Aspect Oriented Programming is a software development paradigm that is strongly based on the principle of separation of concerns and aims to improve modularity and reduce software complexity by means of constructors that encapsulate so-called crosscutting concerns which are scattered over several modules and/or tangled with other concern-specific code. Aspect-oriented refactoring aims to increase modularity and reduce the complexity of existing software by restructuring the crosscutting concerns into a constructor called aspect. However, in spite of the benefits, the adoption of this paradigm may represent a potential source of difficulties in relation to the execution of conventional software testing techniques. In this scenario, the Mutation Testing, a widely used test technique that is based on a taxonomy created from recurrent faults committed by developers, becomes the object of study of this work. As a result of this experiment, it was noticed that the mutation test applied to post-refactoring software is capable of both evaluate the software under test and evaluate the effectiveness of the set of test cases.