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piston theori new aerodynam tool aeroelastician repres applic describ illustr extent simplif solut high speed unsteadi aeroelast problem achiev use certain aerodynam techniqu known collect piston theori base physic model origin propos hay lighthil piston theori airfoil finit wing systemat develop landahl util expans power thick ratio invers flight mach number contribut order neglig theori predict point function relationship local pressur surfac wing normal compon fluid veloc produc wing motion comput gener forc aeroelast equat flutter determin alway reduc elementari integr assum mode motion essenti close form solut given bendingtors control surfac flutter properti typic section airfoil high mach number agre well result exact theori wherev comparison fairli made moreov demonstr increasingli import influenc thick profil shape grow larger discoveri would almost imposs use avail aerodynam tool complex practic flutter analys three dimension wing panel shown substanti reduc piston theori iter procedur outlin improv flutter eigenvalu found success introduct higher order term applic unsteadi superson problem review includ gust respons rapid maneuv elast aircraft steadi state aeroelast calcul also discuss piston theori amount slight modif ackeret formula suggest made regard futur research base new aerodynam method particular emphasi area comput labor reduc minimum loss precis point mach number zone exist thermal effect appreci nonlinear viscou interact may neglect zone piston theori logic way estim air load analyz aerodynam thermoelast interact problem