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+# Task 5 PBI BTPNS - Web Application
+## Overview
+This repository contains the source code for a web application developed for Task 5 PBI BTPNS project. The application serves as a platform where users can register, login, upload photos, edit their profiles, and perform other related tasks. Below is a breakdown of the main components and functionalities of the application:
+### File Structure
+- **Connect.go:** Establishes a connection to the MySQL database.
+- **Migrate.go:** Handles the database migrations, ensuring the necessary tables are created.
+- **Model.go:** Defines a generic model struct with common fields like ID, CreatedAt, and UpdatedAt.
+- **User.go:** Contains the model definition for the User entity, including fields such as Username, Email, Password, and a reference to Photos.
+- **Photo.go:** Defines the model for Photo entities, including Title, Caption, PhotoUrl, and a reference to the User who uploaded it.
+- **RequireAuth.go:** Middleware function to ensure authentication for protected routes.
+- **LoadEnvVariable.go:** Helper function to load environment variables from a .env file.
+- **ValidateStruct.go:** Helper function for validating request body structures.
+- **controllers/:** Contains handlers for various HTTP requests.
+  - **UserController.go:** Handles user-related operations such as registration, login, editing, and deletion.
+  - **PhotoController.go:** Manages photo-related operations like uploading, retrieving, editing, and deletion.
+- **router/:** Defines HTTP routes and connects them to the corresponding controllers.
+  - **routers.go:** Specifies the routes for user authentication, profile management, and photo-related actions.
+### Routing
+- **/users/register (POST):** Allows users to register by providing a username, email, and password. Upon successful registration, a JWT token is generated, and the user is automatically logged in.
+- **/register (GET):** Renders the registration page.
+- **/users/login (POST):** Handles user login. Users provide their email and password, and upon successful authentication, a JWT token is generated and stored as a cookie for subsequent requests.
+- **/login (GET):** Renders the login page.
+- **/ (GET):** Serves the homepage after successful authentication.
+- **/users/info (GET):** Retrieves user information including username and email.
+- **/users (GET):** Renders a page for user profile management.
+- **/users/:userId (PUT):** Allows users to edit their profile information such as username, email, and password.
+- **/users/logout (POST):** Logs the user out by deleting the JWT token cookie.
+- **/users/:userId (DELETE):** Allows users to delete their account.
+- **/photos (POST):** Enables users to upload photos along with a title and caption.
+- **/photos (GET):** Retrieves the first photo uploaded by the current user.
+- **/infophoto (GET):** Retrieves information about the first photo uploaded by the current user.
+- **/photos/:photoId (PUT):** Allows users to edit the title and caption of a specific photo.
+- **/photos/:photoId (DELETE):** Enables users to delete a specific photo they uploaded.
+### Functionality
+- **User Management:** Users can register, login, edit their profile information, and delete their accounts.
+- **Authentication:** JWT-based authentication ensures secure access to protected routes.
+- **Photo Management:** Users can upload photos, view their uploaded photos, edit photo details, and delete photos they uploaded.
+- **Middleware:** Middleware functions ensure authentication for protected routes, preventing unauthorized access.
+### How It Works
+1. Users can register for an account by providing a username, email, and password.
+2. Upon successful registration, users are automatically logged in, and a JWT token is stored as a cookie.
+3. Users can log in using their email and password, which validates their credentials against the database.
+4. After logging in, users can access protected routes such as their profile page and photo management.
+5. Users can upload photos with titles and captions, view their uploaded photos, edit photo details, and delete photos.
+6. User profile information can be edited, including username, email, and password.
+7. Users can log out, which deletes the JWT token cookie, terminating their session.
+### Setup Instructions
+1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
+2. Create a `.env` file and define the necessary environment variables like `DB`, `SECRET`, and `PORT`.
+3. Run `go run main.go` to start the application.
+4. Access the application via the specified routes, e.g., `http://localhost:3000/login` for the login page.
+## Contributors
+- Samuel Christy Angie Sihotang