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Dmitry Shachnev edited this page Sep 30, 2015 · 10 revisions

General instructions

Usually, all you have to do to install ReText, is:

  1. Install Python 3 and PyQt 5.

  2. Run this command:

    $ python3 -m pip install ReText --user

(The --user argument is needed for local installations, drop it and run the command as a superuser if you want to install ReText system-wide).

For users of Linux distributions

If ReText is available in your system repository, install it from there.

For example, on Debian or Ubuntu, run:

# apt-get install retext

For users of Windows and Mac OS X

Note: these systems are in no way officially supported. Use ReText there at your own risk.

As there is no global icon theme on these systems, you need to download the icon pack and unpack the icons from there into ReText/icons directory.

After that, running ReText locally (without installing) will work. If you want to install it, change the icon_path = icons/ line in ReText/ to a different value (do not forget the trailing slash). If you want to use ReText locally, do not forget to install the needed dependencies using pip.

The old wiki has a [page documenting the procedure of installing ReText on Windows]( Install of ReText/).

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