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rpeszek edited this page Dec 11, 2017 · 5 revisions

Markdown of literate Haskell program. Program source: /src/CTNotes/P3Ch02c_AdjProps.lhs

Notes about CTFP Part 3 Chapter 2. Adjunction properties

Book Ref: CTFP Part 3. Ch.2 Adjunctions

 {-# LANGUAGE  MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}

 module CTNotes.P3Ch02c_AdjProps where
 import CTNotes.P3Ch02a_CurryAdj
 import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(..))
 import CTNotes.P1Ch08b_BiFunctorComposition


            l2              l1
        <---------      <---------   
      |              |             |
      |              |             | 
      |              |             |  
     \ /            \ /           \ /
         --------->     --------->  
            r2             r1
 instance (Adjunction l1 r1, Adjunction l2 r2) =>
         Adjunction (Compose l2 l1) (Compose r1 r2) where
    unit   = Compose . leftAdjunct (leftAdjunct Compose)
    counit = rightAdjunct (rightAdjunct getCompose) . getCompose

Sum/Product Law

Functor product and coproduct defined in N_P1Ch08b_BiFunctorComposition

newtype Comp2 bf fu gu a = Comp2 (bf (fu a) (gu a))

type Product f g x    ~= Comp2 (,) f g x
type Coproduct f g x  ~= Comp2 Either f g x
 instance (Adjunction l1 r1, Adjunction l2 r2) =>
          Adjunction (Comp2 Either l1 l2) (Comp2 (,) r1 r2) where
    unit a =  Comp2 (leftAdjunct (Comp2 . Left) a, leftAdjunct (Comp2 . Right) a)
    counit (Comp2 (Left l)) = rightAdjunct (fst . runComp2) l      
    counit (Comp2 (Right r)) = rightAdjunct (snd . runComp2) r
                                            (C x C)(Δ c,<a, b>) 
                                                   ~= C(c, a*b)

                Either          l1, l2           Δ
             <-----=====      <========     <====-----   
           |              ||             ||             |
           |              ||             ||             | 
           |              ||             ||             |  
          \ /            \  /           \  /           \ /
              ------====>     ========>     =====---->  
                   Δ           r1, r2           (,)

    C(a+b, c) ~= 
    (C x C)(<a, b>, Δ c)