Releases: rfcx/arbimon
Releases · rfcx/arbimon
2024 Q2-6 End of sprint release 🚀
2024 Q2-6 Mid sprint release🚀
Released on 2024-06-21
New features
- Add ability for other team members to restart the server when job stuck in queue #2039
- Project backup - request project backup should be on a project basis #2041
- Show expire status when the project backup link is expired #2019
- CNN - confirm to cancel popup #1901
Bug fixes
2024 Q2-6 Start of sprint release🚀
Released on 2024-06-13
New features
- CNN export all model detections #1897 #1895
- Project members new UI with explanation of what each role can do #1980
- CNN new audio player UI #1645
- CNN returns actually computed review status from the API to reflect on the UI #1995
- UI showing error cases in categories #1745
- Refined error reporting for backup download recordings script #2023 #2026 #2025
- Project backup column adjustments #2020
- CNN date range cap upon job creation for better performance #1974
Bug fixes
- CNN minimum confidence input box now increment by 0.1 #2001
2024 Q2-5 Mid sprint release🚀
Released on 2024-06-04
New features
- Releasing project backup feature for public use #2004
Bug fixes
- Encode recording tags for sql query rfcx/arbimon-legacy#1553
- Fixed recording stopped playing the sound on safari rfcx/arbimon-legacy#1547
2024 Q2-5 Start of sprint release🚀
Released on 2024-05-31
New features
- Admin page - user can see sync history & able to run sync fix by project #1933
- CNN - change service to get total number of detections for better performance #1991
- CNN - Create GET
endpoint #1894 - Companion email logo updates
Bug fixes
- CNN validation - summary numbers don't reflect with the filters #2000
2024 Q2-4 End of sprint release🚀
Released on 2024-05-24
New features
- CNN - UI updates to clear design clutter #1950
- Uploader - make location required to create a new site, but also allow user to upload to hidden sites #218
- CNN Validation - clear validation after validated the result #1949
- CNN Summary - adjust layout of input, validation status and output #1954
- Homepage - open "How it works" from the top of the page #1952
- Update email logo, address and social links for deployment (songmeter & audiomoth) rfcx/companion-web-admin#14
- Uploader error message "Cannot create source file with provided data" #217
- Direct signup and login urls for marketing emails #1969
- Uploader - don't include file in 1970 for the upload and other information #223
Bug fixes
2024 Q2-3 End of sprint release 🚀
Released on 2024.05.17
New features
- Super admin - sync feature for super admin to trigger the sync job and see sync history #1933
- Back up - add more file types (RFM) and fix uri #1807
- CNN - implement roles to CNN (only allow Expert and above to create and validate jobs) #1857 #1948
- CNN - validation status is updated when filter changes #1945
- CNN - empty state #1955
- Backup - allow admin & project owner to backup #1807
- Overview - fix pin size on overview map #1925
- Map - hide heatmap config tool #1964
Bug fixes
- Fix problem with long slug #1959
- Fix start date & end date weren't working correctly in some region #1960
API updates
- CNN - best per site, per site per day service #1629 #1630
- Log - add log to project settings body #1968
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.2.1
2024 Q2-2 End of sprint release 🚀
Released on 2024.05.02
New features
- #1807 Backup feature - user can request to download all their backup data (internal release)
- #1909 Overview - update total number of recordings
- #1922 Insights - change supporting text for better described the meaning of each numbers
- #1556 Sync - fix sync issue
- #1732 Insights - show error when user can't save information
- #1799 Highlighted species - show skeleton loading indicator while fetching the data
- #1853 Project settings - objectives is required (Project settings)
- #1872 CNN - standardize progress UI in list & detail page
- #1835 CNN - fix UI for better support the small screen
- #1877 CNN - filters by validation status, site, min confidence
- #1927 CNN - mark as validation banner always stick to the top
- #1647 CNN - pagination is now working with and without filters
API updates
- #1932 CNN - new api to get detection summary
- #1926 CNN - GET detection can now support multiple status
Full Changelog: v1.1.2...v1.2.0
2024 Q1-6 End of sprint release 🚀
Released on 2024.04.09
New features
- CNN - summary page with ability to see summary, see list of detected and search for classes #1505 #1600
- CNN - validation page with ability to see result, validate, filter #1642 #1634 #1646
- Project directory - search for project by species name #1513 #1739 #1740
Bug fixes
- Account settings - affiliated organization is not loading #1796
- Account settings - users with Google account cannot add affiliated organization #1809
- Member - user can't be added to project due to email case-sensitive #1734
- Species bar chart - percentage can be > 100 and some color is missing from the chart #1531
- Project directory - show loading indicator while loading the project card #1692
- Project overview - show loading indicator while the map is loading #1641
- Navigation bar - show loading indicator when user is loading #1568
- Publications - add year 2024 #1713
- Stakeholder organization - show error when organization is failed to be created #1706 #1840
- Member - show dialog after adding member (success or failed) #1583
- Member - tweak the font in search input box for Firefox & Edge #1709
- Member - only call search api when the keyword is valid #1733
- CNN - do not refresh the page to check job progress if the status is done or cancel #1621
- Internal - more efficient way to handle the user roles for each project #1537
- Internal - remove element plus components: Tab, Carousel, Breadcrumb, Tag
API Improvements
- Highlighted species - API to support pagination, keyword, risk filter #1800
- CNN - endpoints
Full Changelog: v1.0.4...v1.1.0
2024 Q1-5 End of sprint release 🚀
Released on 2024.03.21
New features
- #1687 Landing - update "How it works" step 1 upload screenshot (with new uploader theme)
- #1744 Analytics - install the new Google Tag Manager container
- #1688 Analytics - track user engagement on project summary
Bug fixes
- #1526 Insights - Comparison maps don't show all the points at glance
- #1700 Insights - update chart color for higher contrast
- #1593 Performance - improve insight page load time
- #1627 Project settings - limit project name & slug length
- #1656 Project settings - compress project image before upload to the server
- #1761 Project settings - prevent API error due to project date is empty
- #1583 Member - show dialog after adding the users (success & failed)
- #1677 Navigation - show my projects & log out menu in moblie
- #1635 CNN create - only allow user to type the right time of day input
- #1541 improve loading indicator across the whole site
API Improvements
- #1604 Insight stakeholder - restrict access to users in dashboard stakeholders endpoint
- #1603 Insight species - refactor project species endpoints
- #1671 Project settings - prevent the user to change status from 'published' to 'hidden'
- #1669 Member - allow user to add existing member to the project
- #1615 #1616 #1617 #1620 CNN APIs - to support summary and job pages
Full Changelog: v1.0.3...v1.0.4