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Thom van Kalkeren edited this page Jul 18, 2019 · 32 revisions

Demo TODO application

Link provides the functionality to build a fully-featured linked-data browser, it's also possible to just mix-and-match the functionality you need for your specific application.

Most tasks (e.g. data fetching) can be done in a number of ways, each with their own considerations. Link generally provides both imperative and declarative ways to attain the desired result. The imperative tools usually provide quick and easy results with a lot of flexibility, while the declarative tools provide a stable base for scaling and adapting to a variety of data sources.

Most applications will use both to achieve the best balance between performance, readability, scalability and maintainability.

Note: Link-redux has been through a lot of changes since its inception, the name implies the use of the popular Redux framework, while this was true in the past, link-redux has dropped its dependency and provides it's own middleware which is better adopted for processing linked data.


Use createStore to initialize a store to hold all data, and pass it to the RenderStoreProvider to provide your child components access;

const lrs = createStore()

    <RenderStoreProvider value={lrs}>
      // The rest of your app


Linked data uses URL's for resources and properties. It can be tedious to write and instantiate those URL's, so the store provides a helper with some namespaces for that.

const lrs = createStore()
export const NS = lrs.namespaces

Use'my/path') for all app-related things and when you're not sure. It is always relative to the domain your app is viewed on ( in the case of this documentation).

// The `app` namespace is relative, it uses window.location.origin (the current location)'fletcher91/link-lib') //

A lot of popular namespaces are preconfigured (see the list)


The following popular ontologies are available as plain objects as well;

Which can be called more easily;

Accessing the store

Retrieve the store in your component;


const MyComponent = () => {
  const lrs = useLRS()


const MyComponent = (props) => {
  const lrs = props.lrs

const EnhancedComponent = withLRS(MyComponent)

Retrieving server data


Mounting a LinkedResourceContainer will retrieve the resource passed as subject when it's not in the store yet.

<LinkedResourceContainer subject={'person/5')} />


The simplest method to fetch data from a server is via getEntity, which returns a promise which will resolve once the resource has been fetched. The promise has no value, rather your component should re-render when it finishes loading.

await lrs.getEntity('person/5'))

Use queueEntity to let the store know it should be fetched in the near future. It is considerably more performant than getEntity since it doesn't create a promise and allows the store to batch data requests more efficiently.


Querying data


Not available at the time of writing


const MyComponent = (props) => {
  return (

const EnhancedComponent = link([, NS.schema.description])(MyComponent)


Use tryEntity to retrieve actual data from the store. An empty array is returned when no data was found.

const data = lrs.tryEntity('person/5'))

Rendering resources

Rendering properties

Rendering data types

Actions, middleware and state changes

Inheritance and reasoning

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