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Getting started with rkt

In this tutorial, we'll run matchbox on your Linux machine with rkt and CNI to network boot and provision a cluster of QEMU/KVM Container Linux machines locally. You'll be able to create Kubernetes clustes, etcd3 clusters, and test network setups.

Note: To provision physical machines, see network setup and deployment.


Install rkt 1.12.0 or higher (example script) and setup rkt privilege separation.

Next, install the package dependencies.

# Fedora
$ sudo dnf install virt-install virt-manager

# Debian/Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install virt-manager virtinst qemu-kvm systemd-container

Note: rkt does not yet integrate with SELinux on Fedora. As a workaround, temporarily set enforcement to permissive if you are comfortable (sudo setenforce Permissive). Check the rkt distribution notes or see the tracking issue.

Clone the matchbox source which contains the examples and scripts.

$ git clone
$ cd matchbox

Download CoreOS Container Linux image assets referenced by the etcd3 example to examples/assets.

$ ./scripts/get-coreos stable 1576.5.0 ./examples/assets


Define the metal0 virtual bridge with CNI.

sudo mkdir -p /etc/rkt/net.d
sudo bash -c 'cat > /etc/rkt/net.d/20-metal.conf << EOF
  "name": "metal0",
  "type": "bridge",
  "bridge": "metal0",
  "isGateway": true,
  "ipMasq": true,
  "ipam": {
    "type": "host-local",
    "subnet": "",
    "routes" : [ { "dst" : "" } ]

On Fedora, add the metal0 interface to the trusted zone in your firewall configuration.

$ sudo firewall-cmd --add-interface=metal0 --zone=trusted
$ sudo firewall-cmd --add-interface=metal0 --zone=trusted --permanent

For development convenience, you may wish to add /etc/hosts entries for nodes to refer to them by name.

# /etc/hosts


Run the matchbox and dnsmasq services on the metal0 bridge. dnsmasq will run DHCP, DNS, and TFTP services to create a suitable network boot environment. matchbox will serve configs to machinesas they PXE boot.

The devnet convenience script can rkt run these services in systemd transient units and accepts the name of any example cluster in examples.

$ sudo -E ./scripts/devnet create etcd3

Inspect the journal logs.

$ sudo -E ./scripts/devnet status
$ journalctl -f -u dev-matchbox
$ journalctl -f -u dev-dnsmasq

Take a look at the etcd3 groups to get an idea of how machines are mapped to Profiles. Explore some endpoints exposed by the service, say for QEMU/KVM node1.


If you prefer to start the containers yourself, instead of using devnet,

sudo rkt run --net=metal0:IP= \
  --mount volume=data,target=/var/lib/matchbox \
  --volume data,kind=host,source=$PWD/examples \
  --mount volume=groups,target=/var/lib/matchbox/groups \
  --volume groups,kind=host,source=$PWD/examples/groups/etcd3 \ -- -address= -log-level=debug
sudo rkt run --net=metal0:IP= \
  --dns=host \
  --mount volume=config,target=/etc/dnsmasq.conf \
  --volume config,kind=host,source=$PWD/contrib/dnsmasq/metal0.conf \ \

If you get an error about the IP assignment, stop old pods and run garbage collection.

$ sudo rkt gc --grace-period=0

Client VMs

Create QEMU/KVM VMs which have known hardware attributes. The nodes will be attached to the metal0 bridge, where your pods run.

$ sudo ./scripts/libvirt create-rkt

You can connect to the serial console of any node (ctrl+] to exit). If you provisioned nodes with an SSH key, you can SSH after bring-up.

$ sudo virsh console node1
$ ssh

You can also use virt-manager to watch the console.

$ sudo virt-manager

Use the wrapper script to act on all nodes.

$ sudo ./scripts/libvirt [start|reboot|shutdown|poweroff|destroy]


The VMs should network boot and provision themselves into a three node etcd3 cluster, with other nodes behaving as etcd3 gateways.

The example profile added autologin so you can verify that etcd3 works between nodes.

$ systemctl status etcd-member
$ etcdctl set /message hello
$ etcdctl get /message

Clean up

Clean up the systemd units running matchbox and dnsmasq.

$ sudo -E ./scripts/devnet destroy

Clean up VM machines.

$ sudo ./scripts/libvirt destroy

Press ^] three times to stop any rkt pod.

Going further

Learn more about matchbox or explore the other example clusters. Try the k8s example to produce a TLS-authenticated Kubernetes cluster you can access locally with kubectl.