Resources in the example directory were ripped/taken from different programs. Most probably they are under a proprietary license. Don't use them, they are provided just as examples.
- astra_2x2:
- boulderdash_1x2: From Boulder Dash game
- broadway_2x2:
- caren_1x2: from Caren game
- cuneiform_2x2: From Cuneiform editor
- doppel_2x2:
- ianmic02_2x2: From a demo of Ian and Mic, not sure which one
- rambo_2x2: From Rambo: First blood, part II game
- reset04_2x3: From Reset issue #04 magazine
- reset06_3x3: From Reset issue #06 magazine
- reset07_2x2: From Reset issue #07 magazine
- subchrist_chrome_2_2: From CharPad editor
- commando_l1: From Commando game
- unknown_2x2: From Hexen Collection intro