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Bulk RNA-seq Workshop


  1. Ensure that RStudio is installed. Install the renv package by running the following line in the RStudio Console:
  1. Download the workshop material by clicking here and unzip the folder.
  • Open the Bulk_RNAseq.Rproj file to open the R Project in RStudio.
  • Navigate to the analysis folder, and click the de.Rmd file to open up the analysis in RStudio.
  • Also, navigate to the docs folder, and click on the de.html file to open up the analysis documentation in a web browser.
  1. In the RStudio Console, run the following lines of code to download and install all required packages using renv:
renv::restore(library = "./rlib/")
.libPaths( c( .libPaths(), "./rlib") )
  1. You are ready to start running through the workshop material!