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322 lines (256 loc) · 15 KB

File metadata and controls

322 lines (256 loc) · 15 KB

[3.3.1] - 2022-11-19


  • Fixed HTTP connection leak in the ldh:send-request function
  • Fixed blank node labels and typeaheads in instance creation forms
  • Fixed response caching in the container generation logic to make sure fresh content with the new containers is loaded after redirect

[3.3.0] - 2022-11-16


  • If content resource cannot be loaded from Linked Data, fallback to a DESCRIBE query over the local endpoint


  • Disabled SPARQL updates on the namespace ontology endpoint /ns
  • Better aligned document's timestamp and breadcrumbs in the navbar
  • Constraint violation responses return 422 Unprocessable Entity instead of 400 Bad Request (same change in Processor)
  • PUT/DELETE restrictions on root/owner/secretary documents return 405 Method Not Allowed instead of 400 Bad Request
  • Improved error handling in the modal "Add data" form
  • Resources in containers with remote endpoints get DESCRIBE query links instead of plain resource URI which would be attempted to load as Linked Data
  • Improved rdf:type controls in editing mode to enable adding/removing types on instances (except document instances where types are required)

[3.2.25] - 2022-11-07


  • Public acl:Append access to the namespace ontology which is required because the ldh:send-request function sends unauthenticated SPARQL Protocol POST requests

[3.2.24] - 2022-11-07


  • ldh:send-request XSLT extension function which allows stylesheets to execute HTTP POST requests (e.g. if the query string is too long for GET).


  • Fixed datetime literal conversion from RDF/XML and SPARQL Results XML to Google Chart's DataTable
  • Fixed encoding of URIs with special characters in HTTP client requests
  • Optimized resource-level XSLT modes by consolidating HTTP requests for type/property/constructor/constraint/shape metadata using SPARQL VALUES


  • Fallback to a DESCRIBE request in ProxyResourceBase
  • $ldh:localGraph/$ldh:original XSLT parameters. XSLT stylesheet now loads the same data over HTTP without the need for special parameters.

[3.2.23] - 2022-10-31


  • New "Generate containers" feature that loads a schema from a SPARQL service and then generates a container for each class


  • Fixed regression of multiple RDF types in the typeahead component
  • Fixed container result count widget to support remote SPARQL endpoints
  • Fixed regression of created/modified timestaps not rendered on documents

[3.2.22] - 2022-10-26


  • Result count widget for container content

[3.2.21] - 2022-10-24


  • Fixed map initialization regression

[3.2.20] - 2022-10-24


  • An onboarding message show the first time LinkedDataHub starts
  • ACL agent URI is passed to the client-side stylesheet as an $acl:agent param


  • Fixed minor signup and request-access UI issues
  • Disabling "Save as" and "Delete" action buttons when the agent does not have a write permission

[3.2.19] - 2022-10-22


  • Support for recursive content blocks


  • Loading class and property descriptions from the namespace ontology before falling back to Linked Data
  • Fixed shapes support for resources with multiple RDF types

[3.2.18] - 2022-10-19


  • SHACL node shape and property shape creation in the admin app
  • Basic support for instance construction from SHACL node shapes


  • Improved validation of "Add data" and inline content editing forms
  • SaxonJS upgraded to v2.5. Client-side XSLT code updated to take advantage of the latest bugfixes.

[3.2.17] - 2022-09-28



  • Fixed infinite XSLT loop in the WebID signup flow
  • Container UI code only hydrates server-side HTML elements, does not create them if they don't exist
  • Parameterized CSS classes in bs2:RowContent mode
  • ProxyResourceBase guards against queries to the backend SPARQL service by requiring that agent is authorized

[3.2.15] - 2022-09-26


  • Fixed order by dropdown population for container content
  • Fixed and optimized container sorting


  • Usage of group-sort-triples.xsl because Jena RDF/XML writer takes care of grouping triples and they're sorted during container rendering anyway

[3.2.14] - 2022-09-21


  • WKT geometry support in map layout mode

[3.2.13] - 2022-09-16


  • Fixed query builder behind faceted search to generate a correct query that loads facet values

[3.2.12] - 2022-09-13


  • Moved RDFXML2DataTable.xsl and SPARQLXMLResults2DataTable.xsl converters from Web-Client


  • Refactored RDFXML2DataTable.xsl and SPARQLXMLResults2DataTable.xsl using XSLT 3.0 JSON/XML instructions and fixed support for repeating columns

[3.2.11] - 2022-09-10


  • Fixed the [Actions] button in edit mode to update the constructor list when new types are added to the edited instance
  • The ontology import query now adds explicit rdfs:isDefinedBy triples that connect classes to the ontology

[3.2.10] - 2022-09-09


  • Web-Client upgrade fixes the RDF/XML to DataTable converter

[3.2.9] - 2022-09-08


  • Map view is fit to the extent of loaded features


  • Fixed blank node resources rendered as empty elements in bs2:Row mode

[3.2.8] - 2022-09-07


  • Fixed calculation of center coordinates correctly for all map usages

[3.2.7] - 2022-09-06


  • Google Maps and SPARQLMap dependencies replaced with OpenLayers 7.0. All functionality ported except bounding box-based feature loader.

[3.2.6] - 2022-08-12


  • Fixed instance creation with multiple rdf:types

[3.2.5] - 2022-08-11


  • "Actions" button in edit mode allows adding and editing constructors of ontology classes without switching to the admin app
  • xsd:dateTime literals are rendered as datetime-local inputs in edit mode


  • Fixed refresh_token cache to store a token per client ID
  • Improved edit mode support for instances that have multiple rdf:type properties


  • Usages of OntModelReadOnly which broke RDF/XML writing in Jena: apache/jena#1450

[3.2.3] - 2022-06-30


  • The persistent storage of refresh_tokens allows long-lived sessions when authenticated with Google login


  • Fixed the back button (the history states were being mismanaged)

[3.2.0] - 2022-06-22


  • Inline creation and editing of container and XHTML content in content layout mode
  • ACL access modes sent as Link response headers and accessible in the client-side XSLT stylesheets using the acl:mode function
  • Results of queries that use forClass type after a new instance was created are banned from Varnish cache
  • endpoint URL param can be used to override the SPARQL endpoint that the fallback DESCRIBE query gets executed against
  • XML literals in SPARQL updates get canonicalized before reaching the SPARQL endpoint


  • Content model uses rdf:Seq and rdf:_1, rdf:_2 ... properties instead of rdf:List and rdf:first/rdf:rest
  • SPARQL updates submitted to the Graph Store via the PATCH method now have to use the default graph context, the GRAPH keyword is disallowed
  • Fixed caching of delegated WebID agents, eliminating an unnecessary request with each authentication
  • Multiple Link headers combined into a single one with concatenated values

[3.1.9] - 2022-05-23


  • --fragment parameter to CLI scripts that can be used to specify the fragment ID of the resource paired with the document (defaults to UUID)
  • ENABLE_LINKED_DATA_PROXY env parameter that allows disabling the Linked Data proxy/browser (enabled by default)


  • Fixed double On-Behalf-Of header value when both WebID and OIDC agent contexts were delegated
  • Fixed Linked Data proxy fallback to a local DESCRIBE query when the external URL does not dereference
  • Fixed IP address check in the setup script
  • Jena upgraded to 4.5.0
  • Fuseki Docker image upgraded to 4.5.0
  • Saxon-JS upgraded to 2.4
  • key() lookups enabled in client-side XSLT as HTML page mutations do not break indexes anymore (fixed in 5036)

[3.1.6] - 2022-05-10


  • Spanish UI localization
  • Reconciliation of OIDC accounts with existing agents by email address
  • Document tree widget
  • New /clear endpoint which is used to clear ontologies from memory
  • Second nginx port which has WebID client certificate authentication always enabled
  • --proxy parameter to CLI scripts


  • Variables in SPARQL query and update strings whose values are injected now start with $ instead of ?, for example $this
  • CSV and RDF imports write data directly to the backend Graph Store
  • Only namespace, signup, OAuth2 login, WebID profiles and public keys can be public in admin apps, nothing else (hardcoded in the admin authorization query)
  • When graph URI not explicitly specified, the Graph Store always returns 201 Created (even if the graph existed)
  • Fuseki image upgraded to 4.3.2

[3.0.11] - 2022-03-16


  • Interactivity to the graph SVG layout
  • Notifications to the requesting agent when its access request is granted (requires email server)
  • JSON-LD export option for documents
  • append-content CLI script that appends content resources to document
  • create-file CLI script automatically recognizes the MIME type of the file being uploaded
  • Linked Data browser functionality in graph layout mode
  • Javadoc comments


  • The setup script requirements relaxed to make it easier to run on MacOS
  • Fixed CSV imports
  • Linked Data browser now supports relative URIs
  • Upgraded Java from 11 to 17
  • A built-in HTTP API constraint does not allow PUT on documents without the document description in request body
  • A built-in HTTP API constraint does not allow to DELETE the root document
  • A built-in HTTP API constraint does not allow to DELETE or PUT the the app owner's and secretary's WebID documents
  • Shell script interpreter line


  • Dydra-specific code

[3.0.3] - 2022-02-16


  • Ability to copy (fork) RDF data into the local dataspace
  • Block-based content layout (ldh:ContentList mode) and editor
  • Login with Google (OpenID Connect)
  • Ability to load JSON-LD data from <script> elements in HTML
  • Namespace endpoint, which is an in-memory SPARQL endpoint over the app's ontology


  • The HTTP CRUD API is now Graph Store Protocol, not Linked Data Templates
  • HTML documents are hydrated HTML fragments over AJAX
  • XSLT stylesheets now load constraints and constructors using SPARQL over the namespace endpoint
  • The URIs of ontology terms are not relative to the app's base URI anymore
  • Additional assertions added to external ontology terms instead of subclassing them
  • Every UI state generates a distinct URL which is loaded consistently on both server- and client-side
  • Upgraded Jena to 4.3.2
  • Upgraded Saxon-JS to 2.3
  • Upgraded Fuseki, Varnish and nginx Docker images


  • Linked Data Templates support (still supported by Processor)

[2.2.9] - 2021-04-22


  • HTTP smoke tests for SPARQL endpoint and Graph Store
  • HTTP test for RDF import without mapping query
  • CLI script which POSTs RDF data to URL
  • ExceptionMapper constructors with injection in order to align with Processor
  • An option to override request URI using the ?uri= URL param, implemented in ApplicationFilter
  • Dispatcher as the new "entrypoint" JAX-RS resource which routes between ResourceBase (if app is not empty) and ProxyResourceBase (if app is empty)
  • Missing XML namespace definitions to client-side XSLT stylesheets
  • $output-json-ld parameter in xhtml:Script template which outputs the RDF document as JSON-LD in the <script> element


  • select-labelled query in the end-user dataset to include a default graph pattern
  • spin:query property is now optional for apl:RDFImport
  • Entrypoint script logic to load agent metadata only when $LOAD_DATASETS is true
  • Injecting Optional<Application>, Optional<Service>, Optional<Ontology> instead of Application, Service, Ontology
  • Using javax.inject.Provider<> for injection into providers that are not in the request scope
  • If no application matches request URI, NotFoundException is not thrown anymore -- Optional.empty() is used as application instead
  • Auth filters skipped if the matched application is not an instance of lapp:EndUserApplication or lapp:AdminApplication
  • Simplified ResourceBase::describe by removing the ?uri= indirection logic


  • Proxy injections from injection factory binders

[2.1.55] - 2021-03-26


  • varnish-admin service that proxy-caches the fuseki-admin triplestore
  • purge_backend_cache function to the HTTP test runner script
  • purge_backend_cache calls to clear proxy caches before each HTTP script
  • BackendInvalidationFilter response filter with backend proxy cache invalidation heuristics
  • Basic environment variable documentation to README


  • Upgraded Processor and Web-Client to the latest versions
  • Upgraded Saxon-JS to 2.1
  • End-user and admin Services passed to import Executor instead of DatasetAccessor
  • Defined HTTP method -> ACL mode mapping as the AuthorizationFilter.ACCESS_MODES map


  • Unused Docker mounts from linkeddatahub service
  • ban() calls from ResourceBase -- now handled by the BackendInvalidationFilter

[2.1.49] - 2021-03-19


  • apl:baseUri as a static XSLT stylesheet param


  • bs2:PropertyControl XSLT mode can handle multiple RDF types on a resource
  • Replaced error alerts with inline HTML warning blocks
  • Refactored bs2:SignUp template to make it more extensible


  • ORDER BY in apl:ResultCounts mode in client.xsl

[2.1.28] - 2021-03-06


  • $request_base parameter support in scripts allows to use a base URI for HTTP requests which is different from the RDF dataset base URI. Useful when multiple LDH instances on different domains or port numbers are backed by the same dataset. E.g. one with WebID-TLS auth enabled and the other without.
  • Dydra-specific QuadStoreClient and GraphStoreClient with support for asynchonous GSP requests


  • Ontology classes that used to be in the ns: namespace (${base}ns#) moved to nsds: (${base}ns/domain/system#)
  • Ontology classes that used to be in the def: namespace (${base}def#) moved to nsdd: (${base}ns/domain/default#)
  • python usages replaced with python2 in CLI scripts
  • Mounting only ssl/owner/public.pem instead of the whole ssl/owner folder which includes the private key


  • Expensive join with the provenance graph from the laclt:ConstructAgentItem query. As a result, dct:created value is not included in agent's description.
  • Unnecessary methods from the Import Java interface. Passing arguments directly to ImportListener instead