- Testing plugin commands synchronously
- Testing plugin commands asynchronously
- Testing plugin commands exit code
- Testing plugin commands with a specific Salesforce CLI executable
- Testing plugin commands JSON output
- Getting command execution times
- Testing with generated sfdx project
- Testing with generated sfdx project with a specific api version
- Testing with local sfdx project
- Testing with git cloned sfdx project
- Testing with no sfdx project
- Override the location of a TestSession
- Cleaning TestSessions
- Archiving TestSessions
- Archiving TestSessions on test failure
- Testing with setup commands
- Testing with scratch orgs
- Testing with multiple test projects
- Testing with multiple scratch orgs
- Changing the process.cwd stub
- Testkit Debug output
- Testing with existing devhub authentication
- Testing with SFDX Auth URL
- Testing with JWT devhub authentication
- Reusing orgs during test runs
- Reusing projects during test runs
- Using my actual homedir during test runs
- Saving test artifacts after test runs
- Overriding the default shell
The execCmd function allows plugin commands to execute with a specific CLI executable, defaulting to the plugin’s ./bin/run
. It can automatically ensure a specific exit code and throw an error when that exit code is not returned. Commands can be executed synchronously or asynchronously. All command results exitCode, stdout, and stderr are returned. If the --json flag was provided the results will have the parsed JSON output. Command execution time is provided as a Duration object for easy manipulation.
Usecase: I have a plugin with commands that I want to run within tests synchronously using my plugin’s ./bin/run
import { execCmd } from '@salesforce/cli-plugins-testkit';
import { expect } from 'chai';
describe('execCmd', () => {
it('should run sync commands', () => {
const rv = execCmd('config:list');
expect(rv.shellOutput).to.contain('successfully did something');
Usecase: I have a plugin with commands that I want to run within tests asynchronously.
import { execCmd } from '@salesforce/cli-plugins-testkit';
import { expect } from 'chai';
describe('execCmd', () => {
it('should run async commands', async () => {
const rv = await execCmd('config:list', { async: true });
expect(rv.shellOutput).to.contain('successfully did something');
Usecase: I have a plugin with commands that I want to run and throw an error if a certain exit code is not returned automatically.
import { execCmd } from '@salesforce/cli-plugins-testkit';
describe('execCmd', () => {
it('should ensure a specific exit code', () => {
execCmd('config:list', { ensureExitCode: 0 });
Usecase: I have a plugin with commands that I want to run with a specific Salesforce CLI executable rather than my plugin’s ./bin/run
import { execCmd } from '@salesforce/cli-plugins-testkit';
describe('execCmd', () => {
// This would actually be set in the shell or CI environment.
process.env.TESTKIT_EXECUTABLE_PATH = 'sf';
it('should use the specified Salesforce CLI executable', () => {
Usecase: I have a plugin with commands that I want to run and have parsed JSON output returned for easy verification.
import { execCmd } from '@salesforce/cli-plugins-testkit';
import { expect } from 'chai';
// This would typically be imported from your command.
type ConfigResult = {
key: string;
location: string;
value: string;
describe('execCmd', () => {
it('should provide typed and parsed JSON output', () => {
// Simply have your command use the --json flag and provide a type.
const rv = execCmd<ConfigResult[]>('config:list --json').jsonOutput;
Usecase: I want to ensure my plugin commands execute within an acceptable duration range.
import { execCmd } from '@salesforce/cli-plugins-testkit';
import { expect } from 'chai';
describe('execCmd', () => {
it('config:list should execute in less than 5 seconds', () => {
const t1 = execCmd(`config:list`).execCmdDuration.milliseconds;
const t2 = execCmd(`config:list`).execCmdDuration.milliseconds;
const t3 = execCmd(`config:list`).execCmdDuration.milliseconds;
const aveExecTime = (t1 + t2 + t3) / 3;
A TestSession provides conveniences to testing plugin commands with options to authenticate to a devhub, create scratch orgs, define SFDX test projects, stub the current working directory of a process, run a list of setup commands, archive the contents of a test session, and use a unique identifier.
Usecase: I have a plugin with commands that require a SFDX project but the tests don’t care about the contents of the project.
import { execCmd, TestSession, TestProject } from '@salesforce/cli-plugins-testkit';
describe('TestSession', () => {
let testSession: TestSession;
before(async () => {
testSession = await TestSession.create({
project: {
name: 'MyTestProject',
it('should run a command from within a generated project', () => {
execCmd('project:convert:source', { ensureExitCode: 0 });
after(async () => {
await testSession?.clean();
Usecase: I have a plugin with commands that require a SFDX project that need a specific api version in the sfdx-project.json.
import { execCmd, TestSession, TestProject } from '@salesforce/cli-plugins-testkit';
describe('TestSession', () => {
let testSession: TestSession;
before(async () => {
testSession = await TestSession.create({
project: {
name: 'MyTestProject',
apiVersion: '57.0',
it('should run a command from within a generated project', () => {
execCmd('project:convert:source', { ensureExitCode: 0 });
after(async () => {
await testSession?.clean();
Usecase: I have a plugin with commands that require a SFDX project and the test project I want to use is in a local directory within my plugin repo.
import { execCmd, TestSession } from '@salesforce/cli-plugins-testkit';
import * as path from 'path';
describe('TestSession', () => {
let testSession: TestSession;
before(async () => {
testSession = await TestSession.create({
project: {
sourceDir: path.join(process.cwd(), 'localTestProj'),
it('should run a command from within a locally copied project', () => {
execCmd('config:list', { ensureExitCode: 0 });
after(async () => {
await testSession?.clean();
Usecase: I have a plugin with commands that require a SFDX project and the test project I want to use is in a git repo.
import { execCmd, TestSession } from '@salesforce/cli-plugins-testkit';
describe('TestSession', () => {
let testSession: TestSession;
before(async () => {
testSession = await TestSession.create({
project: {
gitClone: 'https://github.com/trailheadapps/ebikes-lwc.git',
it('should run a command from within a cloned github project', () => {
execCmd('config:list', { ensureExitCode: 0 });
after(async () => {
await testSession?.clean();
Usecase: I have a plugin with commands that do not require a SFDX project but I want other things from a TestSession such as easy authentication to a devhub, setup commands, homedir stub, etc.
import { execCmd, TestSession } from '@salesforce/cli-plugins-testkit';
describe('TestSession', () => {
let testSession: TestSession;
before(async () => {
testSession = await TestSession.create();
it('should allow access to anything on TestSession without a project', () => {
execCmd(`config:set org-instance-url=${testSession.id}`, { ensureExitCode: 0 });
after(async () => {
await testSession?.clean();
Usecase: I want my tests to control the location of the TestSession.
import { execCmd, TestSession } from '@salesforce/cli-plugins-testkit';
import { tmpdir } from 'os';
import { expect } from 'chai';
describe('TestSession', () => {
let testSession: TestSession;
before(async () => {
testSession = await TestSession.create({
// NOTE: you can also override with an env var.
// See section on Testkit env vars.
sessionDir: tmpdir(),
it('should use overridden session directory', () => {
execCmd(`config:set org-instance-url=${testSession.id}`);
after(async () => {
await testSession?.clean();
Usecase: I want to use TestSessions but clean everything when the tests are done running, including projects, scratch orgs, and the TestSession directory.
import { execCmd, TestSession } from '@salesforce/cli-plugins-testkit';
describe('TestSession', () => {
let testSession: TestSession;
before(async () => {
testSession = await TestSession.create();
it('should delete projects, orgs, and the TestSession in after()', () => {
execCmd('config:list', { ensureExitCode: 0 });
after(async () => {
await testSession?.clean();
Usecase: I want to use TestSessions but zip the test session directory when the tests are done running.
import { execCmd, TestSession } from '@salesforce/cli-plugins-testkit';
describe('TestSession', () => {
let testSession: TestSession;
before(async () => {
testSession = await TestSession.create();
it('should archive the TestSession contents in process.cwd()', () => {
execCmd('config:list', { ensureExitCode: 0 });
// NOTE: Must set env var: TESTKIT_ENABLE_ZIP=true
after(async () => {
await testSession?.zip();
await testSession?.clean();
Usecase: I want to use TestSessions but zip the test session directory when the tests fail.
import { execCmd, TestSession } from '@salesforce/cli-plugins-testkit';
describe('TestSession', () => {
let testSession: TestSession;
before(async () => {
testSession = await TestSession.create();
it('should archive the TestSession contents in process.cwd() when a test fails', () => {
execCmd(`config:set org-instance-url=${testSession.id}`, { ensureExitCode: 0 });
afterEach(async function () {
if (this.currentTest?.state !== 'passed') {
await testSession?.zip();
after(async () => {
await testSession?.clean();
Usecase: I have a plugin with commands and tests require other commands to run for setup, and I want to reference the command results of the setup commands.
import { execCmd, TestSession, TestProject } from '@salesforce/cli-plugins-testkit';
describe('TestSession', () => {
let testSession: TestSession;
before(async () => {
testSession = await TestSession.create({
project: {
name: 'MyTestProject',
scratchOrgs: [{ edition: 'developer' }],
execCmd('project:deploy:start', { cli: 'sf' });
it('using testkit to run commands with an org', () => {
const username = [...testSession.orgs.keys()][0];
execCmd(`user:create -u ${username}`, { ensureExitCode: 0 });
after(async () => {
await testSession?.clean();
Usecase: I have a plugin with commands that require an org.
import { execCmd, TestSession, TestProject } from '@salesforce/cli-plugins-testkit';
describe('TestSession', () => {
let testSession: TestSession;
before(async () => {
testSession = await TestSession.create({
project: {
name: 'MyTestProject',
scratchOrgs: [{ edition: 'developer', config: 'config/project-scratch-def.json' }],
it('using testkit to run commands with an org', () => {
const username = [...testSession.orgs.keys()][0];
execCmd(`project:deploy:start -x package.xml -o ${username}`, { ensureExitCode: 0 });
after(async () => {
await testSession?.clean();
Usecase: Some of my plugin command tests require multiple SFDX test projects.
import { execCmd, TestSession, TestProject } from '@salesforce/cli-plugins-testkit';
import * as path from 'path';
describe('TestSession', () => {
let testSession: TestSession;
before(async () => {
testSession = await TestSession.create({
project: {
sourceDir: path.join(process.cwd(), 'localTestProj'),
scratchOrgs: [{ config: 'config/project-scratch-def.json' }],
it('using testkit to run sync commands', () => {
execCmd('config:list', { ensureExitCode: 0 });
it('should create another project and set the cwd stub', () => {
// Create another test project and reset the cwd stub
const project2 = new TestProject({
name: 'project2',
const username = [...testSession.orgs.keys()][0];
execCmd(`project:retrieve:start -o ${username}`);
after(async () => {
await testSession?.clean();
Usecase: Some of my plugin command tests require multiple scratch orgs.
import { execCmd, TestSession } from '@salesforce/cli-plugins-testkit';
import * as shelljs from 'shelljs';
NOTE: Scratch orgs can take a while to create so you may want to create them in parallel
in a global test fixture and refer to them in your tests. There are lots of
possibilities though and this example shows a few ways how you might create multiple
scratch orgs in a test file.
describe('TestSession', () => {
let testSession: TestSession;
const username = 'user@test.org';
before(async () => {
testSession = await TestSession.create({
project: {
name: 'TestProj1',
scratchOrgs: [
// rely on defaultusername
{ config: 'config/project-scratch-def.json', setDefault: true },
// explicitly set a username
{ config: 'config/project-scratch-def.json', username },
it('should use both orgs created as part of setupCommands', () => {
const firstOrg = testSession.orgs.get('default');
execCmd(`project:retrieve:start -m ApexClass -o ${firstOrg}`, { ensureExitCode: 0 });
execCmd(`project:retrieve:start -p force-app -o ${username}`, { ensureExitCode: 0 });
it('should create a 3rd org and get the username from the json output', () => {
// Note that this org will not be deleted for you by TestSession.
const jsonOutput = execCmd<{ username: string }>('env:create:scratch -f config/project-scratch-def.json --json', {
cli: 'sf',
const thirdOrg = jsonOutput.result.username;
execCmd(`project:retrieve:start -o ${thirdOrg}`);
after(async () => {
await testSession?.clean();
// Create 2 scratch orgs in parallel.
describe('Sample NUT 2', () => {
before(async () => {
// NOTE: this is for demonstration purposes and doesn't work as is
// since shelljs does not return promises, but conveys the point.
const org1 = shelljs.exec('sf env:create:scratch edition=Developer', { async: true });
const org2 = shelljs.exec('sf env:create:scratch edition=Developer', { async: true });
await Promise.all([org1, org2]);
Usecase: The TestSession stubs process.cwd() to my SFDX project for me, but I want to change it during testing.
import { execCmd, TestSession, TestProject } from '@salesforce/cli-plugins-testkit';
NOTE: you could also change the cwd for one command by overriding in execCmd options.
describe('TestSession', () => {
let testSession: TestSession;
before(async () => {
testSession = await TestSession.create({
project: {
name: 'MyTestProject',
it('should execute a command from the default cwd', () => {
execCmd('config:get defaultusername');
it('should execute a command from the new cwd stub', () => {
// Change the stubbed process.cwd dir
execCmd('config:get defaultusername');
after(async () => {
await testSession?.clean();
Usecase: I want to see all the stuff that the testkit is doing, either because I’m curious or need to troubleshoot.
# To see all testkit debug output, in your shell
export DEBUG=testkit:*
# To see specific debug output (e.g., project setup), in your shell
export DEBUG=testkit:project
Usecase: I have a plugin with commands that require devhub authentication before running, and I want to use my current devhub auth config.
export TESTKIT_HUB_USERNAME=test1@scratch.org
Usecase: I have a plugin with commands that require devhub authentication before running, and I want to use a SFDX auth URL.
export TESTKIT_AUTH_URL=test1@scratch.org
Usecase: I have a plugin with commands that require devhub authentication before running, and I want to use a JWT devhub auth config.
# Ensure caution with the JWT key file contents! E.g., Set within protected Circle CI env vars.
export TESTKIT_HUB_USERNAME=test1@scratch.org
export TESTKIT_JWT_KEY=<contents of the jwt key file>
Usecase: I want the tests to use a specific scratch org or reuse one from a previous test run. Tests should not create scratch orgs.
export TESTKIT_ORG_USERNAME=test1@scratch.org
Usecase: I want the tests to use a specific SFDX project directory and not copy one into a TestSession dir. Or I kept the test artifacts from a previous run and want to reuse them.
export TESTKIT_PROJECT_DIR=/Users/me/projects/MyTestProject
Usecase: I want to have the tests use my actual home directory, not a temporary stubbed home dir.
export TESTKIT_HOMEDIR=/Users/me
Usecase: I want to keep the test project, scratch org, and test session dir after the tests are done running to troubleshoot.
Usecase: I want the testkit to use a different shell rather than the default shelljs shell.
export TESTKIT_EXEC_SHELL=powershell.exe
- Clean the TestSession in a code block that always runs (e.g., mocha’s after() ) to keep your plugin clean. You can always choose to zip a project or test session after tests run or on each test failure.
- Point your CI jobs to different CLI executables using the TESTKIT_EXECUTABLE_PATH env var to ensure your plugin works with the various ways the CLI can be installed. By default it will use your plugin’s
but you can define a local or global npm install path or install from public archives. - Use a naming pattern for test files that use the testkit. These are not unit tests so we like to refer to them as “NUTs” and have a convention of
so we can run them separately from unit tests. - Use
to prevent authentication keychain issues. - When writing TypeScript NUTs remember to pass the expected type to execCmd so JSON results are typed for you.
- Take advantage of TestSession's automatic authentication using the appropriate environment variables.