Interfaces: From Protocols to ABCs Links in the book. Link Recommendation (out of 10) Read built-in types — python 3.8.6rc1 documentation [ ] built-in functions — python 3.8.6rc1 documentation [ ] issue 16518: add "buffer protocol" to glossary - python tracker [ ] issue 22581: other mentions of the buffer protocol - python tracker [ ] random — generate pseudo-random numbers — python 3.8.6rc1 documentation [ ] duck typing - wikipedia [ ] make non-leaf classes abstract [ ] collections — container datatypes — python 3.8.6rc1 documentation [ ] cpython: 7bdb71767091 lib/ [ ] cpython: 7bdb71767091 lib/ [ ] — abstract base classes for containers — python 3.8.6rc1 documentation [ ] numbers — numeric abstract base classes — python 3.8.6rc1 documentation [ ] abc — abstract base classes — python 3.8.6rc1 documentation [ ] os — miscellaneous operating system interfaces — python 3.8.6rc1 documentation [ ] built-in types — python 3.8.6rc1 documentation [ ] cpython: 7bdb71767091 lib/ [ ] cpython: 7bdb71767091 lib/ [ ] abc – abstract base classes - python module of the week [ ] pymotw [ ] pingo/ at master · garoa/pingo · github [ ] pingo document [ ] abc – abstract base classes - python module of the week [ ] pep 3119 -- introducing abstract base classes [ ] pep 3141 -- a type hierarchy for numbers [ ] contracts in python [ ] a python component architecture [ ] a comprehensive guide to zope component architecture [ ] mypy - optional static typing for python [ ] [python-ideas] optional static typing -- the crossroads [ ] pep 484 -- type hints [ ] pep 482 -- literature overview for type hints [ ] default methods (the java™ tutorials > learning the java language > interfaces and inheritance) [ ] ruby kaigi 2014: day 2 [ ] the early history of smalltalk [ ]