There are two important spatial representations of Census geographies we work with at CORI/RISI.
The TIGER/Line files are the most accurate spatial representations of Census geographies. These files should be used for any spatial data analysis. However, the polygons in these files are not suitable for mapping, as they occasionally overlap bodies of water and otherwise look strange when mapped.
Schema: sch_census_tiger
Source Table Format: source_tiger_{year}_{geography}
Layer Table Format: tiger_{year}_{geography}
Current Year: 2019
Also published by the Census, cartographic boundary files are significantly better for visual applications. However, cartographic boundary files are not suitable for spatial analysis and should never be used for such. These files should be applied as a final geometry before exporting to a mapping application.
Schema: sch_census_tiger
Source Table Format: source_cb_{year}_{geography}
Current Year: 2019