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Brad Alexander is a Lecturer at the University of Adelaide.
Nadia Alshahwan is a Software Engineer at Facebook, London.
Aniko Ekart is the Associate Dean of Postgraduate Programmes at Aston University.
Saemundur Haraldson is a Senior Research Associate at Lancaster University.
Ciera Jaspan is the tech lead manager of the Engineering Productivity Research within Developer Infrastructure at Google.
Colin Johnson is a Reader and Associate Dean of Sciences at the University of Kent.
Lea Kristin Gerling works for the Software Engineering Systems group at Hildesheim University.
Corina Pasareanu is a software engineering researcher at the NASA Ames Research Center.
Abhik Roychoudhury is a Professor in the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore.
Christopher Timperley is a Systems Scientist at Carnegie Mellon University.
Emamurho Ugherughe is a Software Engineer at SAP, Berlin.
Markus Wagner is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Adelaide.
David R. White is a Research Associate at the University of Sheffield.
John Woodward is a Lecturer at Queen Mary University.
Jifeng Xuan is a Professor at Wuhan University.
Bing Xue is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Wellington.
Ling Zhu is a Research Engineer at the Ford Motor Company.
Nur Zincir-Heywood is a Professor at Dalhousie University.