- Schedule
- Tue 13 0:15 Wallet
- https://github.com/ryanofsky/blahblahblahblahblah/blob/master/bitcoin-wallet/schema.pdf
- keys, addresses, transactions, pools
- https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/wallet/wallet.h
- CWallet validation interface methods
- bitcoin/bitcoin#10973
- https://github.com/ryanofsky/blahblahblahblahblah/blob/master/bitcoin-wallet/schema.pdf
- Tue 13 0:15 Qt
- Pronounced cute
- https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_for_Beginners
- https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/qt/README.md
- Basically single threaded
- ui thread runnning event loop, calls event handlers
- event handlers must return or run nested event loop
- bitcoin/bitcoin#10244
- Wed 14 0:20 Transaction format
- Transaction
- Input
- OutPoint
- hash
- n
- nSequence
- scriptSig / scriptWitness
- P2PKH: {signature} {pubkey}
- P2SH: {script}
- P2WPKH: 0 {signature} {pubkey}
- P2WSH: {signature} {script}
- OutPoint
- TxOut
- nValue
- scriptPubKey
- P2SH: HASH160 {20 byte script hash} EQUAL
- P2WPKH: 0 {20 byte key hash}
- P2WSH: 0 {32 byte script hash}
- version
- locktime
- Input
- https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/primitives/transaction.h
- https://github.com/bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook/blob/develop/ch06.asciidoc#tx_in_structure
- https://github.com/bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook/blob/develop/ch06.asciidoc#transaction-outputs
- https://github.com/bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook/blob/develop/ch07.asciidoc#timelocks
- https://github.com/bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook/blob/develop/ch07.asciidoc#segregated-witness
- https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#raw-transaction-format
- https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0144.mediawiki (segwit tx serialization)
- https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0068.mediawiki (tx version, seq number)
- Transaction
- Wed 14 0:40 Transaction signing
- https://github.com/bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook/blob/develop/ch06.asciidoc#serialization-of-signatures-der
- https://github.com/bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook/blob/develop/ch06.asciidoc#signature-hash-types-sighash
- sighash: can sign 1 input or all inputs, can sign 0, 1 or all outputs
- ALL NONE SINGLE: whether all outputs signed, or none, or one output (corresponding to input)
- ANYONECANPAY: whether all inputs signed or one input
- Wed 14 0:30 Serialization
- Reading and writing ints, bools, strings, maps, vectors, arbitrary objects to/from stream object
- Layers
- CDataStream read & write methods lowest level (https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/streams.h)
- called by ::ser_writedata*, ::ser_readdata* (https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/src/serialize.h)
- called by ::Serialize, ::Unserialize overloads for different types
- ::Serialize for objects just calls obj.Serialize
- called by CDataStream operator<<, operator>>
- No macro magic in any above. Macros only help with making serializable objects
- ADD_SERIALIZE_METHODS macro adds obj.Serialize/Unserialize
- Serialize/Unserialize call
- SerializationOp(stream, CSerActionSerialize())
- SerializationOp(stream, CSerActionUnserialize())
- SerializationOp calls READWRITE (or manually checks arg to see if reading/writing)
- READWRITE calls SerReadWrite overloads
- SerReadWrite overloads call ::Serialize or ::Unserialize
- Thu 15 0:30 Pruning
- Skip?
- Thu 15 0:30 Payment channels
- https://github.com/bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook/blob/develop/ch12.asciidoc#payment-channels-and-state-channels
- https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0112.mediawiki#Bidirectional_Payment_Channels
- Commit Transaction - 2/2 multisig input
- Funding transaction - 2/2 multisig out
- Settlement Transaction
- Fri 16 0:30 Lightning onion routing
- https://scalingbitcoin.org/transcript/milan2016/onion-routing-in-lightning
- https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/lightning-dev/2015-December/000384.html
- Basic spinx unidirectional secret generation, DH-like, all from one x
- Size p + (2r + 2), padded
- Replay attacks: requires nodes to remember previous secrets until key rotation
- Hornet extends sphinx so assymetric encryption not needed after connection setup
- Hornet also adds sender anonymity with rendevous protocol
- Hornet moves more state into packet, so nodes only required store symmetric secret
- Hornet bidirectional impl
- Sender does sphinx connection setup twice, embedds second setup results as payload in source message
- Intermediate nodes add Forwarding Segments with new ephemeral keys for forward secrecy
- Wed 21 — John: HD Wallet
- Wed 21 0:30 Wallet BerkeleyDB key value store, data file, environment, logs, flushing
- Wed 21 0:10 Wallet key types: Regular, watch-only, hd
- Wed 21 0:10 Wallet key management: Keypools, key metadata, address metadata
- Wed 21 — Matt: transaction tracking
- Wed 21 0:10 Wallet rescan
- Wed 21 0:30 Wallet transaction creation: fee estimation, coin selection, ATMP
- Wed 21 0:30 Wallet transaction metadata, getbalance, time received, confirmations, IsTrusted
- Wed 21 0:10 Wallet upgrade
- Wed 21 0:30 Segwit wallet
- Wed 21 — Alex: fee estimation, coin selection
- Wed 21 0:30 Qt code: Send coins dialog, send coins dialog test
- Wed 21 — IsMine
- Wed 21 — Future design, sipa/wallet_and_segwit.md