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Com o conteúdo abaixo:
* Class HomeController
* Please note:
* Don't use the same name for class and method, as this might trigger an (unintended) __construct of the class.
* This is really weird behaviour, but documented here:
namespace Mvc\Controller;
class HomeController
* PAGE: index
* This method handles what happens when you move to http://yourproject/home/index (which is the default page btw)
public function index()
// load views
require APP . 'view/_templates/header.php';
require APP . 'view/home/index.php';
require APP . 'view/_templates/footer.php';
Experimente atualizar o navegador agora
Ele encontrou o Home controller e agora reclama da execução do método index, pois ele espera que a view respectiva esteja pronta para abrir.