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rpeszek edited this page Feb 14, 2018 · 14 revisions

Markdown of literate Haskell program. Program source: /src/CTNotes/P2Ch05a_YonedaAndMap.lhs


Notes about CTFP Part 2 Chapter 5. Yoneda Lemma and fmap

This note is about what helped me internalize Yoneda from the programming point of view.
It is about how (Co)Yoneda relates to fmap on the conceptual and practical level. This note also includes some equational reasoning proofs to supplement the more general, mathematical approach in the book.

Book ref: CTFP Part 2. Ch.5 Yoneda Lemma.

 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes 
  , TypeOperators
  , ScopedTypeVariables
  , ExistentialQuantification
  , GADTs 

 module CTNotes.P2Ch05a_YonedaAndMap where
 import CTNotes.P1Ch10_NaturalTransformations((:~>))

Yoneda Lemma

As a programmer, I view Yoneda Lemma as a stronger version of fmap. This includes

  • Iso nature of fmap-s
  • Free fmap-s
  • Faster fmap-s

The great news is that this strength is there for free. Yoneda Lemma states (in pseudo-Haskell, ~= represents type isomorphism) that

Functor f => f a ~= forall x. (a -> x) -> f x

Yoneda says that fmap is (in some sense) an isomorphism.
Lets start with one direction:

toYoneda :: Functor f => f a -> forall x. (a -> x) -> f x

This is pretty much, fmap

fmap :: Functor f => (a -> x) -> f a -> f x

Here are both, spelled out in English:

fmap: for a given value fa of type f a and function a -> x, I can produce value of type f x.
toYoneda: for a given value fa of type f a and function a -> x, I can produce value of type f x.

If it walks like a duck ...
The power of squinting!

The details:
To define toYoneda I just need to flip the arguments on fmap and notice that fmap is a perfectly polymorphic function

 fmap' :: Functor f => f a -> ((a -> x) -> f x)
 fmap' = flip fmap  

 toYoneda :: Functor f => f a -> forall x. (a -> x) -> f x
 toYoneda = fmap'
 -- or
 toYoneda' :: Functor f => f a -> ((->) a :~> f)
 toYoneda' = fmap'

To get fromYoneda in the other direction, I need to look at forall x. (a -> x) -> f x and understand what it is. It looks close to a Continuation Passing Style computation and I would like to use it as such. I need to pass a function to it. The code writes itself giving me only one option: the id.

 fromYoneda :: (forall x. (a -> x) -> f x) -> f a
 fromYoneda trans = trans id
 -- | or
 fromYoneda' :: ((->) a :~> f) -> f a
 fromYoneda' trans = trans id

In type theoretical lambda terms, this applies type a to quantification forall x. This is like a function application only at type level. In psedo-Haskell that would look like (forall x) $ a resulting in a.
In category theoretical terms, this picks the component of the natural transformation at object a. That component starts at the hom-set C(a,a) (a -> a in Hask), id is the point value on which that component operates.
A very helpful intuition from the book, for me, was that Yoneda allows me to pick any value of type f a when transforming id and there rest is uniquely determined by the naturality conditions.

Equational reasoning in pseudo-Haskell shows that these are indeed isomorphic (current impredicative polymorphism limitations prevent from using GHC to do much of this)

(fromYoneda . toYoneda) :: Functor f => f a -> f a

(fromYoneda . toYoneda) fa 
== (\t -> t id) . (flip fmap $ fa)
== (flip fmap $ fa) id 
== fmap id fa 
== id -- because f is functor

(toYoneda . fromYoneda) :: Functor f => ((->) a :~> f) -> ((->) a :~> f)

(toYoneda . fromYoneda) trans 
== ((flip fmap) . (\t -> t id)) trans 
== (flip fmap) (trans id) 
== (\f -> fmap f (trans id)) 
== (\f -> trans (fmap f id)) -- naturality *
== (\f -> trans (f . id)) -- definition of reader (->) functor
== (\f -> trans f) 
== trans

Equality marked with * is the naturality condition applied to id :: a -> a

fmap f . trans == trans . fmap f
      (a -> x) ------->  f x
         ^                ^
         |                |
  fmap f |                | fmap f
         |                |
      (a -> a) ------->  f a

As stated in the book, Yoneda is not just isomorphism, it is also natural in both f and a.
Naturality of Yoneda translates to polymorphism in programming. But there could be something deeper about it too, I DUNNO.


The book defines Co-Yoneda as

Functor f => f a ~= forall x . (x -> a) -> f x

which corresponds directly to Nat(C(-, a), F) ≅ F a.

Most libraries such as scalaz or category-extras, kan-extensions in Haskell use the following, co-limit based, definition of CoYoneda (in pseudo-Haskell):

Functor f => f a ~= exists x . (x -> a) -> f x

('co' also reverses the quantification).
I am focusing on the second definition. Existential quantification makes this one quite intuitive, more so than the original, universally quantified, Yoneda.

There is an equivalent (dual) similarity to fmap

F a ~= exists x . (x -> a) -> f x
fromCoYoneda :: (exists x . (x -> a) -> f x) -> f a

fmap :: Functor f => (x -> a) -> f x -> f a

In Haskell CoYoneda is defined as

 data CoYoneda f a = forall x. CoYoneda (x -> a) (f x)

(CoYoneda data constructor hides x making it existential)
or in GADT style (which I find the cleanest)

 data CoYoneda' f a where
    CoYoneda' :: (x -> a) -> f x -> CoYoneda' f a

and the corresponding isomorphisms would look like this (notice duality to Yoneda):

 toCoYoneda :: f a -> CoYoneda' f a
 toCoYoneda = CoYoneda' id

 fromCoYoneda :: Functor f => CoYoneda' f a -> f a
 fromCoYoneda (CoYoneda' f fa) = fmap f fa

Functor instances - free fmap

Following definitions in category-extras or kan-extensions package I can define

 newtype Yoneda f a = Yoneda { runYoneda :: forall x. ((a -> x) -> f x) } 

what is interesting is that (Co)Yoneda type constructors get to be functors for free

 instance Functor (Yoneda f) where
  	fmap f y = Yoneda (\k -> (runYoneda y) (k . f))
 instance Functor (CoYoneda' f) where
 	fmap f (CoYoneda' x2a fx) = CoYoneda' (f . x2a) fx

(The proof obligations follow from properties of function composition)
they also nicely preserve other properties like Monad or Applicative instances.

There is a nice categorical explanation why (Co)Yoneda gives free fmap that is based on Kan extensions (see N_P3Ch11a_KanExt and the book P3. Ch 11).

Code Examples

Performance - faster fmap with CoYoneda Functional code often ends up with lots of fmap calls.
For recursive data structures such as trees or lists fmap can be expensive. It is beneficial to use functor law fmap f . fmap g == fmap f . g to fuse composition of fmap-s into one big fmap of composed functions. Careful look at fmap definitions for (Co)Yoneda shows that this is exactly what is going on.

CoYoneda has the additional benefit of running the fmap in the fromCoYoneda :: Functor f => CoYoneda f a -> f a transformation and not in toCoYoneda :: f a -> CoYoneda f a. People call it deferred fmap. Thus, wrapping up a big computation inside CoYoneda can lead to significant performance optimization.

I imagine this to be especially true in languages like Scala which do not have lambda like code rewriting rules.

The following trivial example is simplified version of:

 withCoYoneda :: Functor f => (CoYoneda' f a -> CoYoneda' f b) -> f a -> f b
 withCoYoneda comp = fromCoYoneda . comp . toCoYoneda

 stupid :: (Functor f, Num a) => f a -> f a
 stupid = fmap (*2) . fmap (+1) . fmap (^2)
 smarter = fmap ((*2) . (+1) . (^2))

 bigSum1a = sum $ stupid $ [1..1000000]
 bigSum1b = sum $ smarter $ [1..1000000]
 bigSumCoY = sum $ withCoYoneda stupid  $ ([1..1000000])

ghci output:

ghci> :set +s
ghci> bigSum1a
(1.95 secs, 938,081,272 bytes)
ghci> bigSum1b
(1.61 secs, 826,081,816 bytes)
ghci> bigSumCoY
(1.61 secs, 858,082,656 bytes)

This will not measure up to lambda optimization of something like Vector but it is nice.

DSLs Functor for free benefit allows to remove functor requirement on the design of abstract DSL instruction set (on the DSL algebra).

Ref Haskell:
Ref Scala:

CPS. the simplified version of Yoneda forall x. ((a -> x) -> x) is the type of Continuation Passing Style computation and that is obviously used a lot.