(Done)Finished directory user layout and another script to headless and unattended install all the coding languages libraries and tool chains
(Done) Double check Spelling on README.md # --> (Delayed) Install GNU Stow NEVER GONNA HAPPEN, SINCE THE ONLY WAY IS TO SIMLINK THE HOLE $HOME
"home$USER.profile" file. #_ (Done) --> For ZSH
I need to make some tests to decide on building separate .zprofile
file or just append it
to the .profile
file. #_ (Done) Today I reinstalled raspi os and tested the scripts, critical fail since it's and ARM64 device,
and the downloaded packages were AMD64 :( , had to start all over again.
#* (Done) --> Create another repository with the ARM64 mods for future tests.
(Done) Today I reinstalled raspi os and tested the scripts, critical fail since it's and ARM64 device,and the downloaded packages were AMD64 :( , had to start all over again.
(Done) Added the Githuhb Repositories tool download and self installation for tools and drivers ---> Figure out how to auto install the wifi drivers for 8814au, 8821au and 8812au ---> Polished the Directory tree layout as well as the deployment script
- (Done) Added a more universal pkg, libs and services installer for a TWM support on fresh install onm RHEL, Deb and Ubuntu Os
- Add the missing script for Arch linux coverage
- (Done) Delete a lot nonsense scripts and lists
- Create independent pkg manager based script for Cargo, flatpak, NPM and Go
- Finished debia/ubuntu script
- Finished Fedora/Rhel script
- Up to date RC Files
- Arch script Done
- Programming languages, rewritten and added an go updater script from https://github.com/kerolloz/go-installer
- Mar 2024
- Archive los viejos scripts
- Ahora se unifica todo con un script universal agnostico de distribucion entre fedora/rhel, debian/ubuntu y arch linux
- _Repositorios que se mencionaran por haber ayudado/compartido su codigo:
https://github.com/kerolloz/go-installer https://github.com/Stardust-kyun/dotfiles https://github.com/nothingbutlucas/which_manager https://github.com/AlvinPix/bspwm https://github.com/rust-lang/mdBook https://github.com/LazyVim/LazyVim