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Releases: rucio/containers

Rucio 35.0.0rc2 major release candidate

25 Jul 15:11
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Merge pull request #345 from rucio/mlassnig-patch-1

Fix x509 identity to new schema

Rucio 35.0.0rc1 major release candidate

23 Jul 14:57
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webui: update docs on `RUCIO_WEBUI_SERVER_CA_BUNDLE`

When SSL is enabled, the outbound requests from NodeJS will validate the host certificates of the server. The common CAs are pre-configured in NodeJS. However, in cases like Atlas, where the CERN CA is used, we need to explicitly provide the CA bundle that can verify the host ceritifates of the rucio server and the rucio auth server.

The documentation has been updated to reflect this behaviour.


18 Jul 14:55
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What's Changed

  • webui: update docs on RUCIO_WEBUI_SERVER_CA_BUNDLE by @maany in #342

Full Changelog: 34.6.0...webui-34.1.0

Rucio 34.6.0 minor release

15 Jul 10:39
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Clarify which UI is the one being currently used in deprecation notice

Rucio 34.5.0 minor release

25 Jun 14:24
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ui: add option to configure `RemoteIPProxyProtocol` directive

In deployment scenarios where the Rucio UI sits behind a proxy ( a loadbalancer or another reverse proxy), the client information must be handled by the UI container's httpd process.

This PR configures the `RemoteIPProxyProtocol` directive to enable the UI do to so

Rucio 34.4.3 patch release

10 Jun 12:07
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Testing: Modify filename of requirements file; rucio#6767

Rucio 34.4.2 patch release

04 Jun 08:11
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FTS: Remove [fts3] from fts3restconfig, on advice from FTS team; #320

Rucio 34.4.1 patch release

24 May 12:35
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FTS: Add OAuth2=True in config; rucio#6774

Rucio 34.4.0.post1 release

22 May 09:57
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This release is used to rebuild the containers for the fts-cron scripts

Rucio 34.4.0 minor release

21 May 14:55
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dev, ssh: update rclone to latest