The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Update the MultiQC version to 1.13
- Fixed an incorrect calculating paired-end reads counts in the FastQC process
- Fixed a bug in the report when using 1 sample
- Fixed an error in the R script when using integer samplename
- Changed default threshold for the minimum number of mapped reads filter
- Support for genocode v41/vM30 annotations
- Add barplot expression of nucluear RNA genes
- Changed URL for downloading all external files
- Fixed an error in the FastQC for uncompressed fastq
- Add barplot alligned genome rates of initial fastq reads
- Change setting testcase resource limits
- Fixed the unintended samples omit problem in low mapped reads bam QC processes
- Remove duplicate column from General statistics
- Changed bamtools filter option for create strand-specific bams
- Fixed a problem with Fastq-mcf incorrect arguments that prevented fastq trimming from working properly
- Support for genocode v39/vM28, v40/vM29 annotations
- Fixed an error in the RSEM-SIRV process when execute PE unstranded mode
- Extended "max time" of process-specific resource requirements
- Added hidden option to changed SIRV coverage process to off by default
- Added hidden option to avoid error when only short introns are detected in RSeQC
- Pipeline has been re-implemented in Nextflow DSL2
- Add
- Fixed an error when running only one sample
- Add publish action to all CI test cases
- Support for genocode v38/vM27 annotations
- Update the docker image (some technical changes)
- Fixed the problem that dimensional reduction plots are not displayed in the MulitiQC report
- Added new rRNA quantification process and multiQC plot. More accurate % rRNA is achieved by mapping reads on rRNA sequences using HISAT2.
- Gzip-compressed output of
- Added SIRV entropy bar plot as new SIRV QC plot
- Added columns to the General Statistics table for all bar plots
- Added the summary plot of featurecounts in MultiQC
- Fixed the problem where hyphens in sample names were converted in MultiQC
- Added
options to set upper limit of CPU and memory usage of the entire workflow.
- Fixed the problem of high load average for some alignment steps
- Fixed a typo in the name of the log file that is copied to the output directory
- Support for outputting gene-level quantification results of RSEM
- Added RSEM results of the number of detected genes and transcripts in MultiQC report
- Changed the unit of the number of reads from M Seqs to K Seqs in MultiQC report
- New bigWig file output from R1, R2, forward, and reverse BAM files
- Save a copy of
in the output directory
- Fixed the caluclation of read assgined rate of all genes, mitochondrial, rRNA, and histone by featureCounts
- Fixed rRNA annotation for GRCm39
- Fixed TPM calculation for ERCC
- Corrected URL of remote annotation files in
- Improved human rRNA annotation GTF
- The new CI-test pattern for github actions
- A new option to allow the number of ERCC copies to be specified arbitrarily
- The process of transcripts quantification using RSEM-Bowtie2
- A new annotation files (gencode mouse vM26, human v37)
- The ability to run a quantitative process for each transcript if samples contain Spike-In RNA Variant (SIRV) Control
- A new bamQC plot "Junction Annotation" from RSeQC
- The process of adjusting BED in the workflow to account for noncoding region assignments to correct
- A new config "remote_annotation.config" obtaining annotations from public data
- Markdown linting error in github actions
- The problem of "_1" and "_2" in the file name being erased in MultiQC report
- The problem of MultiQC causing memory error
- An error that occurred frequently at the end of a long pipeline
- An error that occurred when drawing a histone assigned plot at only one sample.
- Hide the aggregate results of rRNA in "General Stats" of MultiQC report
- Corrected the notation "assigned to gene" to "assigned to genome"
- Output the plot even if the data are all 0
- igenomes.config