This module adds Haskell support to Doom Emacs.
- @iyefrat
Become a maintainer?
- +lsp
Enable LSP support for
. Requires doom-module::tools lsp and a langserver (supports haskell-language-server).
- doom-package:haskell-mode
- doom-package:lsp-haskell if doom-module:+lsp
No hacks documented for this module.
Enable this module in your doom!
It is recommended to install the haskell tooling using ghcup. Only ghc is needed for basic functionality:
ghcup install ghc
but +lsp
users should also install the language server:
ghcup install hls
Installing cabal or stack as well is recommended, and can be done through
provides support for hoogle, which can be installed through
system package manager, cabal, or stack.
provides support for hlint, and haskell code
formatters such as brittany, floskell, ormolu, fourmolu, and stylish-haskell,
which can be installed through system package manager, cabal, or stack.
🔨 This module’s usage documentation is incomplete. Complete it?
This module integrates the haskell packages into Doom by providing things such as REPL support, project root recognition, etc. It also provide the following keybindings:
Keybinding | Description |
<localleader> b | Build the current cabal project |
<localleader> c | Visit the .cabal file of the current buffer |
<localleader> h | Toggle visibility of the form at point |
<localleader> H | hides all top level functions |
🔨 This module’s configuration documentation is incomplete. Complete it?
After installing your preferred formatter, make sure to set
to it.
Make sure to configure the lsp to use your perfered formatter, e.g.:
;; ~/.doom.d/config.el
(after! lsp-haskell
(setq lsp-haskell-formatting-provider "brittany"))
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