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File metadata and controls

443 lines (441 loc) · 56.5 KB

Sandworm library


Method Description Docs
child_process.exec Spawn a shell and execute an arbitrary command Docs
child_process.execFile Spawn a shell and execute an arbitrary file Docs
child_process.fork Fork a child process Docs
child_process.spawn Spawn a new process Docs
child_process.execFileSync Spawn a shell and execute an arbitrary file Docs
child_process.execSync Spawn a shell and execute an arbitrary command Docs
child_process.spawnSync Spawn a new process Docs
cluster.disconnect Disconnect a worker from its parent process Docs
cluster.fork Fork a new worker process Docs
cluster.setupPrimary Change the default fork behavior of cluster.fork Docs
cluster.setupMaster Change the default fork behavior of cluster.fork Docs
dgram.createSocket Create a datagram socket Docs
dns.Resolver Create a DNS resolver Docs
dns.getServers Get the list of current DNS servers Docs
dns.lookup Resolve a host name into the first found A or AAAA record Docs
dns.lookupService Resolve the given address and port into a host name and service Docs
dns.resolve Resolve a host name into an array of records Docs
dns.resolve4 Resolve a host name to an IPv4 address Docs
dns.resolve6 Resolve a host name to an IPv6 address Docs
dns.resolveAny Resolve a host name to an array of records Docs
dns.resolveCname Resolve a host name to an array of CNAME records Docs
dns.resolveCaa Resolve a host name to an array of CAA records Docs
dns.resolveMx Resolve a host name to an array of MX records Docs
dns.resolveNaptr Resolve a host name to an array of NAPTR records Docs
dns.resolveNs Resolve a host name to an array of NS records Docs
dns.resolvePtr Resolve a host name to an array of PTR records Docs
dns.resolveSoa Resolve a host name to an SOA record Docs
dns.resolveSrv Resolve a host name to an array of SRV records Docs
dns.resolveTxt Resolve a host name to an array of TXT records Docs
dns.reverse Perform a reverse lookup for the given address Docs
dns.setDefaultResultOrder Set the default order for result records Docs
dns.setServers Set the list of DNS servers to be used Docs
fetch.fetch Communicate with a web server Docs
eval.eval Run arbitrary JS code from a string Docs
Function.Function Create a new function from an arbitrary string Docs
fs.access Test a user's permissions for a file or directory Docs
fs.appendFile Append to a file Docs
fs.chmod Change file permissions Docs
fs.chown Change file ownership Docs
fs.close Close a file descriptor Docs
fs.copyFile Copy a file Docs
fs.cp Copy a directory Docs
fs.createReadStream Create a readable stream Docs
fs.createWriteStream Create a writable stream Docs
fs.exists Test whether or not a file exists Docs
fs.fchmod Change file permissions Docs
fs.fchown Change file ownership Docs
fs.fdatasync Force all currently queued I/O operations to completion Docs
fs.fstat Get file status Docs
fs.fsync Request data to be flushed to the storage device Docs
fs.ftruncate Truncate a file to a specified length Docs
fs.futimes Change file timestamps Docs
fs.lchmod Change file permissions Docs
fs.lchown Change file ownership Docs
fs.lutimes Change file timestamps Docs Create a new link Docs
fs.lstat Get file status Docs
fs.mkdir Create a directory Docs
fs.mkdtemp Create a unique temporary directory Docs Open a file Docs
fs.opendir Open a directory Docs Read a file Docs
fs.readdir Read a directory Docs
fs.readFile Read a file Docs
fs.readlink Read a symbolic link Docs
fs.readv Read from a file Docs
fs.realpath Resolve a canonical path Docs
fs.rename Rename a file or directory Docs
fs.rmdir Remove a directory Docs
fs.rm Remove a file Docs
fs.stat Get file status Docs
fs.symlink Create a symbolic link Docs
fs.truncate Truncate a file to a specified length Docs
fs.unlink Delete a file Docs
fs.unwatchFile Stop watching a file for changes Docs
fs.utimes Change file timestamps Docs Monitor a file for changes Docs
fs.watchFile Monitor a file for changes Docs
fs.write Write to a file Docs
fs.writeFile Write a file Docs
fs.writev Write to a file Docs
fs.accessSync Test a user's permissions for a file or directory Docs
fs.appendFileSync Append data to a file Docs
fs.chmodSync Change file permissions Docs
fs.chownSync Change file owner Docs
fs.closeSync Close a file Docs
fs.copyFileSync Copy a file Docs
fs.cpSync Copy a directory Docs
fs.existsSync Test whether a file exists Docs
fs.fchmodSync Change file permissions Docs
fs.fchownSync Change file owner Docs
fs.fdatasyncSync Force all currently queued I/O operations to completion Docs
fs.fstatSync Get file status Docs
fs.fsyncSync Force all data to be flushed to the storage device Docs
fs.ftruncateSync Truncate a file to a specified length Docs
fs.futimesSync Change file timestamps Docs
fs.lchmodSync Change file permissions Docs
fs.lchownSync Change file owner Docs
fs.lutimesSync Change file timestamps Docs
fs.linkSync Create a hard link Docs
fs.lstatSync Get file status Docs
fs.mkdirSync Create a directory Docs
fs.mkdtempSync Create a temporary directory Docs
fs.openSync Open a file Docs
fs.opendirSync Open a directory Docs
fs.readSync Read a file Docs
fs.readdirSync Read a directory Docs
fs.readFileSync Read a file Docs
fs.readlinkSync Read a symbolic link Docs
fs.readvSync Read from a file Docs
fs.realpathSync Return canonical absolute pathname Docs
fs.renameSync Rename a file or directory Docs
fs.rmdirSync Remove a directory Docs
fs.rmSync Remove a file Docs
fs.statSync Get file status Docs
fs.symlinkSync Create a symbolic link Docs
fs.truncateSync Truncate a file to a specified length Docs
fs.unlinkSync Delete a file Docs
fs.utimesSync Change file timestamps Docs
fs.writeSync Write to a file Docs
fs.writeFileSync Write a file Docs
fs.writevSync Write to a file Docs
fs/promises.access Test a user's permissions for a file or directory Docs
fs/promises.appendFile Append data to a file Docs
fs/promises.chmod Change file permissions Docs
fs/promises.chown Change file owner Docs
fs/promises.copyFile Copy a file Docs
fs/promises.cp Copy a file Docs
fs/promises.lchmod Change file permissions Docs
fs/promises.lchown Change file owner Docs
fs/promises.lutimes Change file timestamps Docs
fs/ Create a hard link Docs
fs/promises.lstat Get file status Docs
fs/promises.mkdir Create a directory Docs
fs/promises.mkdtemp Create a temporary directory Docs
fs/ Open a file Docs
fs/promises.opendir Open a directory Docs
fs/promises.readdir Read a directory Docs
fs/promises.readFile Read a file Docs
fs/promises.readlink Read a symbolic link Docs
fs/promises.realpath Return canonical absolute pathname Docs
fs/promises.rename Rename a file or directory Docs
fs/promises.rmdir Remove a directory Docs
fs/promises.rm Remove a file Docs
fs/promises.stat Get file status Docs
fs/promises.symlink Create a symbolic link Docs
fs/promises.truncate Truncate a file to a specified length Docs
fs/promises.unlink Delete a file Docs
fs/promises.utimes Change file timestamps Docs
fs/ Watch for changes on a file Docs
fs/promises.writeFile Write data to a file Docs
http.Agent Manage HTTP connection persistence and reuse Docs
http.createServer Create a new HTTP server Docs
http.get Send a GET request to a server Docs
http.request Send an HTTP request to a server Docs
http2.createServer Create a new HTTP/2 server Docs
http2.createSecureServer Create a new secure HTTP/2 server Docs
http2.connect Establish a connection to a server Docs
http2.getDefaultSettings Get the default settings for a HTTP/2 session Docs
http2.getPackedSettings Get the current settings for a HTTP/2 session Docs
http2.getUnpackedSettings Get the current settings for a HTTP/2 session Docs
https.Agent Manage HTTPS connection persistence and reuse Docs
https.createServer Create a new HTTPS server Docs
https.get Send a GET request to a server Docs
https.request Send an HTTPS request to a server Docs
inspector.close Close a V8 inspector Docs Open a V8 inspector Docs
inspector.url Get the URL of the V8 inspector Docs
inspector.waitForDebugger Wait for the V8 debugger to connect Docs
inspector.Session Create a new V8 inspector session Docs
net.Server Create a new TCP server Docs
net.Socket Create a new TCP socket Docs
net.connect Connect to a remote TCP server Docs
net.createConnection Connect to a remote TCP server Docs
net.createServer Create a new TCP server Docs
os.arch Get the CPU architecture Docs
os.cpus Get CPU information Docs
os.endianness Get the endianness of the CPU Docs
os.freemem Get the amount of free system memory Docs
os.getPriority Get the scheduling priority for a process Docs
os.homedir Get the home directory path for the current user Docs
os.hostname Get the hostname of the OS Docs
os.loadavg Get system load average information Docs
os.networkInterfaces Get a list of network interfaces Docs
os.platform Get the operating system platform Docs
os.release Get the operating system release Docs
os.setPriority Set the scheduling priority for a process Docs
os.tmpdir Get the path of a temporary directory Docs
os.totalmem Get the total amount of system memory Docs
os.type Get the operating system name Docs
os.uptime Get the system uptime Docs
os.userInfo Get current user information Docs
os.version Get the kernel version Docs
process.abort Exit the Node.js process immediately Docs
process.chdir Change the current working directory Docs
process.cpuUsage Get current process CPU usage info Docs
process.cwd Get the current working directory Docs
process.disconnect Disconnect child process from parent Docs
process.dlopen Load C++ addons Docs
process.emitWarning Emit a custom process warning Docs
process.exit Exit the Node.js process Docs
process.getActiveResourcesInfo Get a list of resources currently keeping the event loop alive Docs
process.getegid Get the effective group id of the Node.js process Docs
process.geteuid Get the effective numerical user id Docs
process.getgid Get the numerical group id of the process Docs
process.getgroups Get the list of supplementary group ids Docs
process.getuid Get the numerical user id of the process Docs
process.hasUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback Find out if there is an uncaught exception callback set Docs
process.hrtime Get high resolution time Docs
process.initgroups Initialize the group access list Docs
process.kill Kill a process Docs
process.memoryUsage Get memory usage information Docs
process.resourceUsage Get resource usage information Docs
process.send Send a message to a process Docs
process.setegid Set the effective group id of the process Docs
process.seteuid Set the effective user id of the process Docs
process.setgid Set the group id of the process Docs
process.setgroups Set the supplementary group ids of the process Docs
process.setuid Set the user id of the process Docs
process.setSourceMapsEnabled Enable/disable source maps Docs
process.setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback Set a callback to run when there is an uncaught exception Docs
process.umask Set the file mode creation mask Docs
process.uptime Get the process uptime Docs
process.on Add a listener for a process event Docs
timers.setImmediate Queue a function for execution Docs
timers.setInterval Set a repeating timer to execute a function Docs
timers.setTimeout Set a timer to execute a function Docs
timers.clearImmediate Cancel a setImmediate callback Docs
timers.clearInterval Cancel a setInterval callback Docs
timers.clearTimeout Cancel a setTimeout callback Docs
timers/promises.setImmediate Queue a function for execution Docs
timers/promises.setInterval Set a repeating timer to execute a function Docs
timers/promises.setTimeout Set a timer to execute a function Docs
tls.Server Create a new TLS server Docs
tls.TLSSocket Create a new TLS socket Docs
tls.checkServerIdentity Verify that a server certificate is valid for a given host Docs
tls.connect Connect to a TLS server Docs
tls.createSecureContext Create a new secure context Docs
tls.createSecurePair Create a new secure pair Docs
tls.createServer Create a new TLS server Docs
tls.getCiphers Get a list of supported TLS ciphers Docs
trace_events.createTracing Centralize system tracing information Docs
trace_events.getEnabledCategories Get the enabled trace event categories Docs
v8.cachedDataVersionTag Get a version tag derived from the V8 version, command-line flags, and detected CPU features Docs
v8.getHeapCodeStatistics Get statistics about code and its metadata in the heap Docs
v8.getHeapSnapshot Generate a snapshot of the current V8 heap Docs
v8.getHeapSpaceStatistics Get statistics about the V8 heap spaces Docs
v8.getHeapStatistics Get detailed V8 heap statistics Docs
v8.setFlagsFromString Programmatically set V8 command-line flags Docs
v8.stopCoverage Stop collecting JavaScript code coverage collection Docs
v8.takeCoverage Write code coverage data to disk Docs
v8.writeHeapSnapshot Write a heap snapshot to a file Docs
v8.serialize Serialize value into a buffer Docs
v8.deserialize Deserialize value from a buffer Docs
vm.Script Precompile arbitrary code to execute later Docs
vm.SourceTextModule Create a module defined from ECMAScript source text Docs
vm.SyntheticModule Create a WebIDL synthetic module Docs
vm.compileFunction Compile a JavaScript function Docs
vm.createContext Create a new execution context Docs
vm.isContext Check if the given object is an execution context Docs
vm.measureMemory Measure V8 memory usage Docs
vm.runInContext Run arbitrary code in a context Docs
vm.runInNewContext Run arbitrary code in a new context Docs
vm.runInThisContext Run arbitrary code in the current context Docs
wasi.WASI Give WebAssembly apps access to the underlying OS Docs
worker_threads.Worker Create a new independent JavaScript execution thread Docs
worker_threads.getEnvironmentData Get thread environment data Docs
worker_threads.markAsUntransferable Mark a buffer as untransferable between threads Docs
worker_threads.moveMessagePortToContext Move a message port to a different context Docs
worker_threads.receiveMessageOnPort Receive single a message on a port Docs
worker_threads.setEnvironmentData Set thread environment data Docs


Method Description Docs
AudioContext.AudioContext Enable execution of audio processing or decoding. Docs
BackgroundFetchManager.fetch Register URLs for background fetch Docs
BackgroundFetchManager.get Get info on background fetch job Docs
BackgroundFetchManager.getIds Return the IDs of all registered background fetches Docs
BackgroundTasks.requestIdleCallback Queue task to be executed in the background Docs
BackgroundTasks.cancelIdleCallback Cancel a previously queued background task Docs
Beacon.sendBeacon Send an asynchronous request that does not expect a response Docs
Bluetooth.getAvailability Is the browser able to use Bluetooth Docs
Bluetooth.getDevices Get a list of available Bluetooth devices Docs
Bluetooth.requestDevice Request a Bluetooth device Docs Request arbitrary data from the clipboard Docs
Clipboard.readText Request text from the clipboard Docs
Clipboard.write Write arbitrary data to the clipboard Docs
Clipboard.writeText Write text to the clipboard Docs Retrieve contact information from user device Docs
ContactsManager.getProperties List all available contact properties Docs
ContentIndex.add Register offline enabled content with the browser Docs
ContentIndex.delete Delete an offline enabled content Docs
ContentIndex.getAll Get all offline enabled content Docs
CookieStore.delete Delete a cookie Docs
CookieStore.get Get a cookie Docs
CookieStore.getAll Get all cookies Docs
CookieStore.set Set a cookie Docs
CredentialsContainer.create Create a new Credential instance Docs
CredentialsContainer.get Retrieve saved authentication credentials Docs
CredentialsContainer.preventSilentAccess Set if automatic log in is allowed Docs Store user authentication credentials Docs
EventSource.EventSource Recieve events from a server, via a persistent connection Docs
Fetch.fetch Communicate with a web server Docs
FileReader.abort Abort reading file Docs
FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer Read file as ArrayBuffer Docs
FileReader.readAsBinaryString Read file as binary string Docs
FileReader.readAsDataURL Read file as data URL Docs
FileReader.readAsText Read file as text Docs
FileReader.FileReader Read the contents of a user file Docs
FileReaderSync.readAsArrayBuffer Read file as ArrayBuffer Docs
FileReaderSync.readAsBinaryString Read file as binary string Docs
FileReaderSync.readAsDataURL Read file as data URL Docs
FileReaderSync.readAsText Read file as text Docs
FileReaderSync.FileReaderSync Read the contents of a user file Docs
FileSystem.showOpenFilePicker Prompt user to allow reading a file from his system Docs
FileSystem.showSaveFilePicker Prompt user to allow saving a file to his system Docs
FileSystem.showDirectoryPicker Prompt user to allow reading a directory from his system Docs
Gamepad.getGamepads Get a list of connected gamepads Docs
Geolocation.clearWatch Stop tracking user location Docs
Geolocation.getCurrentPosition Get user location Docs
Geolocation.watchPosition Track user location Docs
Battery.getBattery Get device battery information Docs
HID.getDevices List connected Human Interface Devices Docs
HID.requestDevice Connect to a Human Interface Device Docs
History.back Go back in navigation history Docs
History.forward Go forward in navigation history Docs
History.go Go to a specific point in the navigation history Docs
History.pushState Add a new entry to the history stack Docs
History.replaceState Replace the current entry in the history stack Docs
IDBFactory.cmp Compare two database keys Docs
IDBFactory.databases List all available databases Docs
IDBFactory.deleteDatabase Delete a database Docs Open a database Docs
ImageCapture.getPhotoCapabilities Get the capabilities of the camera Docs
ImageCapture.getPhotoSettings Get the settings of the camera Docs
ImageCapture.grabFrame Take a snapshot of the live video stream Docs
ImageCapture.takePhoto Take a single exposure using the video capture device Docs
ImageCapture.ImageCapture Enable the capture of images or photos from a camera Docs
MediaDevices.enumerateDevices List all connected media devices Docs
MediaDevices.getDisplayMedia Capture the contents of a display or portion thereof Docs
MediaDevices.getSupportedConstraints Get the supported media device constraints Docs
MediaDevices.getUserMedia Request access to user media devices Docs
MediaDevices.selectAudioOutput Select an audio output device Docs
MediaRecorder.MediaRecorder Record audio and video Docs
MediaStream.MediaStream A stream of media content Docs
MessageChannel.postMessage Send cross-origin communication between windows Docs
MessageChannel.MessageChannel A channel for passing messages between threads Docs
MIDI.requestMIDIAccess Request access to connected MIDI devices Docs
Notification.requestPermission Request permission to show notifications Docs
Notification.showNotification Show a browser notification Docs
Notification.getNotifications List received notifications Docs
Notification.Notification Create a user notification Docs
PaymentRequest.PaymentRequest Create a payment request Docs
PerformanceObserver.PerformanceObserver Monitor the performance of the page Docs
PeriodicSyncManager.register Registers a periodic background sync request Docs
PeriodicSyncManager.unregister Unregisters a periodic background sync request Docs
PeriodicSyncManager.getTags List registered periodic sync requests Docs
Permissions.query Get user permission status for a given API Docs
Permissions.revoke Revoke a user permission for a given API Docs
PresentationRequest.start Start a presentation Docs
PresentationRequest.reconnect Reconnect to a presentation Docs
PresentationRequest.getAvailability Get availability for starting presentations Docs
PresentationRequest.PresentationRequest Create a presentation request Docs
PushManager.getSubscription Get the current push subscription Docs
PushManager.hasPermission Get push subscription permission state Docs
PushManager.permissionState Get push subscription permission state Docs
PushManager.register Register a push subscription Docs
PushManager.registrations List of registered push subscriptions Docs
PushManager.subscribe Subscribe to a push subscription Docs
PushManager.unregister Unregister a push subscription Docs
ReportingObserver.ReportingObserver Collect and access reports on various issues Docs
Scheduler.postTask Create a new scheduled task Docs
Selection.getSelection Get the current webpage selection Docs
Selection.getSelection Get the current webpage selection Docs
Sensor.AbsoluteOrientationSensor Absolute orientation sensor Docs
Sensor.Accelerometer Accelerometer sensor Docs
Sensor.AmbientLightSensor Ambient light sensor Docs
Sensor.GravitySensor Gravity sensor Docs
Sensor.Gyroscope Gyroscope sensor Docs
Sensor.LinearAccelerationSensor Linear acceleration sensor Docs
Sensor.Magnetometer Magnetometer sensor Docs
Sensor.RelativeOrientationSensor Relative orientation sensor Docs
Share.share Share content to user-selected targets Docs
Share.canShare Check if sharing is supported Docs
SpeechRecognition.abort Abort a speech recognition process Docs
SpeechRecognition.start Start a speech recognition process Docs
SpeechRecognition.stop Stop a speech recognition process Docs
SpeechRecognition.SpeechRecognition Use the speech recognition API Docs
SpeechRecognition.webkitSpeechRecognition Use the speech recognition API Docs
SpeechSynthesis.cancel Cancel speech synthesis Docs
SpeechSynthesis.getVoices Get the list of available voices Docs
SpeechSynthesis.pause Pause speech synthesis Docs
SpeechSynthesis.resume Resume speech synthesis Docs
SpeechSynthesis.speak Speak text Docs
Storage.getItem Return an item from local storage Docs
Storage.setItem Save an item to local storage Docs
Storage.removeItem Remove an item from local storage Docs
Storage.clear Clear local storage Docs
Storage.key Return the name of the nth key in local storage Docs
StorageAccess.requestStorageAccess Request access to first-party storage Docs
StorageAccess.hasStorageAccess Check if storage access is granted Docs
StorageManager.estimate Returns current storage space - used and available Docs
StorageManager.persist Request permission to use persistent storage Docs
StorageManager.persisted Check if persistent storage is granted Docs
SubtleCrypto.decrypt Decrypt data Docs
SubtleCrypto.deriveBits Derive bits from a crypto key Docs
SubtleCrypto.deriveKey Derive a secret key from a master key Docs
SubtleCrypto.digest Generate a crypto digest from data Docs
SubtleCrypto.encrypt Encrypt data Docs
SubtleCrypto.exportKey Export a crypto key Docs
SubtleCrypto.generateKey Generate a crypto key Docs
SubtleCrypto.importKey Import a crypto key Docs
SubtleCrypto.sign Sign data Docs
SubtleCrypto.unwrapKey Unwrap a crypto key Docs
SubtleCrypto.verify Verify data Docs
SubtleCrypto.wrapKey Wrap a crypto key Docs
USB.getDevices Get a list of paired attached USB devices Docs
USB.requestDevice Request access to a USB device Docs
Vibration.vibrate Vibrate the device Docs
WakeLock.request Request a device wake lock Docs
WebSocket.close Close a websocket connection Docs
WebSocket.send Send data on a websocket connection Docs
WebSocket.WebSocket Create a new WebSocket object Docs
Worker.postMessage Post a message to a web worker Docs
Worker.terminate Terminate a web worker Docs
Worker.Worker Create a new web worker Docs
SharedWorker.SharedWorker Create a new shared worker Docs
XMLHttpRequest.abort Abort an web request Docs
XMLHttpRequest.getAllResponseHeaders Get all response headers Docs
XMLHttpRequest.getResponseHeader Get a response header Docs Open a web request Docs
XMLHttpRequest.overrideMimeType Override the MIME type Docs
XMLHttpRequest.send Send data via a web request Docs
XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader Set a request header Docs
XMLHttpRequest.XMLHttpRequest Communicate with a web server Docs

bind calls

For each method listed above, Sandworm also intercepts bind calls. To allow bind calls with more than one argument, the bind.args permission is required. Read more.