s = e._events), l = s[t]), void 0 === l) l = s[t] = r, ++e._eventsCount; else if ("function" == typeof l ? l = s[t] = i ? [r, l] : [l, r] : i ? l.unshift(r) : l.push(r), d = o(e), 0 < d && l.length > d && !l.warned) { l.warned = !0; var c = new Error("Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. " + l.length + " " + (t + " listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit")); c.name = "MaxListenersExceededWarning", c.emitter = e, c.type = t, c.count = l.length, n(c) } return e } function d() { if (!this.fired) return this.target.removeListener(this.type, this.wrapFn), this.fired = !0, 0 === arguments.length ? this.listener.call(this.target) : this.listener.apply(this.target, arguments) } function s(e, t, n) { var r = { fired: !1, wrapFn: void 0, target: e, type: t, listener: n }, a = d.bind(r); return a.listener = n, r.wrapFn = a, a } function l(e, t, n) { var r = e._events; if (r === void 0) return []; var a = r[t]; return void 0 === a ? [] : "function" == typeof a ? n ? [a.listener || a] : [a] : n ? f(a) : u(a, a.length) } function c(e) { var t = this._events; if (t !== void 0) { var n = t[e]; if ("function" == typeof n) return 1; if (void 0 !== n) return n.length } return 0 } function u(e, t) { for (var n = Array(t), r = 0; r < t; ++r)n[r] = e[r]; return n } function p(e, t) { for (; t + 1 < e.length; t++)e[t] = e[t + 1]; e.pop() } function f(e) { for (var t = Array(e.length), n = 0; n < t.length; ++n)t[n] = e[n].listener || e[n]; return t } function g(e, t, n) { "function" == typeof e.on && _(e, "error", t, n) } function _(e, t, n, r) { if ("function" == typeof e.on) r.once ? e.once(t, n) : e.on(t, n); else if ("function" == typeof e.addEventListener) e.addEventListener(t, function a(o) { r.once && e.removeEventListener(t, a), n(o) }); else throw new TypeError("The \"emitter\" argument must be of type EventEmitter. Received type " + typeof e) } var h, m = "object" == typeof Reflect ? Reflect : null, b = m && "function" == typeof m.apply ? m.apply : function (e, t, n) { return Function.prototype.apply.call(e, t, n) }; h = m && "function" == typeof m.ownKeys ? m.ownKeys : Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ? function (e) { return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e)) } : function (e) { return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e) }; var y = Number.isNaN || function (e) { return e !== e }; t.exports = r, t.exports.once = function (e, t) { return new Promise(function (n, r) { function a(n) { e.removeListener(t, o), r(n) } function o() { "function" == typeof e.removeListener && e.removeListener("error", a), n([].slice.call(arguments)) } _(e, t, o, { once: !0 }), "error" !== t && g(e, a, { once: !0 }) }) }, r.EventEmitter = r, r.prototype._events = void 0, r.prototype._eventsCount = 0, r.prototype._maxListeners = void 0; var C = 10; Object.defineProperty(r, "defaultMaxListeners", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return C }, set: function (e) { if ("number" != typeof e || 0 > e || y(e)) throw new RangeError("The value of \"defaultMaxListeners\" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received " + e + "."); C = e } }), r.init = function () { (this._events === void 0 || this._events === Object.getPrototypeOf(this)._events) && (this._events = Object.create(null), this._eventsCount = 0), this._maxListeners = this._maxListeners || void 0 }, r.prototype.setMaxListeners = function (e) { if ("number" != typeof e || 0 > e || y(e)) throw new RangeError("The value of \"n\" is out of range. It must be a non-negative number. Received " + e + "."); return this._maxListeners = e, this }, r.prototype.getMaxListeners = function () { return o(this) }, r.prototype.emit = function (e) { for (var t = [], n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++)t.push(arguments[n]); var r = "error" === e, a = this._events; if (a !== void 0) r = r && a.error === void 0; else if (!r) return !1; if (r) { var o; if (0 < t.length && (o = t[0]), o instanceof Error) throw o; var d = new Error("Unhandled error." + (o ? " (" + o.message + ")" : "")); throw d.context = o, d } var s = a[e]; if (s === void 0) return !1; if ("function" == typeof s) b(s, this, t); else for (var l = s.length, c = u(s, l), n = 0; n < l; ++n)b(c[n], this, t); return !0 }, r.prototype.addListener = function (e, t) { return i(this, e, t, !1) }, r.prototype.on = r.prototype.addListener, r.prototype.prependListener = function (e, t) { return i(this, e, t, !0) }, r.prototype.once = function (e, t) { return a(t), this.on(e, s(this, e, t)), this }, r.prototype.prependOnceListener = function (e, t) { return a(t), this.prependListener(e, s(this, e, t)), this }, r.prototype.removeListener = function (e, t) { var n, r, o, d, s; if (a(t), r = this._events, void 0 === r) return this; if (n = r[e], void 0 === n) return this; if (n === t || n.listener === t) 0 == --this._eventsCount ? this._events = Object.create(null) : (delete r[e], r.removeListener && this.emit("removeListener", e, n.listener || t)); else if ("function" != typeof n) { for (o = -1, d = n.length - 1; 0 <= d; d--)if (n[d] === t || n[d].listener === t) { s = n[d].listener, o = d; break } if (0 > o) return this; 0 === o ? n.shift() : p(n, o), 1 === n.length && (r[e] = n[0]), void 0 !== r.removeListener && this.emit("removeListener", e, s || t) } return this }, r.prototype.off = r.prototype.removeListener, r.prototype.removeAllListeners = function (e) { var t, n, r; if (n = this._events, void 0 === n) return this; if (void 0 === n.removeListener) return 0 === arguments.length ? (this._events = Object.create(null), this._eventsCount = 0) : void 0 !== n[e] && (0 == --this._eventsCount ? this._events = Object.create(null) : delete n[e]), this; if (0 === arguments.length) { var a, o = Object.keys(n); for (r = 0; r < o.length; ++r)a = o[r], "removeListener" !== a && this.removeAllListeners(a); return this.removeAllListeners("removeListener"), this._events = Object.create(null), this._eventsCount = 0, this } if (t = n[e], "function" == typeof t) this.removeListener(e, t); else if (void 0 !== t) for (r = t.length - 1; 0 <= r; r--)this.removeListener(e, t[r]); return this }, r.prototype.listeners = function (e) { return l(this, e, !0) }, r.prototype.rawListeners = function (e) { return l(this, e, !1) }, r.listenerCount = function (e, t) { return "function" == typeof e.listenerCount ? e.listenerCount(t) : c.call(e, t) }, r.prototype.listenerCount = c, r.prototype.eventNames = function () { return 0 < this._eventsCount ? h(this._events) : [] } }, {}], 8: [function (e, t) { t.exports = function () { if ("undefined" == typeof globalThis) return null; var e = { RTCPeerConnection: globalThis.RTCPeerConnection || globalThis.mozRTCPeerConnection || globalThis.webkitRTCPeerConnection, RTCSessionDescription: globalThis.RTCSessionDescription || globalThis.mozRTCSessionDescription || globalThis.webkitRTCSessionDescription, RTCIceCandidate: globalThis.RTCIceCandidate || globalThis.mozRTCIceCandidate || globalThis.webkitRTCIceCandidate }; return e.RTCPeerConnection ? e : null } }, {}], 9: [function (e, a, o) {/*! ieee754. BSD-3-Clause License. Feross Aboukhadijeh <https://feross.org/opensource> */o.read = function (t, n, a, o, l) { var c, u, p = 8 * l - o - 1, f = (1 << p) - 1, g = f >> 1, _ = -7, h = a ? l - 1 : 0, b = a ? -1 : 1, d = t[n + h]; for (h += b, c = d & (1 << -_) - 1, d >>= -_, _ += p; 0 < _; c = 256 * c + t[n + h], h += b, _ -= 8); for (u = c & (1 << -_) - 1, c >>= -_, _ += o; 0 < _; u = 256 * u + t[n + h], h += b, _ -= 8); if (0 === c) c = 1 - g; else { if (c === f) return u ? NaN : (d ? -1 : 1) * (1 / 0); u += r(2, o), c -= g } return (d ? -1 : 1) * u * r(2, c - o) }, o.write = function (a, o, l, u, p, f) { var h, b, y, g = Math.LN2, _ = Math.log, C = 8 * f - p - 1, R = (1 << C) - 1, E = R >> 1, w = 23 === p ? r(2, -24) - r(2, -77) : 0, S = u ? 0 : f - 1, T = u ? 1 : -1, d = 0 > o || 0 === o && 0 > 1 / o ? 1 : 0; for (o = n(o), isNaN(o) || o === 1 / 0 ? (b = isNaN(o) ? 1 : 0, h = R) : (h = t(_(o) / g), 1 > o * (y = r(2, -h)) && (h--, y *= 2), o += 1 <= h + E ? w / y : w * r(2, 1 - E), 2 <= o * y && (h++, y /= 2), h + E >= R ? (b = 0, h = R) : 1 <= h + E ? (b = (o * y - 1) * r(2, p), h += E) : (b = o * r(2, E - 1) * r(2, p), h = 0)); 8 <= p; a[l + S] = 255 & b, S += T, b /= 256, p -= 8); for (h = h << p | b, C += p; 0 < C; a[l + S] = 255 & h, S += T, h /= 256, C -= 8); a[l + S - T] |= 128 * d } }, {}], 10: [function (e, t) { t.exports = "function" == typeof Object.create ? function (e, t) { t && (e.super_ = t, e.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })) } : function (e, t) { if (t) { e.super_ = t; var n = function () { }; n.prototype = t.prototype, e.prototype = new n, e.prototype.constructor = e } } }, {}], 11: [function (e, t) { var r = Math.round; function a(e) { if (e += "", !(100 < e.length)) { var t = /^(-?(?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(milliseconds?|msecs?|ms|seconds?|secs?|s|minutes?|mins?|m|hours?|hrs?|h|days?|d|weeks?|w|years?|yrs?|y)?$/i.exec(e); if (t) { var r = parseFloat(t[1]), n = (t[2] || "ms").toLowerCase(); return "years" === n || "year" === n || "yrs" === n || "yr" === n || "y" === n ? 31557600000 * r : "weeks" === n || "week" === n || "w" === n ? 604800000 * r : "days" === n || "day" === n || "d" === n ? 86400000 * r : "hours" === n || "hour" === n || "hrs" === n || "hr" === n || "h" === n ? 3600000 * r : "minutes" === n || "minute" === n || "mins" === n || "min" === n || "m" === n ? 60000 * r : "seconds" === n || "second" === n || "secs" === n || "sec" === n || "s" === n ? 1000 * r : "milliseconds" === n || "millisecond" === n || "msecs" === n || "msec" === n || "ms" === n ? r : void 0 } } } function o(e) { var t = n(e); return 86400000 <= t ? r(e / 86400000) + "d" : 3600000 <= t ? r(e / 3600000) + "h" : 60000 <= t ? r(e / 60000) + "m" : 1000 <= t ? r(e / 1000) + "s" : e + "ms" } function i(e) { var t = n(e); return 86400000 <= t ? s(e, t, 86400000, "day") : 3600000 <= t ? s(e, t, 3600000, "hour") : 60000 <= t ? s(e, t, 60000, "minute") : 1000 <= t ? s(e, t, 1000, "second") : e + " ms" } function s(e, t, a, n) { return r(e / a) + " " + n + (t >= 1.5 * a ? "s" : "") } var l = 24 * (60 * 60000); t.exports = function (e, t) { t = t || {}; var n = typeof e; if ("string" == n && 0 < e.length) return a(e); if ("number" === n && isFinite(e)) return t.long ? i(e) : o(e); throw new Error("val is not a non-empty string or a valid number. val=" + JSON.stringify(e)) } }, {}], 12: [function (e, t) { function n() { throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined") } function r() { throw new Error("clearTimeout has not been defined") } function a(t) { if (c === setTimeout) return setTimeout(t, 0); if ((c === n || !c) && setTimeout) return c = setTimeout, setTimeout(t, 0); try { return c(t, 0) } catch (n) { try { return c.call(null, t, 0) } catch (n) { return c.call(this, t, 0) } } } function o(t) { if (u === clearTimeout) return clearTimeout(t); if ((u === r || !u) && clearTimeout) return u = clearTimeout, clearTimeout(t); try { return u(t) } catch (n) { try { return u.call(null, t) } catch (n) { return u.call(this, t) } } } function i() { _ && f && (_ = !1, f.length ? g = f.concat(g) : h = -1, g.length && d()) } function d() { if (!_) { var e = a(i); _ = !0; for (var t = g.length; t;) { for (f = g, g = []; ++h < t;)f && f[h].run(); h = -1, t = g.length } f = null, _ = !1, o(e) } } function s(e, t) { this.fun = e, this.array = t } function l() { } var c, u, p = t.exports = {}; (function () { try { c = "function" == typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : n } catch (t) { c = n } try { u = "function" == typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : r } catch (t) { u = r } })(); var f, g = [], _ = !1, h = -1; p.nextTick = function (e) { var t = Array(arguments.length - 1); if (1 < arguments.length) for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++)t[n - 1] = arguments[n]; g.push(new s(e, t)), 1 !== g.length || _ || a(d) }, s.prototype.run = function () { this.fun.apply(null, this.array) }, p.title = "browser", p.browser = !0, p.env = {}, p.argv = [], p.version = "", p.versions = {}, p.on = l, p.addListener = l, p.once = l, p.off = l, p.removeListener = l, p.removeAllListeners = l, p.emit = l, p.prependListener = l, p.prependOnceListener = l, p.listeners = function () { return [] }, p.binding = function () { throw new Error("process.binding is not supported") }, p.cwd = function () { return "/" }, p.chdir = function () { throw new Error("process.chdir is not supported") }, p.umask = function () { return 0 } }, {}], 13: [function (e, t) { (function (e) { (function () {/*! queue-microtask. MIT License. Feross Aboukhadijeh <https://feross.org/opensource> */let n; t.exports = "function" == typeof queueMicrotask ? queueMicrotask.bind("undefined" == typeof window ? e : window) : e => (n || (n = Promise.resolve())).then(e).catch(e => setTimeout(() => { throw e }, 0)) }).call(this) }).call(this, "undefined" == typeof global ? "undefined" == typeof self ? "undefined" == typeof window ? {} : window : self : global) }, {}], 14: [function (e, t) { (function (n, r) { (function () { 'use strict'; var a = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, o = r.crypto || r.msCrypto; t.exports = o && o.getRandomValues ? function (e, t) { if (e > 4294967295) throw new RangeError("requested too many random bytes"); var r = a.allocUnsafe(e); if (0 < e) if (65536 < e) for (var i = 0; i < e; i += 65536)o.getRandomValues(r.slice(i, i + 65536)); else o.getRandomValues(r); return "function" == typeof t ? n.nextTick(function () { t(null, r) }) : r } : function () { throw new Error("Secure random number generation is not supported by this browser.\nUse Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11") } }).call(this) }).call(this, e("_process"), "undefined" == typeof global ? "undefined" == typeof self ? "undefined" == typeof window ? {} : window : self : global) }, { _process: 12, "safe-buffer": 30 }], 15: [function (e, t) { 'use strict'; function n(e, t) { e.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype), e.prototype.constructor = e, e.__proto__ = t } function r(e, t, r) { function a(e, n, r) { return "string" == typeof t ? t : t(e, n, r) } r || (r = Error); var o = function (e) { function t(t, n, r) { return e.call(this, a(t, n, r)) || this } return n(t, e), t }(r); o.prototype.name = r.name, o.prototype.code = e, s[e] = o } function a(e, t) { if (Array.isArray(e)) { var n = e.length; return e = e.map(function (e) { return e + "" }), 2 < n ? "one of ".concat(t, " ").concat(e.slice(0, n - 1).join(", "), ", or ") + e[n - 1] : 2 === n ? "one of ".concat(t, " ").concat(e[0], " or ").concat(e[1]) : "of ".concat(t, " ").concat(e[0]) } return "of ".concat(t, " ").concat(e + "") } function o(e, t, n) { return e.substr(!n || 0 > n ? 0 : +n, t.length) === t } function i(e, t, n) { return (void 0 === n || n > e.length) && (n = e.length), e.substring(n - t.length, n) === t } function d(e, t, n) { return "number" != typeof n && (n = 0), !(n + t.length > e.length) && -1 !== e.indexOf(t, n) } var s = {}; r("ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE", function (e, t) { return "The value \"" + t + "\" is invalid for option \"" + e + "\"" }, TypeError), r("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE", function (e, t, n) { var r; "string" == typeof t && o(t, "not ") ? (r = "must not be", t = t.replace(/^not /, "")) : r = "must be"; var s; if (i(e, " argument")) s = "The ".concat(e, " ").concat(r, " ").concat(a(t, "type")); else { var l = d(e, ".") ? "property" : "argument"; s = "The \"".concat(e, "\" ").concat(l, " ").concat(r, " ").concat(a(t, "type")) } return s += ". Received type ".concat(typeof n), s }, TypeError), r("ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF", "stream.push() after EOF"), r("ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED", function (e) { return "The " + e + " method is not implemented" }), r("ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE", "Premature close"), r("ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED", function (e) { return "Cannot call " + e + " after a stream was destroyed" }), r("ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK", "Callback called multiple times"), r("ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE", "Cannot pipe, not readable"), r("ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END", "write after end"), r("ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES", "May not write null values to stream", TypeError), r("ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING", function (e) { return "Unknown encoding: " + e }, TypeError), r("ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT", "stream.unshift() after end event"), t.exports.codes = s }, {}], 16: [function (e, t) { (function (n) { (function () { 'use strict'; function r(e) { return this instanceof r ? void (d.call(this, e), s.call(this, e), this.allowHalfOpen = !0, e && (!1 === e.readable && (this.readable = !1), !1 === e.writable && (this.writable = !1), !1 === e.allowHalfOpen && (this.allowHalfOpen = !1, this.once("end", a)))) : new r(e) } function a() { this._writableState.ended || n.nextTick(o, this) } function o(e) { e.end() } var i = Object.keys || function (e) { var t = []; for (var n in e) t.push(n); return t }; t.exports = r; var d = e("./_stream_readable"), s = e("./_stream_writable"); e("inherits")(r, d); for (var l, c = i(s.prototype), u = 0; u < c.length; u++)l = c[u], r.prototype[l] || (r.prototype[l] = s.prototype[l]); Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "writableHighWaterMark", { enumerable: !1, get: function () { return this._writableState.highWaterMark } }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "writableBuffer", { enumerable: !1, get: function () { return this._writableState && this._writableState.getBuffer() } }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "writableLength", { enumerable: !1, get: function () { return this._writableState.length } }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "destroyed", { enumerable: !1, get: function () { return void 0 !== this._readableState && void 0 !== this._writableState && this._readableState.destroyed && this._writableState.destroyed }, set: function (e) { void 0 === this._readableState || void 0 === this._writableState || (this._readableState.destroyed = e, this._writableState.destroyed = e) } }) }).call(this) }).call(this, e("_process")) }, { "./_stream_readable": 18, "./_stream_writable": 20, _process: 12, inherits: 10 }], 17: [function (e, t) { 'use strict'; function n(e) { return this instanceof n ? void r.call(this, e) : new n(e) } t.exports = n; var r = e("./_stream_transform"); e("inherits")(n, r), n.prototype._transform = function (e, t, n) { n(null, e) } }, { "./_stream_transform": 19, inherits: 10 }], 18: [function (e, t) { (function (n, r) { (function () { 'use strict'; function a(e) { return P.from(e) } function o(e) { return P.isBuffer(e) || e instanceof M } function i(e, t, n) { return "function" == typeof e.prependListener ? e.prependListener(t, n) : void (e._events && e._events[t] ? Array.isArray(e._events[t]) ? e._events[t].unshift(n) : e._events[t] = [n, e._events[t]] : e.on(t, n)) } function d(t, n, r) { A = A || e("./_stream_duplex"), t = t || {}, "boolean" != typeof r && (r = n instanceof A), this.objectMode = !!t.objectMode, r && (this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!t.readableObjectMode), this.highWaterMark = H(this, t, "readableHighWaterMark", r), this.buffer = new j, this.length = 0, this.pipes = null, this.pipesCount = 0, this.flowing = null, this.ended = !1, this.endEmitted = !1, this.reading = !1, this.sync = !0, this.needReadable = !1, this.emittedReadable = !1, this.readableListening = !1, this.resumeScheduled = !1, this.paused = !0, this.emitClose = !1 !== t.emitClose, this.autoDestroy = !!t.autoDestroy, this.destroyed = !1, this.defaultEncoding = t.defaultEncoding || "utf8", this.awaitDrain = 0, this.readingMore = !1, this.decoder = null, this.encoding = null, t.encoding && (!F && (F = e("string_decoder/").StringDecoder), this.decoder = new F(t.encoding), this.encoding = t.encoding) } function s(t) { if (A = A || e("./_stream_duplex"), !(this instanceof s)) return new s(t); var n = this instanceof A; this._readableState = new d(t, this, n), this.readable = !0, t && ("function" == typeof t.read && (this._read = t.read), "function" == typeof t.destroy && (this._destroy = t.destroy)), I.call(this) } function l(e, t, n, r, o) { x("readableAddChunk", t); var i = e._readableState; if (null === t) i.reading = !1, g(e, i); else { var d; if (o || (d = u(i, t)), d) X(e, d); else if (!(i.objectMode || t && 0 < t.length)) r || (i.reading = !1, m(e, i)); else if ("string" == typeof t || i.objectMode || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) === P.prototype || (t = a(t)), r) i.endEmitted ? X(e, new K) : c(e, i, t, !0); else if (i.ended) X(e, new z); else { if (i.destroyed) return !1; i.reading = !1, i.decoder && !n ? (t = i.decoder.write(t), i.objectMode || 0 !== t.length ? c(e, i, t, !1) : m(e, i)) : c(e, i, t, !1) } } return !i.ended && (i.length < i.highWaterMark || 0 === i.length) } function c(e, t, n, r) { t.flowing && 0 === t.length && !t.sync ? (t.awaitDrain = 0, e.emit("data", n)) : (t.length += t.objectMode ? 1 : n.length, r ? t.buffer.unshift(n) : t.buffer.push(n), t.needReadable && _(e)), m(e, t) } function u(e, t) { var n; return o(t) || "string" == typeof t || void 0 === t || e.objectMode || (n = new V("chunk", ["string", "Buffer", "Uint8Array"], t)), n } function p(e) { return 1073741824 <= e ? e = 1073741824 : (e--, e |= e >>> 1, e |= e >>> 2, e |= e >>> 4, e |= e >>> 8, e |= e >>> 16, e++), e } function f(e, t) { return 0 >= e || 0 === t.length && t.ended ? 0 : t.objectMode ? 1 : e === e ? (e > t.highWaterMark && (t.highWaterMark = p(e)), e <= t.length ? e : t.ended ? t.length : (t.needReadable = !0, 0)) : t.flowing && t.length ? t.buffer.head.data.length : t.length } function g(e, t) { if (x("onEofChunk"), !t.ended) { if (t.decoder) { var n = t.decoder.end(); n && n.length && (t.buffer.push(n), t.length += t.objectMode ? 1 : n.length) } t.ended = !0, t.sync ? _(e) : (t.needReadable = !1, !t.emittedReadable && (t.emittedReadable = !0, h(e))) } } function _(e) { var t = e._readableState; x("emitReadable", t.needReadable, t.emittedReadable), t.needReadable = !1, t.emittedReadable || (x("emitReadable", t.flowing), t.emittedReadable = !0, n.nextTick(h, e)) } function h(e) { var t = e._readableState; x("emitReadable_", t.destroyed, t.length, t.ended), !t.destroyed && (t.length || t.ended) && (e.emit("readable"), t.emittedReadable = !1), t.needReadable = !t.flowing && !t.ended && t.length <= t.highWaterMark, S(e) } function m(e, t) { t.readingMore || (t.readingMore = !0, n.nextTick(b, e, t)) } function b(e, t) { for (; !t.reading && !t.ended && (t.length < t.highWaterMark || t.flowing && 0 === t.length);) { var n = t.length; if (x("maybeReadMore read 0"), e.read(0), n === t.length) break } t.readingMore = !1 } function y(e) { return function () { var t = e._readableState; x("pipeOnDrain", t.awaitDrain), t.awaitDrain && t.awaitDrain--, 0 === t.awaitDrain && D(e, "data") && (t.flowing = !0, S(e)) } } function C(e) { var t = e._readableState; t.readableListening = 0 < e.listenerCount("readable"), t.resumeScheduled && !t.paused ? t.flowing = !0 : 0 < e.listenerCount("data") && e.resume() } function R(e) { x("readable nexttick read 0"), e.read(0) } function E(e, t) { t.resumeScheduled || (t.resumeScheduled = !0, n.nextTick(w, e, t)) } function w(e, t) { x("resume", t.reading), t.reading || e.read(0), t.resumeScheduled = !1, e.emit("resume"), S(e), t.flowing && !t.reading && e.read(0) } function S(e) { var t = e._readableState; for (x("flow", t.flowing); t.flowing && null !== e.read();); } function T(e, t) { if (0 === t.length) return null; var n; return t.objectMode ? n = t.buffer.shift() : !e || e >= t.length ? (n = t.decoder ? t.buffer.join("") : 1 === t.buffer.length ? t.buffer.first() : t.buffer.concat(t.length), t.buffer.clear()) : n = t.buffer.consume(e, t.decoder), n } function v(e) { var t = e._readableState; x("endReadable", t.endEmitted), t.endEmitted || (t.ended = !0, n.nextTick(k, t, e)) } function k(e, t) { if (x("endReadableNT", e.endEmitted, e.length), !e.endEmitted && 0 === e.length && (e.endEmitted = !0, t.readable = !1, t.emit("end"), e.autoDestroy)) { var n = t._writableState; (!n || n.autoDestroy && n.finished) && t.destroy() } } function L(e, t) { for (var n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; n++)if (e[n] === t) return n; return -1 } t.exports = s; var A; s.ReadableState = d; var x, N = e("events").EventEmitter, D = function (e, t) { return e.listeners(t).length }, I = e("./internal/streams/stream"), P = e("buffer").Buffer, M = r.Uint8Array || function () { }, O = e("util"); x = O && O.debuglog ? O.debuglog("stream") : function () { }; var F, B, U, j = e("./internal/streams/buffer_list"), q = e("./internal/streams/destroy"), W = e("./internal/streams/state"), H = W.getHighWaterMark, Y = e("../errors").codes, V = Y.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, z = Y.ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF, G = Y.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, K = Y.ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT; e("inherits")(s, I); var X = q.errorOrDestroy, $ = ["error", "close", "destroy", "pause", "resume"]; Object.defineProperty(s.prototype, "destroyed", { enumerable: !1, get: function () { return void 0 !== this._readableState && this._readableState.destroyed }, set: function (e) { this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = e) } }), s.prototype.destroy = q.destroy, s.prototype._undestroy = q.undestroy, s.prototype._destroy = function (e, t) { t(e) }, s.prototype.push = function (e, t) { var n, r = this._readableState; return r.objectMode ? n = !0 : "string" == typeof e && (t = t || r.defaultEncoding, t !== r.encoding && (e = P.from(e, t), t = ""), n = !0), l(this, e, t, !1, n) }, s.prototype.unshift = function (e) { return l(this, e, null, !0, !1) }, s.prototype.isPaused = function () { return !1 === this._readableState.flowing }, s.prototype.setEncoding = function (t) { F || (F = e("string_decoder/").StringDecoder); var n = new F(t); this._readableState.decoder = n, this._readableState.encoding = this._readableState.decoder.encoding; for (var r = this._readableState.buffer.head, a = ""; null !== r;)a += n.write(r.data), r = r.next; return this._readableState.buffer.clear(), "" !== a && this._readableState.buffer.push(a), this._readableState.length = a.length, this }; s.prototype.read = function (e) { x("read", e), e = parseInt(e, 10); var t = this._readableState, r = e; if (0 !== e && (t.emittedReadable = !1), 0 === e && t.needReadable && ((0 === t.highWaterMark ? 0 < t.length : t.length >= t.highWaterMark) || t.ended)) return x("read: emitReadable", t.length, t.ended), 0 === t.length && t.ended ? v(this) : _(this), null; if (e = f(e, t), 0 === e && t.ended) return 0 === t.length && v(this), null; var a = t.needReadable; x("need readable", a), (0 === t.length || t.length - e < t.highWaterMark) && (a = !0, x("length less than watermark", a)), t.ended || t.reading ? (a = !1, x("reading or ended", a)) : a && (x("do read"), t.reading = !0, t.sync = !0, 0 === t.length && (t.needReadable = !0), this._read(t.highWaterMark), t.sync = !1, !t.reading && (e = f(r, t))); var o; return o = 0 < e ? T(e, t) : null, null === o ? (t.needReadable = t.length <= t.highWaterMark, e = 0) : (t.length -= e, t.awaitDrain = 0), 0 === t.length && (!t.ended && (t.needReadable = !0), r !== e && t.ended && v(this)), null !== o && this.emit("data", o), o }, s.prototype._read = function () { X(this, new G("_read()")) }, s.prototype.pipe = function (e, t) { function r(e, t) { x("onunpipe"), e === p && t && !1 === t.hasUnpiped && (t.hasUnpiped = !0, o()) } function a() { x("onend"), e.end() } function o() { x("cleanup"), e.removeListener("close", l), e.removeListener("finish", c), e.removeListener("drain", h), e.removeListener("error", s), e.removeListener("unpipe", r), p.removeListener("end", a), p.removeListener("end", u), p.removeListener("data", d), m = !0, f.awaitDrain && (!e._writableState || e._writableState.needDrain) && h() } function d(t) { x("ondata"); var n = e.write(t); x("dest.write", n), !1 === n && ((1 === f.pipesCount && f.pipes === e || 1 < f.pipesCount && -1 !== L(f.pipes, e)) && !m && (x("false write response, pause", f.awaitDrain), f.awaitDrain++), p.pause()) } function s(t) { x("onerror", t), u(), e.removeListener("error", s), 0 === D(e, "error") && X(e, t) } function l() { e.removeListener("finish", c), u() } function c() { x("onfinish"), e.removeListener("close", l), u() } function u() { x("unpipe"), p.unpipe(e) } var p = this, f = this._readableState; switch (f.pipesCount) { case 0: f.pipes = e; break; case 1: f.pipes = [f.pipes, e]; break; default: f.pipes.push(e); }f.pipesCount += 1, x("pipe count=%d opts=%j", f.pipesCount, t); var g = (!t || !1 !== t.end) && e !== n.stdout && e !== n.stderr, _ = g ? a : u; f.endEmitted ? n.nextTick(_) : p.once("end", _), e.on("unpipe", r); var h = y(p); e.on("drain", h); var m = !1; return p.on("data", d), i(e, "error", s), e.once("close", l), e.once("finish", c), e.emit("pipe", p), f.flowing || (x("pipe resume"), p.resume()), e }, s.prototype.unpipe = function (e) { var t = this._readableState, n = { hasUnpiped: !1 }; if (0 === t.pipesCount) return this; if (1 === t.pipesCount) return e && e !== t.pipes ? this : (e || (e = t.pipes), t.pipes = null, t.pipesCount = 0, t.flowing = !1, e && e.emit("unpipe", this, n), this); if (!e) { var r = t.pipes, a = t.pipesCount; t.pipes = null, t.pipesCount = 0, t.flowing = !1; for (var o = 0; o < a; o++)r[o].emit("unpipe", this, { hasUnpiped: !1 }); return this } var d = L(t.pipes, e); return -1 === d ? this : (t.pipes.splice(d, 1), t.pipesCount -= 1, 1 === t.pipesCount && (t.pipes = t.pipes[0]), e.emit("unpipe", this, n), this) }, s.prototype.on = function (e, t) { var r = I.prototype.on.call(this, e, t), a = this._readableState; return "data" === e ? (a.readableListening = 0 < this.listenerCount("readable"), !1 !== a.flowing && this.resume()) : "readable" == e && !a.endEmitted && !a.readableListening && (a.readableListening = a.needReadable = !0, a.flowing = !1, a.emittedReadable = !1, x("on readable", a.length, a.reading), a.length ? _(this) : !a.reading && n.nextTick(R, this)), r }, s.prototype.addListener = s.prototype.on, s.prototype.removeListener = function (e, t) { var r = I.prototype.removeListener.call(this, e, t); return "readable" === e && n.nextTick(C, this), r }, s.prototype.removeAllListeners = function (e) { var t = I.prototype.removeAllListeners.apply(this, arguments); return ("readable" === e || void 0 === e) && n.nextTick(C, this), t }, s.prototype.resume = function () { var e = this._readableState; return e.flowing || (x("resume"), e.flowing = !e.readableListening, E(this, e)), e.paused = !1, this }, s.prototype.pause = function () { return x("call pause flowing=%j", this._readableState.flowing), !1 !== this._readableState.flowing && (x("pause"), this._readableState.flowing = !1, this.emit("pause")), this._readableState.paused = !0, this }, s.prototype.wrap = function (e) { var t = this, r = this._readableState, a = !1; for (var o in e.on("end", function () { if (x("wrapped end"), r.decoder && !r.ended) { var e = r.decoder.end(); e && e.length && t.push(e) } t.push(null) }), e.on("data", function (n) { if ((x("wrapped data"), r.decoder && (n = r.decoder.write(n)), !(r.objectMode && (null === n || void 0 === n))) && (r.objectMode || n && n.length)) { var o = t.push(n); o || (a = !0, e.pause()) } }), e) void 0 === this[o] && "function" == typeof e[o] && (this[o] = function (t) { return function () { return e[t].apply(e, arguments) } }(o)); for (var i = 0; i < $.length; i++)e.on($[i], this.emit.bind(this, $[i])); return this._read = function (t) { x("wrapped _read", t), a && (a = !1, e.resume()) }, this }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (s.prototype[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return void 0 === B && (B = e("./internal/streams/async_iterator")), B(this) }), Object.defineProperty(s.prototype, "readableHighWaterMark", { enumerable: !1, get: function () { return this._readableState.highWaterMark } }), Object.defineProperty(s.prototype, "readableBuffer", { enumerable: !1, get: function () { return this._readableState && this._readableState.buffer } }), Object.defineProperty(s.prototype, "readableFlowing", { enumerable: !1, get: function () { return this._readableState.flowing }, set: function (e) { this._readableState && (this._readableState.flowing = e) } }), s._fromList = T, Object.defineProperty(s.prototype, "readableLength", { enumerable: !1, get: function () { return this._readableState.length } }), "function" == typeof Symbol && (s.from = function (t, n) { return void 0 === U && (U = e("./internal/streams/from")), U(s, t, n) }) }).call(this) }).call(this, e("_process"), "undefined" == typeof global ? "undefined" == typeof self ? "undefined" == typeof window ? {} : window : self : global) }, { "../errors": 15, "./_stream_duplex": 16, "./internal/streams/async_iterator": 21, "./internal/streams/buffer_list": 22, "./internal/streams/destroy": 23, "./internal/streams/from": 25, "./internal/streams/state": 27, "./internal/streams/stream": 28, _process: 12, buffer: 3, events: 7, inherits: 10, "string_decoder/": 31, util: 2 }], 19: [function (e, t) { 'use strict'; function n(e, t) { var n = this._transformState; n.transforming = !1; var r = n.writecb; if (null === r) return this.emit("error", new s); n.writechunk = null, n.writecb = null, null != t && this.push(t), r(e); var a = this._readableState; a.reading = !1, (a.needReadable || a.length < a.highWaterMark) && this._read(a.highWaterMark) } function r(e) { return this instanceof r ? void (u.call(this, e), this._transformState = { afterTransform: n.bind(this), needTransform: !1, transforming: !1, writecb: null, writechunk: null, writeencoding: null }, this._readableState.needReadable = !0, this._readableState.sync = !1, e && ("function" == typeof e.transform && (this._transform = e.transform), "function" == typeof e.flush && (this._flush = e.flush)), this.on("prefinish", a)) : new r(e) } function a() { var e = this; "function" != typeof this._flush || this._readableState.destroyed ? o(this, null, null) : this._flush(function (t, n) { o(e, t, n) }) } function o(e, t, n) { if (t) return e.emit("error", t); if (null != n && e.push(n), e._writableState.length) throw new c; if (e._transformState.transforming) throw new l; return e.push(null) } t.exports = r; var i = e("../errors").codes, d = i.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, s = i.ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK, l = i.ERR_TRANSFORM_ALREADY_TRANSFORMING, c = i.ERR_TRANSFORM_WITH_LENGTH_0, u = e("./_stream_duplex"); e("inherits")(r, u), r.prototype.push = function (e, t) { return this._transformState.needTransform = !1, u.prototype.push.call(this, e, t) }, r.prototype._transform = function (e, t, n) { n(new d("_transform()")) }, r.prototype._write = function (e, t, n) { var r = this._transformState; if (r.writecb = n, r.writechunk = e, r.writeencoding = t, !r.transforming) { var a = this._readableState; (r.needTransform || a.needReadable || a.length < a.highWaterMark) && this._read(a.highWaterMark) } }, r.prototype._read = function () { var e = this._transformState; null === e.writechunk || e.transforming ? e.needTransform = !0 : (e.transforming = !0, this._transform(e.writechunk, e.writeencoding, e.afterTransform)) }, r.prototype._destroy = function (e, t) { u.prototype._destroy.call(this, e, function (e) { t(e) }) } }, { "../errors": 15, "./_stream_duplex": 16, inherits: 10 }], 20: [function (e, t) { (function (n, r) { (function () { 'use strict'; function a(e) { var t = this; this.next = null, this.entry = null, this.finish = function () { v(t, e) } } function o(e) { return x.from(e) } function i(e) { return x.isBuffer(e) || e instanceof N } function d() { } function s(t, n, r) { k = k || e("./_stream_duplex"), t = t || {}, "boolean" != typeof r && (r = n instanceof k), this.objectMode = !!t.objectMode, r && (this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!t.writableObjectMode), this.highWaterMark = P(this, t, "writableHighWaterMark", r), this.finalCalled = !1, this.needDrain = !1, this.ending = !1, this.ended = !1, this.finished = !1, this.destroyed = !1; var o = !1 === t.decodeStrings; this.decodeStrings = !o, this.defaultEncoding = t.defaultEncoding || "utf8", this.length = 0, this.writing = !1, this.corked = 0, this.sync = !0, this.bufferProcessing = !1, this.onwrite = function (e) { m(n, e) }, this.writecb = null, this.writelen = 0, this.bufferedRequest = null, this.lastBufferedRequest = null, this.pendingcb = 0, this.prefinished = !1, this.errorEmitted = !1, this.emitClose = !1 !== t.emitClose, this.autoDestroy = !!t.autoDestroy, this.bufferedRequestCount = 0, this.corkedRequestsFree = new a(this) } function l(t) { k = k || e("./_stream_duplex"); var n = this instanceof k; return n || V.call(l, this) ? void (this._writableState = new s(t, this, n), this.writable = !0, t && ("function" == typeof t.write && (this._write = t.write), "function" == typeof t.writev && (this._writev = t.writev), "function" == typeof t.destroy && (this._destroy = t.destroy), "function" == typeof t.final && (this._final = t.final)), A.call(this)) : new l(t) } function c(e, t) { var r = new W; Y(e, r), n.nextTick(t, r) } function u(e, t, r, a) { var o; return null === r ? o = new q : "string" != typeof r && !t.objectMode && (o = new O("chunk", ["string", "Buffer"], r)), !o || (Y(e, o), n.nextTick(a, o), !1) } function p(e, t, n) { return e.objectMode || !1 === e.decodeStrings || "string" != typeof t || (t = x.from(t, n)), t } function f(e, t, n, r, a, o) { if (!n) { var i = p(t, r, a); r !== i && (n = !0, a = "buffer", r = i) } var d = t.objectMode ? 1 : r.length; t.length += d; var s = t.length < t.highWaterMark; if (s || (t.needDrain = !0), t.writing || t.corked) { var l = t.lastBufferedRequest; t.lastBufferedRequest = { chunk: r, encoding: a, isBuf: n, callback: o, next: null }, l ? l.next = t.lastBufferedRequest : t.bufferedRequest = t.lastBufferedRequest, t.bufferedRequestCount += 1 } else g(e, t, !1, d, r, a, o); return s } function g(e, t, n, r, a, o, i) { t.writelen = r, t.writecb = i, t.writing = !0, t.sync = !0, t.destroyed ? t.onwrite(new j("write")) : n ? e._writev(a, t.onwrite) : e._write(a, o, t.onwrite), t.sync = !1 } function _(e, t, r, a, o) { --t.pendingcb, r ? (n.nextTick(o, a), n.nextTick(S, e, t), e._writableState.errorEmitted = !0, Y(e, a)) : (o(a), e._writableState.errorEmitted = !0, Y(e, a), S(e, t)) } function h(e) { e.writing = !1, e.writecb = null, e.length -= e.writelen, e.writelen = 0 } function m(e, t) { var r = e._writableState, a = r.sync, o = r.writecb; if ("function" != typeof o) throw new B; if (h(r), t) _(e, r, a, t, o); else { var i = R(r) || e.destroyed; i || r.corked || r.bufferProcessing || !r.bufferedRequest || C(e, r), a ? n.nextTick(b, e, r, i, o) : b(e, r, i, o) } } function b(e, t, n, r) { n || y(e, t), t.pendingcb--, r(), S(e, t) } function y(e, t) { 0 === t.length && t.needDrain && (t.needDrain = !1, e.emit("drain")) } function C(e, t) { t.bufferProcessing = !0; var n = t.bufferedRequest; if (e._writev && n && n.next) { var r = t.bufferedRequestCount, o = Array(r), i = t.corkedRequestsFree; i.entry = n; for (var d = 0, s = !0; n;)o[d] = n, n.isBuf || (s = !1), n = n.next, d += 1; o.allBuffers = s, g(e, t, !0, t.length, o, "", i.finish), t.pendingcb++, t.lastBufferedRequest = null, i.next ? (t.corkedRequestsFree = i.next, i.next = null) : t.corkedRequestsFree = new a(t), t.bufferedRequestCount = 0 } else { for (; n;) { var l = n.chunk, c = n.encoding, u = n.callback, p = t.objectMode ? 1 : l.length; if (g(e, t, !1, p, l, c, u), n = n.next, t.bufferedRequestCount--, t.writing) break } null === n && (t.lastBufferedRequest = null) } t.bufferedRequest = n, t.bufferProcessing = !1 } function R(e) { return e.ending && 0 === e.length && null === e.bufferedRequest && !e.finished && !e.writing } function E(e, t) { e._final(function (n) { t.pendingcb--, n && Y(e, n), t.prefinished = !0, e.emit("prefinish"), S(e, t) }) } function w(e, t) { t.prefinished || t.finalCalled || ("function" != typeof e._final || t.destroyed ? (t.prefinished = !0, e.emit("prefinish")) : (t.pendingcb++, t.finalCalled = !0, n.nextTick(E, e, t))) } function S(e, t) { var n = R(t); if (n && (w(e, t), 0 === t.pendingcb && (t.finished = !0, e.emit("finish"), t.autoDestroy))) { var r = e._readableState; (!r || r.autoDestroy && r.endEmitted) && e.destroy() } return n } function T(e, t, r) { t.ending = !0, S(e, t), r && (t.finished ? n.nextTick(r) : e.once("finish", r)), t.ended = !0, e.writable = !1 } function v(e, t, n) { var r = e.entry; for (e.entry = null; r;) { var a = r.callback; t.pendingcb--, a(n), r = r.next } t.corkedRequestsFree.next = e } t.exports = l; var k; l.WritableState = s; var L = { deprecate: e("util-deprecate") }, A = e("./internal/streams/stream"), x = e("buffer").Buffer, N = r.Uint8Array || function () { }, D = e("./internal/streams/destroy"), I = e("./internal/streams/state"), P = I.getHighWaterMark, M = e("../errors").codes, O = M.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, F = M.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, B = M.ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK, U = M.ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE, j = M.ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED, q = M.ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES, W = M.ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END, H = M.ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING, Y = D.errorOrDestroy; e("inherits")(l, A), s.prototype.getBuffer = function () { for (var e = this.bufferedRequest, t = []; e;)t.push(e), e = e.next; return t }, function () { try { Object.defineProperty(s.prototype, "buffer", { get: L.deprecate(function () { return this.getBuffer() }, "_writableState.buffer is deprecated. Use _writableState.getBuffer instead.", "DEP0003") }) } catch (e) { } }(); var V; "function" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.hasInstance && "function" == typeof Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance] ? (V = Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance], Object.defineProperty(l, Symbol.hasInstance, { value: function (e) { return !!V.call(this, e) || !(this !== l) && e && e._writableState instanceof s } })) : V = function (e) { return e instanceof this }, l.prototype.pipe = function () { Y(this, new U) }, l.prototype.write = function (e, t, n) { var r = this._writableState, a = !1, s = !r.objectMode && i(e); return s && !x.isBuffer(e) && (e = o(e)), "function" == typeof t && (n = t, t = null), s ? t = "buffer" : !t && (t = r.defaultEncoding), "function" != typeof n && (n = d), r.ending ? c(this, n) : (s || u(this, r, e, n)) && (r.pendingcb++, a = f(this, r, s, e, t, n)), a }, l.prototype.cork = function () { this._writableState.corked++ }, l.prototype.uncork = function () { var e = this._writableState; e.corked && (e.corked--, !e.writing && !e.corked && !e.bufferProcessing && e.bufferedRequest && C(this, e)) }, l.prototype.setDefaultEncoding = function (e) { if ("string" == typeof e && (e = e.toLowerCase()), !(-1 < ["hex", "utf8", "utf-8", "ascii", "binary", "base64", "ucs2", "ucs-2", "utf16le", "utf-16le", "raw"].indexOf((e + "").toLowerCase()))) throw new H(e); return this._writableState.defaultEncoding = e, this }, Object.defineProperty(l.prototype, "writableBuffer", { enumerable: !1, get: function () { return this._writableState && this._writableState.getBuffer() } }), Object.defineProperty(l.prototype, "writableHighWaterMark", { enumerable: !1, get: function () { return this._writableState.highWaterMark } }), l.prototype._write = function (e, t, n) { n(new F("_write()")) }, l.prototype._writev = null, l.prototype.end = function (e, t, n) { var r = this._writableState; return "function" == typeof e ? (n = e, e = null, t = null) : "function" == typeof t && (n = t, t = null), null !== e && void 0 !== e && this.write(e, t), r.corked && (r.corked = 1, this.uncork()), r.ending || T(this, r, n), this }, Object.defineProperty(l.prototype, "writableLength", { enumerable: !1, get: function () { return this._writableState.length } }), Object.defineProperty(l.prototype, "destroyed", { enumerable: !1, get: function () { return void 0 !== this._writableState && this._writableState.destroyed }, set: function (e) { this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = e) } }), l.prototype.destroy = D.destroy, l.prototype._undestroy = D.undestroy, l.prototype._destroy = function (e, t) { t(e) } }).call(this) }).call(this, e("_process"), "undefined" == typeof global ? "undefined" == typeof self ? "undefined" == typeof window ? {} : window : self : global) }, { "../errors": 15, "./_stream_duplex": 16, "./internal/streams/destroy": 23, "./internal/streams/state": 27, "./internal/streams/stream": 28, _process: 12, buffer: 3, inherits: 10, "util-deprecate": 32 }], 21: [function (e, t) { (function (n) { (function () { 'use strict'; function r(e, t, n) { return t in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[t] = n, e } function a(e, t) { return { value: e, done: t } } function o(e) { var t = e[c]; if (null !== t) { var n = e[h].read(); null !== n && (e[g] = null, e[c] = null, e[u] = null, t(a(n, !1))) } } function i(e) { n.nextTick(o, e) } function d(e, t) { return function (n, r) { e.then(function () { return t[f] ? void n(a(void 0, !0)) : void t[_](n, r) }, r) } } var s, l = e("./end-of-stream"), c = Symbol("lastResolve"), u = Symbol("lastReject"), p = Symbol("error"), f = Symbol("ended"), g = Symbol("lastPromise"), _ = Symbol("handlePromise"), h = Symbol("stream"), m = Object.getPrototypeOf(function () { }), b = Object.setPrototypeOf((s = { get stream() { return this[h] }, next: function () { var e = this, t = this[p]; if (null !== t) return Promise.reject(t); if (this[f]) return Promise.resolve(a(void 0, !0)); if (this[h].destroyed) return new Promise(function (t, r) { n.nextTick(function () { e[p] ? r(e[p]) : t(a(void 0, !0)) }) }); var r, o = this[g]; if (o) r = new Promise(d(o, this)); else { var i = this[h].read(); if (null !== i) return Promise.resolve(a(i, !1)); r = new Promise(this[_]) } return this[g] = r, r } }, r(s, Symbol.asyncIterator, function () { return this }), r(s, "return", function () { var e = this; return new Promise(function (t, n) { e[h].destroy(null, function (e) { return e ? void n(e) : void t(a(void 0, !0)) }) }) }), s), m); t.exports = function (e) { var t, n = Object.create(b, (t = {}, r(t, h, { value: e, writable: !0 }), r(t, c, { value: null, writable: !0 }), r(t, u, { value: null, writable: !0 }), r(t, p, { value: null, writable: !0 }), r(t, f, { value: e._readableState.endEmitted, writable: !0 }), r(t, _, { value: function (e, t) { var r = n[h].read(); r ? (n[g] = null, n[c] = null, n[u] = null, e(a(r, !1))) : (n[c] = e, n[u] = t) }, writable: !0 }), t)); return n[g] = null, l(e, function (e) { if (e && "ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE" !== e.code) { var t = n[u]; return null !== t && (n[g] = null, n[c] = null, n[u] = null, t(e)), void (n[p] = e) } var r = n[c]; null !== r && (n[g] = null, n[c] = null, n[u] = null, r(a(void 0, !0))), n[f] = !0 }), e.on("readable", i.bind(null, n)), n } }).call(this) }).call(this, e("_process")) }, { "./end-of-stream": 24, _process: 12 }], 22: [function (e, t) { 'use strict'; function n(e, t) { var n = Object.keys(e); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); t && (r = r.filter(function (t) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t).enumerable })), n.push.apply(n, r) } return n } function r(e) { for (var t, r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++)t = null == arguments[r] ? {} : arguments[r], r % 2 ? n(Object(t), !0).forEach(function (n) { a(e, n, t[n]) }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t)) : n(Object(t)).forEach(function (n) { Object.defineProperty(e, n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n)) }); return e } function a(e, t, n) { return t in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[t] = n, e } function o(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function i(e, t) { for (var n, r = 0; r < t.length; r++)n = t[r], n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, n.key, n) } function d(e, t, n) { return t && i(e.prototype, t), n && i(e, n), e } function s(e, t, n) { u.prototype.copy.call(e, t, n) } var l = e("buffer"), u = l.Buffer, p = e("util"), f = p.inspect, g = f && f.custom || "inspect"; t.exports = function () { function e() { o(this, e), this.head = null, this.tail = null, this.length = 0 } return d(e, [{ key: "push", value: function (e) { var t = { data: e, next: null }; 0 < this.length ? this.tail.next = t : this.head = t, this.tail = t, ++this.length } }, { key: "unshift", value: function (e) { var t = { data: e, next: this.head }; 0 === this.length && (this.tail = t), this.head = t, ++this.length } }, { key: "shift", value: function () { if (0 !== this.length) { var e = this.head.data; return this.head = 1 === this.length ? this.tail = null : this.head.next, --this.length, e } } }, { key: "clear", value: function () { this.head = this.tail = null, this.length = 0 } }, { key: "join", value: function (e) { if (0 === this.length) return ""; for (var t = this.head, n = "" + t.data; t = t.next;)n += e + t.data; return n } }, { key: "concat", value: function (e) { if (0 === this.length) return u.alloc(0); for (var t = u.allocUnsafe(e >>> 0), n = this.head, r = 0; n;)s(n.data, t, r), r += n.data.length, n = n.next; return t } }, { key: "consume", value: function (e, t) { var n; return e < this.head.data.length ? (n = this.head.data.slice(0, e), this.head.data = this.head.data.slice(e)) : e === this.head.data.length ? n = this.shift() : n = t ? this._getString(e) : this._getBuffer(e), n } }, { key: "first", value: function () { return this.head.data } }, { key: "_getString", value: function (e) { var t = this.head, r = 1, a = t.data; for (e -= a.length; t = t.next;) { var o = t.data, i = e > o.length ? o.length : e; if (a += i === o.length ? o : o.slice(0, e), e -= i, 0 === e) { i === o.length ? (++r, this.head = t.next ? t.next : this.tail = null) : (this.head = t, t.data = o.slice(i)); break } ++r } return this.length -= r, a } }, { key: "_getBuffer", value: function (e) { var t = u.allocUnsafe(e), r = this.head, a = 1; for (r.data.copy(t), e -= r.data.length; r = r.next;) { var o = r.data, i = e > o.length ? o.length : e; if (o.copy(t, t.length - e, 0, i), e -= i, 0 === e) { i === o.length ? (++a, this.head = r.next ? r.next : this.tail = null) : (this.head = r, r.data = o.slice(i)); break } ++a } return this.length -= a, t } }, { key: g, value: function (e, t) { return f(this, r({}, t, { depth: 0, customInspect: !1 })) } }]), e }() }, { buffer: 3, util: 2 }], 23: [function (e, t) { (function (e) { (function () { 'use strict'; function n(e, t) { a(e, t), r(e) } function r(e) { e._writableState && !e._writableState.emitClose || e._readableState && !e._readableState.emitClose || e.emit("close") } function a(e, t) { e.emit("error", t) } t.exports = { destroy: function (t, o) { var i = this, d = this._readableState && this._readableState.destroyed, s = this._writableState && this._writableState.destroyed; return d || s ? (o ? o(t) : t && (this._writableState ? !this._writableState.errorEmitted && (this._writableState.errorEmitted = !0, e.nextTick(a, this, t)) : e.nextTick(a, this, t)), this) : (this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = !0), this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = !0), this._destroy(t || null, function (t) { !o && t ? i._writableState ? i._writableState.errorEmitted ? e.nextTick(r, i) : (i._writableState.errorEmitted = !0, e.nextTick(n, i, t)) : e.nextTick(n, i, t) : o ? (e.nextTick(r, i), o(t)) : e.nextTick(r, i) }), this) }, undestroy: function () { this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = !1, this._readableState.reading = !1, this._readableState.ended = !1, this._readableState.endEmitted = !1), this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = !1, this._writableState.ended = !1, this._writableState.ending = !1, this._writableState.finalCalled = !1, this._writableState.prefinished = !1, this._writableState.finished = !1, this._writableState.errorEmitted = !1) }, errorOrDestroy: function (e, t) { var n = e._readableState, r = e._writableState; n && n.autoDestroy || r && r.autoDestroy ? e.destroy(t) : e.emit("error", t) } } }).call(this) }).call(this, e("_process")) }, { _process: 12 }], 24: [function (e, t) { 'use strict'; function n(e) { var t = !1; return function () { if (!t) { t = !0; for (var n = arguments.length, r = Array(n), a = 0; a < n; a++)r[a] = arguments[a]; e.apply(this, r) } } } function r() { } function a(e) { return e.setHeader && "function" == typeof e.abort } function o(e, t, d) { if ("function" == typeof t) return o(e, null, t); t || (t = {}), d = n(d || r); var s = t.readable || !1 !== t.readable && e.readable, l = t.writable || !1 !== t.writable && e.writable, c = function () { e.writable || p() }, u = e._writableState && e._writableState.finished, p = function () { l = !1, u = !0, s || d.call(e) }, f = e._readableState && e._readableState.endEmitted, g = function () { s = !1, f = !0, l || d.call(e) }, _ = function (t) { d.call(e, t) }, h = function () { var t; return s && !f ? (e._readableState && e._readableState.ended || (t = new i), d.call(e, t)) : l && !u ? (e._writableState && e._writableState.ended || (t = new i), d.call(e, t)) : void 0 }, m = function () { e.req.on("finish", p) }; return a(e) ? (e.on("complete", p), e.on("abort", h), e.req ? m() : e.on("request", m)) : l && !e._writableState && (e.on("end", c), e.on("close", c)), e.on("end", g), e.on("finish", p), !1 !== t.error && e.on("error", _), e.on("close", h), function () { e.removeListener("complete", p), e.removeListener("abort", h), e.removeListener("request", m), e.req && e.req.removeListener("finish", p), e.removeListener("end", c), e.removeListener("close", c), e.removeListener("finish", p), e.removeListener("end", g), e.removeListener("error", _), e.removeListener("close", h) } } var i = e("../../../errors").codes.ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE; t.exports = o }, { "../../../errors": 15 }], 25: [function (e, t) { t.exports = function () { throw new Error("Readable.from is not available in the browser") } }, {}], 26: [function (e, t) { 'use strict'; function n(e) { var t = !1; return function () { t || (t = !0, e.apply(void 0, arguments)) } } function r(e) { if (e) throw e } function a(e) { return e.setHeader && "function" == typeof e.abort } function o(t, r, o, i) { i = n(i); var d = !1; t.on("close", function () { d = !0 }), l === void 0 && (l = e("./end-of-stream")), l(t, { readable: r, writable: o }, function (e) { return e ? i(e) : void (d = !0, i()) }); var s = !1; return function (e) { if (!d) return s ? void 0 : (s = !0, a(t) ? t.abort() : "function" == typeof t.destroy ? t.destroy() : void i(e || new p("pipe"))) } } function i(e) { e() } function d(e, t) { return e.pipe(t) } function s(e) { return e.length ? "function" == typeof e[e.length - 1] ? e.pop() : r : r } var l, c = e("../../../errors").codes, u = c.ERR_MISSING_ARGS, p = c.ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED; t.exports = function () { for (var e = arguments.length, t = Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++)t[n] = arguments[n]; var r = s(t); if (Array.isArray(t[0]) && (t = t[0]), 2 > t.length) throw new u("streams"); var a, l = t.map(function (e, n) { var d = n < t.length - 1; return o(e, d, 0 < n, function (e) { a || (a = e), e && l.forEach(i), d || (l.forEach(i), r(a)) }) }); return t.reduce(d) } }, { "../../../errors": 15, "./end-of-stream": 24 }], 27: [function (e, n) { 'use strict'; function r(e, t, n) { return null == e.highWaterMark ? t ? e[n] : null : e.highWaterMark } var a = e("../../../errors").codes.ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE; n.exports = { getHighWaterMark: function (e, n, o, i) { var d = r(n, i, o); if (null != d) { if (!(isFinite(d) && t(d) === d) || 0 > d) { var s = i ? o : "highWaterMark"; throw new a(s, d) } return t(d) } return e.objectMode ? 16 : 16384 } } }, { "../../../errors": 15 }], 28: [function (e, t) { t.exports = e("events").EventEmitter }, { events: 7 }], 29: [function (e, t, n) { n = t.exports = e("./lib/_stream_readable.js"), n.Stream = n, n.Readable = n, n.Writable = e("./lib/_stream_writable.js"), n.Duplex = e("./lib/_stream_duplex.js"), n.Transform = e("./lib/_stream_transform.js"), n.PassThrough = e("./lib/_stream_passthrough.js"), n.finished = e("./lib/internal/streams/end-of-stream.js"), n.pipeline = e("./lib/internal/streams/pipeline.js") }, { "./lib/_stream_duplex.js": 16, "./lib/_stream_passthrough.js": 17, "./lib/_stream_readable.js": 18, "./lib/_stream_transform.js": 19, "./lib/_stream_writable.js": 20, "./lib/internal/streams/end-of-stream.js": 24, "./lib/internal/streams/pipeline.js": 26 }], 30: [function (e, t, n) { function r(e, t) { for (var n in e) t[n] = e[n] } function a(e, t, n) { return i(e, t, n) }/*! safe-buffer. MIT License. Feross Aboukhadijeh <https://feross.org/opensource> */var o = e("buffer"), i = o.Buffer; i.from && i.alloc && i.allocUnsafe && i.allocUnsafeSlow ? t.exports = o : (r(o, n), n.Buffer = a), a.prototype = Object.create(i.prototype), r(i, a), a.from = function (e, t, n) { if ("number" == typeof e) throw new TypeError("Argument must not be a number"); return i(e, t, n) }, a.alloc = function (e, t, n) { if ("number" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number"); var r = i(e); return void 0 === t ? r.fill(0) : "string" == typeof n ? r.fill(t, n) : r.fill(t), r }, a.allocUnsafe = function (e) { if ("number" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number"); return i(e) }, a.allocUnsafeSlow = function (e) { if ("number" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number"); return o.SlowBuffer(e) } }, { buffer: 3 }], 31: [function (e, t, n) { 'use strict'; function r(e) { if (!e) return "utf8"; for (var t; ;)switch (e) { case "utf8": case "utf-8": return "utf8"; case "ucs2": case "ucs-2": case "utf16le": case "utf-16le": return "utf16le"; case "latin1": case "binary": return "latin1"; case "base64": case "ascii": case "hex": return e; default: if (t) return; e = ("" + e).toLowerCase(), t = !0; } } function a(e) { var t = r(e); if ("string" != typeof t && (m.isEncoding === b || !b(e))) throw new Error("Unknown encoding: " + e); return t || e } function o(e) { this.encoding = a(e); var t; switch (this.encoding) { case "utf16le": this.text = u, this.end = p, t = 4; break; case "utf8": this.fillLast = c, t = 4; break; case "base64": this.text = f, this.end = g, t = 3; break; default: return this.write = _, void (this.end = h); }this.lastNeed = 0, this.lastTotal = 0, this.lastChar = m.allocUnsafe(t) } function d(e) { if (127 >= e) return 0; return 6 == e >> 5 ? 2 : 14 == e >> 4 ? 3 : 30 == e >> 3 ? 4 : 2 == e >> 6 ? -1 : -2 } function s(e, t, n) { var r = t.length - 1; if (r < n) return 0; var a = d(t[r]); return 0 <= a ? (0 < a && (e.lastNeed = a - 1), a) : --r < n || -2 === a ? 0 : (a = d(t[r]), 0 <= a) ? (0 < a && (e.lastNeed = a - 2), a) : --r < n || -2 === a ? 0 : (a = d(t[r]), 0 <= a ? (0 < a && (2 === a ? a = 0 : e.lastNeed = a - 3), a) : 0) } function l(e, t) { if (128 != (192 & t[0])) return e.lastNeed = 0, "\uFFFD"; if (1 < e.lastNeed && 1 < t.length) { if (128 != (192 & t[1])) return e.lastNeed = 1, "\uFFFD"; if (2 < e.lastNeed && 2 < t.length && 128 != (192 & t[2])) return e.lastNeed = 2, "\uFFFD" } } function c(e) { var t = this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, n = l(this, e, t); return void 0 === n ? this.lastNeed <= e.length ? (e.copy(this.lastChar, t, 0, this.lastNeed), this.lastChar.toString(this.encoding, 0, this.lastTotal)) : void (e.copy(this.lastChar, t, 0, e.length), this.lastNeed -= e.length) : n } function u(e, t) { if (0 == (e.length - t) % 2) { var n = e.toString("utf16le", t); if (n) { var r = n.charCodeAt(n.length - 1); if (55296 <= r && 56319 >= r) return this.lastNeed = 2, this.lastTotal = 4, this.lastChar[0] = e[e.length - 2], this.lastChar[1] = e[e.length - 1], n.slice(0, -1) } return n } return this.lastNeed = 1, this.lastTotal = 2, this.lastChar[0] = e[e.length - 1], e.toString("utf16le", t, e.length - 1) } function p(e) { var t = e && e.length ? this.write(e) : ""; if (this.lastNeed) { var n = this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed; return t + this.lastChar.toString("utf16le", 0, n) } return t } function f(e, t) { var r = (e.length - t) % 3; return 0 == r ? e.toString("base64", t) : (this.lastNeed = 3 - r, this.lastTotal = 3, 1 == r ? this.lastChar[0] = e[e.length - 1] : (this.lastChar[0] = e[e.length - 2], this.lastChar[1] = e[e.length - 1]), e.toString("base64", t, e.length - r)) } function g(e) { var t = e && e.length ? this.write(e) : ""; return this.lastNeed ? t + this.lastChar.toString("base64", 0, 3 - this.lastNeed) : t } function _(e) { return e.toString(this.encoding) } function h(e) { return e && e.length ? this.write(e) : "" } var m = e("safe-buffer").Buffer, b = m.isEncoding || function (e) { switch (e = "" + e, e && e.toLowerCase()) { case "hex": case "utf8": case "utf-8": case "ascii": case "binary": case "base64": case "ucs2": case "ucs-2": case "utf16le": case "utf-16le": case "raw": return !0; default: return !1; } }; n.StringDecoder = o, o.prototype.write = function (e) { if (0 === e.length) return ""; var t, n; if (this.lastNeed) { if (t = this.fillLast(e), void 0 === t) return ""; n = this.lastNeed, this.lastNeed = 0 } else n = 0; return n < e.length ? t ? t + this.text(e, n) : this.text(e, n) : t || "" }, o.prototype.end = function (e) { var t = e && e.length ? this.write(e) : ""; return this.lastNeed ? t + "\uFFFD" : t }, o.prototype.text = function (e, t) { var n = s(this, e, t); if (!this.lastNeed) return e.toString("utf8", t); this.lastTotal = n; var r = e.length - (n - this.lastNeed); return e.copy(this.lastChar, 0, r), e.toString("utf8", t, r) }, o.prototype.fillLast = function (e) { return this.lastNeed <= e.length ? (e.copy(this.lastChar, this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, 0, this.lastNeed), this.lastChar.toString(this.encoding, 0, this.lastTotal)) : void (e.copy(this.lastChar, this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, 0, e.length), this.lastNeed -= e.length) } }, { "safe-buffer": 30 }], 32: [function (e, t) { (function (e) { (function () { function n(t) { try { if (!e.localStorage) return !1 } catch (e) { return !1 } var n = e.localStorage[t]; return null != n && "true" === (n + "").toLowerCase() } t.exports = function (e, t) { function r() { if (!a) { if (n("throwDeprecation")) throw new Error(t); else n("traceDeprecation") ? console.trace(t) : console.warn(t); a = !0 } return e.apply(this, arguments) } if (n("noDeprecation")) return e; var a = !1; return r } }).call(this) }).call(this, "undefined" == typeof global ? "undefined" == typeof self ? "undefined" == typeof window ? {} : window : self : global) }, {}], "/": [function (e, t) { function n(e) { return e.replace(/a=ice-options:trickle\s\n/g, "") } function r(e) { console.warn(e) }/*! simple-peer. MIT License. Feross Aboukhadijeh <https://feross.org/opensource> */const a = e("debug")("simple-peer"), o = e("get-browser-rtc"), i = e("randombytes"), d = e("readable-stream"), s = e("queue-microtask"), l = e("err-code"), { Buffer: c } = e("buffer"), u = 65536; class p extends d.Duplex { constructor(e) { if (e = Object.assign({ allowHalfOpen: !1 }, e), super(e), this._id = i(4).toString("hex").slice(0, 7), this._debug("new peer %o", e), this.channelName = e.initiator ? e.channelName || i(20).toString("hex") : null, this.initiator = e.initiator || !1, this.channelConfig = e.channelConfig || p.channelConfig, this.channelNegotiated = this.channelConfig.negotiated, this.config = Object.assign({}, p.config, e.config), this.offerOptions = e.offerOptions || {}, this.answerOptions = e.answerOptions || {}, this.sdpTransform = e.sdpTransform || (e => e), this.streams = e.streams || (e.stream ? [e.stream] : []), this.trickle = void 0 === e.trickle || e.trickle, this.allowHalfTrickle = void 0 !== e.allowHalfTrickle && e.allowHalfTrickle, this.iceCompleteTimeout = e.iceCompleteTimeout || 5000, this.destroyed = !1, this.destroying = !1, this._connected = !1, this.remoteAddress = void 0, this.remoteFamily = void 0, this.remotePort = void 0, this.localAddress = void 0, this.localFamily = void 0, this.localPort = void 0, this._wrtc = e.wrtc && "object" == typeof e.wrtc ? e.wrtc : o(), !this._wrtc) if ("undefined" == typeof window) throw l(new Error("No WebRTC support: Specify `opts.wrtc` option in this environment"), "ERR_WEBRTC_SUPPORT"); else throw l(new Error("No WebRTC support: Not a supported browser"), "ERR_WEBRTC_SUPPORT"); this._pcReady = !1, this._channelReady = !1, this._iceComplete = !1, this._iceCompleteTimer = null, this._channel = null, this._pendingCandidates = [], this._isNegotiating = !1, this._firstNegotiation = !0, this._batchedNegotiation = !1, this._queuedNegotiation = !1, this._sendersAwaitingStable = [], this._senderMap = new Map, this._closingInterval = null, this._remoteTracks = [], this._remoteStreams = [], this._chunk = null, this._cb = null, this._interval = null; try { this._pc = new this._wrtc.RTCPeerConnection(this.config) } catch (e) { return void this.destroy(l(e, "ERR_PC_CONSTRUCTOR")) } this._isReactNativeWebrtc = "number" == typeof this._pc._peerConnectionId, this._pc.oniceconnectionstatechange = () => { this._onIceStateChange() }, this._pc.onicegatheringstatechange = () => { this._onIceStateChange() }, this._pc.onconnectionstatechange = () => { this._onConnectionStateChange() }, this._pc.onsignalingstatechange = () => { this._onSignalingStateChange() }, this._pc.onicecandidate = e => { this._onIceCandidate(e) }, "object" == typeof this._pc.peerIdentity && this._pc.peerIdentity.catch(e => { this.destroy(l(e, "ERR_PC_PEER_IDENTITY")) }), this.initiator || this.channelNegotiated ? this._setupData({ channel: this._pc.createDataChannel(this.channelName, this.channelConfig) }) : this._pc.ondatachannel = e => { this._setupData(e) }, this.streams && this.streams.forEach(e => { this.addStream(e) }), this._pc.ontrack = e => { this._onTrack(e) }, this._debug("initial negotiation"), this._needsNegotiation(), this._onFinishBound = () => { this._onFinish() }, this.once("finish", this._onFinishBound) } get bufferSize() { return this._channel && this._channel.bufferedAmount || 0 } get connected() { return this._connected && "open" === this._channel.readyState } address() { return { port: this.localPort, family: this.localFamily, address: this.localAddress } } signal(e) { if (!this.destroying) { if (this.destroyed) throw l(new Error("cannot signal after peer is destroyed"), "ERR_DESTROYED"); if ("string" == typeof e) try { e = JSON.parse(e) } catch (t) { e = {} } this._debug("signal()"), e.renegotiate && this.initiator && (this._debug("got request to renegotiate"), this._needsNegotiation()), e.transceiverRequest && this.initiator && (this._debug("got request for transceiver"), this.addTransceiver(e.transceiverRequest.kind, e.transceiverRequest.init)), e.candidate && (this._pc.remoteDescription && this._pc.remoteDescription.type ? this._addIceCandidate(e.candidate) : this._pendingCandidates.push(e.candidate)), e.sdp && this._pc.setRemoteDescription(new this._wrtc.RTCSessionDescription(e)).then(() => { this.destroyed || (this._pendingCandidates.forEach(e => { this._addIceCandidate(e) }), this._pendingCandidates = [], "offer" === this._pc.remoteDescription.type && this._createAnswer()) }).catch(e => { this.destroy(l(e, "ERR_SET_REMOTE_DESCRIPTION")) }), e.sdp || e.candidate || e.renegotiate || e.transceiverRequest || this.destroy(l(new Error("signal() called with invalid signal data"), "ERR_SIGNALING")) } } _addIceCandidate(e) { const t = new this._wrtc.RTCIceCandidate(e); this._pc.addIceCandidate(t).catch(e => { !t.address || t.address.endsWith(".local") ? r("Ignoring unsupported ICE candidate.") : this.destroy(l(e, "ERR_ADD_ICE_CANDIDATE")) }) } send(e) { if (!this.destroying) { if (this.destroyed) throw l(new Error("cannot send after peer is destroyed"), "ERR_DESTROYED"); this._channel.send(e) } } addTransceiver(e, t) { if (!this.destroying) { if (this.destroyed) throw l(new Error("cannot addTransceiver after peer is destroyed"), "ERR_DESTROYED"); if (this._debug("addTransceiver()"), this.initiator) try { this._pc.addTransceiver(e, t), this._needsNegotiation() } catch (e) { this.destroy(l(e, "ERR_ADD_TRANSCEIVER")) } else this.emit("signal", { type: "transceiverRequest", transceiverRequest: { kind: e, init: t } }) } } addStream(e) { if (!this.destroying) { if (this.destroyed) throw l(new Error("cannot addStream after peer is destroyed"), "ERR_DESTROYED"); this._debug("addStream()"), e.getTracks().forEach(t => { this.addTrack(t, e) }) } } addTrack(e, t) { if (this.destroying) return; if (this.destroyed) throw l(new Error("cannot addTrack after peer is destroyed"), "ERR_DESTROYED"); this._debug("addTrack()"); const n = this._senderMap.get(e) || new Map; let r = n.get(t); if (!r) r = this._pc.addTrack(e, t), n.set(t, r), this._senderMap.set(e, n), this._needsNegotiation(); else if (r.removed) throw l(new Error("Track has been removed. You should enable/disable tracks that you want to re-add."), "ERR_SENDER_REMOVED"); else throw l(new Error("Track has already been added to that stream."), "ERR_SENDER_ALREADY_ADDED") } replaceTrack(e, t, n) { if (this.destroying) return; if (this.destroyed) throw l(new Error("cannot replaceTrack after peer is destroyed"), "ERR_DESTROYED"); this._debug("replaceTrack()"); const r = this._senderMap.get(e), a = r ? r.get(n) : null; if (!a) throw l(new Error("Cannot replace track that was never added."), "ERR_TRACK_NOT_ADDED"); t && this._senderMap.set(t, r), null == a.replaceTrack ? this.destroy(l(new Error("replaceTrack is not supported in this browser"), "ERR_UNSUPPORTED_REPLACETRACK")) : a.replaceTrack(t) } removeTrack(e, t) { if (this.destroying) return; if (this.destroyed) throw l(new Error("cannot removeTrack after peer is destroyed"), "ERR_DESTROYED"); this._debug("removeSender()"); const n = this._senderMap.get(e), r = n ? n.get(t) : null; if (!r) throw l(new Error("Cannot remove track that was never added."), "ERR_TRACK_NOT_ADDED"); try { r.removed = !0, this._pc.removeTrack(r) } catch (e) { "NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED" === e.name ? this._sendersAwaitingStable.push(r) : this.destroy(l(e, "ERR_REMOVE_TRACK")) } this._needsNegotiation() } removeStream(e) { if (!this.destroying) { if (this.destroyed) throw l(new Error("cannot removeStream after peer is destroyed"), "ERR_DESTROYED"); this._debug("removeSenders()"), e.getTracks().forEach(t => { this.removeTrack(t, e) }) } } _needsNegotiation() { this._debug("_needsNegotiation"), this._batchedNegotiation || (this._batchedNegotiation = !0, s(() => { this._batchedNegotiation = !1, this.initiator || !this._firstNegotiation ? (this._debug("starting batched negotiation"), this.negotiate()) : this._debug("non-initiator initial negotiation request discarded"), this._firstNegotiation = !1 })) } negotiate() { if (!this.destroying) { if (this.destroyed) throw l(new Error("cannot negotiate after peer is destroyed"), "ERR_DESTROYED"); this.initiator ? this._isNegotiating ? (this._queuedNegotiation = !0, this._debug("already negotiating, queueing")) : (this._debug("start negotiation"), setTimeout(() => { this._createOffer() }, 0)) : this._isNegotiating ? (this._queuedNegotiation = !0, this._debug("already negotiating, queueing")) : (this._debug("requesting negotiation from initiator"), this.emit("signal", { type: "renegotiate", renegotiate: !0 })), this._isNegotiating = !0 } } destroy(e) { this._destroy(e, () => { }) } _destroy(e, t) { this.destroyed || this.destroying || (this.destroying = !0, this._debug("destroying (error: %s)", e && (e.message || e)), s(() => { if (this.destroyed = !0, this.destroying = !1, this._debug("destroy (error: %s)", e && (e.message || e)), this.readable = this.writable = !1, this._readableState.ended || this.push(null), this._writableState.finished || this.end(), this._connected = !1, this._pcReady = !1, this._channelReady = !1, this._remoteTracks = null, this._remoteStreams = null, this._senderMap = null, clearInterval(this._closingInterval), this._closingInterval = null, clearInterval(this._interval), this._interval = null, this._chunk = null, this._cb = null, this._onFinishBound && this.removeListener("finish", this._onFinishBound), this._onFinishBound = null, this._channel) { try { this._channel.close() } catch (e) { } this._channel.onmessage = null, this._channel.onopen = null, this._channel.onclose = null, this._channel.onerror = null } if (this._pc) { try { this._pc.close() } catch (e) { } this._pc.oniceconnectionstatechange = null, this._pc.onicegatheringstatechange = null, this._pc.onsignalingstatechange = null, this._pc.onicecandidate = null, this._pc.ontrack = null, this._pc.ondatachannel = null } this._pc = null, this._channel = null, e && this.emit("error", e), this.emit("close"), t() })) } _setupData(e) { if (!e.channel) return this.destroy(l(new Error("Data channel event is missing `channel` property"), "ERR_DATA_CHANNEL")); this._channel = e.channel, this._channel.binaryType = "arraybuffer", "number" == typeof this._channel.bufferedAmountLowThreshold && (this._channel.bufferedAmountLowThreshold = u), this.channelName = this._channel.label, this._channel.onmessage = e => { this._onChannelMessage(e) }, this._channel.onbufferedamountlow = () => { this._onChannelBufferedAmountLow() }, this._channel.onopen = () => { this._onChannelOpen() }, this._channel.onclose = () => { this._onChannelClose() }, this._channel.onerror = e => { const t = e.error instanceof Error ? e.error : new Error(`Datachannel error: ${e.message} ${e.filename}:${e.lineno}:${e.colno}`); this.destroy(l(t, "ERR_DATA_CHANNEL")) }; let t = !1; this._closingInterval = setInterval(() => { this._channel && "closing" === this._channel.readyState ? (t && this._onChannelClose(), t = !0) : t = !1 }, 5000) } _read() { } _write(e, t, n) { if (this.destroyed) return n(l(new Error("cannot write after peer is destroyed"), "ERR_DATA_CHANNEL")); if (this._connected) { try { this.send(e) } catch (e) { return this.destroy(l(e, "ERR_DATA_CHANNEL")) } this._channel.bufferedAmount > u ? (this._debug("start backpressure: bufferedAmount %d", this._channel.bufferedAmount), this._cb = n) : n(null) } else this._debug("write before connect"), this._chunk = e, this._cb = n } _onFinish() { if (!this.destroyed) { const e = () => { setTimeout(() => this.destroy(), 1e3) }; this._connected ? e() : this.once("connect", e) } } _startIceCompleteTimeout() { this.destroyed || this._iceCompleteTimer || (this._debug("started iceComplete timeout"), this._iceCompleteTimer = setTimeout(() => { this._iceComplete || (this._iceComplete = !0, this._debug("iceComplete timeout completed"), this.emit("iceTimeout"), this.emit("_iceComplete")) }, this.iceCompleteTimeout)) } _createOffer() { this.destroyed || this._pc.createOffer(this.offerOptions).then(e => { if (this.destroyed) return; this.trickle || this.allowHalfTrickle || (e.sdp = n(e.sdp)), e.sdp = this.sdpTransform(e.sdp); const t = () => { if (!this.destroyed) { const t = this._pc.localDescription || e; this._debug("signal"), this.emit("signal", { type: t.type, sdp: t.sdp }) } }; this._pc.setLocalDescription(e).then(() => { this._debug("createOffer success"), this.destroyed || (this.trickle || this._iceComplete ? t() : this.once("_iceComplete", t)) }).catch(e => { this.destroy(l(e, "ERR_SET_LOCAL_DESCRIPTION")) }) }).catch(e => { this.destroy(l(e, "ERR_CREATE_OFFER")) }) } _requestMissingTransceivers() { this._pc.getTransceivers && this._pc.getTransceivers().forEach(e => { e.mid || !e.sender.track || e.requested || (e.requested = !0, this.addTransceiver(e.sender.track.kind)) }) } _createAnswer() { this.destroyed || this._pc.createAnswer(this.answerOptions).then(e => { if (this.destroyed) return; this.trickle || this.allowHalfTrickle || (e.sdp = n(e.sdp)), e.sdp = this.sdpTransform(e.sdp); const t = () => { if (!this.destroyed) { const t = this._pc.localDescription || e; this._debug("signal"), this.emit("signal", { type: t.type, sdp: t.sdp }), this.initiator || this._requestMissingTransceivers() } }; this._pc.setLocalDescription(e).then(() => { this.destroyed || (this.trickle || this._iceComplete ? t() : this.once("_iceComplete", t)) }).catch(e => { this.destroy(l(e, "ERR_SET_LOCAL_DESCRIPTION")) }) }).catch(e => { this.destroy(l(e, "ERR_CREATE_ANSWER")) }) } _onConnectionStateChange() { this.destroyed || "failed" === this._pc.connectionState && this.destroy(l(new Error("Connection failed."), "ERR_CONNECTION_FAILURE")) } _onIceStateChange() { if (this.destroyed) return; const e = this._pc.iceConnectionState, t = this._pc.iceGatheringState; this._debug("iceStateChange (connection: %s) (gathering: %s)", e, t), this.emit("iceStateChange", e, t), ("connected" === e || "completed" === e) && (this._pcReady = !0, this._maybeReady()), "failed" === e && this.destroy(l(new Error("Ice connection failed."), "ERR_ICE_CONNECTION_FAILURE")), "closed" === e && this.destroy(l(new Error("Ice connection closed."), "ERR_ICE_CONNECTION_CLOSED")) } getStats(e) { const t = e => ("[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e.values) && e.values.forEach(t => { Object.assign(e, t) }), e); 0 === this._pc.getStats.length || this._isReactNativeWebrtc ? this._pc.getStats().then(n => { const r = []; n.forEach(e => { r.push(t(e)) }), e(null, r) }, t => e(t)) : 0 < this._pc.getStats.length ? this._pc.getStats(n => { if (this.destroyed) return; const r = []; n.result().forEach(e => { const n = {}; e.names().forEach(t => { n[t] = e.stat(t) }), n.id = e.id, n.type = e.type, n.timestamp = e.timestamp, r.push(t(n)) }), e(null, r) }, t => e(t)) : e(null, []) } _maybeReady() { if (this._debug("maybeReady pc %s channel %s", this._pcReady, this._channelReady), this._connected || this._connecting || !this._pcReady || !this._channelReady) return; this._connecting = !0; const e = () => { this.destroyed || this.getStats((t, n) => { if (this.destroyed) return; t && (n = []); const r = {}, a = {}, o = {}; let i = !1; n.forEach(e => { ("remotecandidate" === e.type || "remote-candidate" === e.type) && (r[e.id] = e), ("localcandidate" === e.type || "local-candidate" === e.type) && (a[e.id] = e), ("candidatepair" === e.type || "candidate-pair" === e.type) && (o[e.id] = e) }); const d = e => { i = !0; let t = a[e.localCandidateId]; t && (t.ip || t.address) ? (this.localAddress = t.ip || t.address, this.localPort = +t.port) : t && t.ipAddress ? (this.localAddress = t.ipAddress, this.localPort = +t.portNumber) : "string" == typeof e.googLocalAddress && (t = e.googLocalAddress.split(":"), this.localAddress = t[0], this.localPort = +t[1]), this.localAddress && (this.localFamily = this.localAddress.includes(":") ? "IPv6" : "IPv4"); let n = r[e.remoteCandidateId]; n && (n.ip || n.address) ? (this.remoteAddress = n.ip || n.address, this.remotePort = +n.port) : n && n.ipAddress ? (this.remoteAddress = n.ipAddress, this.remotePort = +n.portNumber) : "string" == typeof e.googRemoteAddress && (n = e.googRemoteAddress.split(":"), this.remoteAddress = n[0], this.remotePort = +n[1]), this.remoteAddress && (this.remoteFamily = this.remoteAddress.includes(":") ? "IPv6" : "IPv4"), this._debug("connect local: %s:%s remote: %s:%s", this.localAddress, this.localPort, this.remoteAddress, this.remotePort) }; if (n.forEach(e => { "transport" === e.type && e.selectedCandidatePairId && d(o[e.selectedCandidatePairId]), ("googCandidatePair" === e.type && "true" === e.googActiveConnection || ("candidatepair" === e.type || "candidate-pair" === e.type) && e.selected) && d(e) }), !i && (!Object.keys(o).length || Object.keys(a).length)) return void setTimeout(e, 100); if (this._connecting = !1, this._connected = !0, this._chunk) { try { this.send(this._chunk) } catch (e) { return this.destroy(l(e, "ERR_DATA_CHANNEL")) } this._chunk = null, this._debug("sent chunk from \"write before connect\""); const e = this._cb; this._cb = null, e(null) } "number" != typeof this._channel.bufferedAmountLowThreshold && (this._interval = setInterval(() => this._onInterval(), 150), this._interval.unref && this._interval.unref()), this._debug("connect"), this.emit("connect") }) }; e() } _onInterval() { this._cb && this._channel && !(this._channel.bufferedAmount > u) && this._onChannelBufferedAmountLow() } _onSignalingStateChange() { this.destroyed || ("stable" === this._pc.signalingState && (this._isNegotiating = !1, this._debug("flushing sender queue", this._sendersAwaitingStable), this._sendersAwaitingStable.forEach(e => { this._pc.removeTrack(e), this._queuedNegotiation = !0 }), this._sendersAwaitingStable = [], this._queuedNegotiation ? (this._debug("flushing negotiation queue"), this._queuedNegotiation = !1, this._needsNegotiation()) : (this._debug("negotiated"), this.emit("negotiated"))), this._debug("signalingStateChange %s", this._pc.signalingState), this.emit("signalingStateChange", this._pc.signalingState)) } _onIceCandidate(e) { this.destroyed || (e.candidate && this.trickle ? this.emit("signal", { type: "candidate", candidate: { candidate: e.candidate.candidate, sdpMLineIndex: e.candidate.sdpMLineIndex, sdpMid: e.candidate.sdpMid } }) : !e.candidate && !this._iceComplete && (this._iceComplete = !0, this.emit("_iceComplete")), e.candidate && this._startIceCompleteTimeout()) } _onChannelMessage(e) { if (this.destroyed) return; let t = e.data; t instanceof ArrayBuffer && (t = c.from(t)), this.push(t) } _onChannelBufferedAmountLow() { if (!this.destroyed && this._cb) { this._debug("ending backpressure: bufferedAmount %d", this._channel.bufferedAmount); const e = this._cb; this._cb = null, e(null) } } _onChannelOpen() { this._connected || this.destroyed || (this._debug("on channel open"), this._channelReady = !0, this._maybeReady()) } _onChannelClose() { this.destroyed || (this._debug("on channel close"), this.destroy()) } _onTrack(e) { this.destroyed || e.streams.forEach(t => { this._debug("on track"), this.emit("track", e.track, t), this._remoteTracks.push({ track: e.track, stream: t }), this._remoteStreams.some(e => e.id === t.id) || (this._remoteStreams.push(t), s(() => { this._debug("on stream"), this.emit("stream", t) })) }) } _debug() { const e = [].slice.call(arguments); e[0] = "[" + this._id + "] " + e[0], a.apply(null, e) } } p.WEBRTC_SUPPORT = !!o(), p.config = { iceServers: [{ urls: ["stun:stun.l.google.com:19302", "stun:global.stun.twilio.com:3478"] }], sdpSemantics: "unified-plan" }, p.channelConfig = {}, t.exports = p }, { buffer: 3, debug: 4, "err-code": 6, "get-browser-rtc": 8, "queue-microtask": 13, randombytes: 14, "readable-stream": 29 }]
}, {}, [])("/")