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Markdown of literate Haskell program. Program source: /src/CTNotes/P3Ch06a_CTMonads.lhs

Notes related to CTFP Part 3 Chapter 6. Monads

This is a bunch of loose notes about things like Monad composability, distributive laws, etc. I wrote these for myself and this note relates only loosely to the book.

Book Ref: CTFP Ch. 6 Monads Categorically

 {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs
  , MultiParamTypeClasses
  , ScopedTypeVariables
  , FlexibleInstances 

 module CTNotes.P3Ch06a_CTMonads where
 import Control.Monad 
 import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(..))
 import CTNotes.P1Ch07_Functors_Composition ((:.))

Monad Laws in terms of return/join definition

I just list these for my own reference:

Naturality condition for Eta/return:

return . f ≡ fmap f . return

Naturality condition for Mu/join:

join . fmap (fmap f) ≡ fmap f . join

Naturality conditions should be automatically satisfied due to parametricity.


join . fmap join     ≡ join . join
join . fmap return   ≡ join . return ≡ id

Loose Notes (Products, distributive laws)

Monads are closed with respect to functor product (see N_P1Ch08b_BiFunctorComposition)

(Monad f, Monad g) => Monad (Product f g)

There is a convenient ways to distribute over traversables

sequence :: (Traversable t, Monad m) => t (m a) -> m (t a)

or (same foldr idea) over simple products

 dist3 :: Monad m =>  (m a, m b, m c) -> m (a, b, c)
 dist3 (ma, mb, mc) = do
      a <- ma
      b <- mb
      c <- mc
      return (a, b, c)

Functor composition is fundamental to the categorical definition of Monad but composition of monads is not always a monad.

It is interesting to investigate monad composition closer. Functors compose because fmaps compose. Monad eta/return compose too, but mu/join does not. To compose monads some additional assumptions relating underlying type constructors need to be made.

I found old (1993, pre-MTL) paper about Monad composition: Jones, Duponcheel. It shows several approaches to composing monads. Some look related to monad alebras (prod construction). This TODO is to think and investigate that further.

I researched a bit composing monads using what is called distributive laws. Linked paper calls is swap construction, but this note is more I based on wikipedia

It turns out that there is a natural monad structure on the composite functor m ∘ n if monad m distributes over the monad n (if there is a Natural Transformation forall a . n (m a) -> m (n a) that satisfies certain conditions).

 class (Monad n, Monad m) => Dist m n where
    dist :: n (m a) -> m (n a)

Certain distributive laws (see below) need to be satisfied, otherwise composition will fail to satisfy monad laws.

 joinComp :: forall n m a. Dist m n => m ( n ( m (n a))) -> m (n a)
 joinComp = (join . (fmap . fmap) join) . (fmap dist)
 returnComp :: Dist m n => a -> m (n a)
 returnComp =  return . return

 fmapComp :: Dist m n => (a -> b) -> m (n a) -> m (n b)
 fmapComp = fmap . fmap 

 instance Dist m n => Monad (Compose m n) where
    return  = Compose . returnComp  
    Compose mna >>= f = Compose $ joinComp (fmapComp (getCompose . f) mna)

Distribution Laws (following Wikipedia article):

joinM . fmapM dist . dist ≡ dist . fmapN joinM  (n (m (m a)) -> m (n a))
fmapM joinN . dist . fmapN dist ≡ dist . joinN  (n (n (m a)) -> m (n a))
dist . fmapN returnM ≡ returnM                  (n a -> m (n a))
dist . returnN ≡ fmapM returnN                  (m a -> m (n a))

In Haskell:

 diag1a :: Dist m n => n (m (m a)) -> m (n a)
 diag1a = join . fmap dist . dist
 diag1b :: Dist m n => n (m (m a)) -> m (n a)
 diag1b = dist . fmap join 

 diag2a :: Dist m n => n (n ( m a)) -> m (n a)
 diag2a =  fmap join . dist . fmap dist
 diag2b :: Dist m n => n (n ( m a)) -> m (n a)
 diag2b =  dist . join

 diag3a :: Dist m n => n a -> m (n a)
 diag3a =  dist . fmap return
 diag3b :: Dist m n => n a -> m (n a)
 diag3b = return
 diag4a :: Dist m n => m a -> m (n a)
 diag4a = dist . return
 diag4b :: Dist m n => m a -> m (n a)
 diag4b = fmap return

It could be easier to just check monad laws:

joinComp . fmapComp joinComp     ≡ joinComp . joinComp
joinComp . fmapComp returnComp   ≡ joinComp . returnComp ≡ id

Writer Example:

Writer monad (taken from the above paper)

 instance (Monoid s, Monad m) => Dist m ((,) s) where
    dist (s, m) = do 
             a <- m
             return (s, a)

satisfies needed laws. (TODO would be good to attach proof)

List Example:

sequence can be used to implement Dist, but the required laws are not always satisfied. They ARE satisfied, however, with additional assumption

 class Monad m => CommutativeMonad m 

 instance CommutativeMonad m => Dist m [] where
     dist = sequence

Monad m is commutative if expression

   x <- a
   y <- b
   f x y

-- is equivalent to 
   y <- b
   x <- a
   f x y

(If order of effects does not matter, things can be done concurrently.) (Reader has it, State does not, some monads have it if we exclude _|_). see also this

TODO Other composition approaches from the paper

TODO Monad composability is it related to transformers? This categorical interpretation of transformers is based on adjunctions: