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Welcome to libgpx, a multiplatform graphics library for 8bit micros.

Compiling libgpx

Run the make command with platform name as target in the root directory.

Supported platforms are zxspec48 and partner and are case sensitive!

make PLATFORM=partner

After the compilation object and debug files are available in the build directory, and the libgpx.lib is copied to the bin directory.

Using libgpx

Tiny coding convention

( be continued...)


libgpx has been designed as an independent library. It incudes stdbool.h, and stdint.h, but uses its' own implementations.


To initialize the library, call gpx_init() function. This function returns a pointer to the gpx_t structure, which you pass to all other functions of the libgpx.

After you're done with using the library, you should call the gpx_exit(). On some platform this call just deletes the gpx_t structure. On others it switches from grapics back to text mode.

#include <gpx.h>

void main() {
    gpt_t* g=gpx_init();
    /* your drawing code here */

Querying platform graphics capabilities

If you would like to know what the gpx library can do on your platform, you can call gpx_cap(). This function will query platform graphics capabilities (resolution, no. of pages, black and white color, etc.). This function will return pointer to gpx_cap_t.

#include <gpx.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void main() {
    /* enter gpx mode */
    gpx_t *g=gpx_init();

    /* query graphics capabilities */
    gpx_cap_t *cap=gpx_cap(g);
    printf("GRAPHICS PROPERTIES\n\n");
    printf("No. colors %d\nBack color %d\nFore color %d\n",
    printf("Sup. pages %d\n", cap->num_pages);
    /* enum. pages */
    for(int p=0; p<cap->num_pages; p++)
        /* enum resolutions (for page) */
        for (int r=0; r<cap->pages[p].num_resolutions; r++)
            printf(" P%d Resol. %dx%d\n",
    /* leave gpx mode */

And the result on ZX Spectrum 48K.

ZX Spectrum 48K gpx_cap()

Page switching

If the platform supports multiple pages use gpx_get_page() to get current page and gpx_set_page() to switch to desired page.

It is possible to set current display page and current write page. The display page is the currently shown page, and the write page is the target page for all drawing.

You can use a combination of bitmask flags PG_WRITE and PG_DISPLAY to set the page.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include "partner.h"

#include <gpx.h>

int main() {

    /* enter gpx mode */
    gpx_t *g=gpx_init();
    if (g==NULL) {
        printf("Can't enter graphics mode.\n");
        return 1;

    /* clear screen */

    /* animation using page switching. */
    rect_t pg1rect={100,100,200,200};
    rect_t pg0rect={300,300,400,400};

    /* switch pages 100 times */
    for(int i=0;i<100;i++)

    /* leave gpx mode */

    return 0;


The library at present only supports monochrome graphics, but its interface is prepared for color displays. You can set the color by calling gpx_set_color(), passing the color and color flags. Flags are used because on some systems you can set background and foreground color (for example: paper and ink on ZX Spectrum).

You can obtain black and white colors and number of supported colors by calling the gpx_query_cap().


Rectangle type rect_t has four coordinates: x0,y0,x1 and y1. Operations that consume rectangles always include border. Hence, a rectangle with same coordinates is a line or a pixel. Following core rectangle arithmetic functions are provided with the library.

/* does rectangle contains point? */
extern bool gpx_rect_contains(rect_t *r, coord x, coord y);

/* do rectangles overlap? */
extern bool gpx_rect_overlap(rect_t *a, rect_t *b);

/* intersection of rectangles */
extern rect_t* gpx_rect_intersect(rect_t *a, rect_t *b, rect_t *intersect);

/* normalize rect coordinates i.e. ie from left top to right bottom */
extern void gpx_rect_norm(rect_t *r);


You can set a rectangular clipping region for all drawing. The clipping region is of type rect_t and is set by calling gpx_set_clip_area(). Passing NULL sets entire screen as the clipping region (=no clipping).

After the call to gpx_init, the defautl clipping area is entire screen.

/* set clip. rectangle to 0, 0, 99, 99*/
rect_t ul_area={0, 0, 99, 99};
/* after this call all drawing operations outside the clip 
   rectangle will be invisible */

Blit mode

Operations such as drawing lines, use blit mode. At present three blit modes are supported: BLT_NONE, BLT_XOR and BLT_COPY. You can set the blit mode using function gpx_set_blit() and read it by gpx_get_blit().

Mode BM_NONE is a dummy mode and disables all drawing operations.

/* set XOR drawing mode for all drawing operations. */


Line styles

Call gpx_set_line_style() to pass a 1 byte line pattern. Line styles are applied to all draw fuinctions: lines, rectangles, circles, and polygons. But not to glyphs.

You can use predefined line patterns or custom line patterns. If you use a predefined pattern the drawing might get hardware accelerated.

The predefined (well known) line style constants:

  • LS_SOLID 11111111
  • LS_DOTTED 10101010
  • LS_DASHED 11001100
uint8_t shft_dashed_style=0x33;     /* 00110011 */

Fill brushes

Call the gpx_set_fill_brush() to pass a min. 1 to max 8 byte fill pattern. Fill pattern will be applied to all fill functions: rectangles, circles and polygons. But not to glyphs.

Fills are implemented by scan line drawing. Each line is assigned one byte from the fill pattern as its' line style. If all bytes in fill are well known line styles, then fill might be accelerated.

/* fill circle with cross pattern */
uint8_t cross[8] = {
    0x81, 0x42, 0x24, 0x18, /* internals: each byte is line style */
    0x18, 0x24, 0x42, 0x81


You can obtain resolution indexes by calling gpx_get_cap() and iterating through the gpx_page_t[] pages member. Each page has a gpx_resolution_t[] resolutions member, which contains resolutions.

By convention the resolutions are ordered from lowest to highest.

On some platforem libgpx emulates lower resolutions (for example - gpx emulates 512x256 on Iskra Delta Partner).

Resolution is also set per page, so make sure you set it for all pages you are using.

#include <gpx.h>

void main() {
    /* enter gpx mode */
    gpx_t *g=gpx_init();
    /* set screen resolution */
    /* exit gpx mode */

Clearing the screen

Use gpx_cls() to clear screen. Clear screen will respect current back color, and fore color.

This function will, due to some hardware limitations, ignore current page settings and always clear the display page.

#include <gpx.h>

void main() {
    /* enter gpx mode */
    gpx_t *g=gpx_init();
    /* clear screen */
    /* exit gpx mode */


All drawing functions start with gpx_draw_ and all fill functions start with gpx_fill_. They only accept coordinate arguments, because all other aspects of drawing (color, blit mode, clipping) is set by a separate function and stored in the gpx_t structure.

Following functions are available.

  • gpx_draw_line() ... draws a line
  • gpx_draw_circle() ... draws a circle
  • gpx_draw_rect() ... draws a rectangle
  • gpx_fill_rect() ... draws a filled rectangle

All functions are optimized. For example - when drawing a line, horizontal line is detected and drawn using super- speeed function.

#include <gpx.h>

void main() {

    /* enter graphics */
    gpx_t *g=gpx_init();

    /* clear screen */

    /* query graphics capabilities
       NOTE: this is only possible because initial page
             and initial resolution are both 0. */
    gpx_cap_t *cap=gpx_cap(g);
    coord centerx = cap->pages[0].resolutions[0].width/2;
    coord centery = cap->pages[0].resolutions[0].height/2;

    printf("Center is at %d,%d\n",centerx, centery);

    /* draw line */
    for (coord x=centerx-20; x<centerx+20;x++)

    /* draw circle */

    /* leave graphics */

And the result on ZX Spectrum 48K.

ZX Spectrum 48K drawing


The glyph is a basic building block of bitmapped graphics. Several classes of glyph are supported, each having a minimal header, just enough to draw the glyph. Each glyph type has its own optimal drawing function.

Glyph classes

Each glyph has a 4 byte glyph header. First three bits of the first byte tell the glyph class.

Following glyph classes are supported.

Name Class Description
Raster 000 Encoded as standard 1bpp raster
Tiny 001 Encoded as Partners' relative movements
Lines 010 Encoded as lines (scanlines or outline)
RLE bit 011 Encoded as bit RLE graphics
RLE byte 100 Encoded as byte RLE graphics

The rest of the 4 byte structure depends on glyph class.

glyph_t structure

Glyph format limits

The *glyph_t structure immposes some reasonable limits for a glyph. All glyhps except the RLE are limited to 256x256. RLE has two extra bits for width and height, limiting its size to 1024x1024. RLE also does not need size information, because the number of rows equals to height, and each individual row has information about its size. Tiny glyph can have max. 256 moves, and line glyph can have max. of 4096 lines.

For obvious reasons, glyph type Tiny, which contains direct commands for Iskra Delta Partner GDP is not supported on other platforms.

LINES format

The lines format uses two subsequent bytes of data as relative x,y coordinates of point from -127 to 127. A value of -128 is the escape sequence and is followed by a command.

Here's an example.

12, 15, 30, 40, 20, 20, -128, 0, 17, 13, 20, 28

first stroke is

line from 12, 15 to 30, 40 line from 30, 40 to 20, 20

escape sequence -128 followed by command 0 means "line break" i.e.end of stroke. Next stroke is

line from 17,13 to 20,20

Following are available commands

Code (bin) Command
0000 00 0 0 End of current stroke.
0000 xx 0 0 Reserved
0000 00 1 0 End of stroke, no color
0000 01 1 0 End of stroke, set fore color
0000 10 1 0 End of stroke, set back color
0000 11 1 0 Reserved
0000 00 1 1 Set color to transparent
0000 01 1 1 Set fore color
0000 10 1 1 Set back color
0000 11 1 1 Reserved

Bit 0 tells if the stroke continues (=1) or ends (=0). Bit 1 tells if pen changes. Bits 3 and 4 tell the new pen. Top nibble is reserved for more commands.

RLE format

RLE is an encoding for glyphs, optimized for fast drawing. You might've read about RLE "compression", which is based on wriing bytes that releat with a byte value and a counter.

In libgpx we talk about encoding, because the focus is not on compression, but on faster drawing.

RLE format in libgpx can be aligned on a byyte or a bit boundary.

Byte aligned RLE

Byte aligned RLE rewrites repeating bytes with byte value and a counter. If the value does not repeat it is not compressed. For example value ABCDE would not change. But if the value repeats multiple times, then it is escaped by repeating it twice and the third byte is number of repetitions. For example the value AAAAAAB would be compressed into AA6B.

Byte aligned RLE is useful for raster optimization and can actually achieve compression.

Bit aligned RLE

Bit or pixel aligned RLE breaks down image to vector operations. Let's examine how this is done on following scan- line example, encoded as a pattern of bits: 1 for pixel set and 0 for background.

10001111 11100111 11111111 11111111 11111111 01010101

To encode this pattern we'll need recognize fast drawing line styles inside this glyph. We can see that this line can be written as:

1 000 1111111 00 111111111111111111111111111 01010101

We recognize three line styles: 11111111, 00000000 and 01010101. So we can encode this this as follows:

11111111(1) 00000000(3) 11111111(7) 00000000(2) 11111111(27) 01010101(8)

The first number is the line style and second number is line length.

I'm putting "compression" in quotes because this is not really a compression, but a way to speed up drawing by using vectors. Instead of 48 pixels, we draw 6 lines. On a vector display this leads to much better pefrormance.

Array of glyphs: the envelope approach

Glyphs can be combined into more complex bitmapped structures, such as fonts, animations, bitmaps, icons, or mouse mouse cursors. All of these structures are arrays (or envelopes) containing basic glyphs. By using the envelope approach one can create an animation or a font, made out of any glyph types.

The tradeoff of this approach is that each glyph array (such as a font) is a bit larger, because collective properties, such as font height are stored with each glyph. But it also results in smaller and faster code, required to manage graphics.

Various envelopes

Glyph drawing functions

Here are four main glyph drawing functions.

  • gpx_draw_glyph() ... draws a glyph
  • gpx_draw_mglyph() ... draws a masked glyph
  • gpx_read_glyph() ... read a bitmap from screen


Fonts are implemented using the glyph group of drawing functions, because each letter is just a glyph, with some extra drawing hints.

To use font you need to load it (unless already part of your C code). Each font starts with the font_t structure where you can find some basic font information such as average width, height, number of characters, etc.

You then simply call gpx_draw_string() to draw a sting.

Don't forget that fonts also use the blit mode, and if it is not BM_COPY, background may not be deleted.

Font header

The font header structure contains basic information about the font and a table of pointers to each glyph. This way glyphs can have different sizes (i.e. in proportional fonts, the letter i takes much less memory space than the letter w) and we avoid expensive calculations to find each glyph.

Because each glyph contains its width, it also makes it easy for us to measure strings by simply iterating through all the glyphs in the string, and maxing the height and summing the width.

Measuring text

Use gpx_measure_string() to measure string.

( be continued...)

Supported platforms

Iskra Delta Partner

Iskra Delta Partner

Trait Value
Processor Z80, 4Mhz
Graphics type Vector
Native resolution 1024x512
Colors 2
Page(s) 2
libgpx size in bytes N/A
Implementation internals Available

ZX Spectrum 48K

ZX Spectrum 48K

Trait Value
Processor Z80, 4Mhz
Graphics type Raster
Native resolution 256x192
Colors 15
Page(s) 1
libgpx size in bytes N/A
Implementation internals Available

Pixie Linux Vector Display Emulator


Trait Value
Processor Any Linux
Graphics type Vector
Native resolution Custom
Colors 256
Page(s) Custom
libgpx size in bytes N/A
Implementation internals Available