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Marble sorter UI

Streamlit app providing an interactive interface to the marble sorter.


git clone
cd marble-sorter-ui
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate sorter
pip install .

Linux-specific instructions

dialout group

Add your user to the dialout group:

sudo usermod -aG dialout [USER]

where you replace [USER] with your username. You need to log out and back in for the changes to take effect. If logging out and back in doesn't work, you might have to reboot.


On some distributions, specific library called brltty might interfere with the serial connection. This is a library for refreshable braille displays. Assuming you don't need this, uninstall it:

sudo apt remove brltty

Finding the correct device

  1. Run dmesg -wH to view kernel messages.
  2. Plug in the sorter.
  3. Check which device is used (should be something like ttyUSB0)
  4. Fill in this device in sorter_config.yml


Connect the sorter and fill in the serial port in sorter_config.yml

To start the app, run:

conda activate sorter
streamlit run src/marble_sorter_ui/

Be aware that any time when starting or stopping the streamlit connection, the sorter will flush out all marbles! If you have multiple screens open, the serial port will give an access denied error. Make sure to close everything and try again.