A script to manage an inventory of devices, each of them with a profile. Devices' configurations are checked against templates, one for each profile. An output excel is built to put in evidence which commands are missing, and if properly configured, it could even connect to target devices to fix the mistakes.
Just read the attached doc file here for more explanations.
The module to connect to the target devices through a proxy or directly is outside the scope of this open source project, but you can find something about it in another repository.
Some more explanations have been directly inserted into the example excel files.
Beware that everything here is for sharing ideas, this is not a product, nor is ready for commercial use. Use it at your own risk. Enterprises will never buy a script, they need a product by a well known company, with commercial support for it. But you can always use alternate stuff to check for things on your own, especially when you don't have the above expensive products available.