Player name and ID needed to be separated and Eastern-European c's were recorded as ? in the original file but replaced with regular c's
Calculated columns:
- Points per 36 minutes
- Offensive rate
- Offensive rate per 36 minutes
- Defensive rate
- Defensive rate per 36 minutes
- Offensive and defensive rating
- Assist per turnover ratio
- Block per personal foul ratio
- Overall rating per game
- Total overall rating
- Field goals attempted to score 20 points
- Needed minutes to grab 10 rebounds
- Needed minutes to get 10 assists
- Needed minutes to score 20 points
Players were filtered with more than 10 minutes per game and more than 30 games played, and for other cases with less than 25 minutes per game too. Then, top players were filtered to top 5s and top 10s
Variable preparation for graphs to represent the desired data
Visualizations included (available in the graph folder):
- Top 5 faster players to score 20 pts by minutes played
- Minutes played VS FG attempted to score 20 pts
- Top 5 defenders by rate per 36 min
- Offensive VS Defensive rate
- Offensive VS Defensive rate (Players under 25 mp)
- Top 5 total rate
- Top 5 fastest players to grab 10 reb
- Top 5 fastest players to get 10 ast
Further comments are included in the code