README: update name of source XSLX, link to free text categorisation …
README: update name of source XSLX, link to free text categorisation …
Fix regex (don't want to greedily use .*
Fix regex (don't want to greedily use
)categories display: round to 1dp
categories display: round to 1dp
Remove duplicated code in categories categories_per_answer
Remove duplicated code in categories categories_per_answer
Non-desktop: add command line, docker, linux. Fix jupyter regex
Non-desktop: add command line, docker, linux. Fix jupyter regex
Force push
Non-desktop: add command line, fix jupyter regex
Non-desktop: add command line, fix jupyter regex
Force push
Non-desktop: add command line, fix jupyter regex
Non-desktop: add command line, fix jupyter regex
categorical_free_text: show dropped rows for verification
categorical_free_text: show dropped rows for verification
Add categorical free text analysis
Add categorical free text analysis
Only use keep words when list is defined
Only use keep words when list is defined
Add categories per answer function
Add categories per answer function
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into categorical_free_text
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into categorical_free_text
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into categorical_free_text
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into categorical_free_text
Prevent multiple counts from a single answer
Prevent multiple counts from a single answer
Update markdown table format
Update markdown table format