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LAIG 2020/2021 - TP1

Group T02G05

Name Number E-Mail
Luís Miguel Pinto 201806206
Nuno Oliveira 201806525

Project information


  • The scene we created is a simple outdoor dinning table with an orange, a donut, a napkin, a can of coke and 6 chairs
  • There are also 2 floors, a wall, a BBQ stand and a lamp (with its own light source) to light up the table
  • Scene Running
  • Scene XML

Main Strong Points

  • All primitives have been implemented
  • Heritage working properly for both materials and textures
  • Texture amplification working aswell
  • Each node applies "clear" material properly if needed and applies our own default material
  • Transformations all work as they should
  • GUI implemented with a dropdown for cameras, a folder with checkboxes for each light and another checkbox to visualize every light source

Additional features

  • Vectors have default values for each element and a warning is produced in case of any error or missing value. Examples: RGBA, Transformations, Lights and each of its components, Cameras, Afs and Aft, Ambient and Background
  • Materials, Textures, Transformations, Amplification and Descendants can be omitted and produce a warning
  • Maximum number of lights accepted is 8 and minimum is 0 (everything will be very dark obviously)
  • There is a default camera that is used if none is declared on the XML
  • If no root is declared according to this project's syntax we will try to find a node without any parent and use it as root. Of course this may not allways work properly if there are more than 1 node with no parent. If none is found we will simply use the first one
  • Created and unreferenced nodes are indentified and produce a warning


  • All features have been implemented and we found no bugs or problems within our code