Type | Issue | Severity | Code |
Vulnerability | All CVEs | Same as CVE severity | - |
License | No license specified | critical |
100 |
License | Not licensed for use | critical |
101 |
License | License not OSI approved | low |
102 |
License | License is deprecated | low |
103 |
License | Atypical license | high |
104 |
License | Invalid SPDX license | high |
105 |
License | Custom license expression | high |
106 |
License | License policy violations | Policy severity | 150/151 |
Meta | Deprecated package | high |
200 |
Meta | Uses install scripts | high |
201 |
Meta | Has no repository | moderate |
202 |
Meta | Has HTTP dependency | critical |
203 |
Meta | Has GIT dependency | critical |
204 |
Meta | Has file dependency | moderate |
205 |
Sandworm assigns unique ids to license
and meta
type issues, via the sandwormIssueId
issue property. Sandworm doesn't assign ids to vulnerabilities, as they already have a unique GitHub Advisory id, under github_advisory_id
. All Sandworm-detected issues are also assigned a code - sandwormIssueCode
- and an optional specifier - sandwormIssueSpecifier
{% hint style="info" %}
Sandworm currently assigns license issues 1XX
codes and meta issues 2xx
{% endhint %}
For most issues, the Sandworm id is a combination of issue code + package name + package version:
Some issue types might trigger more than once for a single package version, so they also append a specifier to the id:
install scripts issue is created once for each install script used - preinstall or postinstall - and generates ids likeSWRM-201-core-js-3.29.0-postinstall
, andSWRM-205
are created once for each http/GIT/file dependency in a manifest, and generate ids likeSWRM-203-core-js-3.29.0-react