- ReactJS
- Redux
- Redux Thunk
- React Redux
- Redux selectors - Redux Store Destructuring i.e. converting a map to list
- React Router
- Redux OIDC
- Redux Ducks Pattern
- Redux Re-Ducks Pattern
- React Final Forms
- React Table
- TypeScript
- Webpack
- Material UI
- Styled Components
- Axios
- Babel
- Jest
- Enzyme
- React S3 Uploader
- React Select
- Reselect
- React Toastify
- TestCafe - acceptance test
- ESLint
- Yarn
- Detect Browser
- Immutable.js Immutable collections for JavaScript
- Immer - work with immutable state - in react-redux selectors
- https://storybook.js.org/
- Simplur - string pluralization
- http://latentflip.com/loupe/ - demo callback eventloop
- https://unsplash.com/documentation - photos like user profile,
- http://marak.github.io/faker.js/ - generate fake data
- https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/ - fake data api
- ReactJS Tutorial for Beginners - codeevolution by Vishwash - youtube course
- React lifecycle methods
- How JSX prevent injection attacks /cross site scripting attacks(XSS)
- Understanding JS Bing
- Why do we need index.js
Import, modules. Webpack also inserts index.js if not already present - we export container from index.js but import the actual component, why
- Keep sorted data in redux
- Use padding instead of margin, wherever applicable
- Do care about truthy/falsy checks
- Use optional chaining
- react performance
- use
- Avoid anonymous functions
- Avoid object literals
- use React.lazy and React.suspense
- Instead of unmount component to hide, use css props to make it disappear
- use
- What is automatic semicolon insertion
- Write an article on JS class vs TS class
- Why we should/should not have const function in class
- Why we should not create const array functions in class components